At First Glance

"Pink, you can come out now." White opened the door to the dark tower room, making him wince from the sudden brightness.

Moping, he crossed his arms. He knew that hitting his Pearl would result in immediate punishment, but he had begged them to reconsider. He hadn't meant to. He lost control and that wasn't his fault. White disagreed.

"Come with me, Pink," White ordered, a little lightness to her voice made the young Diamond frown in confusion.

He followed closely behind, curious as to what he might be seeing. He had expected to go right back to his room and pout for awhile longer. He was hungry as well, as they had fed him minimally throughout the month he had been locked away. In fact, he had expected to be in the tower a lot longer for his offense.

The halls seemed quiet, with few Gems stopping to salute before rushing off and disappearing around corners. Everything seemed off, and for a moment, Pink wondered if his punishment was actually over.

Upon entering the throne room, Blue and Yellow were blushing as they gave each other sweet kisses.

White rolled her eyes. "Cut it out you two! Pink's punishment is over. It's time."

Yellow cleared her throat, her demeanor changing immediately and Blue pouted a bit but complied.

Each Diamond focused their full attention on Pink, which made him uneasy when he wasn't so angry. He stood in the middle of the throne room, so they could all see him as he attempted to shuffle as little as possible. The Diamonds often harped that it was unbecoming of a Diamond to look so small and anxious, so he did his best to act like he belonged. He was certain his birthday had passed recently, that he had just turned 18, but he couldn't be sure since White did not allow for birthday parties.

"Pink," Yellow started, shaking him from his thoughts,"We know it's been... difficult lately for you. We are quite busy and rarely ever spend time together anymore."

"I know you feel neglected and lonely, Pink. And- and it breaks my heart..." Blue teared up before composing herself and ceasing the veil of blue that overshadowed the room. "So, we've decided..."

"To give you your own mini colony just off of Homeworld," White interjected with a million watt smile.

Pink swallowed in shock. He couldn't believe it. This had to be a dream. A smile spread across his face until he was whooping and jumping for joy.

"Pink! Your manners!" Blue scolded.

He blushed and floated down.

"We have an entire place for your Zoo-mans, as we call them. They will be monitored and controlled by you and your Pearl once you have apologized and healed her."

"Thank you, White! Thank you, Yellow! Thank you, Blue!" Pink exclaimed starry eyed. The Diamonds had been telling him since the beginning of time that he wasn't ready and now suddenly they were giving him a chance.

"That's not the only part, Pink." Blues eyes lit up with excitement and motioned for her Pearl to step aside.

His human heart stopped.

Behind Blue Pearl, a young woman with creamed coffee skin and deep black eyes appeared. She was in a dress with strikes of pink and white that hugged her waist and pressed her breasts together tightly. Her long hair cascaded down her back in wavy obsidian waterfalls that curled at the ends. She blushed and smiled as she stepped forward.

Pink stared at her, bewildered at his pounding heart.


He felt. For the first time in a long time. He felt. The Diamonds made it so he acted as a Diamond, looked like a Diamond, was treated like a Diamond. And that's what he became. His human half had long faded into almost nothingness for 7 years.

He found himself short of breath, just looking at her. She seemed to be looking him over too, which made him feel antsy. How long would he get to keep her? Was she soley his, or did he have to share her?


"Huh? What?" He jumped out of his skin and shook his head. "I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck bashfully and cleared his throat. He didn't want to look like a fool in front of her.

"This is your new pet, she calls herself 'Connie'. She will be your faithful companion, confidante and valiant knight. Her job is to keep you happy and give you love. Say hello, Connie," White demanded her.

"Hello, my Diamond. It-it's an honor to serve in your court." She saluted and curtsied respectively.

White stared at Pink for a moment too long before stating, "You are dismissed."


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