10. who did this to you?
CHAPTER TEN - 🍂 ୧ who did this . . .
to you? ও🦌
The trio hurried through the corridors of the school, their footsteps echoing against the stone floor as they made their way to the hospital wing. The urgency and concern etched on their faces were palpable, and as they approached the medical wing, they could see the door slightly ajar. Without hesitation, they pushed open the door and stepped inside.
Inside the hospital wing, they saw the familiar figure of Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse. She was attending to a bed occupied by a figure, who lay beneath the sheets, their face obscured by the curtains drawn around them.
Initially, Madam Pomfrey was prepared to enforce the usual limit on the number of visitors in the wing, but considering the gravity of the situation, she relented, allowing the trio and their companions to stay. She issued a stern warning to keep their voices down, permitting them to remain inside.
Raven made her way to Autumn's bedside, noticing her evident discomfort and physical change. Upon seeing her friend approach, the female greeted her with a faint smile, "Hey."
The Ravenclaw's worry was undeniable as she asked, "What happened to you?"
Elliot also approached the bed from the opposite side, evaluating the extent of her damage, as James stood by her bedside, his facial expression mirroring the intensity of his emotions. He asked, "Who did this to you?"
Despite her physical discomfort, Autumn continued to smile as Madam Pomfrey explained that she had given her a soporific potion to stabilize her and aid her recovery. Autumn confirmed that it was why she appeared sluggish.
The female let out a laugh as she exclaimed, "Poppy drugged me." Her companions attempted to hide their amusement, either through facial expressions or suppressed coughs, while James also fought back his laughter, although his concern for her was clearly greater than his attempts to conceal his mirth.
Professor Dumbledore approached Raven and Elliot, addressing them with a request. "Ms. Summers, Mr. Winters, could I have a word with you?"
The teenagers, required to speak with the Headmaster, shifted their focus, their gazes moving away from the female in the bed to the headmaster himself. Raven's face displayed concern as she glanced at James, who looked uneasy. She then asked the Professor, "Could James be included in this discussion as well?" James, noticing Raven's glance and mention of him, lifted his head, appearing slightly puzzled.
The professor responded positively, "Of course, Mr. Potter, please join us."
The headmaster and the three students left the hospital wing, the female in bed now tended to by her friends and surrounded by their support. They moved away and took a few steps towards the secluded spot designated for their conversation.
The door swung shut behind them, granting the four people privacy for their discussion. The Headmaster casually moved toward the nearby window, standing in front of it and gazing outside while they began talking. He then addressed the situation, saying, "Unfortunately, we have no idea who harmed Ms. Rivers, as there was no one around when Professor Flitwick discovered the female unconscious."
Elliot suppressed the urge to suggest potential perpetrators, aware of the necessity to refrain from making baseless accusations. His companions followed suit, remaining quiet and composed.
The Headmaster provided more information, stating, "A worrying aspect is that Ms. Rivers has no memory of who caused her harm," causing concern in the group. The Headmaster then added, "But we can find some reassurance in the fact that she hasn't been subjected to any spells that altered her memories."
Elliot was visibly agitated and approached the Headmaster determinedly, signaling his intent to propose an alternative solution. In a slightly frustrated tone, the Slytherin stated, "Professor, we have to do something about this. The person responsible for harming her can't be allowed to walk around freely after committing such a heinous act."
The Headmaster empathized with Elliot's concerns and outlined a plan to increase the alertness among the faculty and other school authorities.
Raven's patience was wearing thin due to the past incidents, and her irritation shone through as she spoke bluntly, "I hope you don't mind my directness, Professor, but what about Mary Macdonald or all the other Muggle-borns who have suffered attacks? This place isn't safe for us anymore."
James, who was witnessing the situation unfold, noticed the irritation in Raven's demeanor. He was equally angered, and he began to express his thoughts in response. In a voice tinged with disdain, the Gryffindor voiced his concerns, expressing, "I understand that the world is not a safe place, with You know-who's rise and all, but Professor, I am deeply concerned for my friends."
The Headmaster acknowledged the pair's concerns regarding the safety of Hogwarts, and he attempted to assure them that their well-being was a top priority. The Headmaster then continued, stating, "I understand your frustrations, but it is important to keep a level-headed attitude in order to maintain composure. This is a time for patience and careful investigation."
The professor observed each member of the trio of students before him, attentively taking in their words and concerns. The list of Secret Society members he was working on flashed across his mind, and the present individuals, along with those in the hospital wing, formed the complete roster of people he had intended to include.
Faced with the complexity of the matter at hand, the Professor's thoughts appeared disorganised, as he grappled with an array of considerations simultaneously. Despite the challenges, he sought to offer solace and reassurances as best he could, as their fears were well-founded and warranted his attention.
The Headmaster offered a glimmer of hope, acknowledging their involvement in the matter, and stated, "I believe her memories will return. I apologise for my lack of a solution to your concerns for your friends' safety. However, I shall offer you the freedom to take the actions you deem necessary when her recollections return."
Elliot's response to the Headmaster's claim, regarding his indifference to the group's reaction to Autumn's situation, came in the form of a benevolent question: "Are you not concerned about what we might do in pursuit of retribution?"
The Headmaster remained unaffected by Elliot's questions and expressed confidence, stating, "I have no concerns as Ms. Rivers would not condone such retribution."
Raven found this statement irritating and demonstrated her frustration by tapping her feet. The Professor, however, was wrong. Autumn would indeed want retribution, but she would also ensure that the damage inflicted did not result in anything permanent.
Raven and Elliot exchanged a glance, sharing a silent understanding of the shared sentiment, which was the lack of satisfaction derived from Professor's comment regarding the protection and support for the muggleborns in the face of the ongoing attacks. Although they harboured these thoughts, they reluctantly decided to suppress them, as they felt powerless to bring about a significant change through the Headmaster.
As the professor departed, James turned to Elliot and Raven, observing their seemingly passive demeanor. He voiced his question, seeking clarity on their intentions, stating, "Please tell me you both won't simply sit back and do nothing in this situation."
A sly smirk exchanged between Elliot and Raven, and Raven's grin betrayed a mischievous intention as the female responded with confidence, "Oh, dearest James, do you truly believe Autumn would prohibit us from executing some kind of retaliation? The Headmaster is sorely misguided if he believes any of us, including Autumn, would remain unemotional in the face of this event and remain passive."
Elliot placed his arm over James' shoulder, signifying a display of friendship and camaraderie, and moved towards him with confidence, bordering on cockiness. In a confident tone, he stated, "We are not going to be idle in this case, and as the brains of this operation, I can assure you that we will discover the individuals responsible for this. Just give us some time."
The Gryffindor voiced a question regarding the potential reaction of Autumn, asking, "Is she truly going to be all right with us taking action?" The duo assuaged his concerns, confirming that she would indeed be on board.
Raven and Elliot silently hoped that their assumptions about Autumn's stance on the matter were not misguided.
Elliot reflected on how he had gained retribution for Autumn in the past, revealing her active role in the matter by stating, "You remember the time I sent those older students to the hospital wing after they bullied her and Raven, right?" James nodded, recalling the event that paved the way to Raven's friendship with Elliot.
"She was the mastermind behind that whole thing."
Raven sauntered over, a smile gracing her face as she spoke her next words, "Listen, we may look all sweet and innocent, but we know how to get even when someone messes with us." To emphasize her point, she jokingly lightly punched James' arm, adding, "So get ready, because we're definitely going to get our payback."
Autumn's health slowly improved during her stay at the hospital wing, and her memories gradually returned as time passed. However, despite the recall of her memories, she struggled to identify the person responsible for the attack due to a nagging sense of foggy blankness and a lack of detail in her recollection. This uncertainty continued to haunt her as she was eventually discharged from the hospital wing a few days later.
Autumn relished the way her friends were protecting her, which showcased their support. Although she felt a lingering sense of fear regarding the unknown assailant who had attacked her, she chose to keep it to herself, unwilling to fully discuss the event and worried about the situation. She was grateful that her group of companions refrained from asking her to disclose the details, as she was uncertain whether she possessed the mental fortitude to talk about it.
Although the group was determined to uncover the individual behind the assault, they decided to bide their time and hold off on actively searching for the perpetrator. Moreover, they vowed to only discuss the matter if and when Autumn brought it up first. In the meantime, they continued with their daily routines while simultaneously taking extra precautions to safeguard their friend.
The students were primarily focused on their studies, as the OWL exams were fast approaching. Nevertheless, the lack of attacks on Muggle-borns failed to reduce the tension that hung in the air. Additionally, the assault had expanded to encompass half or "blood traitors" and purebloods, exacerbating the situation.
In contrast, younger wizards and witches who were dabbling in the Dark Arts appeared unable to curtail their activities, and they persisted in practicing even in the face of the escalating assaults on the Hogwarts campus. This reminded many individuals of the rising number of followers of the Dark Wizard, further fueling their unease.
The trio and the Marauders were deeply engrossed in a study session in the Room of Requirement when the Gryffindors, who were previously oblivious to this hidden room, were absolutely in awe of its existence. They found the place incredibly peaceful and perfect for their studies, and were pleased that no other students had stumbled upon it.
Elliot had dozed off on the couch, having become incredibly comfortable after placing his legs on Raven's lap, with the female sitting across from him. They were in the company of Sirius, who had been forgiven by both Autumn and Raven, after the duo had ended their friendship with Snape some time ago.
Peter, Remus, and James were completely floored by the sight of the Room of Requirement. The Hogwarts students engaged in hushed conversation among themselves, contemplating the potential significance of testing out the room on their map, which would serve as a way to validate its existence. They spoke in whispers, careful to avoid being overheard and identified by those who were studying inside.
Autumn was seated alone near a window, accompanied by a collection of Raven's plants. The soft murmurs of her friends provided comfort and tranquility, allowing her a moment of peace. The soothing sounds of their presence offered relief, and she seized the moment to immerse herself in a calming activity: doodling.
Autumn was entirely absorbed in her doodling, so much so that she failed to notice James's approach as he took a seat beside her. The Ravenclaw was completely engrossed in her artwork, her concentration so intense that the Gryffindor's presence escaped her attention.
James silently observed the female as she focused on her activity, amusement in his eyes as she stuck her tongue out, her expression becoming strained as a result. James could not help but chuckle, and he reached out to press his thumb against the center of her eyebrows, trying to alleviate the tension on her face. After the tension subsided, he issued a playful warning, "Ease up, Autumn, or you might end up with a permanent frown."
Autumn, who had been deeply focused on her artwork, was jolted out of her concentration by James' physical touch. She looked up at him and queried, "Oh, hey, James. Were you saying something?"
"Nah, just watching you." Autumn was puzzled by James' words, and she chuckled as she returned her focus to her artwork.
But when she turned her head back towards her book, she nearly dropped it, and her sudden movement caught James' attention. He noticed her wide-eyed expression and her gasp, loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room.
"What?? What happened??" The room's occupants sprung into action as Autumn's dramatic surprise and nearly dropped her book. Everyone rushed over in concern, eager to understand the cause of her reaction.
Elliot jolted awake as Raven pushed his legs off her lap, startled by the commotion. He quickly realized the reason for the sudden rush was the collective concern for Autumn and the cause behind her gasp, and promptly joined the others as they hurried towards her.
James, who had been seated next to Autumn, quickly lunged forward and caught the book before it hit the floor. As he looked at the image that had caused her gasp, his expression changed from calm to one of disgust. He muttered in disbelief, "Bloody hell." In that moment, the intensity of his emotions, specifically his revulsion, was palpable on his face.
Raven swiftly grabbed the book from James' hands, her grip firm and determined. Holding the book tightly, she declared with conviction, "If this is what we think it is, then we've found the ones we need to seek revenge on," and then showed the book to the others. Elliot, who had been previously distracted while trying to wake up after Raven's shove, was now the one to receive the full view of the contents of the book.
Elliot felt a sense of satisfaction knowing they were on the right track in identifying the individual responsible for assaulting Autumn. Everyone else grew tense as the revelation unfolded, and Elliot was the first to speak up, expressing his surprise at the audacity of the offender.
Sirius echoed Elliot's disbelief and added, "Can't believe that git had the guts to do it."
With a hint of repugnance, the female, expressed disbelief, stating, "I bloody remember what happened."
The image in the book allowed Autumn to vividly recall the memory.
She remembered the scene that unfolded as she caught sight of Mucibler, Avery, and Snape harassing younger students. The confrontation started with verbal abuse, but when one of the victimized students attempted to fight back, the older boys brandished their wands to immobilize the male. In this way, they coerced physical surrender from the target of their aggression.
Autumn promptly came to the rescue of the younger students, and while doing so, confronted the trio, ultimately enabling the victims to escape before she faced an attack herself.
"You've really stooped to their level, haven't you, Snape?"
Snape merely offered a sinister smile, his gaze fixed upon the female that he had suspended in mid-air, in response to her provocation. Avery's words carried a loathsome undertone, and he retorted, "This mudblood thinks she can talk, disgusting." He then used his wand to silence Autumn, effectively gagging her.
Mucibler mirrored his fellow's sentiments about her origins and was equally ruthless in his approach, his words laced with malice as he stated, "Drop her and make sure she falls head first. Maybe it will teach her a lesson before she tries anything with us again. Filthy mudblood."
With Mucibler's nudge, Snape's arm wavered, and he released the levitation spell, causing Autumn to fall to the ground. The impact was harsh, adding a painful end to the distressing experience she had endured.
Autumn's voice was heavy as she narrated the incident to her friends, the animated image in her sketchbook the only portrayal of the harrowing experience. Her gaze shifted to her friends, taking in their expressions of anger, and she asserted, "We'll go after Avery and Mucibler."
Sirius' comment prompted irritation from the others, who were not satisfied with his wish to leave Snape unscathed, and he interjected, "What about Snivellus, as well?"
Raven stepped forward, her voice firm and resolute, "Come on, Autumn, he's not our friend anymore." There was no room for debate in her tone, emphasizing the need for Snape to be held accountable.
Autumn remained silent, contemplating whether leniency should be granted to the male, as the memory of his malevolent grin consumed her thoughts.
Her friends understood her reasoning behind the desire to exclude Snape from the revenge plan, and she explained, "I know he isn't our friend, but I witnessed the hesitation in his eyes, he didn't want to drop me."
Autumn continued, "Mucibler was the one who pushed him into it, he's my primary target," expressing her main focus on the other two rather than Snape, due to her perception of his apparent reluctance in the situation.
James reacted with intense anger to her statement about not seeking revenge on Snape, his voice rising with passion as he asserted, "He levitated you!"
The male was frustrated by her hesitation, and insisted that Snape deserved some form of retribution, his voice laced with frustration as he repeated, "Come on, Autumn! He deserves at least something coming to him!"
Autumn dismissed her friend's protests, adamantly standing by her decision, and she closed the book forcefully, placing it on the table. Her irritation was evident as she expressed her stubbornness and declared, "I said what I said, and I'll do it on my own if I have to." She was resolute in her decision, and her determination was palpable as she communicated her willingness to take matters into her own hands if necessary.
Elliot, Raven, Remus, and Peter ultimately yielded and committed to helping Autumn, while Sirius and James reluctantly agreed but resolved to resist the plan. Despite their grumbles and frustrated expressions, they agreed to support her against their will.
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