•Chapter 22• (Finally Happy)
"What is going on?" Marcel asked glancing between all the faces staring at him and Louis all shocked like. Candy slightly paled but then she smiled, her normal skin tone soon returning.
"Nothing, is everything better now?" She asked instead. Louis smile widely and tightened his hold on Marcel's hand.
"It's getting better," Louis said, with a shy look towards Marcel, who in return also smiled while nodding. "I'll never hurt him again," Louis said staring right into Marcel's bright green eyes. Marcel blushed a light pink, but he too couldn't look away from Lou's loving gaze.
"Marcel, are you sure though?" A soft voice belonging to Liam piped up, his brown eyes still looking at Louis and Marcel's entwined hands. A look of annoyance flashed across Louis' face, but it was soon washed over with the look of patience and adoration as he waited for Marcel's answer.
"I'm sure I'm willing to give him another chance," Marcel finally said, his low voice, going from a slight murmur, to actually being loud, (loud enough to be heard across the room anyways.) Zayn visibly relaxed, maybe Louis wouldn't be doing drugs or drinking every chance he had.
Still, Liam looked shocked and doubtful but slowly he nodded and a smile crossed his warm face features. "As long as you're happy," He said, and just like that a sort of tension rose, the situation was okay, it was forgiven, never forgotten but what more could Liam ask for, then the forgiveness and happiness of Marcel, even if Liam still had his doubts on Louis. Louis would ever change or be "good enough," for Marcel, which is why Liam refused to make eye contact with Louis. Instead Liam walked over and plopped down on the couch.
At this point, Candy still stood by Marcel's side a look of happiness on her face as she looked at Marcel and Louis. Niall had a thoughtful look on his face as he sat on the cushion of the couch, and Zayn was still standing to the side, not really looking at anything...
"I just hope you're not going to regret it, like all those other times," Niall finally said as he came out of his thoughtful mode, setting his plate of food aside. A look of hurt crossed Marcel's happy face, and he frowned. Louis let out an angry noise and scowled.
"I'm not going to hurt him, we aren't even together, I just know from now on I'll be there for him, and take care of him, and love him, and I will wait, for as long as it takes," Louis said proudly.
Candy's heart filled with joy, things were finally looking up for Marcel. Marcel who was to kind, who hadnt deserved all these weeks sadness, might actually end up with a happy ending.
"Lou, maybe we should get going?" Zayn finally said, waking from his quiet stupor and making his way towards Louis.
Louis frantically shook his head, pulling Marcel closer to him. "No, I don't want to leave him yet," Louis said and he kissed Marcel's cheek, causing the never ending blush to reappear on his cheeks. Zayn was shocked to say the least by the simple gesture. Louis' friend of 2 years had never seen Louis so...caring.
"Oh, er- Im going to head out, I'll tell your mom where you are then," Zayn said, scratching the back of his head and pulling his leather jacket tighter around him, his dark blue jeans still hanging low on his waist. Zayn began to make his way out towards the front door.
"Zayn," Candy found herself calling out. Zayn froze but didn't turn back around. "Just forget what I said all right? It was completely pointless anyways," Candy said, as she tried to fight the tears away. Niall let out a disgusted laugh, rolling his eyes.
"This is going to get interesting, I'm done trying to help, none of you all listen to my Irish advice anyways," he said almost bitterly as he shoved another spoon full of pasta into his mouth.
"What is he talking about?" Marcel asked, his other rand running through his disheveled curls. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What were you talking about Candy? Are you keeping something from me?" Marcel asked pouting his lips.
"The problem is," Zayn said his voice cold as he finally turned around. "Is your short freak of a friend here likes me," He said, his cool amber eyes staring down into Candy's.
Candy squeaked and covered her eyes with her hands. Marcel was confused still but then realisation his him. "Candy?" Marcel asked questioningly.
"I'm not a freak you stupid butt!" Candy shouted. Zayn cocked an eyebrow and laughed.
"Butt? Really? I'm out of here bye Lou, glad to see maybe now you're getting better. This doesn't change my feelings towards any of you guys, Liam you're still and a dick. Niall and Candy you're both freaks why don't you two get together?" He turned back around and then abruptly stopped, everyone looked at him expectantly. How dare Zayn not care even the slightest?! He didn't move for a couple of seconds, but he just barely managed to move his head up and down wordlessly before he opened and was out the door.
"Candy, you like Zayn?" Marcel asked again.
Candy still had her eyes hidden behind her hands. "Look, Zayn he..." Louis began to say.
"Don't give me that bullshit that he's a horrible person and doesn't give a shit about people's feelings because before today, everyone in this room thought you were exactly like that," Candy said her voice cool, surprisingly not trembling or sad what so ever.
"Besides I don't care," she said a little more haughtily.
Realising that now wouldn't be the time to bring up a whole other fight between any of them, everyone was silent for a while. Niall was blushing, but no one noticed except for maybe Liam.
Louis gently squeezed Marcel's hand in reassurance, causing Marcel to draw his attention to him.
Louis gave him a big smile, and Marcel smile back exposing the long forgotten dimple. Well, it never really left but who liked seeing a dimple when a beautiful boy like Marcel was frowning? No, a smiling Marcel with dimples was so much more beautiful, but that Marcel had ceased to exist but maybe he could possibly be back?
Louis' hand reached up to poke Marcel's cheek, letting a bubble of laughter burst through his lips. Causing Louis an accomplished chuckle to himself. They became lost in their own little world, bright green eyes looking into ocean blue-grey eyes full of mischief and ...adoration?
Throughout the small exchange neither of the two lads had realised they had captivated a small audience. Candy was crying but they were happy tears. Liam'a eyes were wide with wonderment and surprise, the gesture had been so sincere. Niall was the one that finally spoke up about it.
"You care about each other don't you, and I don't mean 'just care' I mean, really care about each other?" He said quietly. Louis and Marcel didn't even look away from each other, as both nodded a smile slightly curving onto both of their faces.
"Yes," they both said softly.
"Marcel, I can only hope you are making the best decision for you," Niall said.
"And Louis, fucking hurt him again I will fucking kill you, I will not think twice before finding you and killing you," Niall said his voice going dark and cold.
"I second that," Candy said.
"If I hurt him, I'll kill myself first," Louis said.
Marcel's eyes widened in horror. "No, you can't die Lou," he said. Lou chuckled and he kissed Marcel's nose.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you okay? I promise," Louis told him, pulling him into a warm hug.
"I believe you," Marcel repeated.
Marcel knew that he said he didn't think he was ready for a real relationship with Louis. Marcel didn't know what he would ever do if Louis hurt him again.
All Marcel knew was that Louis was the drug and he was the addict, and fuck he would always be coming back for more.
(Who do you think tops? I think Harry)
*All of my friends who find my wattpad*
Me: do not touch Bad Meets Good, do not touch all the other ones with Louis and Harry in the description, DO NOT TOUCH OR READ THEM.
*none of my friends listen*
"It's gross"
"Wtf how do you know how gay sex works"
"You haven't even done anything, how do you know how to do a handjob? Blowjob?"
"This was disgusting,"
"I loved it omfg when are you updating"
15.7k reads<3
(25 votes for next update?)
(changed title to Blue Meets Green because tired of people thinking I write that Bad Meets Good)
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