He's Kind To Her

I can't believe Adopted By Janiel has 20k+ reads. I cannot express my excitement because I know you guys hate long A/N's, but you guys seriously changed me this year, this may seem stupid, but I don't know what I would do without your consent love and support.


five years later.....

"Norabella Marie, I swear to god if you're late for one more class-" I quickly continued walking down the hall, my phone pressed to my ear.

"I know, I know! I'm sorry, dad. I'm almost there, I gotta go." I said, "nora-"

Hang up!

I was almost at Music Theory...twenty minutes late.

What? It's not my fault...


thirty minutes earlier-

"I know, I know..." Piper said as we folded our laundry in our form. "But I still don't like the idea of it all." She explained, I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

"You're such an overreactor. Paul isn't going to dye his hair black, he was just joking around." I said as I put my navy blue sweater on the pile of folded clothes. "He was also ''joking around'' when he said he had a crush on me but now look what happened!"

I scoffed as I picked up another shirt to fold. I looked at my phone which sat next to me asit began ringing. I smiled widely as I was quick to answer the phone. "Hello!" I said excitedly.

"Hi, string bean. How's your day been?" Came his reply. "Uneventful. How are you? Are we still on for lunch later?" I asked, he hummed in confirmation.

"Of course. Oh hey, I had the wildest dream last night." He said, I continued smiling. "Tell me about it."

So he did.

"Okay so I was with Paul in the Galacta Avenger game, and an evil nina-warrior was planning to assassinate us-"

Five assassination attempts, three spider-monkeys, three turtle bombs later, Piper looked at her phone and gasped.

"Bell, class started fifteen minutes ago!" Piper shouted in a panic. I let out a quiet panicked scream, "Kyle, were all late!"

"Fu-" he hung up and I threw my phone on my bed, scrambling to find my bag. I snatched (your wig) my bag up, grabbed my phone and followed piper out the door. We sprinted outside of the dorm and I felt my phone buzz.

Yeah...it was dad.



"Ah, Mrs. Norabella, Mrs. Piper, Mr. Paul and Mr. Kyle. Glad you four decided to show up." Miss Jennings said as we walked inside.

Yes, we all had this class together...what is this, some kind of book or something? Haha, that'd be funny.

"Miss J, I'm so sorry-!" She held up a hand. "Ill give you guys one more warning, okay? We weren't doing much today, anyway. Go ahead and take a seat." We all sighed as we took our assigned seats.

A few minutes in, we were mostly just discussing the past projects weve been working on since we already took finals and school got extended so we just sat in class.

"Hey, I realized we didn't do much bonding...at all. How about each person stands up and says something about themselves?" Miss J said, Kyle and Paul groaned, but everyone else seemed to enjoy the idea.

"Well?" She said. One girl stood up, she wore a blue long sleeved V neck and jeans, her dark, curly hair down.

"Um...I'm Simme, and I'm probably the first and only secret unicorn you'll ever meet."

( @simmie_WIMMY )

I chuckled at her shy and adorableness as she quickly sat back down. The next girl to stand up was someone I talked to a little, Jill. She was known as the confident badass who was never afraid to speak her mind...which we all loved.


"My name is Jill. I like werewolves, gay people, vampires and shit. Oh uh, I'm also hella obsessed with Phan." She flipped her curly blue sombre and sat down. This class was small, but filled with the most creative people.

( @iiGoodessGalaxyii )

"I'm Kendall," another girl said, not bothering to stand up as she doodled in her math book. "I'm getting a Troye Sivan lyric tattoo at the end of school. That's it." She proceeded doodling.

( @UniKendall90 )

"I'm Piper, I like cheese." Piper said as shs stood. I rolled my eyes as i giggled at her. "Oh, and that's Paul. He doesn't wanna talk but he's great!" She finished, some of the girls, including me, giggled as Paul covered his face with his hands.

"I'm Jahlesia, and I love reading and writing." A girl with glasses and dark hair said from the back. 

( @jahlesia123456789 )

"I'm Sierra and I'm bisexual as hell...if that's a thing." Another girl said confidently. "No cursing." Miss J ordered as she browsed her computer.

( @ChefDucky )

Sierra mocked her by mouthing her words, causing her friend to giggle shamelessly.

One of the last people stood up. "I'm Holly! And I um...I uh, like alot of things." She said.

( @heyimholly )

Someone from the back stood up. "I'm Paulina and my parents will never understand my fangirliness! Oh, also! I ship Dorylyn all the way!" Her friend, Gwendolyn who sat next to her, and Dory, her girlfriend, went red.

( @BeeBoAtTheBreadBin )

"I'm Princess and I'm transgender." Their other friend said, Gwendolyn rolled her eyes. "Youve said that three times today." Princess rolled her eyes, murmuring spanish curses under her breath.

( @pricessderosa )

"I'm Gwendolyn and I have three cats...I'm also obsessed with pentatonix and gay people..." She said as she remained sitting. "I'm Dory and um....uh..."

( @-dorianna ;) )

Gwendolyn nudged her arm. "And uh that's Gwendolyn." She shrunk back in her seat.

Yeah, she wasn't one for talking. I then realized I was the last person there.

"I'm Norabella and I was adopted by Janiel."


One year later.....


"I gotta go but, Happy Birthday, Belly!" Harvey said, he was now 12...weird, right?

"Thanks, baby! Love you!" I said. "Love you more!" He hung up and  wore a satisfied smile. College is over, I moved in with Kyle right next to Piper and Paul. We all just can't leave each other.

It was weird...turning twenty-four. I talked to dads that morning, Linda, hope, Meghan, and my mom...

But there was someone i knew i needed to see.

I went to the prison.


"Hes ready." A lady said as she led me to a room. People were on one side of the glass and desk using a phone to talk to the prisoners. I was led to a chair, just like all the others, and sat down. Resting my arms on the small table in front of me and a corded phone to my right. An identical one on the other side to the left.

I felt anxiety as I tapped my fingers on the table nervously, waiting to see him.

It had been fourteen years since i saw him in person...in court.

I felt my heart stop as a man in an orange jumpsuit was being escorted by a male police officer.

He sat down in front of me.

He was confused, he didn't know who I was at first. I picked up the phone, and he did to. "Hello?" He said.

I felt so many emotions...too too many emotions. I felt a lump in my throat and tears forming in my eyes.

"Hi..." I spoke softly, his eyes then widened and a hand came to cover his mouth. "Norabella?" He whispered.

I nodded slowly.

Then I cried.

"I-its my birthday today." I choked out. He closed his eyes, tears falling down his face. "And I wanted to...to see you b-because I wanted t-to...to tell you that I grew up well." I said as i continued crying.

"I want to to be angry and i want to hate you for hurting me and my mother, but I c-cant because my dads told me to always forgive and to not hold onto anger because then I it grows on you," I explained "I don't hate you. I'm pissed off...but I dont ha-te you."

He then apologized. Repeatedly. For what seemed like years.

"There isn't an excuse, there wasn't a reason, i-i'm so sorry, I wish i could change everything, I wish I could have stopped myself but I c-can't and I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..."

I cried.

He cried.

We both just cried together. "I graduated college last year...a-and I'm twenty-four." I breathed out. "After everything I did...everything I put you through...and you, you turned out so...amazing." He said. "I'm so glad you...you didnt turn out like me. I'm so happy you have a wonderful family, and two dads that can do so much more then I ever could have. I'm so happy you have such great friends...and an amazing boyfriends, too."

He confessed.

"I'm so sorry." He said again. I gave him something never ever given him.

A smile.

"I...I forgive you."


"You know," Daniel said as he and joey sat on the couch, cuddling happily after Harvey left for  sleepover at Jet's sons house, Caden."

"It's weird not hearing Norabella scream 'ew' and 'yucky' when we kiss." He said. Joey smirked.

"Yeah...buy let's totally take advantage of that." Daniel raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, let's."


After the visit with Jim, I came home to Kyle. The second I walked in, I gasped at the lights dimmed, candles on the counter and floor, and rose petals shaped in a heart with something in the center of it.

My lips curled into a large smile as I put my stuff down and anxiously grabbed the folded piece of paper that at in the middle of the petals.


'Norabella,  since the day i first met you, I always knew you were my soul mate, my other half. So many things have happened...from car crashes to you forgetting who I am, to us being in comas. But one thing I've always knew and held onto is that you was born and destined to be loved by me. Because I am so incredibly in love with you, and here you are. I had to write thing because when I tried practicing it in the mirror I burst out in tears and couldn't get the words out. A piece of trash proclaiming proclaiming love to an actual goodness. A beautiful, amazing goodness.

I know you're anxious any hand hurts so I'm just going to cut with the chase and get on with it...''

I looked up, tears in my eyes, and as Kyle walking down the hallway, he seemed to he emotional as well.

"I-I love you so much." I said. I saw his eyes light up.

I cried even more when he went on one knee and opened up a velvet box I hadn't noticed he'd been holding through all the tears and crying.

"I love you more. Norabella Marie Preda-Graceffa, will you do me the absoloute honor, and will you marry me?"



Do you wanna know something crazy?...remember when I made a promise to Kyle when we were seven, that we would get married when we were twenty-five?

Yeah, we did.

Surprisingly, I invited Kessica. And she also brought her daughter, Bailey. Oh, and strangest thing, do you know who she ended up with?  Rebecca.

Yeah, she's a lesbian.

Oh, also...

Our wedding song was...

What A Wonderful World.


The End.

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