Part 32
Haven: Hey guys! We have some questions, dares and another special guest.
Shadow: If it's Triple M, I WILL kill her, the devil is waiting.
Haven: luckily it's not, come on in Ashley!
Ashley: *walks through door* Hello (SonicFan24)
Sonic: hello Ashley, nice to meet you.
Ashley: you to
Ashley: hey.......
Haven: So do you wanna read the first one?
Ashley: Yeah, okay, frist one from, Starfur795,
Some questions: Hazen and Silver: If you ever had kids, what would you name them? I dare Sonic to paint himself green and put in blue contacts so he looks like scourge and scourge do the same thing but only the oppisite (look like sonic) then switch places! I dare shadow to do the bunny hop :D
Haven: O.o what?
Silver: *clears throat* excuse me?
Sonic: But I don't wanna look like Snot!
Scourge: *walks in painted blue* I already did it! Now, who has green contacts?
Sonic: Okay okay, I will do it *paints himself green* anyone got blue contacts
Shadow: The bunny hop?
Ashley: I just read it, don't kill me
Shadow: well, your not Star, so I can't kill you.
Ashley: good
Shadow: Fine, I will bunny hop, but to where?
Haven: to your room and back.
Shadow: okay, damn, this is so embarrassing *starts bunny hopping*
Silver: Haven, you gonna answer the question?
Haven: you have to answer it to! But, if I WAS to have... Kids.... I would name them, Lily and Phoenix
Silver: Okay, now can I please smash my head into a wall?
Haven: why?
Silver: because, we have A LOT in common, a LOT.
Haven: O.o what the wha?
Ashley: NEXT! From godzilla343,
shadow fight Godzilla the king of monsters sonic fight fight a crocodile and scourge has to you and silver find 5 ladybugs
Haven: i thought you where the Ultamite Lifeform?
Ashley: I agree with Haven!
Silver: YAY LADYBUGS!!! Come on Scourge! *runs out door*
Scourge: 030 okay! *follows*
Sonic: does that mean Vector?
Vector: *walks in* don't beat me up, it hurts
Sonic: Sorry man, it's the dare
Vector: oh no! *runs out door*
Sonic: *sighs* *runs after Vector*
Shadow: but where is Godzilla? Or what ever this THINGS name is....
Ashley: just go
Shadow: fine! *walks out door*
Silver: I FOUND THREE!!!!!!
Scourge: and I found two..... yay *sarcastic*
Sonic: owww!!! *walks through door* I never want to fight Vector again, wait, where is Shadow?
Ashley: he went to fight Godzilla
Shadow: I'm back *appears behind Sonic* and I got some new things for my room
Silver: like?
Shadow: I won't say, it will upset the Godzilla lovers
Haven and Ashley: O.O um............
Scourge: just do the next dare thing!
Ashley: okay. from....... MissmythoMagic
Shadow: NO!!!!!!! *hits head against wall*
Hey everyone! No Shadow, I didn't do one last part. But this part *due de evil laugh* Okay. Easter themed!
I dare Haven and Shadow to dance tango while dressed like giant Easter Eggs, and Sonic and Silver have to do the same. Then you all have to have a chocolate eating contest, and then do a gymnastics routine together. Have fun! ;)
Haven: okay :D *gets dressed as an egg
Shadow: but I'm in my bunny costume
Ashley: you couls wear the egg one over the bunny costume
Silver: yay dancing!
Sonic: okay then, this is not random
Sonic and Silver: *dresses like eggs*
Haven: I just don't like the pairing, why is it always Shadow Triple M?
Shadow: that's what I'd like to know
Scourge: I wanna watch this!
Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Haven: *Start dancing Tango*
Haven: haha you can't dance Shadow!
Shadow: shut up
Silver: Um, your pretty good at this Sonic
Sonic: Really? Thanks I try 030
Silver: o.o okay then
Ashley: done, now for the compotition!
Haven: CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!! chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!!!!
Silver: OuO I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!
Haven: OuO me to
Sonic: oh no
Shadow: come on, lets start this
Scourge: ready?
Ashley: set?
Both: go!
Shadow: *shrugs* na, I'm fine *sits back*
Scourge: you lose
Shadow: *shrugs* I don't care, I'm not a fan of chocolate
Shadow: nope
Silver: OnO
Haven: Ono you have no soul
Sonic: I can't eat anymore
Ashley: I have a chilidog, you want it?
Sonic: okay *eats it in two bites*
Scourge: so now we are left with Silver and Haven, who will win? Whi will be the champion?
Haven: shut up Scourge!
Silver: oh no, I'm getting full
Haven: hahaha I'm gonna win
Silver: no your not!
Haven: done!
Silver: O.O what!
Haven: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe eheheheheheheheheheheheheheh jeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehyheehehehehehehehehehehehe eheheheheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
Sonic: o.o take cover!
Scourge: is this normal?
Ashley: looks fun!
Shadow: well, see ya *walks into his room*
Sonic: what a doosh
Haven: come back Shadow! I know where you live!!!!!!!!
Silver: yeah, he lives in the same house as you
Haven: I know where you live to Silver OuO
Silver: um O.O
Sonic: Haven, go sit down
Haven: and you Sonic, I know where you live!!!!
Scourge: she doesn't know where I live
Haven: wanna bet?
Scourge: O.O
Mephiles: *walks through door* what about me?
Haven: yep
Mephiles: O.O good bye
Sonic: oh no you don't, your a vilian, you can suffer to
Mephiles: this isn't in the contract
Haven: *scribbles on paper* IT IS NOW!!!! hehehehehehehehehe
Ashley: uh oh
Silver: um, they don't--
Haven: DON't RUIN MY IMAGINATION!!!!!!!!!!!
Silver: meep OnO Triple M, what have you done?
Sonic: someone tie her down
Mephiles: wait! We still have one more dare to read
Silver: hurry!
Ashley: it's from Angel-the-Tigress
Shadow: what? *opens door*
Haven: My sister says she loves you!
Shadow: again, good bye *closes door*
Ok shadow has to spend a day in a very small room with scourge
Mephes and one of the deadly six
Now cream has to watch a horror movie with haven and silver while cream acts like there child
And now for sonic go dark for me I like it you also have to punch cheese creams chao but then bring it to the hospital and say sorry
And I want tails to bring haven on a date after the horror movie
Shadow: *opens door* my room is small enough
Scourge: see ya'll later
Shadow: *Grumbles* come on Mephiles
Mephiles: at least it get's me away from her *points at Haven*
Haven: bye bye Mephy!
Mephiles: O.O
Cream: *walks through door* Hello everyone!
Haven: h-h-hey Cream!!! *waves*
Cream: Um, Mr. Silver... What's wrong with Miss. Haven?
Silver: she has a sugar rush
Cream: oh, well I wanna watch Wolfs Creek
Haven: YES!!! YES!!!!!
Silver: okay
Sonic: Um, Angel, it's not that easy, I have to be angry, plus, that's just mean, I don't want to hit Cheese
Cheese: chao chao!
Haven: I will make you angry *grabs a chilidog* MINE!!!!!!!!!!!
Ashley: O.o, um, well before things get to crazy, I'm gonna.... go. BYE! *runs out the door*
Sonic: give me my chilidog! *starts turning dark*
Haven: no *eats it* *gags*
Sonic: *turns into Dark Sonic* *punches Cheese*
Cheese: CHAO! *starts crying*
Sonic: *turns normal* I'm sorry Cheese, quick, lets go to the hospital! *grabs Cheese and runs to the hospital
Silver: let's watch the movie
Cream: Mr Silver, why did Mr. Sonic hit Cheese?
Silver: because someone heartless made him
Tails: *walks through door* Hey Haven, wanna go out? For a date?
Tails: O.o um
Silver: sugar rush
Tails; oh, okay
Haven: everyone loves me! ^.^ *walks out the door* By Cream, bye Silver!
Silver: well, that's all for today, please go ahead and leave the most stupidest dares and questions, it's kinda funny, bye!
Cream: good bye! *waves*
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