Robin ( Damian Wayne )

Ok so here's another Damian one shot because I haven't done one since January so here it is and I hope you enjoy it!!!

Damian- 17

Y/N- 17

E/B/N- ex boyfriend's name 17

B/N- Bully's name

Warning- This will be really long and it is a little heated


I was walking through the halls of Gotham Academy keeping my head down and I finally got to my first class so I took my usual seat in the back and pulled out my stuff but as I was doing that I heard the door open and all the girls gasp so I looked up to see a boy with bright green eyes and black hair so I blush a little but look back down. "Ok so this is our new student at Gotham Academy, Damian Wayne so try to make him feel welcome, you can go take a seat Damian" he walked up and rolled his eyes at all the girls staring at and I giggled lightly and looked away.

I heard the chair pull out next to me so I look up at him shocked but he smiled at sat down so I shrugged and turned my attention back to class that was starting till I felt someone near me and looked over "so what's your name" I blushed at the close contact "Y/N" he nodded "and i'm pretty sure you already know who I am" I giggle quietly and nod "can you meet me outside after school" I look at him confused but nod and he smiled and started listing to the teacher.

Time Skip

I was on my way to my locker when I was shoved up against it and saw B/N and her friends so I frowned "what do you need" she glared at me "I need you to not get so comfortable" I looked at her confused "what does that mean" she laughed "I mean I saw you two talking and you blushing, it mean don't get so comfortable your nothing compared to me, if he's gonna date anyone, it's gonna be me" I roll my eyes and go to talk back but someone interrupted "and what makes you so sure" I look over to see Damian smirking and he walks over "because I am, our family are friends Damian" he rolls his eyes "just leave Y/N alone ok and don't speak for me because I would never consider dating someone like you".

She scoffs and walks of with her minions so I shake my head and then turn back to Damian and froze at how close he was and he backed up and held out his hand and I took it and we walked outside and I saw a black limo pull up and my mouth parted and I heard him shackled and he closed my my mouth and smiled "maybe we could hang out sometimes" I nod "but why me and not B/N she is right she is much prettier than me" he rolled his eyes.

"She really isn't, you more beautiful don't let her tell you differently and I like you better because you don't bother me and you seem interesting" I blush and nod he smiled and got in the back of the limo "I'll see you tomorrow Y/N" I nod and when the limo pulls off still shocked I start walking home. When I get home I see a note saying from may dad saying he left for a meeting and my mom left a note saying she went to her book club and they both left a note saying Love you to I smiled and giggled and walked to my room to get started on homework.

Time Skip

Two weeks have past and Me and Damian have grown closer and he even invited me to a gala tonight and I gladly accepted. I was walking down the hall and stabbed at my locker to get my lunch that I pack last night and when I closed the door I saw Damian and I jumped and let out a small squeak and he laughed and I smacked his shoulder lightly "don't do that" he kept laughing and i rolled my eyes and started walking and he was right behind me and we went to the spot where we ate lunch all of last week.

When we got there we sat down and started eating and he was seemed quiet so I looked up at him confused and put down my sandwich "is something wrong Damian" he looked at me and smiled lightly "no, just thinking" I smile and nod and went back to my lunch but didn't notice him still staring at me.

"I can't wait to see you at the party tomorrow" I look up and smile "I can't wait to come" he chuckled softly "do you have anything to where or do I have to take you shopping" I giggle "no I have a dress" he smiled and I smiled back and we kept eye contact and he started leaning in and so did I until the bell went off and we pulled back and I blushed and started packing up and so did he and we walked back in the school, the tension still in the air.

When I got to my next class he had to go to a different one but he walked me here so I smiled and looked down and I felt him grab my hand tightly and kissed my cheek and I looked up at him with wide eyes and he smiled lightly and walked off to class leaving me still frozen but I snapped out of it and smiled and went in the class.

Time Skip

When we got out of school I saw Damian at his locker and I went up to it and smiled at me and held out his hand and I took it and we walked out and when we got out he was gonna walk with me because Alfred was a little late and he didn't wanna wait but I pulled away and he looked at me confused. I giggle "yeah sorry not today I have to get dressed for the gala he groaned and I smiled "i'll see you tonight Damian" he sighed and nodded and Alfred pulled up so he went and got in and he waved and I waved back so I started walking home.

When I open the door my parents were waiting for me so I hugged mom then dad but my mom was smirking "so what's this gala that your going to" she held up the invitation Damian gave me and I blushed and took it from her and she turned to dad and I sighed "Damian invited me" they looked at me with frowns "are you sure you want to go"

.I nod with a frown and my dad kneeled put a hand on my shoulder "are you sure honey, you remember that last time you 'dated' a rich boy" I sighed "i know but Damian isn't like that, he sweet and kind and always has my back and now B/N leaves me alone because he's around" my mom smiled "you like him don't you" I blush and nod.

She looks at my dad and they sigh and smile "just be careful N/N" I giggle "I know but i'm telling you Damian is amazing" they nod and I went upstairs to get dressed. When I got to my room I closed the door and got out my dress that I wore last year when my mom took me to a party and smiled and took a shower and then put on lip gloss and did my hair, I don't really like make up I feel like it covers up your true beauty.

I put on the dress and sighed and smiled I heard my mom gasp so I turned around and then my dad came up behind her and smiled so I turned back to the mirror and I felt my mom put her head on my shoulder and looked at me through the mirror she looked back to see dad gone "you must really like him to get all dressed up" she then left and I blushed and smiled and then pulled out my phone and texted Damian telling him i'm ready. I went outside and then Alfred pulled up in the limo and he got out and open the door and I smiled and thanked him and he went back to his side and we took off toward the manor.

When we got there, it was practically the Oscars for all the reporters red carpet and everything so my eyes widen and then Alfred open the door and the cameras went off and then they saw Damian walk to me and they all whispered and I looked at him and he chuckled and gave me his arm and i took it and they started shouting questions but we got to the door and he chuckled "welcome to my world" I giggle and shake my head "i don't know how you do it" he smiled and pulled me along and I saw three guys staring at us and they all looked shocked and Damian noticed and brought me over to them and they all looked at Damian.

Damian smirked and turned to me "these are my brothers" I blushed and turned back to them and they started introducing themselves "my names Richard but I go by Dick, nice to meet you" I smiled and nodded and the next oldest still looking shocked "i'm Jason" he was still looking at me and Damian so I looked at the next brother and he smiled "i'm Tim and sorry were a little shocked to see well this" Damian looked down still smirking and I blushed and giggled and was about to answer but Damian pulled me away.

He pulled me to the dance floor where they were slow dancing so he put his arms around me and I put my around his neck and he smiled "sorry about them, they have never seen me bring a girl to an event" I nodded "why did you bring me to the event" he looked at me but then looked away but sighed and turned back and looked me in the eyes, "I guess there no time like the present to tell you that I really like you, I started to realize it around our third day together and just haven't had a way to tell you until now, so I was wondering if you would like to go on a date sometimes" I was going to say something my closed my mouth at a loss for words and he chuckled so I nodded and he smiled and pulled me closer to him so I sighed and laughed softly so did he.

He pulled away slightly and put one hand on the back of my neck and pulling my forehead to his and my breath hitched he sighed "is it alright if I" I nod and he pulled my lips to his in a slow passionate kiss and he pulled away and I blushed and smiled and he pulled me back to him and we danced most of the night.

Time Skip 2 months later

Me and Damian have been doing amazing apparently the magazines they released thinks were Gotham's new power couple and I giggled when I saw that. On our sixth date he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was shocked but said yes anyway but now I was making my way over to his house and when I got there Alfred opened the door before I could and I chuckled "Damian told you I was coming" he nodded and smiled and let me in so I took of my shoes and went up to Damian's room and he was laying on his bed so I smirked and went and laid next to him and poked his side and he turned to me and smiled and he started poking my sides and I giggled and he straddled me and started tickling me and I was laughing but he stopped and I was catching my breath and then looked up at him.

He leaned down and slowly connected our lips and I was a little hesitant and he caressed my cheek and then moved his other hand down my arms and rubbed them and then licked my bottom lips asking for entrance and I pushed him off me and was breathing heavily. He came over to me "what's wrong, did I take it a little far" I nodded "i'm not ready Damian, so please don't do that again" he looked at me confused and nodded "what's wrong" I looked at him and looked away.

I sighed "it's a long story that I don't really like talking about" he took both of my hands and I looked at him "please, tell me" I sighed and nodded and sat up and he sat in front of me "well I guess it all started with E/B/F" he looked at me confused "you me the son on the E/B/F/LN family" I nodded "he was interested in me too, so one day he asked me out but I didn't want to go but before I could say no he just walked away from me so After school I walked out but he grabbed my hand and pulled me all the way to the date he had set up". I paused there and Damian put a hand on my knee so I continued.

"He was self absorbed only talked about himself and he was on the football team so that made it worse when we got to school the next week he pulled me with him all day and made me meet his friends which were all cheerleaders and his football friends so he kept showing off that I was his girlfriend but I never agreed to any of it, but one day he dragged me to his house and he wanted to take it to the next level and, and-".

Damian pulled me in for a hug and I frowned and he pulled away "it's ok" I sigh "I know I shouldn't take it so seriously because it not like it would be losing my well you know it's just a make out session but" he smiled "you wanna wait" I smiled lightly and nodded he smiled and looked away frowning and my eyes widen and I moved to him.

"It's not because I don't want to do it with you I really like you and I trust you it's only because I wanna wait till I feel like i'm ready" he smiled and turned back to me and I hugged him and he hugged back and I pulled away "well I should go i'll see you tomorrow right" he chuckled and nodded and I gave him a peck on the lips and turned around and left.

Time Skip (5 months later)

After that day me and Damian had 5 months ago and ever since then he didn't try anything like that again so I was happy and I was starting to feel like I was ready to take it to the next level with Damian and the perfect opportunity is coming up his father has another gala coming up and like usal Damian invited me as his plus one. I was walking in school and he came up to me and held my hand and as we were walking to class I saw someone I never thought I would see again E/B/N and Damian noticed I was looking at someone and looked over "please tell me i'm not seeing who i'm seeing".

I looked over at him "it is, can we please get out of here" he shrugged and we kept walking and put our heads down but he stepped up in front of us "well if it isn't the power couple" we looked up and he looked at me and I flew Damian put an arm around my waist and I calmed down a little "so your dating him instead of me, I could have given you everything".

I glared at him "please go away E/B/N" he scoffed "you know that you'll never get anything from him" he walked away and Damian glared at him while he left and turned back to me and turned em to him "don't listen to him beloved" I looked up at him and blushed "did you just" he blushed "sorry" I smiled and stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He looked at me and I pecked his lips "it's ok, I like it" he smiled and pulled me in for a kiss and I sighed in comfort and pulled away and he grabbed my hand and we walked to class and got through the day without being bothered by E/B/N.

Time Skip

I was making my way to the gala where I was finally ready so I got another dress yesterday after school and I was getting dressed when my mom came in and she was smirking "so look who's all dressed up again" I turned to her with a small smile and she laughed "you look beautiful honey" I laughed and smiled for real and she came closer and started doing my hair "so how are you and Damian" I smiled and looked at her through the mirror "good, but mom" she hummed "I think that I love Damian, it that possible because we have only been together for 7 months is it to early to tell him or-" she cut me off "no it isn't, if that's how you feel tell him honey" I sigh and she fished and walks out and I nod and walk out to where Alfred is waiting.

When we got to the manor as usual the camera's but I have gotten used to them and I went in to see Damian waiting for me and he smiled and looked me up and down and I blushed "you beautiful as always" I nod "thank you and look at you" I peck his lips "handsome as always" he smirks and grabs my hand and we went on with the party till it came to an end and everyone went home except for me I stayed behind and Damian looked confused.

"Can I talk to you upstairs" he nodded and brought me upstairs and once he closed the door "please tell me this is not the break up talk" I chuckle "no" he sighs and I giggle and grab his hand and made him sit next to me.

He smiled "then what did you want to talk about" I twiddled with my thumbs and he put a hand on my hands and I looked up and into his eyes like when we first meet "I love you" he pulled back shocked "what" I turned away and got up and started walking for the door "i'm sorry I never should said anything and should have known that I was moving too fast to actually telling you and then taking it to the next level so let me ju-" I felt him put a finger on my lips silencing me.

He pulled me in for a passionate kiss and pulled back slowly "I love you too" I looked up at him "are you saying that just because I said we cou-" he put his forehead on mine and my breath hitched "no beloved, I said it back because I really do love you, I love the way you laugh, I love the way you care about me, I love you" my mouth was a open and I smiled with my eyes watering and he smiled and pulled my lips to his and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist and pulled me closer but then moved them to my hips but I was focused on him. He pulled away and walked me over to the bed and laid me on it gently and straddled me and I smiled up at him and caressed his cheek and he chuckled at me but smiled and re connected our lips.

He ran his tongue across my lip and I open my mouth hesitantly and he roamed my mouth and I moaned at the new feeling and he pulled away and I looked away embarrassed because I don't have any practice at all but he turned my head back to his and kissed my cheek and went down to my neck still leaving slow kisses and then he went back up on the other side of my neck and then back to my lips and I put my hand behind his neck and pulled him fully down so he way laying on me and he pressed his lips on mine more and I moaned.

I pushed him away a little and then flipped our posting and he seem shocked but I straddled him and connected our lips again and he groaned so I ran my hand down his chest and sighed and he moaned and I blushed but kept going and he slowly pulled me fully down on him and we pulled away for air but went right back and he gave my hip a light squeeze and I gasped and he took that time to put his tongue back in my mouth to roam some more eventually I pulled away and we both caught our breath and smiled "I love you my Beloved" I blushed "I love you too Damian" I looked at the time and looked back at him he chuckled "it's ok, i'll see you tomorrow" I nodded and pulled him in for one more passionate kiss.

When I pulled away I waved and made my way home and once I got there it was about 8:45 and my mom was on the couch watching a movie with dad and they looked over at me "how did it go honey" I smiled at her and nodded and the tears started to fall and they looked confused and came over to me "he loves me" they both smiled and hugged me and then I pulled away and went up to my room.

Time Skip

When I went to school the next day Damian was wait like always and I was meet with a passionate kiss and I smiled "good morning my Beloved" I grab his hand and we went to his class first he pecked my cheek and went in and I was heading to my next class only to run into E/B/N and he pinned me to the lockers and I glared at him "so Y/N why him, or do you just like dating a rich boy so you can get what you want" I kicked his knee and he screamed and I glared at him.

"I love Damian I didn't even like you you forced me to go out with you and then you pushed me into something I wasn't ready for that I didn't even want with you so stay away from me and Damian" I walked around the corner only to find a smirking Damian and blushed "what" he came closer to me "can you get any more hotter" I look up at him "I- I, you" he chuckled "yes your beautiful but you also hot but when your pissed off it's you you get even more beautiful and hotter" I blushed even redder and he pulled me to our next class.

Me and Damian went strong form that day and we stuck together and he always showed me love and made me feel special and was always there for me and I did the same for him which led to the happiest years of my life.

Time Skip

I was waking up from Me and Damian's second year wedding anniversary and I looked over to where he should be and I smiled and rolled my eyes and got up and found my underwear near the bed and pulled it on and then pulled on his shirt from last night and smiled and walked to the kitchen where it smelled like he was making breakfast and I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and he chuckled "good morning beloved" he turned around to me and pulled me into a kiss so I pulled away and bit my lip and wrapped my arms around his neck and he chuckled and moved his hands to my thighs and picked me up and set me on the counter and then came between my legs and I giggled when he started pressing kisses to my neck.

He pulled away "I love you Beloved" I smiled "I love you too Damian".


Well I am so sorry for it being so long but I have reached my goal and passes it I wanted to write my first 3,000 word story but I passed that so I am excited. Other than that I hope you enjoyed it, I also wanted to ask for my next Bat Boys one shot about how you would all feel if I did stuff about earth traveling, thoughts?.

Word Count Record Broken!!!!!

Word Count- 4237

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