Ferdeausee's POV.
I know I could've just titled it Author's note but that sounds too formal so yeah, it's my point of view.
I don't know where to start but goes nothing.
Alhamdullilah. I'm finally able to finish writing my fourth book on Wattpad that I've spent a lot of time writing.
~First of all, Aamir's name.
I just had to say this, I've met a lot of people pronouncing his name as 'Amir' like where did you guys leave the other 'A'? Please that's now how my head pronounces it. It's more of 'Ahh-mir' 'AHH-mir!!" Sorry. I had to do that.
Now back to real business.
~You see, I'm a pantser.
For those who don't know a pantser is a writer whom writes with the germ of an idea and you write by process of discovery; that is according to a well known bestselling author whom is also a pantser.
I didn't know where the plot was heading I just write based on how crazy my thoughts go. You know when you ask an author how to start writing a book and they tell you "Let your imaginations run wild", that's exactly what happened here. I stepped out of the box of reality and let my imaginations run far and wide.
I know this might sound crazy but the reason I started writing this book was because of the name. I know I'm weird. But seriously, I just had the name in my head and the voices in there kept chanting it. They were like "99 Days My Prince, 99 Days My Prince" over and over again until I wrote it down and said that I'll write a book about the topic because I find it quite unique. I've always had troubles with book names and to have found one this easily makes me want to write a book about it and so I did.
~I had no idea how the plot will be.
All I knew was that her name will be Khadijah and her other name will be Daihaah. You see, I've always been fond of the name Daihaah. It's the name of someone I know, and her real name just happens to be Khadijah too, but she isn't the Khadijah I'm referring to here. And Aamir...well honestly all I knew was that he'll be the typical Wattpad man we read about in books. You know the part of the good looks, being rich, loving and whatnot, everything real men that actually exist in the world we live in are not. But then I thought again, there's "My Prince" in the name so why not just make him a Prince, and so he became a Prince!
~My settings developed with time.
I will be honest with you all; I never knew there is a place named "Karaye" in the world. When I first started writing the book I thought since Daihaah is from Kano, why not make her a royal too? And if I'm not mistaken that was around the time Ganduje appointed four new Emirs in Kano and I was like, "Daihaah should be related to one of them". So I asked my mom, since she spent more than half her life there before she married my dad about the local governments in Kano. The way she was listing them, their names sounded so exotic that I just smiled all through not letting her know that I didn't get one name in my head. So, I resorted to going back to my dear friend Google and so Karaye came in. Now the funning part is that I kept pronouncing it as 'Karaye' instead of 'Qaraye' like how can I know when I've never heard of it? So I only got to know when I was talking to someone about the book and she corrected me. It's safe to say, that was when I knew how it is really pronounced so Kano people I'm sorry for mispronouncing your place name.
~Writer's block=new characters.
Now, whenever I have a writer's block I always resorted to bring in new characters because I was out of ideas. That's the reason why I have a lot of characters in my book and believe me I know that's bad but I can't help it. I believe that by introducing a new character, the person will come with additional drama and whatnot so whenever my characters bore me, I introduce a new character.
~There wasn't supposed to be Layla, Jabeer and Qamrah in the story.
Another funny thing is that like I said earlier, I'm a pantser so I create my plot as I write. I never planned on having a character named Layla moreover for the character to be Daihaah's twin. I wanted Daihaah to be an only child but when I finished writing chapter five, I didn't get that much feedback and I thought the book is boring so I thought "Why not bring some sort of mysterious rich character? Maybe people will like the book and they wouldn't find it to be boring" and so, Layla came in and just as I thought, the whole concept of how she came in and all, people liked it and I got the feedback that kept me going. Jabeer however I only brought him in when I was thinking and my sub-consciousness was like , "You that you're saying that Layla will be Daihaah's identical twin, how to do plan to explain how they got separated and she ended up in the hands of a Senator ehen? Oya Miss Author tell me!" and so I thought, he should be her real father and whatnot so that's how he came in. Btw my subconsciousness hates me😂💁 And Qamrah, I initially planned that she will be working abroad that's the reason she left and that she and her children have this strong bond that's why they hate Anty Rabi but my brain told me it's too cliché so I spiced it up a bit. Plus, I've always planned for her to be a soldier so...
~My dear Umma.
Initially, Umma was supposed to be your typical step mother that hates the child and she loves her husband unconditionally but I figured, people will find that boring as it's also cliché so I made her Lamido's rag doll, his puppet that he manipulated. Also, she wasn't supposed to die, hell even I didn't know she was going to die till the chapter she died. I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth. I figured it'll be better if she dies than having to be caught and sentenced to death for killing her husband and Malam Tanimu in front of Aneesah. I love my Anee way too much to let her be in such pain.
~Beloved Big Boss (my favorite character)😂❤💃
I honestly loved writing about this man especially from the beginning when you all didn't know his identity. Sure multiple times I wrote something's down about him that I had to delete because I know it was way too much of a hint and you'll figure that he's the Senator. Another reason why I never said anything about except twice; the first time being when I introduced Layla and the second being the day Daihaah regained her memory. I thought that mentioning something about the news on him would've made some of you start to suspect him.
His ending however, I'll leave that to your imagination. Because the way I've made him from the beginning do you really think their plan to catch him they'll succeed? That would've been too easy because the man is smart, surely he won't fall that easily. You guys can picture his ending however you like.
As for me, I don't know if he'll make an appearance in Stars Align, maybe he would maybe he won't. No one knows.
~Facts you missed.
I never explained how Umma killed Abba and Malam Tanimu since at the time they weren't even in the same state and I've never explained it. The truth is even I never figured that out. But just in case you're wondering it might just be she had someone mess with their brakes while they were there.
Another thing is that all I never fully showed Aneesah care that much about her other siblings unlike Daihaah. The truth is that she does care, she just know that they are in safe hands as Ammah is with their elder brother and his wife while Aliyah is with Baffa Lamido.
I've also never showed Daihaah to care much about her other brothers, especially the one that was said to be missing since Abba died. You know the type of people that you'll hear others saying, "Ya bi duniya" Yeah? That's where he belongs.
No one ever knew what happened to Hannah after she left. I never mentioned it because I know y'all don't care. So let's end her chapter there.
Also I never wrote about Anee and Faruk's wedding but that was only because the story isn't about them.
~My plot changed.
Well, I wouldn't exactly say it changed considering I didn't have one to begin with but when I did develop done, I found it really cliché and boring. So my first thought of the plot was that Daihaah and Aami will get married because she is betrothed to him. After the marriage, she'll face all sorts of troubles from Anty Rabi until she's fed up and she leaves him after 99 days. Now I know how lame that sounds and the one thing I'd hate for my book to be labeled as will be 'lame'. So that's why I don't develop my plot before writing a story.
~Your comments gave me ideas.
I don't know if any of you recognize this, or maybe the writers amongst you do this but I do this a lot. I love reading your comments because they gave me ideas. It's like for instance when I see a comment like "I hope Anty Rabi will not be wicked" now that's when my brain will be like, "Hmm Anty Rabi should be wicked but in some twisted way" and then bam! You guys help develop my plot.
~Daihaah has faced a lot of challenges in her life.
I know that for a fact that Daihaah had faced a lot of challenges. But that my people, that is why you still kept on reading because you want to know how she'll overcome it and that is what makes it confusing, and worth anticipating for. Had it been Daihaah being the main character had an easy life with loving parents and family, the perfect spouse and whatnot I assure you most of you would've stopped reading this book since because it's your typical cliché book just like every other out there.
~Do Daihaah and I have things in common?
Yes. She and I have a lot in common. Honestly all my characters, female to be precise, and I have things in common but Daihaah, I put myself in her. She is living my life, a complicated version of it and one of the many fantasies I have about my future I gave it to her. Her attitude mirrors mine, just a little more intense. So sometimes I understand how she felt and what she felt. Whenever I write it's like I feel her emotions and everything and she responds to everything just like I will. Except that if I had someone like Prince I go stick to him like gum, muta qaraba takalmin kaza. That's just it. I will not be dragging class anyhow for any reason.
~Prince and Daihaah are the most complicated couples I've ever written on.
I'd like to say they are the most complicated but I know it's just the beginning; I have big plans for Jannah and Suhad, just wait and see. But really, even I as the writer have troubles with their relationship. They gave me headaches ooo but shaa, all is well.
~My plot is twisted.
My book is confusing at first, I know that very well. But once you come to the end you'll understand everything. So in a way the book has been in some sort of suspense from the beginning since there have been a lot of secrets. Now if it wasn't for the secret I'm sure most of you would've predicted the ending and stopped reading the book since. I know I will if I am in your shoes.
~I had goals before I started writing this book.
I don't know if I'm the only one that does that but I did have goals I wanted to achieve before ending this book.
-I wanted to reach 100 thousand views. I promised myself not to finish writing this book until I've reached one hundred thousand views. And Alhamdullilah I now have over two hundred thousand plus viewers which is WAY more than I would've ever imagined.
-I wanted to spend a year writing the book so that I'll be like "I spent one year writing this book. My babies are finally one year old" or something like that. If you've read my books before then you'll know that I end my books in just three to four months but this one I did spend a year writing it. And I am proud of myself because in writing, speed doesn't matter; quality does no matter what your deadline is.
-I wanted to write someone's favorite book. I have quite a number of people telling me that this is their favorite book. Now I know that's common, we say that to a lot of people but having someone say that to me is overwhelming really and it makes me proud that I write someone's favorite book.
-I want to write something as good as that of my favorite authors. You see in wattpad, my three all time, for life favorite authors will always be Miryamaah Nanah_Muhammad and itx_ammarh. I will read their book Finding Zarah, Irrevocable and Loving Ammah a thousand times without getting tired because that's how much I love them. Now I know I'm nowhere close to being as great as they are but girl can dream right! It's not as good as heirs and it'll never be but I've tried shaa.
~Action scenes.
Wait what did I just type? The thing I wrote won't even be classified under action. I'm sure it has been established that I suck at writing actions scenes. I can tell you this, the chapter Daihaah first got into an accident and lost her memory, I can't read the chapter without cringing so I gave up on reading it. At times I wonder "Am I the one that wrote this nonsense?" or my brain will be like "Does this makes sense to you that you're trying to feed your readers it?" or I will think, "Firdausi what has gotten into you to write this thing?" Truth is I never planned on anything action-y in the book, not one bit. But it all came as I write it.
~Things that makes sense.
So whenever I'm writing anything about Aamir and Daihaah I will be like "Keh you're not married but you do know that real men aren't like this ko?" and my poor self will be thinking thinking. You know that feeling when you're writing a book and you know that there's a chance that amongst your readers some might be married and they know the stories you're feeding people are all lies because you never experienced it? That is what I think of times without number. But then what can I do? Girls can only hope right? Our common sense will reminds us that books like this are FICTION and marriage is WAY harder than we make I seem like in books where your only problem is the groom's mother, sister or cousins. Shaa but one advice I have is that you should fear those cousins oo! They are deadly. Tam! I've spoken all I wanted to say.
~"I want to start writing a book, please help me" or "Can you please tell me how you manage to get your readers" or all questions of that sort.
I've had quite a number of people asking me such questions. I think all prominent writers here will agree with me that they didn't just wake up, write and bam! They have thousands of viewers. It took time. And it took me time to realize and agree with that. Actually seeing questions like that reminds me of me back in the day when I follow writers to their dms seeking for advice on writing. Usually all they tell me is the same thing. They said quote unquote "Never give up". And I held onto that even though there was a time that I almost quit writing completely. That was way back when I was writing my first book.
That's why if you've read my book Forever and a day after then you'll remember that I said something about lymerh_Idris I don't think I'll EVER forget what she did to me because if not for her, I wouldn't have continued writing and there wouldn't be a book named 99 days my prince today.
Now I know my first book is bad, like really cringe worthy because I still can't read it without cringing but despite how bad it was she still read it, commented and told me to not give up when I was about to. Now I don't think you can ever forget such person if your life and I'm hoping to be like her too. Plus I know for a fact that she's a writer I'll always look up to.
~I've always wanted to publish my book in paperback.
Now I promised myself this, as long as I'm alive and healthy in shaa Allah I'll publish 99 Days my prince in paperbacks even if it's just one copy. I will hold my baby in my hands and flip through its pages. But first, before I start dreaming of that I have a lot of things to do. Though one thing I know for sure is that ill make the edited version WAY better.
Yes, it's my favorite because I am proud of myself for writing it. I know it might not have made a difference in your lives but it did to mine. Because through it I got to meet a lot of amazing people that are different from the ones I interact with. I've spent hours in front of my laptop, staying up late if I have to just to type and God knows I'm doing it because I love it immensely. I had to do researches on things I don't know so as to not embarrass myself and whatnot but it's totally worth it.
I think by now it's a well known fact that my next book will be this book's sequel, but it will be about SUHAD AND JANNAH not Daihaah and Aamir, please keep that in mind. And one thing's for sure is that I'll put my very best in that book because if you've noticed my writing skills improve with each and every new book I publish. Somehow my new books are always better than the last ones and so I hope this case will be the same too In shaa Allah.
Unfortunately yes, though maybe, just maybe you should keep your heads up for a surprise; that is if I'm in the mood for it. If not then this is goodbye in this book. Honestly, I'd enjoyed reading your comments; it keeps smiles on my face whenever I'm reading them. I'm sorry to people whom I might've been rude to accidentally or maybe because they said something that annoyed me. If you don't deserve it then I'm sorry and if you do then take a sip of Pepsi, shower with cold water and go hug transformer out of anger. That one is your own problem not mine.
Thank you all so much, I know you've heard a lot of writers thanking you endlessly for voting, commenting and all and I wouldn't be any different. Thank you for everything wallahi it means so much for taking your time to read my book, to vote on it, to recommend to others and to follow me. It means SO MUCH! Seriously you can't even imagine how much it means to me. Okay I know I keep repeating that but still...
I know along the journey I made confreres and well, I had fun talking to you all.I love y'all.
Don't forget to add STARS ALIGN in your library please. As you're done reading this, you can check my profile, I've uploaded it.
~One last thing, BUSINESS.
Abi ladies nowadays have turned business into a trend and I refuse to be left behind. So...
Yessss, I make business logos and flyers and book trailers at affordable prices. Please patronize me ooo. Ehen thank you.
Love, Jannah.
17th July, 2020.
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