13. A Letter From Juweyriya.
Bismillahi Rrahmaan Rrahiim.
Jazaakumullah kheyr dear readers. You give me a reason to smile. Special and precious thanks to anudnih and ayaam_94 for leaving votes in each chapter.
And special shoutout to @jewelsofislam for mentioning me in each chapter of 'her' book
Do give me your feedbacks and please please remember all the Muslim prisoners in your prayers. Yaa Allaah free all the Muslim Prisoners and grant them Jannah.
After confirming that indeed his wife was not going to be released that day, or anytime soon as a matter of fact, Sulayman was shattered. It was as if he could feel the broken pieces piercing his chest cavity making it hard to breath. Subhaana Allah it had felt so close, so close that even as his wife informed him that someone else was freed instead of her, his mind didn't accept it.
As he listened to her speaking, and witnessed the tears he so wished to wipe falling down the beautiful illuminated face of Juweyriya, his wife, something within him kept nurturing that hope. Just as a broken C.P.U fails to process any new data or information, the same way or even worse was how his heart refused to accept that Juweyriya was yet to remain a prisoner.
But then, she left.
She left and there were tears in her eyes.
She left and she looked broken.
She left and every part of her displayed the yearning her heart carried, the yearning to be reunited with her love.
She left, and her last words were Swabran Yaa Zawjy. Have patience O husband of mine.
Recalling those loving words just hurt him more, like an earthquake shakes the World, Sulayman felt everything within him breaking apart. He needed to be strong, he needed to be steadfast and keep depending on Allah with full trust, and most important he needed to be content with what Allah has decreed for them.
With a million thoughts swirling around his mind, he sought to cool himself a bit. With sujood. There was this feeling he gets every time he bows down his head to his King, Allaah The Almighty. Within the prison's compound, he spotted a tall mango tree and figured it would be the best place to prostrate to Allah.
As Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "The entire earth has been made a place of prayer except for the graveyards and the latrine."
Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 317
After taking off his sandals, he bowed down. The second his forehead touched the earth, it was as if he was put on a direct call to Allah. That was yet another strange gift from Allah, how one feels his presence. As he started thanking Allah for every trials he has been blessed with, pleading Him to grant him the acquired patience, the acquired Swabrun Jameel (gracious patience). He felt closer to Allah than he ever has. He cried his heart out, and it surprised Him not to see how his chest stopped aching and his heart no longer felt constricted because hasn't Allah said in His Holy Book, the Qur-an that,
Allah said,
Those who believed, and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.)
[13 : 28]
After feeling somehow better and contented, he got up from sujood. He was startled to find that he had company, a female prison officer. He had no idea how long that woman had been there staring at him. Just the thought of it made it sick, he decided to leave before this woman caused any trouble to his already troubled soul.
His company or rather his intruder seemed to have noticed that for she quickly stretched her hand. So quickly that Sulaymaan didn't even get the time to react or 'refuse the hand shake' in better words. Then, to his astonishment she dropped a rolled piece of paper, "Take it and leave Fast! It's from Ju-riya." failing to pronounce the name Juweyriya.
The lady then left without offering any apologies for intruding nor awaiting any appreciation for her marvellous work. Sulayman had long ago picked it, as being an ex-prisoner himself, he fully understood the risk of doing illegal business with prisoners. It didn't surprise him the least seeing how she accomplished her task in such haste, yet disappointment he felt for not having marked her face just in case he was going to need her send some message. He stared at her back as she left not even daring to glance behind and Sulayman hoped that the hair which looked so much like a wig, (apparently he wasn't really knowledgeable in that field), would still be there when he would need her assistance.
"Well! This is no time to nurture regrets ya nafsiy." Sulayman scolded himself. "Shame on you for regretting why you didn't mark her face instead of thanking Allah for this gift." and with that he went down, after safely securing his precious gift of course, then, again he bowed to his Lord. performing Sijdatu Sshukr.
He recited 'Ya Rabbi, Lakal hamdu kama yambaghi li jalali wajhika wa li 'azimi sultanika' from his heart, as he learnt from the noble hadith that ALlah himself personally compensate for such a great way of offering thanks.
[Sayyiduna 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (radiyallahu 'anhuma) reports that Nabi (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) informed them:
"Once a certain slave of Allah said 'Ya Rabbi, Lakal hamdu kama yambaghi li jalali wajhika wa li 'azimi sultanika'. (O Allah, All praise belongs to you, as befits the Glory of Your Countenance and the greatness of Your Might.)
The Angels were uncertain and did not know how to write down [the reward of this]. They ascended to the sky and said, ' O our Rabb, Your slave has uttered such a statement we are unsure how to write down [the reward]. Allah then said - and He knows best what His slave said -, 'What did my slave say'?
The Angels reply, 'He said 'Ya Rabbi, Lakal hamdu kama yambaghi li jalali wajhika wa li 'azimi sultanika'.
Allah Ta'ala then said, 'Write it down just as my servant has uttered it until he meets Me and I shall reward him for it.'"
Imam Ibn Majah (rahimahullah), Imam Tabarani (rahimahullah) and Imam Bayhaqi (rahimahullah) have recorded this narration.]
This time he had a much hostile intruder as he felt a stinky boot touching his shoulder. Pardon. He felt a stinky muddy boot slightly kicking his shoulder. On reflex, he stood up ready to defend himself. Well he chose fight above flight thanks to the freedom of choice in the Fight and flight hormone, he was met with a dark skinned figure a bit taller than himself much bulkier, yet that didn't cause him any fear. He knew more than falling in the pit of fear as he knew the ayah very well,
Allah The Exalted said,
Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. Those who believed and were fearing Allah.
For them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah . That is what is the great attainment.
Surah Yunus 62 - 64.
Yet he controlled himself, cause sometimes, just sometimes being, brave doesn't acquire physical strength but the ability to think quick and fast, the ability to weigh the outcome and pick the most beneficial one. Sometimes bravery is about intelligence and preferring others over one's soul.
Fighting this male officer here would just cause him a really quick expulsion, and he would never be allowed to see his wife again. Not until she gets freed. In Shaa' Allah. Not so worth it.
After much thinking, and feeling satisfied that his enemy didn't look like he was planning to attack, he resorted to leave the place and save himself the humiliation of being chased out like a puppy stealing meat. And Alhamdulillaah, that devil said nothing as he looked delighted to see his foe obeying his orders just through a glare.
Sulayman walked away from the prison, it was a long distance but he walked nevertheless, partly because he was saving money to free his wife and partly because he believed walking helps relieve one's mind.
When he reached their home, he was glad to find Abdullah at home. Abdullah had prepared a tiny feast to welcome the couple. The fresh aroma of milk tea, chapati (flat bread that looks like indian roti) and roasted cabbage with chicken filled the room. Sulayman's throat choked once again, as he was deeply touched by his brother's act. He tried to ignore the pain that re-engulfed his heart as he once more felt the absence of his beloved.
"Alhamdulillaah brother, Alhamdulillaah." He didn't continue for everything was as clear as sunshine.
"Be patient brother. Allah shall reunite you soon. He just wants to do it in the right time. Wherever she is, she is in Allah's care." Abdullah comforted him.
"Naam. So, I believe." Sulayman spoke, this time he managed to stop the tears from falling. He mentally thanked Allah for making him much stronger. "I'm sorry though for all the trouble you had to undergo." He told Abdullah referring to the food he pepared. "Not at all brother. It was my responsibility."
Again, Allah's words were proven that, And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah, you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful.Suratu Ibrahim 34.
"Why don't we go for a walk? And have our food once we were back?" Abdullah asked as he knew asking him to eat right away would be rather impolite. Sulayman was taken aback by that suggestion, he sure had had his share of walk, after that one hour and eight minutes walk. Not forgetting the fact that he was starving, and how his enzymes were out in the open thanks to the lovely scent.
"No way. After all this effort plus I will be honest am hungry already, let's eat then we shall go for a stroll." He ended with a genuine smile which helped cheer him up. Sulayman wasn't the type who would sulk at food and refused to have any just because he is in grief. He recalled having a full meal right after his father's burial. Call him anything but that was just him. Staying in prison for all those years did nothing but polish this behaviour of his as in there you eat what you set your hands on, so long as it is halal. No time to sulk.
Abdullah sighed a sigh of relief. Seeing his friend was smiling already. Maa Shaa Allah this brother sure had faith. May Allah bless him. The pair sat on their mat and after washing their hands, they started eating. It looked more like attacking the food, for Sulayman couldn't remember the last time he had such a delicious proper home-made meal. They survived on indomies, boiled eggs and bakery breads with once in a while treats of tuna fish. Chicken and Chapati sure were a great smile booster.
"I didn't know I live with a cook." Sulayman joked as he wriggled his eyebrows to Abdullah who was now trying to sip his hot milk tea. "Says the chef' cook." Abdullah joked back. Sulayman had narrated to him how he used to cook for a living. "Hey! Why don't you go back to being a cook? Perhaps in a hotel or something." Abbdullah spoke with excitement. He imagined how that would earn Sulayman a better pay.
"I wouldn't mind. Let's just hope I haven't forgotten some stuffs, seven years aint' a joke brother. Not just seven years, but seven years in prison." It was a normal thing for prisoners to loose memory and Sulayman didn't really view himself as an exception.
"If you see it as a way of freeing your wife, you will get more motivated and even the forgotten information will be remembered. Come on! We should start searching!"
Currently Abdullah had a secure job in a certain university in that area. While Sulayman worked as a part-time editor in one of the magazines, receiving very little amount of money for his article only came twice a week. He wrote under this article which stated "Wish I was Dead."
"That's a brave idea." Sulayman said as he licked the delicious chicken bone. Well who doesn't lick chicken bones?
"Which of the two? Finding a job? Or thinking of your wife while at job?" Abdullah asked as he leaned foward to get a clear glimpse of his brother. Sulayman just chuckled, he was used to these teasings now, at least that's what keeps the days moving.
When they finished their meal, Sulayman had already narrated everything that went on at prison. Abdullah encouraged him to keep on being strong promising he shall soon be victorious as the prophet may peace be upon him has promised when he said, Indeed victory comes with patience. Indeed relief comes with hardships.
Abdullah, as wise as he was, gave an excuse to leave the house, as he intended to give time to Sulayman so that he may read his wife's letter. And as planned the moment Abdullah left, Sulayman placed himself comfortably on the mattress they had, and after some shiftings he figured out there was no comfortable position for him to read. He got up and sat on the sofa, and then he still felt so uncomfortable so he went back to the mattress. He scolded himself for wasting time. He has been talking a lot to himself recently. O Lord! Help my soul to stay sane. Now that felt better, talking to the Almighty, The Most Supreme Being.
He carefully unfolded the string that held the paper in it's rolled state, as he feared tearing it was tearing a part of his heart, and he smiled when he realized it was a blanket's string. That was the only place she could get a string in prison.
Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rrahiim.
To my Husband.
I praise Allah for every thing in my life. I praise Allah for loving us and expressing his love through his trials.
May peace and blessings descend upon our Holy Prophet Muhammad, who was the most tried being by Allah. Being born an orphan, loosing is mother at the age of six, his grandfather at eight, being stoned at his neighbouring village, witnessing his beloved uncle die as a kaafir (disbeliever) and losing his wife when he needed him the most. The list is endless.
I don't know where to start, for just the mere thought that you shall be reading this sends me a rush of emotions I can't even explain. I miss you my husband, for all the seven years I had not once forgotten you. Not once. I kept praying for you that Allah loves you, protects you and that He reunites us in this World and the next.
In all my prostrations, I mention your name. How could I forget you when my heart beats chant your name day and night. I embraced you tight in my prayers, for when our arms do not reach those we love we hug them through prayers. Thanks to ArRahmaan who keeps bringing you in my dreams.
I can't express the joy I felt when I saw you at the visiting room that day. You, whom I constantly thought of. You, who always rebuilt my faith whenever it stumbled down. You, who loved me more than I love myself. You, whom I have and always will preserve a special place in my heart. All praise to Allah.
Jazaaka Allah khayr for every thing that you do for me. No matter how I try, I shall never be able to repay you back. Even the love I receive from you. You are my most precious gift.
My lovely husband, keep having faith. Trust Allah in this most trying moment. Be true to Him and He, in return shall be true to you. Never doubt his abilities, and remember when it gets too dark then dawn is near.
Our Son, Ashur. Do make a lot of dua's for him, for a parent's prayer never goes unanswered, May he grow up to be a righteous young man and may He find himself a righteous and pious wife who will pull him to Jannah. I miss him a lot these days, once I dreamt that he was looking for a potential wife. {smiling} I hope he has found one already and when we return we shall be welcomed by a bunch of grandchildren, together with sister Ramla. May Allah preserve her and us all.
I leave them under the care of Ar Rahmaan.
You know of prison like I do. I am safe here. I am in the hands of Allah, He sustains for me ALhamdulillaah. Today itself we received gifts; bars of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and a bottle of coconut oil. He protects me and most important he protects my faith, I am overwhelmed on how it keeps growing every day. The Qur-an, it is more sweeter in here, more lovelier. So, have that belief that Allah is the All Seer, The All Hearer and The All Knower.
And before my paper ends. Our brother, Abdullah. Pass my greetings to him. It is hard to find such pure hearts these days, and please do narrate the ayahs in Suratul Insaan to him that mentions the reward of feeding a prisoner and say that they are my gift to you both. May Allah repay him for his kindness and may all his prayers be answered and may He reunite with his loved ones. May Allah grant him Jannah with all those he loves.
Make sure you eat well, and no matter how tired you are never miss Qiyaam. Thank Allah in all situations.
I love you for ALlah's sake my precious husband.
Yours love.
A piece of toilet paper was attached to that letter. It read:
Assalamu Alaikum. Sorry I ran out of paper. This officer insisted I tell you why she agreed to help. Not sure why. Well, I once saw her hiding in a corner crying, as her boss refused to give her a day off and her daughter was extremely sick, I went near her and told her some comforting words and even quoted the qur'anic verses, on how to trust Allah. She says she never expected that from a prisoner. She thought I would mock her or something.
Later, that day I asked her to bring water and recited suratul faatihah so that she may give it to her daughter. Her daughter healed, by the will of Allah. And she thought she must repay the goodness.
I guess that's all. Lots of love, hubby.
Below that, in a different handwriting something was scribbled down, probably from the officer:
You got the loveliest wife.
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