Chapter 67 - Laser Tag
I didn't wake up to my alarm, because I didn't set it, however, I did wake up to my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I asked, my voice pretty hoarse for the morning.
"Hi!" It was Georgia, my friend from school.
"Hi G, why are you calling?"
"Laser tag! I'll be at your apartment in 20!" Oh crap, I totally forgot, I was going Laser Tagging with my friends today, to celebrate the loss of my boot.
"Awesome! I'll be ready." With that I hung up and leaped out of bed. I showered, did not wash my hair, and threw on jeans and my #yayhamlet t-shirt, I also wore black toms, I straightened my hair and let it fall straight.
I grabbed my purse and wallet, checking to see if I had money in it, I did. I grabbed my phone, and half leaped, half ran out of my room.
"Woah, slow down, why the rush, it's Sunday." Lin said from the counter, he had his laptop out and several moleskin notebooks spread out, which probably meant he was writing.
"My friends and I are going laser-tagging!" I said grabbing a mango.
"Oh. Have fun!" He replied waving a bit.
"I will! Thanks!" With that, I ran downstairs to the front of the building to wait for Georgia.
She eventually pulled up, and had Franchesca, Josie and William all pulled in the car, Josie was in the front seat, and Franchesca and William were in the back seat.
"Get in!" She yelled out the car window. I laughed a little and got in the backseat, next to William who sat in the middle.
"Are we not going to talk about the fact that at 6'2 I'm the tallest person here, yet I have the least leg room." William complained, awkwardly sitting.
"Nope. Big baby." Josie said.
"Easy for you to say, you could fit like 4 small children in your leg room."
"Four small children William? Four small children? Do you measure things in small children?" Georgia asked.
"I measure things in love." I giggled to myself, as everyone else groaned at my Rent reference.
"Ok, we're here, the boyfriend can stop complaining now!" Georgia announced pulling up in front of the arcade, that held laser tag.
"Yeah. Just be glad you're not short..." Franchesca said closing the car door behind her, she was about, 5'5", and didn't believe that 'tall people problems' existed.
We walked in, and they got us situated there were 5 of us, so in the first round me, William and Franchesca were on a team and Georgia and Josie were on a team. Since it was a Sunday there were lots of other people there, so we were on teams of about 10.
"Ok, so let's go over rules." The high school aged attendant, began in droll monotone, as if he had repeated this speech 812 times. "No running, please keep screaming to a minimum, red team your base is over here," he gestured to the general right hand area, "and blue team," he pointed to the left side. He went on for about a minute, "and remember, do not play if you have back problems, heart problems or are pregnant, have fun." With that he dragged himself out of the room.
I was on red team so I scrambled my way over to the red team base.
"Alright!" One girl on our team started, "we need 1 guard, 5 on attack and 4 on defense." Obviously she took this seriously, "I'll be on attack, who's with me?" She looked over the small circle that we had gathered into, "blonde?" She referred to William.
"Yeah, sure." He shrugged and nodded.
"I'll go too." I smiled a little, I was gonna die. Like actually die.
"I'll do it! I'll fight them!! I'll fight everyone!" Franchesca got a little too into laser tag apparently.
"Alrighty, that gives attack 4, um, you!" She pointed towards a girl in the back, "you're on attack." The girl shyly stepped forward. "And you," she gestured to the person nearest her, "are the guard. We good to go?" Just as she said that a tone rang signifying the start of the game. "ALRIGHT!! FALL OUT MY COMPATRIOTS!!" With that she ran forward almost silently.
"Ok. So, I didn't know anyone could take laser tag so seriously." William whispered to me as we snuck forward together. I nodded a little, then looked up to see Franchesca running into the Blue Base screaming.
"FIGHT ME!!" Her excited screaming reached the nether regions of our planet, and maybe Mars.
"Ok then." I conceded, realizing that people took laser tag very seriously.
"Cover me babe, I'm going in!" With that he ran forward giving a battle cry, I turned around, and started rapid fire on someone behind me, I have to admit, this was fun.
"Go go go!!" William came running back, he picked me up and started sprinting back to our base, with me laughing hysterically the entire way. "Ok, so," he set me down, "there's a way to get on the mountain." He pointed to a giant structure over by the blue teams base, which was technically for decoration. "We can sit up there and just shoot everyone in their base, you up for it?"
"Sure!" I shrugged.
"Alright, trust me. Go back to back." I turned my back to him and he did the same, then I fooled him over to the blue base, shooting everyone I saw. We rounded a corner, and slipped behind a plastic, display bush. "Ok, follow me," he started climbing up security steps disguised by the plastic bush, I followed him, sneaking up the stairs. He led me to a little secluded ledge overlooking the blue teams base.
"And commence fire, quietly." We both sat on the little ledge, not saying anything, picking off everyone on the other team, I thought it was funny though, because no one thought to look up.
"45 seconds left, let's scram." William grabbed my hand, and pulled me down behind him, we went back down the little mountain and made it back to our base, right as the game finished, as if we had never been on the mountain.
"Ok, thanks for playing Extreme Indoor Laser Tag Forest Op." I had never heard anyone say those words so sarcastically. "Please, take your vests off and hang them on the corresponding racks, you may check your scores at the desk." He slowly walked back out, really not caring at all.
"Who the heck was shooting at me for like 80% of the game?" Josie asked to no one in particular.
"What do you mean?" I asked, feigning innocence and confusion.
"Like, I was in my base, and then I was getting shot at for like the rest of the game, and I couldn't find the person, it was like they were shooting from the sky!"
"YOU NOTICED THE SKY PERSON TOO?" Georgia got excited.
"WHERE WERE THEY?" Apparently, they were both very passionate to figure out who continuously shot them for 7 minutes, funny.
"Ok, aside from the sky person, I feel like we should get day passes, they have bumper cars, and race cars." I said, changing the subject.
"Yeah!" Josie agreed, this was going to be one heck of a day.
-----> thanks for reading!
- Abi
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