The Avengers get scared :3
We worked quietly and effectively, making a web trail across the tower, but smaller than Peter's normal webbing. The perfect size for Festus.
We made Peter a new suit, not with anything special, just bullet-proof and black, with red eyes that have a glow setting and fake mandibles. Oh, and Karen of course. We completely covered one room in spiderwebs, as well as dummies made from them that look like cocooned humans. We pulled the curtains so you could barely see, if at all for most people. It was finally ready.
Now we just need to wait until night.
~~~~~~These are the three time-skip chick's mom, Lana ( °^° ) don't touch her babies~~~~~
It's night and I was hiding in the vents, over the spider-room, as we now call it. All the Avengers were watching a movie in the commons. I enchanted Festus to look larger than he normally is, and told FRIDAY to make all the lights flicker and turn off. Cliche, I know, but if it works it works.
I sent Festus in to go find the Avengers and scare them, then bring them here.
I soon hear screams, yelps, crashing, and finally footsteps. The entire route is covered in webs, and Festus runs into the room, climbing the walls.
All the avengers enter, and I make eerie noises and slowly make the room a bit chillier.
They all stared at the web dummies and try to free the people, only to be met with dust. This is gonna be fun.
Peter and Festus are now darting around the walls, going in and out of view, Peter is laughing like the manic spider he currently is. Eventually, they lose sight of him and Festus, who is now on Peter's head.
He slowly goes down a web right behind them and makes clicking noises. "BOO!" he screamed.
All of the avengers yelped and some fell on the floor. They all screamed and FRIDAY turned the lights on as I put the room back to it's normal temp. Peter just fell on the floor laughing
"Oh, We-we got you! FRIDAY Please tell me you recorded that!"
"Of course Spiderman."
All of them just stared at Peter, not moving until Nat smirked and walked forward, helping him up.
"Wha-what do you mean by 'we'?" Clint stuttered
I dropped from the vents and snuck up behind him, tapping his shoulder. he yelped and turned around.
Tony was looking at Festus, who was now on Peter's shoulder. "What spider is that?"
Peter petted Festus' head fondly, "Festus here is actually made of clay."
"Impossible!" Bruce said, "It's not a machine, it has to be made of organic material"
Peter laughed, "I actually don't know the facts myself. I was at a friend's house and made a clay spider. Before I left she said she had a surprise for me, and next thing I know the clay spider was jumping into my hands and snuggling my thumb."
Bruce shook his head and looked at Nat, she shrugged, "He's telling the truth."
I smiled and held out my hand. Festus (now back to his normal size) jumped on it eagerly and nudged my fingers. "Harien, Festus." I said, very clearly disguising my voice. He looked at me and waved hello with one of his front legs. I grinned and put him back on Peter's outstretched palm.
"What does Hair-re-in mean?" asked Sam, still looking skeptically at the spider, "And why change your voice?"
I glared at him, "It's pronounced Harien, first off, second because my real voice was promised to Fury first, and three it simply means hello."
He raised his hands and took a few steps back, "Ok, ok."
Bucky glanced over at me, "So what language is it?"
I smiled, remembering home, and turned to face him, "It's called Aethentounge, but it's a very exclusive language, only known on the island where I grew up. Every child born there knows it from the moment they can speak at all. It's a very nice place, with lots of fruit and animals. An enormous diversity in the flora and fauna."
Clint grinned, he always liked places away from huge cities, "Can you take us there?"
I shook my head, alarmed, "No, no. My home is NOT open to visitors. We have secrets there in fact the entire place is secret. You're lucky to have been told even that!"
"What kind of secrets?" Scott asked, looking thoughtful.
"The kind that must stay with us. I'm headed for a fly. Spidey, you can join me. Anyone else, don't follow until you stop asking questions." I jumped out the window, wings spread, and just flew anywhere my wings would take me, Peter close behind.
I sit down on a building on the outskirts, and Peter sits beside me, fiddling with something. I look over and almost do a double take. "Where did you get that?" I ask.
He was fiddling with my braclet.
Thanks for sticking with me! Web you later Spiderfans!<3
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