It had been over a week since the incident happened. School was closed for three days. Whispers and rumours blew on the breeze. Some started calling me the sister of the suicidal girl. Some showed pity. Most faces were painted with fake sadness, mirth behind their mask of anguish. But I refused to believe it still. My sister could never attempt suicide. I knew her very well. We shared each of our problems with each other. We were the other half of each other.
Charlotte ran across the hallway the moment she saw me and hugged me. She too had dark circles from the nightmares and lack of sleep. Giving her a small tired smile, I patted her shoulder before walking towards my class.
The first forty eight hours after that horrible day was probably the worst. Prayers after prayers flew from my mind to the deity above to save my sister's life. The critical time when no one knew if my Lexi would survive the day. I had watched her flatline before the doctors started reviving her. The pain and grief I went through in those moments made me hate myself. Self loath clouded my mind for failing to see my sister's pain.
When the doctor finally announced that she was in a coma for an undefined period of time made me lose all self control. I screamed my heart out on the road, the clouds seemed to comfort me with its own weeping.
I knew today would be horrible, but I underestimated it still to a huge extent. I couldn't bear the constant teases and words thrown towards my sister for her poor mental health anymore. They had no mercy for someone's pain, no sympathy. All the selfish egoistic bastards ruining the freedom and dreams of everyone weaker to boost their own fucking self esteem. Before lunch began, I found myself running out of the school to be away from the people I once used to call human beings. I didn't even think before going towards the backside, the woods. I just wanted to be alone, away from the chaos, from everyone's eyes.
Wiping off my tears, I stared at the unknown surroundings. I didn't come in these woods often, once or twice that's all. School never allowed us to go to these woods saying there are wild animals. And it was proven a couple of times when a corpse would be found. A chiming of a bell made me glance around the brown forest, my feet slowly taking me towards the sound. Branches smacked against my waist. I let out a small hiss as a sharp end had scratched my elbow leaving a bleeding small cut. The chiming sound was never ending. It's pitch kept increasing until a headache started to form, it was painful and constant. Like a tsunami alarm. Fear grew in my heart thinking if something were to happen to me I would have no one coming for my rescue. Neither was I able to turn around and run back.
I gasped when I finally came to a clearing. There lay in front of me a frozen lake approximately five metres ahead. How could it be possible? It's autumn. Dried leaves crunched underneath my footsteps. The bell had finally stopped ringing in my ears. I knew not to get close to whatever this was but the moment I started retracing my steps, the sudden beep made me clutch my head. The pain had me weeping. It felt like someone was knocking a hammer on my brain. I took a few steps forward and to my amazement, the pain reduced a little bit. I was crying and whimpering full on, whether it might be because of the fear or the pain I didn't know. I tried to get close to see if it's real ice or not. Warning signals came from my gut but the pain was too overwhelming. I was so close to touching the layer. My palms could feel its coldness floating above. I hadn't noticed the rock then and by the time I had, it was too late. I slipped on it and got thrown into the lake. The thin layer cracking at a rapid pace underneath me. It was not able to handle my weight. My legs were shaking as I tried to get up but unfortunately today was just not my day. The ice gave away under my slight movement and I fell deep into the cold water. My hands reached up and tried to get hold of something, but oxygen was leaving my body too fast. Black spots darkened my vision. The cold water had my body numbed. Visions, memories started taking over my body as I struggled to keep my eyes open.
When I opened my eyes, I was in a different place. There were giggles and shouts around me. It took a while to focus on the voices and the place I was in. There was a soothing feeling in my head, as if a pressure was finally removed after years. It felt like I was watching my surroundings from a glass, possibly a mirror. Everything had a haze in it. I was there, but also not there. I felt trapped in this place. Am I dead? It was cold, everywhere it was pale white and chilly. Am I in Narnia? The white snow and the little decor in the backyard made me sure it was Christmas here. A family was preparing themselves for a journey. There were two girls in the back seats of the car.. One seemed a few months old, the other a few years. The elder one is a brunette with amber eyes. Her little pony tail is adorning beautifully her heart shaped face as she played with her baby sister who was giggling and looking at her elder sister with her sparkling hazel eyes..
I blinked and found myself back at the lake, kicking my legs, trying to reach up and get hold of something. My body was almost paralysed. The water was way too cold. My lungs were on fire, the burning pain choking me due to the lack of oxygen. I couldn't stay above the water for long, even though I knew how to swim the training didn't seem to work here.
I blinked again. I was back at that place. It was still Christmas, white and red and green Christmas. Santa's and elves Christmas. I couldn't properly make out what they were saying. I guess I was invisible to them. They did not notice me moving into the backseat with them. I could understand that the couple was arguing. But could not hear what they were talking about. There was a strange buzzing in my head as if a warning for stepping on low grounds.
The mother got into the car, her brunette locks apparently had specks of white highlights. She seemed to be a young mother but the wrinkles on her forehead told a hundred different stories of struggle. Her eyes were red, clouded with tears yet she stopped herself from breaking down in front of us or maybe her kids. I turned back to look at the young kids. The elder was clearly busy playing with her toys while the younger took in every corner of the car with her doe eyes.
There was a soothing pain in my chest, numbing every second as my heart rate decreased. The colours and lights seemed to brighten around everywhere with each passing moment.
"You know I have to leave Hillary. I promised her that I would drop you and the kids to my parents and go."
The first words I heard in this place were from the father.
"You can't do this to me Gabriel, you can't leave us", the woman shouted, voicing her inner pain.
"Hillary please try to understand my position, I have to take Daisy with me, she needs her mother." I could feel the desperate begging in the father's tone.
"Her mother is right here Gabriel. I might not have birthed her but I am not giving her away. She is my kin, my daughter you won't take her away from me." The mother is holding back her tears but her voice is giving away the truth.
"Daddy are you going somwere? Is it because of this mommy is angry? Will you be taking baby boo with you again? Can I go with you too?" The elder girl says in her innocent childish voice.
"No, he is not taking her. He is not taking any of you away from me, you hear me sweetheart. You are staying with mommy. Your mommy loves you." Tears trail from the mother's eyes as she speaks.
"Mommy I'm sorry don't cry. I won't leave you ever. I pawmise." The girl wipes away her mother's tears with her tiny little hands.
"Darling stop talking, we need to reach granny's house in three hours. Have you put on your safety belt?" The father stops them from talking as a helpless tone lingers in his voice.
"But da—"
The rest of the sentence got blurred out, I couldn't hear anymore and found myself fading away back to reality.
When I opened my mouth again, I gasped as water flooded out of my mouth, someone was putting pressure on my chest until I could finally breathe properly again. I coughed and couldn't stop, until all the water choking my lungs finally went out from the track it had come from.
Before I could finally say anything to the stranger still sitting on top of me, he took away the introduction chance from me.
"Are you fucking suicidal Miss?"
Word Count : 1615
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