Chapter Eighteen: The Will of (Y/N)
Suddenly, as the heroes run to get to (Y/N) and Eri, the wall attempts to push Aizawa into a different section of the building. Fat Gum and Kirishima try to push the teacher out of the way, but they're not fast enough. Midoryia, not wanting (Y/N) to be saved by anyone but their father breaks through the wall.
The two men fall to the ground in front of two powerful villains. Before the four can begin fighting, the villains abruptly drop to the ground.
"Sorry it took me a while," (Y/N)'s voice suddenly echoes in their minds, "I have to concentrate hard in order to force someone to listen to my orders. Togata is close by, but I can't tell you where we are 'cause I have no idea."
Aizawa and Midoryia, glance at each other, nodding and tying up the villains.
Meanwhile, the rest of the group continues on the path. They're about to be crushed by the walls as they contort and twist. Rocklock is able to lockdown some areas but he has a limit as well. Without Aizawa, the heroes may never be able to stop this villain. He and Midoryia are close by, but they won't make it back in time.
Suddenly, the walls stop moving and snap back into place.
"I'm late, but get moving! Please!" (Y/N) tells them, "My father and Deku are on their way!"
The heroes continue on the path towards the kids, eventually having Aizawa and Midoryia join back with them. Nearby, Togata has finally found the children and their kidnapper(s).
"Let them go, villain!" He yells, easily catching their attention.
Overhaul sighs, taking off his white gloves. This terrifies Eri, since she knows what can happen when he takes them off. (Y/N) watches as spikes protrude from the floor and they immediately copy the villain's quirk.
Before Togata can get hurt, (Y/N) uses the new quirk and creates a wall of cement. They can not access his thoughts or control him because he's too focused on a single task. Specifically, getting (Y/N) and Eri out and away from the heroes. Assuming that the way was created by Overhaul, Togata attempts to get past it. (Y/N) uses Kurogiri's power and teleports themself and Eri into the teenager's arms.
"I thought you couldn't use your quirk." He points out.
"They thought I was good and decided to take the device off," They reply, "They're all strong, avoid fighting them at all costs!"
Togata nods and begins running. Overhaul and his henchmen immediately charge after the three. The villain breaks the floor, rebuilding it into a spike-filled death-trap. The blonde hero dodges this attack with his quirk and holds the two girls high above his head.
Realizing that Overhaul is the main problem, (Y/N) attempts to get rid of his yakuza members by controlling them. When that doesn't work, they teleport over, placing their hand on each of them, using All for One's quirk to steal their powers. They fall to the ground with sudden exhaustion and are out of commission for the fight.
Play Hayloft II - Mother Mother
Now it's only Togata, Eri, and (Y/N), versus Overhaul. The villain clenches his jaw and manipulates the ground again, forcing (Y/N) over by grabbing their entire body with a vine. He takes out the device that prevents them from using their quirk and slaps it on them, throwing (Y/N) to the ground. They watch as one of the men they took a quirk from shoots a quirk-erasing bullet at her. Togata charges over, taking the bullet instead.
His quirk is destroyed.
Realizing this, (Y/N) screams out in agony and grabs onto him. For the next five minutes, Togata manages to hold his own against Overhaul. Eventually, Sir Nighteye, Midoryia, Shinso, and Aizawa break down the wall. (Y/N) stares at their family and smiles but it disappears when they realize how much danger they're in.
"Togata, go!"
"What?" He replies, "I'm not leaving without you!"
Overhaul approaches, pushing Togata back into Nighteye. Before Aizawa can erase his quirk, he's knocked out by the giant villain. Overhaul touches (Y/N), quickly fusing with her. When the smoke clears, (Y/N) has disappeared and only the quirk-cancelling device is left behind.
All of the heroes stare at Overhaul in pure fear. Tears immediately stain Midoryia's eyes, as well as Eri's. Aizawa is nowhere to be seen, but is still knocked out nearby. Sir Nighteye and Togata can't believe what they're seeing.
Overhaul attempts to walk, but the will of the little kid who he'd just killed is too strong. Somehow, they still live somewhere within him. He can't seem to attack anyone either.
"Damn filthy child," Overhaul mutters, "Always getting in the way."
"Don't speak of them that way!" Midoryia cries, his voice cracking, "They're amazing! They would've been a great hero but now you've stolen that possibility from them. And you're going to pay!"
The will of (Y/N) still holds him back.
Midoryia charges forward, hitting the villain as hard as he can, not realizing that he's using 100% of One for All. Overhaul cringes, falling back. Suddenly, he feels like he has control over himself again and decides to attack. Midoryia dodges the first punch but is hit straight in the nose with the next. He falls, getting caught by Shinso.
"Why are you doing this?" The purple-haired boy asks.
"Because this world is full of filthy heroes!" Overhaul replies, "I'm ridding the world of them all, starting with you lot!"
Shinso can't take control of him because there are two brains in one person. The boy growls angrily, turning to Eri.
"What's your quirk?"
"I-I can rewind someone."
"Can you get (Y/N) back?"
Eri cringes, shaking her head, "I can't control the power.."
Shinso pets her head lightly, "I'm sure I can stop you or Aizawa can if it gets too out of control."
She nods slowly. Overhaul charges, using (Y/N)'s portal quirk to teleport Eri over. The little girl reaches out, almost close enough to rewind the villain. Instead, he teleports her away and slaps the quirk-cancelling device on her neck. They try to pry it off, but to no avail.
For the first time in a while, Eri begins to cry.
Her heart was close to being mended again thanks to her new friend. But if (Y/N) is dead, how will Eri live? Her cries reach the other heroes, who soon approach from the hole that Midoryia made. Overhaul, realizing he can't win, grabs Eri and creates a large hole to the outside. (Y/N), still living—even by the tiniest atom— forces him to teleport Eri back to the heroes. The villain curses, punching his stomach. Nothing happens, so he punches his arms, legs, until he feels a part of him recoil at the pain. Immediately, he realizes the (Y/N) is still alive.
"Quiet!" He hisses, "I'll get Eri to take you out later!"
"Give. Them. Back." A new voice yells, echoing across the area.
Overhaul glances over to see Aizawa. The man's hair floats, and his eyes flashing red, but nothing happens. Eri cries out, reaching for her friend. The four main men in (Y/N)'s life, Aizawa, Midoryia, Kirishima, and Shinso find tears running like a river from their eyes.
Their hearts are frozen in place, terrified of what might happen next. Overhaul lands in front of the group of heroes. They are too scared to attack but also full of heroism, so they don't want to leave.
"Let me take Eri, she's the only one who can reverse me back to before I fused with (Y/N)." The villain orders.
"No!" Fat Gum responds, nearly trembling, "We won't! We'll fight until Eri can un-fuse you two safely!"
"Fine," Overhaul replies, "I'll have to take her forcefully."
He uses (Y/N)'s portal and teleports the girl back, but the toddler who owns the quirk isn't very happy.
"Deku, Kiri, Dad, Shinso, please," The voice is muffled as Overhaul covers his mouth.
"(Y/N)." Midoryia mutters, realizing she's still somehow alive, tears flood his eyes.
"(Y/N)!" Aizawa yells, tears also clouding his vision, "We're coming, I promise!"
He cancels out Overhaul's quirk again, charging forward at the same time as Midoryia, Shinso, and Kirishima. The villain, suddenly unable to move, stares as four fists collide with his face and he's knocked out on impact.
"I wonder, is (Y/N) also knocked out now or just Overhaul?" Midoryia mutters.
"I-I'm here." A voice responds, "I wanna go home."
Aizawa rushes over, "It's okay, we'll be home soon, don't worry. I p-promise."
Meanwhile, the heroes are trying to get the device off of Eri. There's a passcode on the back, but none of them can get the right code.
"It's 17 21 9 18 11." (Y/N) answers, "I saw the code when they took the device off of me."
The device immediately opens and comes off. Before Overhaul can get back up, Eri rushes over and reverses the two souls until they are two completely different entities.
Then, Overhaul wakes up.
He immediately charges for the two kids. (Y/N) creates a wall with his own quirk. Their own anger becomes clear as he breaks through the wall, they hover over, cancelling his quirk. Using hardening, they punch him in the face. He flies backward.
Finally distracted, (Y/N) is able to use their 'mind control' quirk to force Overhaul to sleep. He falls over once more. The heroes stare at the toddler as they take deep breaths and finally turn to their father.
"Hey dad." They say.
Aizawa, in shock, runs to his child, hugging them tightly. He gets down on one knee, kissing their forehead and crying into their shoulder.
"I-I'm so sorry I couldn't come sooner," He says, "I've missed you so much."
They smile, hugging him back, "I missed you too."
Instead of waiting for the family moment to be over, Kirishima, Midoryia, And Shinzo can't help but hug the kid as well.
"I-I missed you all."
"I'm proud of you," Aizawa adds, cupping their cheeks, "You can speak better!"
(Y/N) nods, "When you have a few months, lots can get done. I also learn fast, at least, that's what Eri said."
The five glance over at the girl. Clearly, they have no clue who to go to or where to go.
"Eri," (Y/N) calls, waving her over, "You're a-part of our family. Your new one."
As the rest of the villains are disposed of, Toga and Twice sit with their leader and the rest of the league.
"What do you mean that you couldn't get it them?!" Shigaraki yells.
Toga stands, sharpening her knife, "That stupid wall guy wouldn't let us through, so I tried to get to them during the fight by becoming their step-dad. I got knocked out by Overhaul and woke up before the heroes caught me."
Shigaraki sighs, sitting down and rubbing his temples. Most of his reason for agreeing with the yakuza was because he knew they had his sibling.
"We're going after them."
"Eh?" Mr. Compress says, "We have no idea where they are or where Overhaul is."
The man rolls his eyes, "Toga, you still have Midoryia's blood, right?"
"Anyone else's?"
"That Eraserhead guy's is the only one I have." She replies.
Shigaraki smiles, "Then we have a plan."
While those with minor injuries are recovering, (Y/N) and their family, including Shinso, Midoryia, Kirishima, Asui, and Uraraka head to UA high. Nezu was called in advance with the good news, and any student who wished to see (Y/N) would be waiting at the school when they arrive.
The entire 'secret' mission to save them and other details that might've confused the school were disclosed as well. As they approach, (Y/N) is blindfolded by their father after being told that he has a surprise for her. They enter the gates of UA, their father canceling out their quirk to make sure they have no idea about the surprise.
"Okay, you can take the blindfold off."
Play His Theme (From Undertale) Piano version - JustNoble
Aizawa sets the child on the ground, they slowly take off the blindfold, handing it to their father. They turn around.
Almost the entire school of UA High stare straight back at her. Members of class 1-A stand at the front. Bakugo, Todoroki, Ashido, and Yayorozu are all on one knee with their arms outstretched, ready for a hug. Finally, as the true weight of their own disappearance leans on them, (Y/N) rushes forward with tears in their eyes, crashing into the arms of Bakugo, knocking him over. The rest of the class, excluding Aoyama, also approach, creating a tight circle of joyful smiles, tears, and love. A new family, essentially.
Other students from UA also approach, but (Y/N) notices Aoyama, all alone. his face is pure red, stained with tears. His jaw is constantly clenched in pain and regret. He looks up at the sky, trying not to make eye contact with the one person he let down. Shinso and Midoryia, as well as other members of the high school watch as (Y/N) approaches. While they were away, Aoyama was basically ignored by everyone. He was only out of his dorm room for class and food. He stopped...sparkling.
Assuming it's a teacher, he turns and keeps his head level for eye contact. When there's no one, he looks down. (Y/N) stared back at him with a smile.
The boy suddenly breaks down in tears, "I-I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I-I was such a coward," He drops to his knees, bowing while covering his face, "I don't deserve to be a hero..not at all."
(Y/N) smiles sadly, patting the blonde's head, "It's okay. It's not your responsibility to watch over me. In all honesty, that experience helped me grow. So, in a way, I thank you."
He glanced up at the kid, eyes full of tears, "T-Thank you s-so much!"
"You can be a hero, I promise."
And they lean forward, hugging him tightly as he bawls on their shoulder.
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