Chapter three: Where are my parents?
The man at the door put a hand on my shoulder. "We'll find her Dannie, you should go look for her. Since you spent a lot of time with her, you might know where she could have gone." I nodded, wiping the tears from my face. "O-okay...I'll try..." He nodded. "Want tocome inside?" I shook my head. "'s fine." He sighed, walking back into the house andclosing the door. I stood up, taking a deep breath. I slowly started walking back to my house.
I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Cecy and Karla running towards me.
"DANNIE!!" I sighed, looking over at them. "What?" They grabbed my arms, pulling me in the
opposite direction I was supposed to be going in. "Wait, where are you taking me?" Karla
grinned. "You'll see." I shook my head, struggling. "Stop it, guys seriously...I don't have time for
this..." They stopped, staring at me. "Well were are you going? Nobody's even heard from Ali
for a week." They both said, I shrugged. "So?" They both raise an eyebrow at me. "What do
you mean so?" Cecy got extremely close to my face, causing me to back up and trip. I landed on
my butt, staring up at Cecy. "Why were you getting so close?" She held out her hand to help me
up but I didn't take it and just sat there on the sidewalk. "You do it to me all the time Dannnie." I
sighed. "So what? That doesn't mean you need to do it to me..." Karla pulled on my arm, trying
to pull me up but I remained on the ground. "Ugh, Dannie get up." I shook my head. "No, I'd
rather sit here...." Cecy got close to my face again. "Cecy...stop it..." She stared me in the eye.
"Dannie, tell me what you know about Ali's location." I tilted my head. "I don't know...Cecy...I'm
serious I was just going to look for her." Karla looked away. "Dannie, I hate to say this but did it
ever cross your mind that she doesn't want to be found. Or mayebe even the fact that she might
be dead?" When I heard those words I felt something inside of me snap. "NO SHE'S NOT
FRIEND!!!" Cecy backed away from me, standing up. "Maybe we should just leave Dannie
alone for now." Karla nodded slowly. "Yeah..." I growled at them. "YEAH JUST BOTH
COME BACK!!! I DON'T NEED EITHER OF YOU!!!" They started walking
away with their heads low, but I didn't care. All I cared about was finding Alison.
I ran all around the small town looking for her. I checked all the arcades, parks,
moives, and video game stores. She was nowhere to be found. I sat at the top of a hill at the
edge of the town and watched the sun set, tears rolling down my cheeks slowly. "Ali...where
could you have gone?" I pulled my knees to my face, sobbing quietly. "ALI!!!!!!" I screamed as
loud as possible, despite the fact that I was alone. "....Ali..." I started to sob harder, leaning
against a tree. "...Pl-ease...come back...." I sighed, starting to remember the girls from before.
They were my friends, but I'm not sure about now. "....I'm a horrible person..." I sighed, standing
up and started walking home. "...I just want to know Ali's okay...." I walked inside, going into the
kitchen and opening the fridge. "Any food?" I found a cake with a note next to it. "Happy
birthday Dannie, we hope you enjoy the cake. It's your favorite kind, keep looking around the
house to find more gifts. Love mama." I sighed, holding the note close to my chest.
"Mama....where is she..." I was slowly staring to remember everyone, and my relationships with me. I
guess all I needed was time. "...I wonder if Papa came for my birthday again." I remembered my
parents had gotten devoriced when I was about six or seven, but Papa always came around for
my birthday and christmas. I ran upstairs, looking at the calander. It was in fact my birthday. I just
never realized it. I ran into Mama's room, but no one was there. I ran all over the house looking for
Mama and Papa, but I found no one. Then I stumbled across the basement door.
" they wouldn't be...I'm not allowed to go down there...." I smelled something
rotting from down there. "Ugh.....did something die down there? Maybe I should go check...." I
ran into the garage, looking for a flashlight. I grabbed the only one I could find and turned it on.
It worked, I ran back to the basement, starting to walk down. Then suddenly my flashlight died,
once I was a few steps down. I ran back up, looking for same batteries, turns out there weren't
anymore. I sighed, running outside. "Damn's to late to go to the store..." I pulled out my
phone it was already a quarter past eleven PM. There was no way I was going to leave the house
that late. I called Mama to see where she was and to see if perhaps Papa was with her. Of course
I got no answer. I sighed, walking back inside and upstairs to me room. "Well technically my
birthday isn't for another..." I quickly checked my phone. "...thirty-fve minutes." I sighed, walking
into the bathroom and started the shower water. I took off my clothes, stepping into the warm
water. I stood there, leaning against the wall and letting the water hit my body. It was a bit
relaxing. I started to feel a little uneasy after a few minutes though, I quickly rinsed the soap off
of my body, turning the water off . "Hello? Mama? Papa? Are you guys home?" I grabbed a
towel and wrapped it around my body, walking back into my room. I could have sworn I heard
footsteps coming closer to my room as I dried my hair and put on a t-shirt and some shorts. The
footsteps stopped at my door and I heard it creak, causing me to jump slightly. I looked at the
door, chuckling slightly. "Nice one Papa, very funny....but you scared me..." No one said anything,
that was very unlike him though, he'd usual start laughing at me. I got up and walked to the door,
opening it all the way. I felt my skin crawl as I say a white shadowy figure standing in front of me, it
was taller than the one from my dream and this one looked strangely like my father. "Papa?" He
didn't say anything and just stared at me with a smile, the kind of smile he'd give me all the time
when he saw me. I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I realized I was staring at the ghost of my
father. Then I say another white figure a little smaller but still bigger than the first one I saw.
This one looked like my mother. "Mama?" She nodded slowly, hugging Papa tightly. I feel to my
knees crying. "...W-what" I sobbed, I had nothing left.
This made me determined to find Ali and soon. I stood up, staring at the ghost before me. "....I
promise to find whoever did this to you." They shook their heads. "No princess, we don't want
you getting harmed." I heard Papa's voice call out to me. I sighed, nodding. "Okay...if you say
so...but I still need to find Ali...." They nodded. "She's closer than you think Dannie, hunny."
Mama's voice spoke softly, as always. I tilted my head. "What do you mean?" They disappeared.
Don't...leave me..." I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling until I drifted off to sleep.
I was in Ali's room, sitting on her bed net to her. She was sleeping with her face on
her laptop keybroad. I shook her slightly, not actually realizing I was dreaming. "Alison, wakey
wakey darling." She opened an eye, looking up at me. "" She sat up, looking at
her computer screen. "It's two in the morning...why would you wake me up? Why are you even
awake?" I shrugged. "Come on Ali, we should sleep." She nodded, yawnning and closeing her
laptop. I moved it to her desk, then turned around to see her laying down and falling asleep
already. I laid next to her smiling brightly. "I love you Ali." She nodded. "" She
had already fallen asleep. I cuddled with her for awhile before falling asleep myself.
I felt a light tugged at my hadn was I was welcomed into darkness again. "Dannie..."
I heard the voice call out to me, but this time I knew where I had heard the voice before. "Yes
Ali?" I looked at the ghostly figure next to me. "Ali don't tell me you're dead to...." She shook her
head. "Not yet, me....please." I nodded, pulling her close. "I promise I will help you
Ali, but where are you?" She let go of my hand, running away. I quickly followed her. "ALI
WAIT!" She just kept running seeming to ignore me, but I just ran after her. When she stopped
I saw a door that I rememberd seeing earlier. "'s that th-" She nodded. "Yes it is...Dannie,
you need to remember everything first though, please." I nodded, hugging her tightly. "I'll try."
"No you will, I trust you Dannie..."
"Thank you Ali..." I kissed the ghostly figure's soft lips, they reminded me of the
real Alison's lips.
I woke up, but calming this time. I sat up. "Ugh...happy birthday to me...." I rolled my
eyes, looking at the window. "Not so happy this year is it?"
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