Episode 34: New Heroes 3

Sunshine: Welcome back to ask or dare cartoon and anime all stars.

Lazuli: (Screams in pain)


Camilla: (comes in and sees blood everywhere)



Speed: Looks like we're going to have kids on our own.

Sunshine: yay!!!!!!!!

Daisy: You ok Laz?

Lazuli: Yea.

Crystal: you have 2 eggs now.

Daisy: Don't worry i'm a nurse.

(Luna (umbreon) and Camilla's gf came in another umbreon and a shiny eevee)

Camilla: Star!!!

Star: Camilla!!!

Pearl: Axel, you're here.

Axel: You too cousin Pearl.

Sunshine: Axel!

Night: Hey guys.

Dusk: Hey Night.

Sky: Night Kun!!

Sky: I have a crush on him now.

Me: What are you guys doing here?

Luna: We came to be part of your show.

Star: Yeah that's right.

Mia: I'm new here as well.

Me: In that case, Welcome to the show!



(Then Night and Sky started to kiss)


Camilla: I ship it!!!!!

(Sky started to glow)

Sky: I'm evolving.

(Then Sky grew bigger as she evolved. Once she was done, she was now an espeon like dawn)

Sky: I'm beautiful!

Night: Noice gurl.

Sky: Thx.

Eve: I can't wait to evolve in the future.

(Then the TTG and Team Rocket appeared)



Go Robin: We're back.

Ray Ray: 


Ash: I'm not going to let steal Pikachu.

Jessie: Who says we would steal Pikachu.

James: And look who we brought back to life.

(We saw that Willy and his crew and the Horror Banana Splits 'minus snorky' were now an 11 headed robot)

Willy's Wonderland crew and Horror Banana Splits: We're back and...


Tom, Jerry and Tuffy:


Spongebob: But how?!

Go Starfire: It's a long story.


(Go Cyborg is building a powerful robot for 11 heads)

Go Beast Boy: We got the dead bodies.

Go Raven: Let's bring them back.

Go Raven:


(Go Raven brought back their minions back to life)

Willy: Thx for bringing up back.

Meowth: Np. Now let's get revenge on those twerps.


TTG and Team Rocket:




Willy and his gang and Horror Banana Splits:


???: Not so fast!

(We all turned to see Lincoln's 10 sisters, The Gabba gang, The Wonder Pets, The Backyardigans, Dora, Blue, Boots, Diego, Baby Jaguar, Kai Lan and her friends [including Lulu}, Flora the Jolteon, Amber the Flareon, Paulo the Vaporeon, Blizzard the Flareon [female and my oc] and May the Espeon [also my oc].

Blue: Leave Camilla alone.

Amber: Yeah!

Camilla: My old friends are back.

Spongebob: I also remembered them too.



Tuffy: Now is not the time for a reunion.

Me: Right, we need to fight.

(Everyone agreed)

The DigiDestined: Digivolve!!!

The Digimon:


Tenderheart Bear: Care Bears Stare!

Braveheart Lion: Care Bear Cousins Call!

Ash: Let's go Pikachu!

Pikachu: I'm on it Ash!

Serena: We'll help!

Ash's Friends: Come on out!

(All the pokemon were released from their pokeballs)

Camilla: Let the battle begin.


Numbuh 1:


Go Robin:


Camilla: Time to test out my new weapon!

(The ultimate fight began)


The robot: NOOOOOOOO!

All of us:


(The robot died)

Camilla: Now for my real fight.

Camilla (to Luna): 


Camilla (in demon voice): you're gonna have a bad time.


(Camilla beats up TTG and Team Rocket)

TTG and Team Rocket: We'll be back!!!!

Camilla (to Luna):


Agumon: We did it!

Me: Hell yea we did!

Camilla: We saved the world!

Dora: We'll be honored to be part of the show.

Amber: Yeah so can we join you?

Me: Sure and Thx for all you help.

Pablo: Np

Leni: As for us, We're staying here.

Luna (lh): That's right dudes.

Me: Fine by me.

Lazuli: Guys, one of my eggs is hatching.

(The egg cracked and hatched into a female eevee with a green eye and a blue eye)



Eevee: Mommy!!

Lazuli: Yes i am your mom, Speed's your dad and Sunshine's your sister.

Sunshine: What should we name her?

Speed: Her name is Lily.

Lily: Thank you  Daddy.

Lori: That's all we have for this episode. We'll see you next time on Ask or Dare Cartoon and Anime All-Stars! Bye!

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