

54,400 5,390 37

"Babu wanda ya ke tsallake kaddararsa a rayuwa Adda. Duk abunda kika ga ya faru dake to Allah ya riga ya rubuta tun kafin kizo duniyan nan. Hakuri zakiyi sai kuma kiyi Addu'a Allah ya baki ikon cin wannan jarabawar. Amma wannan al'amari rubutacce ne"..Tunda take bata taba zaton haka zai kasance da ita a rayuwa ba. Wai abunda take jin labari a wajen mutane kuma take karantawa shine yake shirin faruwa da ita?....A karo na biyu da zuciyarshi ta sake karyewa a sanadin so, baya tunanin kuma zai kara budeta da wannan niyyar. Sai dai me?..Ku biyoni dan jin labarin Fareeha, da abubuwan da rayuwarta ta kunsa..…

Once in a Lifetime

Once in a Lifetime

813 55 3

Ummul Khair and Salim are the original definition of star crossed lovers. Being each other's first love right from their youth, a tragic decision sets them apart. Years later, they are granted a second chance to rekindle their lost relationship. Will they grab hold of it or will another malign star thwart them away?…



1,110,757 7,776 4

He looked at me with so much adoration in his eyes that made my stomach do double flips and my heart just melted."I will shield you from all the harm in this world. I will make sure everyone accepts the shade of your skin and your brunette hair. You will never ever feel like you don't belong here anymore. You deserve to be happy like every princess. And you will forever be happy. I promise you this. "The tears were swimming at the brim of my eyes gently cascaded down my face just as he finished his sentence. I trusted him. I knew he meant it. And for the first time in my life,I was glad I was married to this man.…

Loving Zarah

Loving Zarah

65,185 5,822 14

He needed helpShe helped himHe needed guidanceShe guided HimHe needed loveShe loved himHe was lost She found himShe was brokenHe mended herShe criedHe wiped her tearsShe was in painHe was her cureShe was lostHe found her......................…