Chapter 16: My Name's Lincoln

Last time, on Baby Lincoln. Luna and Bebe leave in their search for Lincoln and Baby, but come into contact with a mourning Lynn "Fine, fine... just let me pack my stuff," Luna said as she got up from her bed. Gabbing a backpack from underneath her bed, Luna began to pack her things as she was constantly checking behind her to make sure Luan was still sleeping. When she was all done, Luna slung the bag over her shoulder and slowly walked to the door. Quietly leaving the room, Luna tip-toed through the hall and down the stairs. But as she got to the bottom, she heard someone talking "H-hey bro, morning," she heard as she raised an eyebrow. Peeking into the kitchen, she saw Lynn sitting at the table with a picture of her and Lincoln in front of her. She had tears going down her face as she put a glass of soda up to her lips and ate a candy bar. Luna was almost about to her before she heard "Y-you know, I-I know you would be saying 'There's nothing to c-cry about, Lynn. Ch-cheer up!' b-but y-you're not," Lynn said through her sniffles as Luna balled her fists at what she saw. Then, Bebe surprises Luna and get the attention of Lynn, causing the ladder to confront them. Before Luna could do anything, Bebe takes over Luna's body 'Give me a sec, okay?' Bebe said

"What?" Luna asked as her world went black. Bebe took control of Luna's body as the red lines appeared on her face. Lynn's eyes widened as she pointed at Luna "T-those lines! WHERE'S LINCOLN?! WHERE'S LUNA?!" Lynn screamed as Bebe vanished and appeared behind Lynn

"I'm sorry, kid... I'm so, so sorry," Bebe whispered as she knocked out Lynn. Catching her, Bebe set Lynn on the ground as she left the house and started to run down the street. Back with Lincoln, Lincoln has won the battle with BBL, but not before getting hurled onto a planet in an Alternate Timeline. He lands on the planet bloody and wounded until he's found by a 6-year-old Uub. when Lincoln wakes up, he's forgotten everything but his name "I'm... Lincoln, I think," Lincoln said as Chappa rubbed his chin

"Looks like you're suffering from amnesia," Chappa said as he sighed, "well at least you're alive, you should really thank Uub for that. He saved you, you know,"

"Uub... saved me?" Lincoln asked as he looked at the boy. Uub blushed as he said: "I-It's nothing, I was just doing what any normal person would,"

"Thank-you, Uub, I'm grateful," Lincoln said as Chappa looked Lincoln over

"This is gonna take some time to heal, at least a few months," Chappa said as he pointed at the bandages over Lincolns stomach, "in the meantime, rest, while we try to find ways to make your memory come back, alright?"

"Okay," Lincoln said. Months later, Uub shows Lincoln to a waterfall where he has a vision of Lily Loud, his youngest sister "Yup! Lily's! They're pretty, aren't they?" Uub questioned as Lincoln saw something flash before his eyes. A baby girl with a light blonde puff of hair on her face wearing a diaper. She smiled as she said: "Winkon," and reached out for him with a smile. Lincoln reached out for her as he was brought back to the real world when Uub said: "Hey, Lincoln? You alright?"

"Hmm, what?" Lincoln asked

"I'm asking if you're alright," Uub asked

"I-I'm fine, why are you asking?"

"You're crying," Uub replied as Lincoln touched his own face to find tears

"C-can I have one?" Lincoln asked


"A Lily... can I have a Lily?" Lincoln asked again as Uub smiled


Now, My Name's Lincoln, Begins! (Play Intro!):

4 Months Later:

Lincoln was walking around the village with Uub by his side. His bandages weren't as urgent as before as he just had a few covering the spots that still needed healing. But the parts that were showing revealed a large scar on his stomach area. Since his time in the Village, he learned that he was on an Island, surrounded by Ocean. But that didn't bother him "Man, this is nice," Uub said

"Yeah, the sky is clear, birds are singing... it's a very nice day," Lincoln said as he smiled. But before they could go any further, their thoughts were torn from them when they heard "HEY! MAD BULL! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" from one of the villagers and Lincoln saw a bull running toward them. Uub just saw it as he struggled to move, but he tripped and fell. Uub saw his life flash before his eyes as he closed them and cower. The bull got closer and closer until Lincoln moved faster then Uub could see and there was a loud crack. Like bone slamming against a metal wall. A cloud of dust blocked everyone's view as Uub slowly opened his eyes and saw Lincoln holding back the large bull. Lincoln had his hands in front of him on the bulls head as the ladder tried harder and harder to push forward. Lincoln blew steam out of his nose as the bull did the same, a one-sided struggle. Locking his knees, Lincoln moved his hands around the bull's neck and put it into a reverse headlock. The white-haired boy then started to bend his back as the bull was tossed into the air. People around them watched in amazement as a half-ton bull was thrown 40 feet in into the air. As the bull was coming back down, Lincoln caught it and chucked it onto a small wagon full of corn. The bull fell with a crack as the wagon shattered. Lincoln shifted his feet as he got ready, in case the bull came back for more. But the bull didn't move as a man walked over to it and touched it. He felt it twitch as the chest of the bull moved up and down. He then opened an eyelid and closed it when it didn't move "It's out cold!" he said as everyone looked at Lincoln. Lincoln almost shrank as Uub slowly got up "L-Lincoln, do you know what you just did?" Uub asked

"D-did I do something wrong?" Lincoln asked as Uub started to cry. Uub hugged Lincoln as he cried out: "Y-YOU SAVE ME!" as people started to cheer.

2 Hours Later:

Lincoln stood in front of King Chappa as the ladder was inspecting him "This is truly strange," King Chappa said as he tugged at his beard

"What's strange?" Uub asked as the old man looked at him

"I haven't seen anything like this since I was in the 22nd World Tournament many years ago," King Chappa explained, "so young and yet so strong! It's almost like another Son Goku!"

"Who?" Lincoln asked

"Sorry, sorry. Just ramblings of an old man... how would you two like to train with me?"

"What?!" Lincoln and Uub shouted

"T-that was out of the blue! Why do you want us to train with you?" Uub asked as Chappa shrugged

"Just thought it would be fun, what do you say? Care to help an old man live out his glory days?" Chappa asked as Lincoln and Uub looked at each other. Lincoln had a small smile as he said: "I'll do it," and Uub looked at him

"F-fine, I'll do it too!" Uub said, "if Lincoln's gonna do it, then I'll do it too!"

"Great! We start tomorrow!" King Chappa said with glee.

4 ½ Years Later:

Lincoln was carrying two large buckets of water in each hand as he walked across the village. It's been many years since Uub found him and he grew to a staggering 5 feet and 10 inches. A small smile was on his face as he looked up at the sky "Today's a great day," he whispered to himself as he heard someone say his name

"HEY! LINCOLN!" and turned to see Uub running at him

"Hey, Uub, what's happening?" Lincoln asked as Uub stopped in front of him

"I-It's the greatest things ever! We get to fight in the World Tournament!" Uub shouted with glee. Lincoln was stunned, to say the least as he fumbled his words "W-what?! R-really!? H-how? How did Chappa agree to this?" Lincoln asked

"He said it's about time we finally take action and do something for the village! And with a prize over 10,000,000 Zeni, we've gotta win!" Uub replied as Lincoln shook his head

"Alright... let's get ready!"

"Yes!" Uub said as he jumped into the air with a smile

Hours Later:

"I'll see you all in a couple of weeks!" Uub said as he waved goodbye

"Come back with that money, you hear!" King Chappa shouted back with a smile

"I'll make sure he comes back with the money, don't you worry!" Lincoln said as he too waved goodbye

"Take care!" the whole village shouted as Lincoln and Uub stood on a Ferry Boat. They continued to say their goodbye's until the village island was out of their sight. Smiling, Lincoln looked down at the water to see his long hair going past his neck with a few dozen strands of hair standing on edge. The red lines on his face were clues to his identity. He dragged a finger across the lines with some sorrow and happiness. As he looked down at the water, he asked: "How long has it been, Uub?"

"Hmm? What're you talking about?" Uub asked

"How long has it been since I came here?"

"I would say... 5 years," Uub replied as he walked over to Lincoln

"5 years... and I still don't remember anything," Lincoln said in a sad tone as he sat down. He wore white baggy pants with open-toed sandals and ankle weights. On his wrists were weighted wrist bands he bought from a trader when they were over at the island. Uub patted Lincolns back as he said: "Don't be so down, Linc... at least you have new memories to remember. Like the time you saved me from that bull," as Lincoln smiled

"Yeah, I guess I do," Lincoln said as he looked down at the paper-lily one of Uubs' siblings made for him, "are you ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Uub replied as they waited for the boat to get to land.

Undisclosed Amount of Time Later:

Lincoln was following behind Uub as people were rushing by them "Man, this place more looks like a party than a Fighting Tournament," Uub commented

"Yeah, this is strange," Lincoln replied, "hey, Uub, how about we split up?"

"A-are you sure?" Uub asked as Lincoln smiled

"I'm sure, and here," Lincoln said as he tossed Uub a small pouch, "I've been saving those for something, but I haven't found anything yet. Spend them wisely," he continued as Uub opened the pouch to find Zeni

"W-what?! B-but this is yours, I can't take it,"

"Go ahead, I've got nothing to spend it on," Lincoln said as he started to playfully push Uub away, "now go have fun before we start to fight,"

"O-okay, if you say so," Uub said as he walked away. Lincoln slowly walk away from him too as he started to explore. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he was walking by games and small gift stores "DANG IT!" he heard a woman shout as Lincoln looked over to see a young woman wearing black pants, a lavender shirt, and light blonde hair that reached her shoulders.

Lincoln saw that she was playing a game with bottles and some balls "Sorry, lady, looks like you lose," said the man at the desk

"No, let me try again!" she said as she brought out some money. The man shrugged as he took the money and gave her three balls. He then turned around with a smirk as he went to set up the metal bottles and replaced one with one from the apron he was wearing. When he was done, the woman threw the balls, knocking all but the one the man replaced down. Lincoln frowned as he walked over "Excuse me, miss?" Lincoln asked as the woman turned around to look at him. She had to turn her head up to look at him. The woman seemingly froze as Lincoln waved his hand in front of her face "Miss? Excuse me?" Lincoln asked as she shook her head

"S-sorry, may I help you?" she asked

"I see you're having some trouble, need any help?"

"W-what?" she asked as Lincoln pointed at the bottles

"Mind if I give it a try?" Lincoln asked as he pulled out a small pouch 'I gave Uub the majority of my Zeni, I've got this in case of emergencies,' he thought as he gave the man at the desk some of it and he gave Lincoln three balls. Setting the bottles up the man walked back up to the front as Lincoln looked at the woman "What are you trying to get?" Lincoln asked

"Umm, uh, oh, it's embarrassing," she said with a blush

"It can't be that bad," Lincoln said as the woman pointed at a giant stuffed bunny. It was all white with a black nose and looked to be the same size as her. Lincoln nodded as he picked up a ball and cocked his arm back. He then threw the ball as it made a loud 'BANG!' and struck the bottles. The woman and man had to cover their ears as Lincoln smiled and pointed at the bunny "I'll be taking that," he said as the man looked at the bottles and found them destroyed with a hole in the back of the wall. The man's jaw was on the ground as he handed the bunny to Lincoln, who then handed the bunny to the woman "Here you are," Lincoln said with a smile as the woman hugged

"Thank-you! This is the best day ever!" she said

"I'm Lincoln, by the way," Lincoln introduced himself as the woman froze again. She slowly removed the bunny from her body as she still held onto it "Hello? Usually people give their names after you give yours," Lincoln said as the woman gave herself a light slap

"M-my name's Lily! Lily Loud!" Lily said quickly as Lincoln felt something twitch in his head

"Lily?" Lincoln whispered under his breath

"Is there something wrong?" Lily asked as Lincoln shook his head

"Nothing at all, just you share the same name with the kind of flower I like," Lincoln replied as Lily blushed

"O-Oh, uhhhh, wow," Lily muttered

"Will Lincoln please come to Registration Desk 2, please? Will Lincoln please come to Registration Desk 2, please?" a voice echoed

"Oh, gotta go," Lincoln said as he turned to leave

"W-wait! Where are you going?" Lily asked

"I'm entering the Tournament with my friend, Uub, sorry I can't talk to you," Lincoln said

"C-can we meet after the tournament?!" Lily shouted as Lincoln smiled

"Sure, just name the place,"

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and credit to the person who made the picture. ALSO, THERE WILL BE NO LOUDCEST! Lincoln just forgot his memories and doesn't realize what's he's saying and there is no snowball's chance in hell I'm going to allow something like that to happen in one of my stories.]

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