Chapter 6

With Romeo

Romeo was getting closer to Fred's Sanctuary, he had remembered Fred had placed blue mushrooms all around his Keep to keep the place clear of mobs. Romeo loved this place, hanging out with Fred, Xara, and Kedar, it was the best thing in the world to him.

Romeo never meant to separate the four of them, he actually wanted the opposite, but it was too late for that.

Flash Back

"Romeo, Kedar! Come here!" A rough voice was heard.

Romeo and Kedar looked at each other concerned, had they gotten in trouble again. "Romeo, I promise it wasn't me," Kedar said getting up and floating off the ground.

"I didn't do anything... well recently," Romeo stuttered and began walking beside him.

"Do you guys want back up?" Xara asked as Fred stood beside her.

"No, we're fine, right Romeo?" Kedar assured being the cocky one.

Kedar winked at Xara, then flew to the staircase that spiraled downwards. Then stood up on the edge of the ledge, and fell backward a long way. Romeo rolled his eyes at his brother, he had always been a show-off, besides they all knew he could fly.

Romeo walked to the stairs, then before descending them he looked towards his friends and said, "Kedar may not, but I'd like some for someone else to be there, mom and dad are usually less tense with company around."

Fred and Xara smiled at him, and then quickly followed him. Eventually, after 3 minutes of walking downstairs, they made it to the bottom and headed into the main throne room. Kedar was already there standing in front of their father and mother, and their father turned to Romeo and asked, "What took you so long?" aggressively.

The mother then went up to him and whispered, "You know why, Zafeer."

Zafeer sighed angrily, remembering that his 'eldest' son had no powers. "Right..." he mumbled.

"Why did you call us here father?" Romeo questioned walking up the stairs to the throne that his parents were standing in front of.

"It's time we gave you your marks of power," Zafeer explained swiftly.

"Marks of power, that's so cool!" Xara fangirled to Fred.

"I know, this family is so awesome," Fred fanboyed back.

Zafeer glared at the two's nonsense, and they quickly shut up and avoided eye contact. "You and your brother will be given the gauntlets, Romeo, come here," his mother, Kenna, said as she waited for him to bow.

Romeo went on one knee while his brother growled; Romeo was always the one to get something first. "Romeo, you will be given the Gauntlet of Ice, Water, and Diamond," Kenna said as she turned and grabbed a pillow with two gauntlets on it.

She placed the gauntlet on Romeo's hand, and it began to glow a bright blue, then a lighter shade of blue, then turned to Diamond. "And you Kedar will be given the gauntlet of Fire, Lava, and Gold," this time, Zafeer grabbed the gauntlet and gave it to Kedar.

Kenna used her powers and the pillow disappeared, while the two boys marveled as Kedar's gauntlet turned orange, red, and then gold. Zafeer backed up and began a speech as Fred and Xara hugged each other in excitement wide-eyed. "You two have turned 14, so today you have been given the family's symbol of power. For generations, these gauntlets were passed down to each rightful heir of the throne. It all began with your great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother, which found the gauntlets, were given unbelievable powers and had a child who had been given natural abilities. And that child found a mate, and that began the family of natural Admins. Romeo..." Zafeer explained, making Romeo look up from his gauntlet and actually pay attention.

"Romeo, you were first born out of the two of you," Zafeer paused making a point as this only ticked Kedar off more, "so you will be the next heir to the throne of Admins."

Kedar had had it with all this 'firstborn' nonsense and spoke up. "Dad, why give Romeo the throne when he doesn't even have any powers like you always say, a weak leader is a weak kingdom," Kedar stated, trying to get his father on his side.

"Because it is tradition," Zafeer yelled infuriated, "besides, the gauntlet will give Romeo the powers he needs, and more."

"What do you mean by more?" Romeo questioned curiously.

"Well, you see Romeo, did you ever wonder why my skin was pink. It's because I wasn't a natural-born Admin, your father gave me the powers on our wedding day. The gauntlet gives and can take a human's power, but it has... weird side effects," Kenna hesitated looking at her hands for a moment.

"So the gauntlet changed your skin?" Romeo asked.

"Yes, and it also gave me all the powers of an Admin," Kenna explained.

Romeo was fascinated by the gauntlet and wondered what color his skin would change too. Everything was all well and good, and Kedar wasn't angry with the gauntlet because he liked the color of his skin, and also he was hoping the gauntlet would change Romeo's skin to pink so Kedar could make fun of him. But then his father came out and said, "Kedar, I'm sorry to say this but Romeo will also be given shapeshifting and transformation, something you've been unable to do."

Even though Zafeer seemed to be saddened with this, something inside of Kedar was telling him his father thought he was a disappointment. Kedar glared at the ground in jealousy while his mother said, "Now Romeo, you can use the gauntlet whenever you would like, but I must warn you it might hurt and make you feel sick for a little."

Romeo nodded his head to signal he was listening, and then asked, "So, how do I get the powers?"

"Just hit yourself with it, and it should start generating the powers into your body," Kenna explained with a smile.

"Ooh ooh, I volunteer to hit Romeo!" Kedar jumped up and waved thinking he was being clever.

Everyone in the room turned their heads and shook them at him causing him to go quiet. "Thank you, thank you so much!" Romeo yelled running up and hugging his parents, then quickly ran off to the tower.

The mother smiled as he ran off and Fred following behind while Zafeer didn't seem to care. Kedar watched as his brother was having the time of his life, he looked up at his parents with eyes full of self-pity. His parents stared at him expecting him to say thank you, but he didn't and just walked away. His parents glared at him, his attitude wasn't acceptable.

Upstairs Fred and Romeo were deciding if Romeo should use it at the moment, Xara and Kedar weren't up in the tower yet which was strange, but Romeo was too busy staring at the gauntlet. "Romeo, do you think you should use it?" Fred asked looking at the gauntlet then Romeo.

"I mean, why not?" Romeo asked rhetorically.

Romeo held the gauntlet and wore it like a glove, then hit himself with it. He began to feel a little woozy, then he went over and laid on his bed. "Romeo, are you ok?" Fred questioned checking up on his buddy.

"Yeah, I think it's working," Romeo started putting his hands together on his chest and the slowly closed his eyes.

Romeo didn't quite fall asleep, he could still hear things, but he was just tired. And Fred, being a good friend, watched over him, until he heard some laughs. He turned his head and saw Kedar rising from the spiral staircase holding Xara's hand as she was lifted up. "Haha, this is so cool," Xara laughed smiling at him.

Kedar and Xara landed in the middle of the tower and Xara said, "Kedar you're so lucky to be able to fly, I wish I could."

"Why not?" Kedar grinned as Xara looked at him confused, "I mean, now that I have the gauntlet, I could turn you into an Admin."

"Really, you'd do that for me?" Xara grinned.

"Yeah, hold still for a minute," Kedar said backing up and then holding up the gauntlet, then hit Xara gently in the stomach.

Xara was extremely happy, but after being hit with the gauntlet, she seemed to turn week. "Xara, are you ok?" Fred asked concerned.

"Yeah, just a little, a little tired," Xara said wiping her face trying to stay awake.

She began to stumble a bit, and before Kedar knew what was happening Fred quickly caught her as she fell backward. "Heh, woah, I guess I'm more tired than I thought. Thanks for the *yawn* catch," Xara thanked then falling asleep in Fred's arms.

Fred was a big guy even as a kid, so he picked her up and laid her across Kedar's bed. You could tell Fred wanted to ask Kedar to turn him into an Admin, but knew it wasn't his place to.

End of Flashback

"Sir!" Steve yelled from beneath the ground.

Kedar's ear twitched a bit, and with hearing Steve's yell, teleported to him. "What is it?" Kedar asked irritated, but he was always irritated.

"It's Romeo, I've lost him," Steve informed, then cringing realizing that this was going to make Kedar angry.

"What!?!" Kedar yelled exasperated.

Steve backed up due to the fact that he knew if he didn't move, he would be thrown against the wall, like all the previous times. Kedar floated to the ground and kneeled down and leaned over the pool, he concentrated hard but to his disappointment, neither Romeo nor Xara showed up in the pool.

Kedar sighed, angry nonetheless, then said, "He must have gone into a portal."

There was an awkward silence for a minute, then Steve spoke up saying, "I-I saw Romeo tell his friend that he was heading below the bedrock to get Xara."

Kedar looked over at Steve angry that he hadn't said something earlier, then questioned, "Which 'friend'?"

"Uh... th-the brunette girl... sir," Steve suttered.

"Hm..." Kedar pondered.

"Wh-what are you going to do now?" Steve asked, "are you going to go down and get them?"

"I'll wait for them to come up, if Romeo does manage to get Xara to forgive him and bring her back up, it'll be nice to give the two a little bit hope before I snatch them up," Kedar stated, then stood up and floated away, "I'll give Romeo three days, after that, I'm going down there and getting them to kill them myself."

Kedar teleported up to his throne and said, "In the meantime, I'll go and have a 'talk' with that girl that Romeo seems to trust so much."

Steve was below the castle throne room and waited for a second or two before looking over the pool and thinking.

Eden and Jesse were revealed in the magic pool thing, and they were walking along a path covered in snow. Steve sighed in relief and said, "We need a hero."

It was the middle of the night in the "Golden Town of The Admin's," the name use to fit the town well. The town used to be rich with ores, but after someone had killed the Admins, Zafeer and Kenna, Romeo and Kedar had cursed the town. And every ore, every block, had been turned to stone until the killer came forward, but it never happened.

Both the brother's got over the death of their father quickly, but it was their mother they missed so dearly. Kedar was for sure was still angry, his mother may still have been very angry and disappointed in him due to the fact that that's what the gauntlet does to people, but his mother was really the only person who he knew cared about him, besides Xara.

Every week in the middle of the night, Kedar had a 'tradition' or so he called it, where he went into town and questioned the people. If no one answered, someone would lose their food privileges until the next time. As you may have guessed, in a land where everyone block is stone and cobblestone, you don't get any animals or any plants.

Kedar teleported outside the house, and it was 12:04, and he began his questioning at 12:05. Everyone in town started to gather outside, families, couples, and singles all had to come no matter how old or young, and they all stared at the moon. And in the middle of the moon floated a threatening shadow, adults shivered and children had to keep themselves from crying in fear. Kedar silently floated down from his spot, it was now 12:05. He waved his hand and a platform appeared about 20 blocks in the sky, and he teleported everyone there in case someone was trying to hide.

People stared intensely at him, and he began his usual speech. "I'm getting tired of having to do this every week. Surely one of you knows something about the murder of my parents, or else... well you all know the usual consequences."

No one said anything, as usual, and Kedar sighed in frustration, this was really starting to get on his nerves. "Fine, if that's how you want it..." he hesitated his sentence to take a look around the platform.

Most of these people had already done without food for a week, until he spotted a family. It was of a mother and father, with two boys one was older than the other and was trying to protect the little boy in his arms. Kedar sneered at this sight, and began to open his mouth to declare they would be the ones who had to go a week without food, until a hand was raised.

Kedar blinked in confusion for a minute; did someone really have information? "You in the back, what do you have to say?" Kedar asked actually quite intrigued.

A man about maybe 25 to 30 years old came out of the crowd, and almost fell off the edge of the platform. He didn't say anything as he balanced himself then blinked all tired like, everyone was curious until they all realized the same thing, this man was drunk.

"Oh no..." Kedar mumbled, it was Zart.

"I have something to *hurk* to say," he said about to throw up.

"What, what is it?" Kedar asked rolling his eyes, he decided Zart would suffer the food consequnces, for. The. 20th .time.

"Your- your parents were k-killed b-by..." before Zart could finish, he fell off the platform.

Kedar moaned annoyed, every time Zart got drunk the same thing happens. "Ok, I've had enough of this, Zart will be going a week without food... or whiskey," Kedar declared.

Everyone smiled to themselves, though Zart was stupid like this a lot, it sure saved a lot of families from having to fast for a week.

Everyone stared and waited for Kedar teleport them all back down, a 20 block jump sure would hurt, but it wouldn't kill them. Kedar waved his hand, and they all were back in the safety of their houses. Kedar sighed and looked down at Zart who had fallen asleep on the ground. But before he teleported to his house, he felt something stab his stomach.

He looked down and saw a sword piercing his stomach and poking out the other end. It hurt a little, but not too much. He looked behind him and saw someone wearing a ninja suit and mask, "You again!?!" Kedar yelled.

For a long time Kedar's been trying to capture this person for constantly throwing swords at him. But somehow they always got away. "You son of-" before he could finish his sentence, the person threw another sword at him, and this one hit his chest.

"Why-" after trying to say something else, the person then began to shoot Kedar with arrows.

After maybe 10 seconds of arrows being shot into him, he made the arrows and swords shoot out of him and repel back at the dude. "Would you stop that!?!" Kedar whined.

The person did a couple of backflips and dodged all the arrows and then did a front flip and grabbed their two swords back. Kedar and the dude stared at each other for a while, until Kedar waved his hand to teleport them to him. But for some reason it didn't work, Kedar was confused, and then the person ran off. Kedar tried to fly after them, but they disappeared.

"Next time, I'll get you," he grumbled in hatred.

Now, you're probably thinking, "Why doesn't Kedar just use the magical pool thing?"

Well, he has tried, but you can't use the portal unless you know specifically who they are, because there are several masked people in the world. So, it's all been hopeless, so far.

With Eden and Jesse

Eden and Jesse walked down a white trail as snowflakes came down and sprinkled on them and the ground. Jesse was walking backward and rambling on about adventures, but Eden loved listening to his adventures.

"Then after me, Axel, and Olivia won the ender con building competition me and Petra went and did a trade with Ivor. Though at the time we thought Ivor was suspicious and creepy, well we still do now, but anyway me and Petra did a trade with him he scammed us so we followed him. We found Lukas and we decided to make up and be friends, then he helped us find a way into the building Ivor went into. We found Ivor's hiding place and found that he was making a wither. He came in and then he activated it, well after we went back up and tried to tell Gabriel about him. And then blah blah blah blah," about an 2 hours later, "even though Reuben died; he died as a hero and then me and my friends were introduced to the world as the "New Order of the Stone."

Eden blinked a couple of times, then smiled and chuckled. Jesse then sheepishly rubbed the back of his head realizing he had been rambling on for two hours. "Sorry," he hesitated.

"It's fine, it was a great story, but I did realize one thing," she smirked, "I can tell you really miss adventuring with your friends."

"Yeah, it's been almost a year now since all of us went out to get or do something fun. I mean, not that turning you back into a human wasn't exciting, but-" Jesse smiled cheesy.

"I know what you mean; you want to plan something and go get treasure and glory. Not having to risk a life or friendship all of a sudden," Eden laughed.

"Well, I have to say, you, as a person, are a pretty good treasure to receive," Jesse complimented.

"Oh, well now you're just flirting with me," Eden looked at him with a smile, and then elbowed his side.

The two chuckled for a minute, then Eden said, "I've never seen you like this before Jesse."

"Like what?" Jesse questioned.

"Well... I've always seen you as a mayor in charge type of a guy. You know politics and business or whatever. Not fun and frankly dorky, it's not bad at all, I'm just... not use to it," Eden explained as Jesse ran up and began to walk backwards, again, to meet her face to face.

"Well, when you're the Hero in Residence of a town, you kind of have to learn how to run it and gain responsibilities," Jesse stated.

"Can I say something, Hero in Residence?" Eden joked then lightly bowing.

"Permission granted," Jesse said going along with it.

"I've always admired you because you don't beat yourself up and tell yourself you're worthless just to gain others attention. You do all you can to prove to yourself that you are good enough, and I think it's awesome how you give others your attention even when you want some yourself," Eden said walking closer to Jesse.

She turned him in the same direction as her and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Thanks, no one's ever said that to me," Jesse smiled doing the same.

"It was my pleasure, I've always wanted to tell you that," Eden admitted as the two walked in synchronization for a while.

After maybe ten minutes, Jesse looked up to the sky and realized it was sundown. "We should stop here for the night," he said turning and then began to make a fire.

"Shouldn't we make a dirt house or something?" Eden suggested.

"Do you think will need one?" Jesse questioned grabbing out some flint and steel.

"Well, I should wouldn't like to see a creeper in my face when I wake up," Eden stated sarcastically.

"We should be good, there's a bit of lava over there, so that'll draw most of the mobs. And even then, I'm a light sleeper and wake up fast. So don't worry about," Jesse explained, then stood up and wiped his hands off of snow.

"Don't remind me, it was the middle of the night when I was crying and everyone came in tired but you were all, "What's going on, who's crying, who died!?!"" Eden laughed at her example of him.

"Mm hm..." Jesse rolled his eyes but smiled.

An hour later

"Welp, it's cold and I'm ready for bed," Eden stated, and then lay on the ground.

"Ok, night Eden," Jesse said doing the same.

"Night," she returned.

The two slept for a decent amount of time, until about 2 in the morning they were visited by a very un-welcomed person.

Eden was having a bit of a nightmare due to her surroundings; she had a very sensitive soul so she could feel the person around them. She curled up into a ball on the ground and shivered a little bit as the wind blew out the fire.

Then behind her, teleported an ominous figure, who gave off an even creepier vibe to Eden. The figure chuckled a little, and with a wave of his hand Eden was floated off the ground by the neck. Eden woke up due to the fact that she couldn't breathe, and began to panic and make muffled sounds.

Jesse immediately woke up and realized something was wrong, so he sprung up to see his friend being choked by some sort of shadow figure. Jesse grabbed out his sword and attacked it, but to his dismay he was caught by the shadow and he was choked as well.

The two struggled to get free of this person's grasp, and then the fire magically lit back up. It then revealed the face of this figure, and Jesse and Eden were immediately in shock. "R-Romeo?" they both gasped the best they could.

This person rolled his eyes then threw the two off to the side, and they both sat up rubbing their necks and trying to get more air in. "I'm not, Romeo," he declared somewhat threatening them.

"Well obviously, you have a much cooler voice them him," Eden complimented.

Jesse just looked to the side of him at Eden confused and scared, she was making jokes at a time like this. "Um... thanks?" he said confused, "Wait, I'm here to threaten you not... ugh what!?!"

The guy kind of stuttered for a little bit, he wasn't sure how to react to her. "Sorry, but before you continue trying to kill us," Eden began being strangely calm about all this, "Your Kedar right, Romeo's twin brother."

"Yes," Kedar confirmed.

Eden smiled a 'yes' to herself, she really wanted to meet this Kedar. "Cool, so whyyy are you here trying to kill us?" Eden asked.

"I'm not here to kill you," Kedar answered annoyed, "I'm here to interrogate you on where my brother is?"

"Well, why didn't you just ask?" Eden questioned confused.

"Uh..." Kedar responded, apparently Romeo never told her that he was 'evil.'

"I'm just kidding, I wouldn't have told you anyway. I know what you did to Romeo and Xara, I wouldn't tell you even if my life depended on it."

Kedar snarled at her, and Jesse signaled his hands back and forth not to anger the already peeved off Admin. Eden just laughed, what was wrong with her. "Don't tempt me, girl," Kedar threatened coming closer to her.

"It's fun," Eden chuckled, "Besides, what do I have to be afraid of?"

"Me!" Kedar yelled at her face as his voice echoed throughout the valley.

Eden began to gag as she then said, "Dude, I think you got some of your spit in my mouth."

Kedar had had just about enough with her shenanigans, and was about to do something horrible to her. Until she yelled, "Gotcha!" and put her fingers to the side of his head.

(A:N Lol I should just start posting all of these chapters at once that way I'll actually get this book finished. Heh, hope you enjoyed. Bye Biscuits)

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