Chapter Thirteen- Training, or is it?

Sonic was the first to wake up. It was dark, which was a good sign, but everyone else was still asleep. He stood up and walked out of the cave, to see the sun set, just in time.

"Wow, it's beautiful." He whispered.

Suddenly a yawn came from behind him,

"What are you doing out here?" It was Shadow.

"I just woke up, in time to see the sun set, it's beautiful." Sonic explained.

"Yeah, you just said that, so you think Haven will start training us today?" Shadow asked.

"I hope, we are going to need all the help we can get." Sonic sighed.

"Yeah, and we might need to start learning our vampire abilities, if Tails starts telling rumors anyway." Shadow looked deep in thought.

"It wasn't your fault, I get that, don't worry." Sonic reassured the black hedgehog.

"I know, I just feel like a failure, telling you guys not to spill and then I go and do it."

"It's okay, Tails was pushing it. And as much as it pains me to say it, sometimes he sticks his nose into things he really shouldn't."

Shadow stared at the blue hedgehog, "You really think that?"

"Every now and then, yeah." Sonic shrugged, giving Shadow a smirk, fangs flashing in the light, "you know, I think these fangs make me look more cooler than I already did."

"I can't blame you there." Shadow gave a small smirk, showing off his fangs, "I probably look more, good looking then before to."

A laugh came from the cave, "Yeah, whatever you want to think Shadow."

Sonic and Shadow turned to see Haven and Silver standing there, a big grin on Silver's face and a laughing Haven.

"What's so funny?" Shadow asked.

"You said you where more good looking, but from my point of view, you didn't really change, you just grew longer teeth." Haven stopped, trying hard not to fall over.

"Yeah, everyone knows I look better." Silver said, flashing his fangs for everyone to see.

"No Silver, no one looks better, besides me anyway." Haven smiled, not showing her fangs, but still smiling.

"Really? Let's see your fangs then." Sonic challenged

Haven gave a small shrug, "Okay." Then when she smiled again, her fangs gleamed in the dying light.

"How about we all meet in the middle and agree everyone looks better with fangs." Silver suggested.

"Your no fun." Haven frowned.

"Hey Haven, you think you could start training us today?" Shadow asked, butting in

"Of cause!" Haven exclaimed, "Why wouldn't I? You guys still have so much to learn."

"Like?" Silver asked.

"Like for example, if you don't feed within the two weeks giving, you might go crazy, as in, you go around and start killing people for blood. It's not pretty." The vampire shook her head.

"Wow, well I guess we are lucky we have all fed. Like, four days ago?" Sonic stated.

"Yeah, but there is more as well." Haven confirmed.

"Well, we have all night, what else are we suppose to do?" Silver asked sitting down, "Teach us oh wise one!" He joked, laughing.

Sonic and Shadow soon joined him, while Haven sat in front, "Okay, but for now, we learn about vampires, then later, we train to fight like vampires, got it?"

Shadow looked disappointed, "Later as in later today or tomorrow?"

"As in when I have drilled these vampire facts into you." Haven sighed, 'It might take a while, depending on how you all listen."

"What?" Sonic asked.

Silver punched his arm, "No playing around this is serious! It's life or death!"

"But aren't we already dead?" Sonic asked.

"No, we aren't." Haven shook her head again, "Think of it like black and white--"

"Ha, Shadow and Silver!" Sonic pointed out, earning a glare from both Shadow, Silver and Haven,

"Anyway, the white is the living, and the black is the dead, we are both."

"How?" Shadow questioned.

"My master told me that us vampires are in a very small grey part, in between the black and white. So small, that the humans can't see it, so they think vampires are all myths." Haven explained, "Well, as we know, they aren't."

 "Yeah, we aren't." Silver grumbled.

"Is there anything else you want to tell us?" Sonic looked bored, but ready to listen if he needed to.

"Actually, I want to tell you everything, whether or not you already know that, I just want to make sure, okay?" Haven explained.

"Please, teach away." Shadow crossed his arms, a smirk on his face, "I would LOVE to see what we have missed out."

"Actually, I would like to know who your master was." Silver admitted, "Sounds like they knew a lot."

"Of cause they did! How else could Haven know all this stuff?" Sonic exclaimed.

"Experimenting?" Shadow but it.

"No, my master taught me everything I know, but his identity is to remain a secret, I promised him. He told me that we will meet again, but it's been, two years." Haven closed her eyes, memories flooding her mind.

"Wait, didn't you say that your clan was attacked? And that you where forced into being a vampire? Something like that anyway." Sonic asked.

"Sort of, the vampire didn't leave me, he looked after me until he thought I was ready for the world, we sometimes got along, but other times, we would fight and he would threaten to leave me. Whenever he said that, I was scared, because I knew I wasn't ready ti face the world."

"So... do you know what he looks like?" Shadow asked this time, curious.

"It's been to long, but he had brown hair, and light blue eyes." Haven struggled to remember the rest of the description.

"Wow, so, what else do you need to teach us? Or do you want to get to know us better to?" Silver stared in awe.

"Let's just get on with learning." Haven nodded.

So the three hedgies listened, learning everything a vampire needed to know, and a bit more. By the end of the long lesson, Sonic yawned, 

"Wow, I have never learned so much in a day!"

"Yeah, my brain hurts!" Silver clutched his head, making Haven laugh

"Well, I can't wait ti learn more, it was... Interesting." Shadow nodded his head, eyes closed.

Haven nodded in agreement, "Yes, you younger vampires need your rest." She gave them all a fanged smile.

"Young?" Sonic asked, "We are like, 16!"

"14." Silver sighed."

"Humph, it's complicated." Shadow crossed his arms

"Yeah, but guys, you are only a week old in vampire years, your all still young." Haven told them

"Good point." Silver sighed again.

"Well, I will have to teach you how to feed tomorrow." Haven stood up

"But don't we already know?" Shadow asked, raising his brow

"I'm just going to give you a few pointers and teach you how to be stealthy." 

"Like Espio..." Sonic sighed.

"Espio?" Haven looked at the blue hedgehog, confused.

"A friend of ours." Silver looked at the ground, "we have a few friends, but we can't see them, not like this."

"Yeah, I was the same, I couldn't see my friends either, I was scared for what they had to say." Haven confirmed

"You have friends?" Shadow raised his brow again, "I didn't think you would."

 "Shadow!" Silver explained.

"What?" The black hedgehog shrugged.

"It's alright, after I tried to talk to them, they wern't my friends anymore, I was alone, until I found you guys." Haven admitted.

"Oh, so what is it like? To feed?" Silver asked.

"You should know, you already did it." Haven stated.

"Yeah but, it was our first time, we wern't paying attention, just.... Feeding." Sonic explained.

"Oh, well next time, pay attention to the taste, you might enjoy it."

"The taste of Blood? Ew." Silver stuck his tongue out, "How will we be able it enjoy it?"

Haven gave them another smile, fangs full length, "You'll see, it's in a vampires nature, they just like it."

"Okay, if you insist, look, the sun is coming up, and I'm getting tired, so, good night, or morning, or, whatever." Shadow stood up and walked off, towards the cave.

Sonic shook his head, "Boy, he may have changed, but he will always be Shadow." Then he to walked back to the cave, "See ya later."

"Bye Sonic." Haven waved, then walked over to the rising sun, watching as the light filled the view, Silver, curious, followed,

"What are you doing?"

"Just watching the sun rise, I never really get to anymore, I usually get burnt."

"Oh, so, in vampire years, how old are you? I know it's probably rude and all, but I'm just curious." Silver stated, turning red.

Haven gave a small chuckle, "It's okay, I'm two years old, but it's felt like forever, being alone."

"oh, and how old are you in real?"

"I'm 14, so young, so be Turned, so so young." Haven stared off, lost in thought.

Silver waved his hand in front of her, snapping her out of the little trance she was in,

"Sorry, you where kinda creeping me out."

Haven gave him a small smile, "It's okay, it happens a lot, I just start staring, lost in my thought, it creeps a lot of people out."

"Oh, sorry to hear that."

"Why are you sorry?"

"You just seem to, like to think, and people find it creepy, so, yeah, it must be tough."

"Yeah, it is, and sometimes, no one can get me out of it, I have to snap out of it myself, and it happens whenever, sometimes." Haven stared off again.

Silver waved his hand again, but she didn't move,

"Oh, okay, that's what she means." He said aloud, "I guess I should leave her... No, what if the sun comes up? I will need to move her."

The sun was already rising, but it wasn't doing any harm, yet, although it was a pretty sight, the light flooding over everything, it actually hurt Silver's eyes, and his body was screaming at him to get inside the cave.

When the sun looked to dangerous, Silver took Haven inside and went to bed, falling into a deep slumber.

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