3: The Reunion


  We were called to a new mission back at Coruscant. We were assigned to protect Senator Amidala, a great friend of mine and we were actually suggested by her sister, Allana.

  It's been ten years since I've seen Padmé and five since my last word with Lana. We became really close and sometimes I'd feel weird around her, like I used to feel with Padmé when I was nine. I must admit, I was crazy for her, but with the time those feelings were buried in the back of my head.    

  Especially when the youngest Nabierre was around. She had the kind heart of her older sisters but the armour of a warrior. She was able to have ice in her veins whenever she needed to. She's smart, fast, intelligent and a great Jedi. I remember when we used to fight in the training rooms. She beat me four times, and the last time we saw each other I won my fifth one against her. She promised that when we met again, she'd win. I laughed and I've been longing that day.

  Master Kenobi and I were in the elevator, on our way to the Senator's apartment. I felt my whole body sweating and was constantly fixing my robes like I always do when I was nervous.

"You seem a little on edge." Obi-Wan told me.

"Not at all." I lied.

"I never felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks." He said bringing the memory back to me making me scoff.

"You fell into that nightmare Master, and I rescued you remember?"

"Oh...yes." He said and chuckled, making me do so as well. He looked at me as my gaze was glued to the metal doors before me. "You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath."

My eyes met now his side profile. "I haven't seen her in ten years Master, and Allana...I haven't seen her in five."

  We stood in silence as I remembered everything. Last time my eyes met a pair of chocolate brown ones were in the Peace Celebration in Naboo. And when I saw a pair of honey like eyes was when she was sent away to Ryloth on a mission with Master Gallia and Aayla Secura —who was also a Padawan at that time—to continue with her training. Then, for what I've heard, she came back to the Temple the same day my Master and I were sent to Ansion. And now our paths have come across again.

  The doors of the elevator opened and now we were before an old friend, the Gungan Jar Jar Binks. I smiled as he acknowledged us.

"Obi? Obi!" He said cheerfully. "Mesa so smilen to seein yousa!" He said.

"Good to see you again Jar Jar." Obi-Wan told him. He then guided us to the living room of the simple, and yet fancy apartment.

"Senator Padmé." He said. I was looking around and saw three human figures standing in the balcony looking at the sunset of the Capital planet. One of them, a man, he had his hands placed on the balcony's edge. Next to him a female figure with her hair tied up in a big bun was wearing a dress, and to her right another female figure, that, by her posture and clothes, it was obvious who she was and easy to tell them apart. Then, they turned around. "Mesa palos here! Lookie, lookie, Senator" Jar Jar commented. "Desa Jedi arriven." The three of them walked towards us and the two Nabierres smiled at us.

  Obi-Wan bowed as they reached our position, as well as Padmé's maid.

"It's a great pleasure to see you again, Allana, Milady." My master greeted.

"And it's been far too long Master Kenobi." Padmé said. She shook Obi-Wan's hand and then Lana's soft and yet strong voice spoke.

"Ani?" She called my name and my eyes met hers. She was standing behind her sister. 

  Like with Padmé I expected those feelings to be buried in my memory, and I thought they were until she said my name. I studied her. She used to wear light coloured clothes, but now they were dark shades of brown, like mine, just not exactly the same: hers were tight to her body, the belt on her waist, where her lightsabers were, remarking the curves of her toned body, the fabric fell on an X form above her chest, over her shoulders and reached her knees. her gloves —that let her fingers be seen— reached her elbows where her communicator was and were matching black with her shirt.

  Her style was more feminine than when we were younger but remained showing her strong spirit. Her hair was longer, her ponytail was resting on her shoulder as well as her Padawan braid and the length of her brown curly mane reached her ribs when it used to reach her shoulders. And her voice had no longer the tone of a little girl but of a little woman in formation, lower than I remembered. Now I had a smile on my features, and butterflies flying on my stomach.

"My goodness, you've grown." Her older sister commented.

"So have you two. Grown more beautiful I mean. Well for a Senator and a Jedi, I mean." I completed my compliment attempts trying to defuse the tension I had just created. Both of them smiled and giggled. Their features were so alike, and anyone could say they could be twins, the only differences they have is the colour of their eyes...and the six year difference between them.

"Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine." Padmé told me with a gentle smile as she turned around to sit down on the couches that were to my right. Everyone followed behind her, including ourselves.

"Our presence here will be invisible Milady, I can assure you." My Master told the Senator, who valued her privacy very much.

  Obi-Wan and I sat in front of Padmé, Jar Jar and the company maid to her left and right and Allana was standing behind her, then, the man that was with them introduced himself.

"I'm Captain Typho, of Her Majesty's security service." He said. "Queen Jamillia has been informed of your assignment. I am grateful you are here Master Kenobi."

"The situation is more dangerous than my sister will admit." Allana said crossing her arms over her chest and smiling at me when I realised she made an emphasis in some words of her sentence to bother Padmé. I smiled at her too.

"I don't need more security, I need answers." The Senator told us. "I want to know who's trying to kill me."

"We're here to protect you Senator, not start an Investigation." Obi-Wan commented.

"We will find out who's trying to kill you Padmé. I promise you." I said and sensed Allana's support, who obviously wants the same but I also felt my Master's disapproval gaze on me.

"We will not exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner."

"I meant it in the interest of protecting her Master, of course."

"We will not go through this exercise again, Anakin. And you will pay attention to my lead."

"Why?" I asked and Lana coughed.

"What?" There was a small pause where the tension was palpable.

"Why else do you think we were assigned to her if not to find the killer? Protection is a job for local security, not a Jedi. It's overkill, Master, investigation is implied in our mandate."

"We will do exactly as the Council has instructed." Kenobi told me and then made a pause. "And you will learn your place young one." My eyes traveled from his blue eyes to my hands.

  There was an awkward silence that was quickly broken.
"Perhaps with merely your presence, and my sister's, the mystery surrounding this threat will be revealed." Padmé told us, then she stood up and we all stood up too. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I will retire." When she said that, she left towards her bedroom alongside her maid, we all bowed. My gaze went from Senator Amidala to her sister. Allana Nabierre was also looking at Padmé but then her eyes met mine.

  Now that she's back into my life everything would be different. Her hazel eyes spoke words of comfort and understanding that I'm sure mine transmited to her. She smiled as a soft shade of light pink covered her cheeks.

"I know we all will feel better having you here." Lana commented looking deep into my eyes, right into my soul. "Captain Typho." She said as she broke the eye contact. "Please, have an officer stationed on every floor."

"Sure thing, Padawan Nabierre." He told her as he walked towards the entrance. "I'll be in the control centre downstairs."

"Thank you, Captain." She spoke again, she's a true leader, and now that she is head of this squadron, she'll be tested. "Master Kenobi, please follow me, I have to tell you something." She then started to walk to the balcony as my Master followed her.

  I stood behind, my eyes not leaving her at all. Jar Jar was now standing next to me.

"Mesa busten with happiness seein yousa again, Ani." He told me.

"They, hardly even recognized me, Jar Jar." I said as I observed Padmé get to her room and Allana talking vividly with Obi-Wan by the window. "I've thought about her every day since we parted, and...Padmé's forgotten me completely and Lana, she almost did too." My eyes traveled from my fellow Jedi mate towards my feet.

"Theysa happy, happier den mesa seein them in a longo time." Jar Jar said. Then Master Kenobi approached us. I saw how Lans walked towards her sister's dormitory.

"You're focusing on the negative Anakin. Be mindful of your thoughts." Obi-Wan told me. "They were pleased to see us." He smiled. "Now, Allana told me to check the security while she checks on Padmé." He said and with that we started to walk through the apartment to make sure that everything was as it was supposed to be.

a/n: hello there, hope you're all doing great wherever you are. today i restart online school and honestly idk if it's your case but if it is then hope your day's great, and i hope it's less energy draining than the last semester. ilysm pls take care

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