•Chapter 3• (Drugs & Curls)
I pulled up to the address Zayn had told me, already spotting the Bradford lad at the doorsteps, looking at me as I slammed the door shut behind me.
"You ready?" I said. He gave me a 'what do you think?' look. I gave a small sigh, opening the door.
"Ah Louis, Zayn," the recognizable voice inside said. Seconds later the person behind the voice came.into view. Several other presences behind him...in black some with guns.
"Yeah..what do we have to do?" Zayn asked in a bored voice. The man stared at Zayn darkly. "Sir," Zayn added seconds later. That's all we knew him by.
'Sir' threw Zayn a bag. "You know what to do," Sir said. "Same place as last time," without another word he walked away, everyone else trailing behind him.
Like puppets.
I hate taking orders from people. Absolutely hated me, I liked being in control, I liked giving OUT orders, so I couldn't stop myself from flipping 'Sir's retreating figure the finger. I saw Zayn slightly smile beside me.
"Lets go then," I said, walking out of the house.
"At least it isn't far," Zayn murmered beside me.
"Wonder if it'll be the same guy..." I said thoughtfully. Words ceased as we got into my car, and I drove to our destination.
||Same Day||
I arrived home, my hand covering my huge bruise on the back of my head, it was still throbbing. I quickly went to the freezer, getting some ice, wrapping it up, putting it against my head.
I wasn't used to this, at my old school, yes I was called names, used to that, but not bullied or touched so intimately, people always left me alone, they didn't care about me, I was left on the sidelines, in the shadows, that's the way I liked it.
First day in and I already had my own personal bully...if I could even call him that and seeing to the prior events it seemed like he wanted alot more then to see me in pain.
"Afternoon Marcel," My mum said, walking into the kitchen.
"Hey mum," I told her softly. She gasped quietly when she saw the ice against my head.
"Oh what happened?" she demanded. I couldn't tell her, she already had too much to worry about. I was just glad she wasn't commenting on my lips, probably too worried about my head.
"Oh me and Liam, we were playing football," I told her with a small smile, "and of course he beat me, I wasn't paying attention and the ball caught me on the back of the head," I continued. She smiled.
"Liam? who's he," She asked.
Who was Liam? just this quiet, brown eyed, guy that was the only person that spoke to me...besides the namecallers and Louis. Liam was quiet, yet when angry he got this cold demeanor about him, that even caused Louis to back off. Yet could I possibly call this person my....friend? He did protect me against Louis, we did have quite a few laughs and talks all day...so maybe...I could?
"My...friend," I finally said. My mom beamed, she always hated that I never had friends around.
"Great! bring him around sometime for dinner," She said smiling.
"But it's just the first day! But okay, I'll ask him tomorrow." I said. She gave me one more smile, turning around she walked towards the door.
"Honey, I have to go, but I will probably be back around 11? maybe 12 at latest, there's some leftovers in the fridge and if not order for pizza." She said. I nodded.
"Bye sweetie don't wait up." she said. I waved bye at her, I always wondered where she went to during the night on somedays...like today, but I never bothered to ask her, she was my mother and she could do what she want. Since my father decided to leave us a while ago, I learned to just let her live her life. No questions asked.
I slowly walked upstairs, I wasn't very hungry, in fact I was actually more tired than hungry, I would probably just sleep. Turning onto my bed, throwing the satchel onto the floor beside it, throwing off my white..well used to be white sweater, now dirty, and brown slacks off, along with my shoes.
I crawled into bed. I ran a hand through my hair, It was more on the curlyish side now, I put my glasses on the desk beside my bed. As I was closing my eyes one guy stood out in my sleepy thought, as a few harsh words that had been spoken by that same person flew endlessly through my tired brain.
Louis. Louis. Louis.
His lips
His eyes
His voice
His smirk
His attitude
Just him.
Why was he so keen on hurting me? Or being near me? I barely knew him! Why did he seem so cocky? Why was Liam so cold with him!
And why wasn't I more bothered by his attitude instead of finding it intriguing and being curious by who he really is?
I did not plan for this to be occurring.
I fell asleep not too long after. Didn't want to think of anything like that, needed to relax.
I woke up, running my hand through my disheveled hair. Another day alive, another day to live for...another day at school. I groaned, but stood up. I had skipped too many days the year before, if I skipped more than the days allowable, I would end up being held back.
Which would be my 2nd time...and my parents well actually only my mom would not be too pleased and probably send me off to military school or something. If she even cared. Which she really often didn't show.
Seeing as I had already disappointed her enough with my careless attitude and tattooed body.
I pulled on a black t shirt, and some black skinny jeans. Followed soon by one of my favourite leather jackets. I walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and used the restroom. Walking out of my room just 10 minutes later not bothering to do my hair, leaving it to fall in front of my eyes, just moving it to the side.
"Hey Louis," My mom said as I walked through the kitchen.
"Hey," I said not even bothering to look at her as I walked out of the door. Hearing a sad sigh behind me, so I opened the door again and gave her a small smile, "love you," I told her. i heard her sigh, but didn't look up at her, I didnt want to see her eyes holding a disappointed look in them, so I quickly shut the door seconds later.
I'm not sweet, I'm not great with mushy gushy feelings(unless of course I used those words to get into someone's pants but I never meant them) Only my mother has seen me ever mutter a "love you," but only to her. I grumbled as I opened the door to my car, a slightly beat up black car.
I felt a small vibration in my pocket, as I pulled out of the driveway. I knew it was Zayn he was the only one I ever texted, I had other friends I just wasn't as well acquainted with them so as to give them my cell phone number. I ignored it and continued driving.
I was late.
I panicked as I hit the snooze button, on the alarm clock which read 7:35 a.m. I had 20 minutes to be in my first hour class.
I ran to the bathroom, I wouldn't put my hair back like the day before it took too long. I would just have to deal with my curly hair getting in the way. I changed into a white t-shirt and put on a light brown cardigan, then putting on dark blue jeans.
Quickly brushing my teeth, and using the bathroom, I grabbed my glasses putting them on. Running downstairs, I grabbed my messenger bag, putting it on as I opened the door and out of the house. My mum had probably already left, she usually left around 6 in the morning.
I checked my phone it was, 10 minutes until first hour. If I didn't run I wouldn't make it. Seconds later I started jogging, I lived 15 minutes away from school, at least that's how long it takes when I walk.
Suddenly there was a loud beep behind me. I glanced back and saw a blonde headed kid, grinning at me in a huge white truck.
"Hey mate, need a ride?" The blonde kid shouted slowing down on the road. He had an accent, that seemed awfully familair.
"Erm are you going to Lindramen High School?" I asked him. His grin only grew. He leaned towards the passenger door and opened it. I was hesitant but one peek at my watch made me get into the truck. I just couldn't be late on only my second day of school!
"To answer your question, ya in fact I am, starting there, I'm going to be a junior, what about you?" The blonde kid asked now beginning to drive faster.
"Same, I'm Marcel by the way," I told him. Putting my hands on my lap, careful not to mess anything, the car looked awfully clean.
"Niall, Niall Horan," Niall said. The car stopped moving and I realised we were at the school already.
"Who's your first hour?" Niall asked as he got out, I followed quickly behind me, slightly quickening my steps.
"History, what about you?" I asked as I opened the front door. Niall laughed, I took a peek at my watch. it was 7:49, I had made it with only 6 minutes to spare. Niall was still laughing beside me as I walked to my locker, he looked through his backpack as I quickly put the combination into my locker.
"978," Niall muttered looking around. That's weird...my locker was 976...
"Huh what a small world, guess we are locker buddies, oh and I also have History first too," Niall said opening up his locker. I gave him a small smile. Suddenly a face was walking towards me.
"Marcel where have you been? Class starts in 4 minutes we have to hurry! and hey nice hair," Liam said. Niall turned around at the voice.
"Niall, this is Liam, Liam this is Niall, uhm we will explain later lets go," I muttered closing my locker my history book and notebook in hand.
"Hi Liam, and I was just gonna say that about his curls," Niall said tugging on one of them. I rolled my eyes, and just walked away from them.
Except I had a feeling someone was staring at me. I looked up, everyone was rushing to get to class...so who would....?
A familair pair of cold blue eyes met mine, only shifting past me a few seconds later. The glare so full of hatred.
"Marcel, we only have less than 3 minutes," Liam said, Niall laughed as he grabbed my arm and tugged me to class.
We half walked/half ran to the class, But I glanced back one last time...but he wasn't there. Niall and I split up from Liam, who went into a different hallway while we went into our class. We made it just in time to sit down into two of the desks by the time the bell rang signifying the day had started.
Once again all I could focus on was Louis, but this time I was more apprehensive, maybe Liam was right, why was Louis so...horrible?
A/n vote? comment? tell your Larry Shipping friends about the story! of course only if you like it, its my first boyxboy & Larry fanfic ever
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