Monochromatic Lady
Frisk Marusina
Forbidden Conduit of Reality
Goddess of Reality
The Monochromatic Goddess
Date of Birth: February 29, 20--
Place of Birth: Slovakia
Species: Human (Goner) Edenfolk/Conduit
Age: Unknown (Likely Millions of years)
Gender: Female
Height: 6'7 (TransVoid Body)
I may never return home from my world ever again, but I can still give others a home of their own.-Anomaly!Core
Anomaly!Core is the Alphaverse's version of Core!Frisk. Unlike other version of Core, this version of Core's a female, and she is also a version of Core that possesses a Conduit Soul, despite her soul being scattered across space and time. Finally, unlike others, Anomaly!Core's willing to use violence to protect the ones that she's giving sanctuary.
The history of this version of Core is the same as the original. Core was born in poverty within the Nation of Slovakia as it was being tormented by a civil war. Her father died on the battlefield when they were very small, which forced their mother to raise the child alone. When Frisk was eight years old, her mother died of infection and the orphan found themself with no family left and nowhere to go; and so she decided leave the country and go to a place that their mum promised she'll visit together once the war is over. After long weeks of constant traveling, the child arrived to the United Kingdom, and decide to rest in the cave of a nearby Mountain. Her foot slipped, and she fell into the Underground.
Frisk's adventure in the Underground is largely identical with the events in the game, specifically the Pacifist Run. Mesmerized by the adventure, she began to continuously RESET the happy ending just to re-experience everything all over again, not realizing her actions are wrong and harmful to the others - especially Sans, who was aware of the loop they were all trapped in. This took a great toll on his mental health. One day as he witnessed Frisk outside of the broken barrier about to RESET the world, he snapped, dragged them all the way to the CORE, and threw them inside in hopes that erasing the human from the existence will at last free him from the circle.
As the terrified Frisk attempted to save herself through resetting, her SOUL was directly exposed to the CORE's magical radiation - combined with this and the fact the RESET and the SOUL scattering aligned perfectly, the event has caused her to be scattered across the Multiverse like the Royal Scientist before them. This, however, erased her existence from the native universe all together.
However, at same time that Frisk was about to be erased, there was another event outside of her Universe. Or even more severely, outside of her Multiverse. Outside, there are 2 Conduits that had taken notice of each other. They are known as the Conduit of the Cosmos, also called the Cosmic Queen, and the Conduit of Time and Space. These 2 are the most powerful Conduits to have ever existed in the cycles of the Alphaverse, and when they noticed each other, they both became extremely attracted to one another. And it is not simply for their power, and the fact that they are both considered the strongest of their kind. It is also because of something else. Something different. In time, both the Conduit of the Cosmos and the Conduit of Time and Space, despite making a form, somehow managed to mate with each other, and when that happened, they are expected to have a baby.
However, when the other Conduits know of this, they are extremely frightened at the potential danger of a child of both the Conduit of the Cosmos and the Conduit of Space-Time, believing that a child of them both would make a Conduit that is too strong for the Alphaverse or the cycles to handle, and thus, had to begged to the Messiah and the Eldest Son to get rid of the Conduit of Space and Time and the baby. But as it turns out, they didn't need to do that, as the Eldest Son of Pain and the Messiah had the same idea. And thus, they did all that they can to make sure that the Conduit of Space and Time does not exist in the next cycle and the child of both Forbidden Conduits is not born.
But unfortunately for the Conduit of Time and Space, he is already aware of this, and already has a plan. While he cannot survive in the next cycle, when it is over, he will be gone, he can make sure that his and the Cosmic Queen's child remains alive. And thus, with the power that he has, he is able to make sure that the Conduit of the Cosmos is safe, along with his child, and thus, told the Cosmic Queen not to worry about him, and to keep herself and the child safe. And when the cycle ended, the Conduit of Time and Space is gone. The Comic Queen was struck with grief, but taking her lover's words to heart, she made sure that the child is safe, and waits until it is ready to be born.
After a little while, the Cosmic Queen felt the child ready to be born, despite her lack of a physical form, and thus, she was able to give birth to the Conduit, which is called, the Conduit of Reality. However, for a split-second, it was stillborn, and the Conduit of the Cosmos, wanted to cry, at the fact that she child did not survive, and the fact that her efforts to keep the child alive, along with the Conduit of Time and Space, had only been in vain, had only resulted in their failure. However, at the exact same time, Frisk's essence was scattered, but her soul had also scattered to the point that pieces of them began to fuse with the Conduit of Reality's soul, due to the fact that, Frisk fell, not into the original Void, but into a section of the TransVoid, which acts similar to the void that Core went to, but it is multiplied to an insane degree, due to Frisk accidentally transporting herself there when the Conduit Soul of Reality began fusing with her. When that happened, the Conduit of Reality's soul merged with Frisk's body. And thus, Core came to be, and she became the Conduit of Reality, as well as the Daughter of the Conduit of the Cosmos, and the granddaughter of Truth and Knowledge.
After her new Conduit Soul, as well as her essence, had been scattered across all of the 10 Realities, she found herself unable to return to their native universe. However not only did she discovered shortly that she can see every single AUs and Timelines within the Multiverse, but she can manifest a physical form in them as well.
However, most uniquely, when Core was finally made, she became Omnipresent, and way more so compared to the other Cores. While they are omnipresent inside of there own Multiverses, Anomaly!Core went beyond that. She's able to exist in the Omniverse. And it's not just the Omniverse, she exists in all of the 10 realities, such as the MainFrame and the Wicked Throne. She's also, in a way, even able to enter the Edenverse all by herself.
At one point, she sees that the TransVoid section she was scattered in is a type of empty dimension with a single door that leads to everywhere within the many Multiverses at any time, with the door that is present leading to Classic Undertale. Seeing that she's the only one who known about it, she transformed it to house the refugees of the destroyed timelines and AUs, leading to the foundation and formation of the Alpha Timeline, where they get to house the Genocide Survivors from the Multiverses that exist out there. But unlike the other Core Frisks, who are a pacifist, Anomaly!Core, will make sure that the Alpha Timeline will be safe, no matter what it takes, even if it means killing those that dare attack it.
Anomaly!Core's physical form, due to it being scattered, is mostly unseen, thanks to her Omnipresence. But thanks to the power of the Conduit Soul that she has, Core can take on the form of whatever form that she desires, with all of them monochromatic. The one that she prefers is a female woman that is very tall, about 6'7 on height, having grey hair that reaches down to her ankles, has a pair of Void-like eye sockets that can never be truly closed, and wears a grey shirt that hugs her frame with a pair of white horizontal stripes, her shoulders bare and exposed, and semi-detached sleeves, with the shirt appearing to have a window in the chest that is at least 6 inches in height and width. She has a black skirt that looks like it is glitched, and she mostly manifests her form without shoes, leaving her to be walking around, barefoot. Her body figure resembles that of the Astral Mother's in measurement and appearance, except it is a little more beautiful, due to her face being much more innocent and kind-looking. She is even described as looking like a very beautiful doll.
Like the original Core!Frisk, Anomaly!Core appears to have strong personal philosophies about the good and the bad that on the surface don't always seem to make sense - as they are able to befriend the antagonistic Reaper!Chara. However, unlike other Core's, she's friendly to the equally Antagonistic Reverse Reaper!Frisk, and even she questions as to why all Core!Frisks hate this Frisk, when she is no different compared to Reaper!Chara.
It appears that Anomaly!Core, like her original self, suffers form PTSD, much of which were formed from the horrible experience they gone through during the War on the Surface. Sirens, Firearms, Explosions and planes may cause them to break down or go into a panic attack. However, unlike the original Core, she is able to control her panic attacks and suppress them, allowing her to attend some events with the others within the Alpha Timeline.
Even though she's incredibly compassionate and supportive, somewhere deep down she believes no one understands things better than they do and may subtly treat everyone as such. This behavior tends to amplify the more they dislike someone, growing all the way into mocking condescendence - although most people are never going to witness this side of them. Above everything else, Frisk rejects the notion of sacrificing people's lives and well-being for things such as "greater good" or "creative vision" and doesn't take lightly for their ideals to be challenged; therefore, the people Core Frisk despises are those who wilfully hurt others for the sake of curiosity, advancement, or power.
While lime the original Core!Frisk, Anomaly!Core, while like the others, she has problems with sacrificing the lives of others, unlike the other Cores, she will have no problem or hesitation of killing those that dare attack the Alpha Timeline. This is due to the fact that, not only did she put all of her effort into making the Alpha Timeline in order to keep people safe, but she remembers all the people that she had lost back then, all of her family members killed in the war she was involved in, and thus, she refuses to allow that to happen again, due to seeing the denizens of the Alpha Timeline as a family that she thought would never happen to be with her again. So she takes on a more aggressive and violent approach to keep the Alpha Timeline safe, and the way that she does to her victims will make even the original Core!Frisk unhappy.
However, like the original Core, It still should be worth noting that if those people are simply misguided or despairing, Frisk WILL pour painstaking, unfathomable effort to help them better themselves and guide their path towards redemption. Ultimately, Frisk has a simple goal, and that goal is to help others, even if it means that she has to get her own hands dirty to make sure that the person that she is trying to make happy is happy, and in a genuine way.
The Alpha Timeline:
The Alpha Timeline is a realm that is similar to the Omega Timeline. It's a special dimension that connects all Undertale timelines and AUs. It has become a new home for people whose timelines are no longer habitable or have nowhere else to go, as well as a safe place for those who don't have one in their own world. However, unlike the Omega Timeline, which is only locked into the Multiverse that it is residing in, along with their Core!Frisks, the Alpha Timeline exists in the entire Omniverse, connected to every single Multiverse and the 10 realities. It exists in a section of the TransVoid, and it is safe, as well as inaccessible to all of the TransVoid creature, including MalesGrow, even if he were to consume the other TransVoid areas.
Originally, it looked like a blank white space, similar to the Anti-Void. But with Anomaly!Core's powers, she made it into something else. She gave it the appearance of a town and city, looking like a fused city of the AUs that have cities of their own, and rivals the city's size of Alphatale. It is filled with food from every Multiverse that exists out there, and is able to house an infinite amount of people. The sky is no longer used by weather machines, now being an actual sky with a day and night cycle. The Alpha Timeline is also a place which can create its own environment pieces based on the objects people "plant" inside the timeline.
To enter the Alpha Timeline is similar to how one enters the Omega Timeline, in which they need to desire to enter the Alpha Timeline. But now it is longer simply by plain doors, as it can also be doors with windows, transparent doors, and by windows itself or mirrors, or any type of reflective surface. When used in any sort a reflective surface, the appearance of what the person is seeing will change into the appearance of the Alpha Timeline. When it comes to reflections, they become portals, and a person will have a tendency to accidentally enter it while their hand is placed on the surface of the reflection, when the physical reflection will no longer be present as soon as the process happens. When a person enters into the Alpha Timeline, a window, mirror, or door will appear in an empty space of the Alpha Timeline known as the 'Alpha Entrance'. Unlike the Omega Timeline's door area, it will not disappear even if someone exists the Alpha Timeline.
Some occupants will gain the title as the guardian, in which they make sure that the Alpha Entrance isn't compromised.
Omniversal Omnipresence: Thanks to her Soul essence being scattered across the Omniverse and her Conduit Soul of Reality, she is now everywhere and nowhere at the same time, even more so compared to other Core!Frisks. She is even Omnipresent in the 10 realities, including the MainFrame and the Wicked Throne. It is also entirely possible that, in someway, Anomaly!Core is present even in the past or future, especially in the Edensphere.
Omniversal Manifestation: Anomaly!Core can Manifest a physical form at any place and time outside the boundary of the Undertale Multiverses in order to interact with its inhabitants; and unlike thee original Core!Frisks, she can make as many bodies as she desire, with each of the bourses have a different appearance from another. She can erase any form at any time, as if they're switching between observation and interaction. However, there's a 50% probability of said manifestation of said form; which, from the point of view of certain timelines, can make her involvement extremely inconsistent.
Omniversal Omni-Sight: She can see Everything and Nothing within the Undertale Omniverse, and unlike the normal Core!Frisks, she is able to see into the real world to some extent.
Omniversal Omniscience: Anomaly!Core is Omniscience, able to know of the different Multiverses that exist out there, such as the Orignal Undertale Multiverse, the Accidentverse, and Drewmswap, just to name a few of them. In fact, her Omniscience is so great that she's even aware of her fictional status.
Eye Pockets: Her Eye sockets are connected to a pocket dimension where she stores any fit-table objects across space and time. They created services around that ability.
TransVoid Body: Her physical form is barely tangible and anything heavier than their own body weight will phase through it, making them virtually immune to physical damage. However, this limitation doesn't apply to Out!Code and Void based objects which are able to cause damage. If Frisk takes too much physical damage, they will be unable to keep up their shape and glitch out. Unlike the other Core!Frisks, in which they can stay manifested for a limited amount of time, Anomaly!Core's bodies are able to stay indefinitely, and are unable to be degraded.
Absolute Control: Core is able to and can mend, bend, distort, rupture and even defile the world to her very will and thought. This has no limits as she has shown to be able to disconnect the section of the TransVoid that houses the Alpha Timeline to make it absolutely safe from the TransVoid beings, with only some beings having the capabilities to enter or, even when they are weaker compared to her.
Rapid Regeneration: When her physical form is damaged, she can rapidly repair herself as if she's either transparent or invincible.
Electronic Control: Anomaly!Core is able to manipulate electronic objects, just like the Memoryheads. Through this, Anomaly!Core can speaks through a phone, even though she is not using it, and can even show videos or images of what is happening from her perspective on an electronic screen, though she does try to limit what she shows on one subject, due to her Omni-Sight. She can also show her face through phone or computer, and if desired, she can crawl out of the screen.
Omniversal Manipulation: Anomaly!Core is powerful to the point where she is able to move Multiverses with a thought, as well as making 2 Multiverses close together in order to collide the 2 of them. She can make entrances to one of the 10 realities inaccessible, or, if she wants to, is able to merge the 10 realities together into one single reality. She can fuse a few or more Multiverses to create a single giant multiverse that is capable of rivaling the power of the Alphaverse, which is the strongest Undertale Multiverse to ever exist in the Omniverse.
Forbidden Conduit of Reality:
Anomaly!Core is the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, making her the single strongest Conduit in all of existence. She has the power to manipulate reality as she sees fit. In fact, she is said to be so powerful that she is straight-up impossible to beat, with only the Eldest Son of Pain, the Messiah, Prism, Edra, and Mes being the only entities with enough power to possibly defeat Anomaly!Core.
Reality Warping: Core's most well known power of all time is the power to warp the fabric and the rules of reality, thanks to being the Forbidden Conduit of Reality. She can bend and shape the rules of realty as she sees fit, not simply in the Alpha Timeline, but to the 10 Realities' fabric and rule of reality itself. She could make pocket dimensions on a whim, or use her power to erase someone from existence. In more extreme examples, she can rip apart realities in a single thought, restore the realities that she had damaged with her powers, or manipulate and recreate the 10 realities in her image as she sees fit, as well as being able to form and create her own routes that are able to cross over to one or more of the 10 realities for anyone to venture off into. In fact, her ability to manipulate reality is so potent that she is often believes to be an immensely powerful Omnipotent being, due to how extremely powerful her Reality Manipulations is.
Dreamy Warping: Anomaly!Core has the power to manipulate reality within the Dreams of other people. She can make whatever a person dreams into the real world, make the Dreams of others into one single dream world for everyone to share, or she can merge the Dream World with the real world, possibly making the Dream World as a new type of Reality that Anomaly!Core is able to make.
Data Warping: Anomaly!Core is able to warp reality in this way, due to Game Codes that exists in the Omniverse. She can scan or analyze any existing phonomenon, and if destroyed, she can recreate and manipulate them once the corresponding information has been decoded.
Artistry Warping: If Anomaly!Core we're to draw and make an artwork of something, she is able to make it real, by placing it in front of her face, in the distance that she wants it to be placed in.
Logic Warping: With this power, Core can achieve fundamentally impossible feats on a whim, and freely redefine what's possible and impossible.
Absolute Will: Due to Core being the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, Core is in possessions of a limitless willpower, which can be applied to achieve virtually anything through sheer force of intent. Thanks to this, Core cannot be controlled or manipulated in anyway, and possesses total freedom of her powers without any sort of restraint.
Omnifarious: Due to her physical form being gone, Core can transform/shapeshift into anything she wants to turn into, although she still prefers a form that is female and does have some resemblance to her original self.
Pocket Dimension Change: Core was able to create a pocket dimension with the section of the TransVoid that she has been scattered in, turning it into a place habitable for the denizens of the Multiverses to live in.
Hyper-Cosmic Awareness: Anomaly!Core is in possession of an awareness on how the Omniverse works, as well as the 10 realities, and is even able to see beyond time and space, not to mention the dangers even the danger of which they present to their own world.
Existence Manipulation: Anomaly!Core is able to manipulate almost all of Existence as she sees fit. She can even manipulate the existence of the Edensphere to an extent.
Nexus Manipulation: Core is able to manipulate the Nexus Point of the 10 realities, and can even choose who is allowed to enter and who doesn't. She can even use this power to disrupt the gateway power of the Book of Eyes.
Unreality: Core is able to manipulate things that are not real, and bring it into reality, such as making anything in her imagination real, or using her power to make illusions that look way to real to be fake.
Alpha Reality: Anomaly!Core is powerful enough to manipulate the origins of a newly created Multiverse into whatever that she sees fits her personal desires, even making all of the 10 realities bow before her.
Reality Creation: If Core wanted to do so, she has the power to make any sort of reality that she wants, with an appearance of the reality as well as the state that it is in into whatever way she wants it.
Reality Railgun Rain: Anomaly!Core's most feared power in all of existence. Core is able to use the power of all of the 10 realities in order to shoot out a blast of energy so potent, it can destroy anything and anyone that Core wishes. It is rumored to be so powerful that it's believed that it can rival the Ruler Ray that's used by Mes.
Sol: The God of the Omniverse as well as the Unnameable's God, Anomaly!Core is well aware of Sol's existence and often speaks to him. It became a strange relationship between Sol and Anomaly!Core, and certainly, it's not a friendly one.
Mes: A Version of Abyss who had been infused with the essence and magic of Sol, later becoming the Polothorn god of the Omniverse, Mes and Anomaly!Core can get along so well, that even Anomaly!Core allows Mes, or at least, his avatar, to go inside of the Alpha Timeline.
Error404: Core has expressed pity and sadness to Error404, or any version of him, due to the fact that they had lost their Alphatale AU, as well as their friends and family. The only ones that she is happy for are those that have their AUs back, such as Exalted!William and Staff!404.
Infected: Although she expresses the same kind of sympathy that she can give to an Error404, even she is well aware of the fact that they are far beyond saving at times, and thus, needs to kick them out of the Alpha Timeline, should an Infected ever enter it on accident, or is intentionally trying to enter into it.
Stellar!Astral Mother: Normally, Core would hate any Astral Mother, due to how cruel and remorseless they are, caring more for their experiments than their families and sons. However, Stellar!Astral Mother is different, as she loves her sons deeply. Because of this, she allows her into the Alpha Timeline as her temporary home, and allows her and her sons to stay. Stellar!Astral Mother, in return, acts as one of the Guardians of the Alpha Entrances.
The Void Empress: A Counterpart of the Astral Mother, the Void Empress and Anomaly!Core get along very well.
Redemptive!Ink: The only one of the 2 versions of Ink that Core has a genuine bond with, Core believes in his attempt and redemption, and thus, allows him to be a guardian so that he can truly repent for his actions.
Sincere!Ink: The Second Version of Ink that is truly good, she allows him to visits the Alpha Timeline as many times as he wants.
Sandhya: Core manages to find Sandhya, who somehow went inside of the Alpha Timeline. Unsurprisingly, they both struck a good friendship together.
Dream: This version of Dream!Sans, in order to match Nightmare, had to go back in time and collect 998 Golden Apples in order to become strong enough to face Nightmare, and did not lose his sanity, and as such, he's able to remain good. Dream is one of Core's most loyal friends. However, Anomaly!Core refuses to allow any evil version of Dream in, but can allow the version of Dream!Sans from a Multiverse called Dreamswap, but only because of how he can be of help for her in her problems. In fact, the only version of Dead!Dream that Anomaly!Core is allowed to bring in is the one that had lead to the creation of Dead!Silence, due to him being truly remorseful for what he had done, giving him a chance in redemption.
Dead!Silence: A version of Righteous!Error that ate the same fruit that Dead!Dream ate, he is one of Anomaly!Core's most powerful allies and is even allowed to go into the Alpha Timeline whenever he decides to do it.
Sovereign!Error: This version of Righteous!Error, named Sovereign!Error, is the only version of Error that Anomaly!Core loves, and even has a crush on him. Sovereign!Error also had feelings for Core, but suppresses it for now. But as Core seduces and flirts with Error, she is slowly breaking away the feelings that Error had from Core that he is hiding from her.
Fatal_Ruler: This version of Fatal_Error, who is name Fatal_Ruler, is another friend of Core. Core seems to like to flirt with Fatal_Ruler, although being in love with him is another story.
Forbidden Conduit of the Cosmos: The technical 'mother' of Core, the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, the Conduit of the Cosmos acts like an embarssing mother to Core. But regardless, she treats the Conduit of the Cosmos like she is a mother to her.
Conduits: The other Conduits discovered that Core had became the child of the Cosmic Queen, and spread the warning, as they realized that they had failed. Now they are forced to live with Anomaly!Core, and hope that she does not do anything extremely serious.
Prism: The Rainbow God, as well as the Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Anomaly!Core, for some strange reason, hangs out with Prism, in order to, in he own words, remove the feelings of loneliness within him. Although this is strange for Prism, he does appreciates it to an extent and became the closest friend that Core has, and is the only one that is able to truly understand what Prism is like entirely. Prism might even gain a slight crush on her, and Core does not seem to mind a threesome between Sovereign!Error and Prism, even claiming that she can allow it, since Prism and Error seemed like people that need someone in their lives, and to have their loneliness fulfilled.
Merus: The Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, as well as the creation of Edra, Anomaly!Core and Merus are both related to the Forbidden Conduit of the Cosmos, with Merus being the grandson and Anomaly!Core being the daughter, and in term, she is technically either the stepmother or the aunt of Merus. Although a bit unsure of him at first, she does try and be friendly to him, and surprisingly, she is able to get along very well with him. Because of this, she has one of the closest relationships ever made, especially when Merus is technically the son of Edra, due to the fact that he is both part Edenfolk and part Conduit.
Core's Conduit Powers allow her to passively change and distort the personal space of her reality around herself.
Core's Alpha Timeline is just as absolute as Prism's realm.
If Core and Prism were to have a a child of their own, the child would simply be known as the Forbidden Conduit of Omnipotence.
If Sovereign!Error and Core were to have a child of their own, the child would simply be known as the Forbidden Conduit of Erasure.
If Fatal_Ruler and Core were to have a child of their own, the child would simply be known as the Forbidden Conduit of Damnation
If Redemptive!Ink and Core were to have a child of their own, the child will simply be known as the Forbidden Conduit of Anomaly.
If Sincere!Ink and Core were to have a child of their own, the child would simply be known as the Forbidden Conduit of Metafiction.
If Mes and Core were to have a child of their own, the Child would simply be known as the Forbidden Conduit of Transcendence.
All 6 of the Conduit Children will be even more powerful than even Anomaly!Core herself. The Tormentor would be the weakest, while Omnipotence wild be the strongest of the Children.
Anomaly!Core is the only version of Core!Frisk to be ruthless in any sort of way.
Anomaly!Core is an excellent seducer, and her skills in seduction are on part with the Stellar!Astral Mother's, perhaps even surpassing it, since she's able to make Error react.
If Anomaly!Core we're to feel extreme anger or sadness, she will began to cry out black tar from her void eye sockets, which is simply just liquified TransVoid Magic.
She does not have dysgraphia.
Since she has a crush of Error, she has become obsessed with him and became a bit of Yandere, although not to the point of killing other people for no reason, even if they are innocent lives, and instead tries to direct the person to live someone else. The only exception who she would kill are the ones that are trying to kill Error.
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