Chpater 14
(Wildlife Exploitontion Preserve)
We see Y/n, Aubree, Peyton and Rylee walk through the feild making sure they won't draw any attention to each other from both the wildlife and Hyperion within the Preserve.
Y/n looks over to the Preseve and it looks huge like a zoo but a zoo that is a death trap for those that aren't Hyperion staff.
Y/n: Boy that place must have a lot of animals in stored.
Aubree: I heard something about a Preserve in Pandora but never knew it will be true.
Peyton: Your not the only one that heard news about this thing. We also heard many horrible things in there.
Rylee: Yeah like human experimenting, mutations on the wildlife and many more.
Y/n: Shit that's horrible, Zero and Acton hope they can hold on in there and hope they won't get turned or something like that.
Aubree: Let's hope so.
Then Y/n raised his fist making everyone stop and they don't know what's wrong until they have a feeling they are being watched. Soon cloaked figures start to appear around them and they ready their weapons for a fight until they hear a gun fire follow by one of the Stalkers killed while the rest runs off.
Mordecai: (echo com) How's about that!
They look up a mountain and see Mordecai inside of it which Y/n smiled and waved at him. He nods snd signals them to come which they did. Once there tehy see Mordecai's stuff along with a drawing of a map on the wall of the Preserve as Mordecai walks up to them.
Mordecai: (smile) I always knew you and Aubree are too badass to die.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks and it's good to see you as well.
Mordecai: (smile) Same here man.
Aubree: So what's the situation?
Mordecai: Well we were sent by Roland to get a chip that can update Claptrap. What I heard, that upgrade unit can surpassed any security systems.
Y/n: (surprised) Even the Bunker?!
Mordecai: Yeah that's what I heard. Anyways, Zero and Axton head there to find it while I give supporting fire and sent out Bloodwing to help them. After a while they haven't come back.
Y/n: This can't be good. Who knows what they are doing in there.
Mordecai: Agree. The good news is they clear a large path so you guys can enter without breaking a sweat. The bad news is Hyperion will be sending in backup in the next few hours so getting back will be hard.
Rylee: (smirk) Then I looks like we have to find Zero, Axton and Bloodwing before more Hyperion soldiers will come.
Peyton: (smile) Agree.
Y/n: (smile) Looks like we have two objectives to do. We find Zero, Axton and Bloodwing and then find that upgrade unit for Claptrap.
Mordecai: I be careful if I were you in there. In there is dangerous and filled with many dangerous creatures and wild life that will eat you.
Y/n: (smirk) Hey we deal with wildlife creatures all the time. Those things can't stop us. We come back as soon as we can.
Mordecai: Copy that and try not to get captured.
Y/n: (smile) Well we can't promise that.
Mordecai smiled while the four head down the hill and walks over to the main entrance and see the door was wild open for them to go through which they walk through.
They see many dead Hyperion soldiers along with Loader bots laying on the ground as they walk through them and see the mess that Zero, Axton ans Bloodwing did before they came.
Aubree spotted something up ahead and runs over and it was Axtons turret parts on the floor as she picks up one and turns to Y/n and the rest.
Aubree: They must be fighting and after that must have continued.
Y/n: Agree and those slash marks must be the work of Zero.
Peyton: So maybe they gotten overwhelmed and gotten captured.
Y/n: I not to sure about that. They are very skilled so they would have the upper hand. No, we should continue and find out what happened to them and let's hope they are still alive.
They hope so as well and they continue on. They walk by many dead bodies from both the wildlife and Hyperion bots and staff. It was like a large army came and killed them all but it was actually just three who attacked this place.
They enter one of the labs by walking onto a fallen pipe that broken a glass and they look around to see they must have gone by here. Aubree picks up a echo recorder whidh Y/n sees and said.
Y/n: Keep that. We may know what they were doing here and report this to Lilith and Roland once we come back.
She agrees and puts it away on her bag while Rylee grabs a large test tub of eridium and looks at it.
Rylee: What do you think they were doing with Eridium?
Y/n: Don't know but I do not wanna know.
Rylee: Yeah.
She keeps it for Tannis to research and they continue on. They collect as much Eridium as they can while trying to figure out what happened to Zero, Axton and Bloodwing by digging into the computers and soon they reach to a closed door that shown to be locked.
Y/n: Alright this might be the prison cell and where they are so let's get ready.
Aubree: I start slicibg in.
Aubree walks over to the controls and start doing her things while the trio get ready for the doors to open.
Peyton: What if we don't make it.
Y/n: (smile) We'll make it.
Rylee: I have a bad feeling about this.
Then the doors open but Aubree step away from the controls which Y/n ask her.
Y/n: What's wrong?
Aubree: It's start to open by itself.
They turn to the door and aim their weapons at the door and once the door was fully open two figures step out and it was Zero and Axton.
Axton: (smile) Hello sweet Freedom! Told you we can get out.
Zero: You know I never worry.
Axton: (smirk) Yeah you were.
Y/n: (surprised) Axton, Zero?
Axton: (shocked) Y/n?! Holy shit, your alive. I mean (clear thoart) Of course your alive. Always knew you will survive.
Y/n: Well nice to see the two of you are alright.
Peyton: What happened to you two and where is Bloodwing?
The two look at each other and Axton wave his arm over to follow and they did. They walk pass many cells that hold the wildlife creatures that were turned with element powers and they growled at them as they walk pass.
Soon they reach Bloodwing's cell which they look inside and see that Bloodwing is gone.
Axton: They managed to overwhelmed us and captured us. We were near Bloodwing's cell and soon they take him away. We broke out and try to contact Mordecai by heading outside and once out we saw you.
Zero: Bloodwing fought hard./ a creature that refuse to Surrender./ What a brave bird.
Y/n: Yeah. Any idea where they have taking him?
Axton: I think they took Bloodwing in that door over there. If we rush, we might have a chance to-
Then they were an explosion follow by a shake of the persevere.
Peyton: What the hell was that?!
Zero: Hyperion troopers has arrived./ armed to the teeth now./ This will be a great challenge.
Axton: Yeah ans so much of walking through the base.
Y/n: (smirk) Look at the bright side Axton. You have us and we outnumbered them.
Axton smirks as well and they turn to the close door and they rush over to it and open it up. Once open they rush it and stalkers came out and try to eat them but they managed to fire at them and make their clear path through each cell while taking down wildlife creatures.
Soon they reach another door which opens and Hyperion soldiers rush out and open fire at them. Zero turns invisible and slash at the troopers and take them out. Zero waves them all to follow which they move in and they were in a large storage room with Hyperion bots and soldiers block in their way.
Y/n gose first and fire his Incendiary Greed at the heads of the troopers while quickly taking out his Apt Venmon and fire that at the bots. Soon the rest follow and take out the loader bots and make their way to where Bloodwing might be at and after a while they reach to a lift where Bloodwing might be in.
Y/n: Alright guys let's go.
They step on the lift and Aubree press the button and they gone down very slowly but they see a open testing field and once they set down they walk out while they aim their weapons around.
They don't see Bloodwing but Handsome Jack came on the speakers.
Handsome Jack: (speaker) I see you came here to free Bloodwing. Must say ut must be stupid for ya to come back for a stupid bird.
Y/n: She's not a stupid bird. She is apart of us and we want her back!
Handsome Jack: (speakers) Well if you wnat then here you go.
Peyton: Huh. That was easy.
(Bloodwing intro)
Peyton:......Never mind I take it back.
Slagged Bloodwing flies around them which shock to everyone and even Mordecai who was horrified to see his Bloodwing turned into something that she doesn't want.
Handsome Jack: (speakers) Just give up kidos she has all the elements. Fires, lighting, what was that last part again.
Mordecai: (echo coms) God damn it Jack. You'll pay for this I swear!
Aubree: Look Bloodwing as the upgrade unit on it's neck.
They see it on Bloodwing's neck which Y/n says to Mordecai.
Y/n: Mordecai we can see the unit. Is there anyway to get it without hurting Bloodwing?
Mordecai: (echo coms) I have a sleep dart, just hold her off ans try to weaken her.
Rylee: That might be hard to do.
Peyton: I don't know, maybe Bloodwing won't attack us.
Then Bloodwing burst into flames and fired fire balls at them which they move out of the way as the fire balls blow up where they were standing.
Peyton: Never mind, he must be dragged.
Y/n: Try to weaken him but don't kill him. I'm not gonna kill an allie to the Crimson Raiders.
They agree and tehy open fire at Bloodwing trying to weaken him as best they can. More fire balls were thrown at them which they take cover. Azton throws his turret and set it to sleep dirt mode which the turret fires and the dirty hit on Bloodwing and she start to feel weak but she turn into Lighting and fire lighting bolts which nearly hits them but one of the bolts hits Axtons turret and his turret blows up.
Axton: Aw man I just fix that!
Zero runs up the wall and leaps up to the air and lands on Bloodwing's back and Bloodwing moves to get him off but Zero grabs Bloodwing's furr and moves Bloodwing around and slam Bloodwing into walls around them. Soon Bloodwing turn Corrosive which burns Zero's body so he leaps out and lands safely onto the ground and joins up with Y/n behind cover.
Y/n: Gonna say missed your badass moment Zero.
He nods and they leap out of cover and they all open fire at Bloodwing which Bloodwing started to get weak ane slowly turns to normal which gives Mordecai a chances. He aim his rifle and fire a dart and it hits Bloodwing whidh she fell onto the ground feeling very tired and seems like snapping out of the controls.
Y/n: Looks like that did it.
Mordecai: (echo com) Yeah. Now grab that upgrade unit and let's head back.
Y/n agrees and walks up and pats Bloodwing whike he takes the upgrade unit.
Bloodwing: (sad squawk)
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Bloodwing. This ain't your fault for attacking us.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
They could hear something bepping which they look around and asked.
Peyton: Where is that coming from?
Rylee: That can't be good right?
Handsome Jack: (speakers) Oooohhh I remember now.
Y/n turns to Bloodwing and his eyes widen to see a explosion device on her neck. He was about to pull it off of her but the necklace blows up sending Y/n flying back and lands hard onto the ground.
Aubree: Y/n!
Y/n slowly sat up and looks over to Bloodwing and his eyes widen in horror as the rest turn to see Bloodwing's body fell onto the ground with no head because it was blown up by the necklace.
Mordecai: (echo coms) NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Handsome Jack: (speakers) Explosion! How can i fogrte about that, it was so simple.
Mordecai: (Echo coms) God damn it Jack, you'll pay for this! YOU HEAR ME!
Y/n slowly stand up and walk up to Bloodwing including the rest join in as they pay respects to Bloodwing.
Y/n: Mordecai....I'm so so sorry man. She was the best.
Mordecai: (echo coms) Yeah......just....head back to Sanctuary. I'm gonna rain some hell here.
Y/n understood and one by one that left to head back. Y/n take one last look at Bloodwing before he to left before back up would come.
They return back and once they walk through the door Maya and Gaige rush up and hugged Y/n to see him alive and they see that Maya, Salvador, Gaige and Krieg with the help of Lauren, Jayla and Lilah.
Maya: (smile) Good to see you and Aubree are alright.
Gaige: (smile) Same.
Y/n: Same here.
Maya: okay?
Gaige: What happened?
Mordecai: It's Bloodwing.
They turn to see Mordecai as he step inside. Lilith, Roland and Enyo came down and Mordecai tell them what happened which shocked them.
Enyo: Shit....I am so sorry for your lost.
Mordecai: Yeah. Y/n try to save her was too late.
Y/n: I'm so sorry Mordecai. I really did try.
Mordecai: It's alright man. I know you try to.
Lauren: In our culture death is never the end. As long we all remember Bloodwing, she will never die.
Mordecai: Yeah your right. Excuse me while I drink my sadness away.
They let him as he walk sadly up the steps and once she is gone Tannis walks up to Y/n and the rest and they hand her the stuff they have gotten from the persevere.
Tannis: Ah excellent. I should do some research about what experiments they were doing in there.
Y/n: No problem Tannis but still...I wish I would have destroyed that persevere when I have a chance.
Roland: Don't beat yourself down Y/n. Bloodwing will and always will be remembered in our hearts and Jack will pay.
Y/n: Right. So what's our next plan?
Roland: We need another allie to help us.
Lilah: (smirk) What, Samurai and ninjas aren't goodn enough for ya?
Roland: Sorry I meant an old allie to help us. He is at Thousand cuts but for now I think we should take a break before we move on.
Y/n: I thinm that's a good idea.
They all agree and some stay around the bass yo eat some sleep or some food while some walk around Sanctuary. We see Y/n standing at the veiw of the cloads when Maya walks up beside him and join him.
Maya: Pretty nice don't you think?
Y/n: Hm? Oh yeah it is.
Maya see that something is wrong and ask.
Maya: everything alright?
Y/n: It's just......I....I fail to notice that bomb on Bloodwing's neck and I was too late to take it off. Mordecai loves Bloodwing, she is like a child to him and she died right in front of me and I was too late to save her.
Maya: I know how that feels but you can't beat yourself doen for Bloodwing. She wants us to continue.
Y/n: Yeah but I don't want to be powerless and just watch people die again.
Maya: Again?
Y/n realised what he said and looks at the veiw but Maya still wonder about his past so she asked.
Maya: I don't want to be rude but we never know about your past and your armor. Can you....tell me about yourself?
Y/n was fold his arms and he was quiet. Maya was about to ask but when she gently grab his shoulder she can feel it shaking which she never seen Y/n shake before. He was scared and his body was shaking in fear which she understand and tells him.
Maya: I'm....sorry for asking. Maybe I shouldn't ask. But...if you want then I can listen and if you don't want anyone else to know about it. Then I keep it as a secret, okay?
He nods and Maya turns to leave but then Y/n asked Maya.
Y/n: Maya can you promise me something.
She turns and Y/n turns to her with a scared but nervous look and ask her.
Y/n: Can you.....promise to....promise to never think of me as useless.
Maya: I promise. Besides, you never were useless to us.
She give him a smile and then she left. Y/n turns to the veiw and he shut his eyes try to clear his mind but voices spoke out onto his head.
How could you let's to die!
Your such a disappointment!
You shouldn't wear the armor your wearing!
You shouldn't have be here!
Y/n! Y/n! Y/N!!!!!
Aubree: Y/n?
He quickly open his eyes while he breaths heavily and turns to see Aubree which she sees him scared whcih is something she never seen from him which worries her and ask.
Aubree: Are you....okay?
Y/n was none response for a second until he nods for Yes but Aubree knew he is lying and hugs Y/n and tells him.
Aubree: You don't have to lie Y/n. I know your beating yourself up for Bloodwing but her death wasn't your fault, it was Jack.
Y/n: I.....I....
She put her finger over his mouth and then kiss him on the lip which he kiss her back and they kissed until the two stop and they lend back and Aubree asked.
Aubree: (smile) Better?
Y/n: A little but thanks.
She give him a cute smile which made him smile and the two hugged while spying on them was Lauren, Jayla and Lilah sewing this with some jealous on them.
Lilah: Man what a lucky girl.
Jayla: (little blush) B-But it seems to make Y/n better.
Lauren: He must be traumatised from the death of Bloodwing or something else.
Lilah: Still i wish I've gotten a kiss from him.
Lauren: (blush) T-True I wish so as well.
Jayla: (little blush) S-Same.
Lilith: (smirk) Yeah it would be great.
They turn to see Lilith which surprised them.
Lilith: Still I wonder about his past. I never seen him this scared in my whole life.
Jayle: Come to think about it, he never been scared of something in his life.
Lauren: That's true. So the question is. What dose scare Y/n?
They have no clue and turn to Aubree and Y/n as they look at Y/n and wonder two things. What is his past and what dose Y/n fear the most.
To be continued................
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