
This chapter is kind of long, but that because I wanted to make sure Seth finished the first chapter of Charlie's fanfic. :P

Next chapter probably won't have much of the fanfic, just some other things.

Enjoy! :)


Charlie went to the kitchen and put an order on the spinning wheel that orders go on. She began walking toward the cups when Val approached her.

"Hey, Rick wants to see you," She said. "I've got the drinks."

Charlie took off her apron and went to Rick's office.

Rick was her boss. He had black hair that desperately needed to be cut, and facial hair that wasn't exactly a beard but also wasn't five o'clock shadow. He did look clean, though, which was a plus.

He was always trying to sleep with his employees, though. So far, Charlie had managed to keep him out of her pants.

She found his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He answered.

She opened the door and walked in. "Hey, Rick."

He preferred to be on a first name basis with everyone, which no one really understood or questioned.

"Hello, Charlotte." She never knew why he called her that. Even her name tag said Charlie. No one called her Charlotte. "I need to talk to you. Have a seat."

She walked over to the chair across from him and sat down. "Is something wrong?"

"It says here you asked off for a Monday next month?" He questioned, looking down at the paper in front of him.

She nodded. "That's right."

"Why?" He asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, the WWE is coming nearby and I was hoping to go," She explained.

"I'm afraid I can't give you the day off," He said.

"Why not?" Charlie asked, frowning.

"First of all, that's Memorial Day weekend. We're going to be packed and I need everyone working that day," He answered. "And secondly, that's not a good enough reason to ask off. No one is in the hospital or dying, so you can come to work."

Charlie nodded. "I understand. I just figured I'd ask, you know?"

"I see where you're coming from," He said. "Maybe next time?"

She just nodded again. "Well, I have to get back to work. Val is covering for me right now."

"I'll see you around, Charlotte."


Seth was still reading that fanfiction. He thought when Roman caught him reading it that he would stop, but he hadn't. Only one chapter had been published, so he would read bits and pieces of it when he could.


They were the rookies from NXT. And it appeared they were making a name for themselves.

After a few more minutes of destruction, the WWE logo appeared and the show ended.

Sandra widened her eyes. "That was crazy."

"Tell me about it," Ruby says.

They finished up their work and made their way out of the arena.

"See you tomorrow, Sandra."

"Bye, Ruby."


"Hey, Seth," Dean said, walking into his room. "Do you..." Seth hadn't looked up at him. His eyes were glued to his phone. Dean smirked. "Are you still reading it?"

"Shut up, Dean," Seth said.

"I'll let you finish that chapter if you come work out with me afterward," Dean proposed.

"Okay, fine," Seth said. "Just leave me alone."

Dean chuckled and walked away. Seth kept reading.


"When are you coming home?"

Ruby sighs. "We've been over this, Mamí. Not for a while. I just got a job and I'm making money. Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"I am happy for you, honey," She says. "I'm just worried about you. It can't be safe in the United States. It was hard enough to let you leave for college, but now you have to stay for work too!"

"It's safer than it is at home," Ruby says. "I actually need to go, Mamí."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" She exclaims. "I'm just tired. I need to go to sleep."

"Well, okay..." She says. "Good night."

"Good night."

Ruby hangs up and drops her phone on the bed. She loved her family, but they needed to realize that leaving Honduras to come to America was for the best. She had a nice paying job and a place to stay, if you called a hotel in a different city each night a place to stay.

God, I need a drink, She thought.

Luckily, the hotel had a bar.


She didn't know how it happened. She had been at the bar, drinking, when he sat down next to her. He ordered a drink, they started talking, and now they were in his hotel room.

It wasn't like they didn't know each other. They had talked a couple of times, whenever he needed his ring gear fixed.

He slammed the door shut with his foot. He was carrying Ruby bridal-style and their lips hadn't separated since the elevator.

He quickly drops her on the bed and she giggles. They start kissing again. She wraps her arms around his neck and he puts his hands on her waist.

His hands go to the bottom of her shirt and that's when reality sets in. Ruby's eyes widen and she gently shoves him.

"I...I don't think I can do this," She says, out of breath. He frowns and looks at her, confused. She stands up and walks toward the door. "I'm sorry."


"You did what?!"

Ruby sighs and rubs her temple. "Calm down, Ellie."

After going to her room and falling asleep, Ruby made the decision to call her best friend, Eleanor - or Ellie as she was known - the next morning, but she was beginning to regret that decision.

"Ruby, you almost had sex with some guy you don't even know!" Ellie exclaims. "I can't calm down."

"Actually, I did know him..." Ruby says, softly.

"Please tell me you don't work with him," Ellie says.



"I'm sorry!" Ruby shoots back. "I was drunk, okay? And I stopped, didn't I?"

"Yeah..." Ellie says. "But why? What made you want to get drunk and sleep with some guy?"

Ruby sighs. "My mom called and she's still not happy about me staying here. It gave me a headache."

"Ruby, you have to stop drinking when you have a problem," Ellie scolds. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Eleanor, I understand," Ruby says, sarcastically.

"If you ever have a problem, call me," She says.

"Even at two in the morning?"

"Especially at two in the morning."

Ruby smiles and glances at the time. "I actually have to go if I want to get to the next city on time. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay," Ellie replies. "Tell John Cena I said hi."

"I will," Ruby says, rolling her eyes. "Bye, El."

"Bye, Ruby."

Ruby stood up and went into the bathroom and quickly took a shower. When she was done, she put on a black t-shirt, camouflage jeans, and black Doc Martens. She put her hair into a ponytail after drying it, grabbed her bags and car keys, and left.

Since Ruby wasn't a wrestler, she didn't interact with the Superstars and Divas very much. They really only talked to her if she needed to fix their ring gear. This meant that she traveled alone, which was completely fine with her.

She got to the parking lot and quickly found her car. Most of the roster and other employees had rental cars, since they would fly to some cities. Since Ruby had a fear of flying (she'd only flown once: the trip from Honduras to the United States), she bought her own car, and it was a few years old, making it noticeable when surrounded by the newer models.

Ruby unlocked the doors and opened the trunk. She put her bags in it, closed it, and got into the car. She turned it on, letting the air conditioner run, cooling off the car. She grabbed her auxiliary cord that was sitting in the passenger seat, plugged it in, and plugged her phone in. She found her traveling playlist and hit 'Shuffle.'

Now that her car had cooled off and she had loud music playing, she was ready to go. They were currently in Denver, and the next show was going to be in Albuquerque, so it would be a few hours before she arrived.


Ruby finally arrived in Albuquerque, after a long drive that only had stops for gas and lunch.

She found a parking spot at the hotel, and walked in. She went to the front desk.

The lady behind the front desk smiled. Her name tag read 'Taylor.' "Hello!"

"Hi," Ruby responds, giving her a small smile. "I should have a reservation under Cortez."

Taylor types on her keyboard. "Ruby?" Ruby nods. "You'll be in room 318." She turns around and grabs a room key, and hands it to her. "Enjoy your stay."

Ruby smiles. "Thank you."

She turns around and quickly stops. Someone was almost directly behind her and she was now staring at his chest. Ruby quickly notices his tattooed arms, and her eyes slowly make their way to his face. She gasps.

"I'm so sorry!" She exclaims.

He smiles. "It's alright. I was standing way too close to you."

Ruby smiles. "Well...okay. I've got to go, though. See you around."


"Ruby," She says. "My name is Ruby."

"Well, Ruby, hopefully I'll see you around."

She gives him a smile then scampers off with her bags, heading toward the elevator.

He looks at Taylor, who is looking at him expectantly. "I should have a reservation under Orton."


That night, Ruby made her way to the arena. Sandra was always the first of the seamstresses to arrive, and that night was no different. Ruby walked into the room designated for the seamstresses and set her purse down.

"Hey, Ruby," Sandra says, glancing up from the trunks she was hemming. She quickly looked back down.

"Hi, Sandra," Ruby says, sitting down in an empty chair.

"You just missed Layla," Sandra says. "She told me to thank you for hemming her attire."

Ruby smiles and shrugs. "It was nothing."

Sandra nods toward a table near Ruby. "CM Punk just came by. He needs his trunks hemmed."

"Got it," Ruby says. She grabs them and quickly gets to work.

The show didn't start for a while, but Sandra and Ruby needed to get to the arena early to make sure everyone had their ring gear in order and show-ready.

The room was silent except for the hum of the sewing machines.

After a while, Sandra finished what she was working on and left. While most of the wrestlers knew where to find Ruby and Sandra, there were still some who had no clue where they were. Sandra would go around, making sure everyone was ready.


Seth paused. He only had a little bit more to read, but decided he should probably go workout with Dean. He needed to do manly things to get his mind off the fact Ruby slept with someone he knew.

He stood up and got dressed, changing into clothes for the gym. Once he finished, he realized it was weird that Dean had asked him to workout. Seth normally did Crossfit, while Dean did anything but that.

Seth called Dean, who answered.

"Why are you calling me, Seth?" He asked.

"Do you do Crossfit now or something?" Seth asked. "You never want to work out with me."

"I mostly wanted you to stop reading that story and hang out with real people," Dean admitted. "But I guess I could do Crossfit with you, as long as you promise it won't kill me."

"It shouldn't kill you."


"Relax, I'm kidding."


"I'm never doing Crossfit again," Dean said, frowning as they walked into the hotel lobby.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad," Seth argued.

"I can't feel my arms!"

"That's not my fault," Seth said.

"Whatever," Dean muttered. "I'm going to take a shower. You can go back to reading that fanfic if you want."

Seth just nodded. He didn't want Dean to know that he was going to do exactly that. Dean just rolled his eyes and walked away.

Once Seth had showered, he sat down and read the end of the chapter.


Eventually, Ruby finished Punk's trunks, so she began texting Ellie.

"Did you tell John Cena hi for me?"

"John Cena's not on SmackDown, silly. :P"

"Ugh I forgot. Fine tell CM Punk I said hi. Then during Raw tell John I said hi."

"You and Cena are on a first name basis now? ;)"

"Shut it Cortez."

"Wow so you call a wrestler you don't even know by HIS first name, but you won't call ME, your best friend, by my first name? I see how it is."

Before Ellie could text her back, the door opened and CM Punk walked in. The rest of the Straight Edge Society stood outside, waiting. The group wasn't together anymore, but they still hung out.

"Hey, Ruby."

"Hey, Punk!" She says. "I fixed your trunks." She reaches over the table to grab them and hands the ring gear to him. "Here you go."

"Thanks," He says. "And I've told you, call me Phil. Or at least Brooks, I don't care. My name isn't Punk."

Ruby sighs. "Sorry."

He chuckles. "It's fine. And by the way, I won't be on SmackDown anymore after tonight."

"What? Why?"

"I'm being moved over to Raw. So get ready to see me on Mondays," He explains.

"Can't wait!" He turns around to go, but she starts talking again. "Oh, before I forget, my friend says hi."

Phil chuckles. "Tell Ellie I say hi."

"Don't worry, I will."

"Well, I have to go," He says. "See ya, Ruby."


Ruby quickly takes out her phone and texts her best friend.

"CM Punk says hi."

"Well, look who it is."

Ruby looks up from her phone to see a man standing by the door. Once she figures out who it is, she sets her phone down.

"H-Hey Randy," She says. "Um, sorry about earlier..."

"I told you not to worry about it," He says. "It was my fault."


"Now when were you going to tell me you worked for the WWE?" He asks, smirking.

Ruby shrugs, mimicking his smirk. "It never came up."

"So you're a seamstress?" He asks.

"Yep," She says, popping the P.

"Good," He says, finally walking into the room. Ruby notices that his trunks are in his hand. "I have a rip in these and I was looking for someone to fix it."

Ruby takes it from him, looking it over. "I guess I could fix this rip."

"I was hoping you would," He says. "I'll come back later to get them."


True to his word, Randy came back about an hour into the show to retrieve his ring gear. Sandra had left about five minutes ago to Catering, and Ruby didn't know how long she would be gone. The room was empty except for Randy and Ruby.

"Hey!" She exclaims when Randy walks into the room.

"Hey." When he sees his trunks, he smiles. "I knew I could count on you."

Ruby shrugs. "I was just doing my job."

"Listen, after the show me and a few others are going out and I wanted to know if you wanted to come," He says suddenly.

"Oh, um..."

"C'mon, it'll be fun," He adds. "I promise."

She gives him a small smile. "Okay."

"When the show's over, I'll stop by to get you," He says.

Ruby grins. "Can't wait!"

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