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Pugsley was sitting at the end of the pier by the lake in the woods behind Nevermore when Ember and Wednesday approached.

After her encounter with the sheriff, Ember had went back up to the school, where she had met with her female cousin, telling her everything Gomez had told her about Garrett Gates.

"Interesting," Wednesday had commented, mouth going silent but brain not.

"So where are you heading?" Ember asked, seeing a black bag in her cousin's hand.

"To see Pugsley. He went 'fishing' in the woods but didn't take his gear," Wednesday answered.

So, the two cousins had decided to go up to the woods together; more as an accompaniment than friends.

They found Pugsley easily, coming up on him from behind.

"You forgot your fishing gear," Wednesday told him, making him turn around to see his sister and cousin.

"Go away," his eyes were teary, and his voice choked up.

Wednesday didn't say anything, but instead layed down the two fishing rods and sat down beside Pugsley. Ember sat on the other side.

"Stop trying to be nice," Pugsley told them. "It doesn't suit either of you."

Wednesday ignored this. "Father packed your favourite bait," she said.

This alone was enough for Pugsley to look in the black bag Wednesday had brought with her. He delved inside it and grinned, pulling out a grenade. But then his smile disappeared, and he just let the small bomb drop into his lap. "What'll happen to him now?"

Ember thought. "Well, he's confessed, so there won't be a trial. After he's sentenced, he'll be sent to a state penitentiary, where he'll lose his mind being separated from your mother."

"Did you know they haven't spent a night apart since they tied the knot?" Wednesday asked.

Ember didn't think she could ever love. Let alone love hard enough to be like that.

Pugsley, meanwhile, shook his head. "I always thought I'd be the first one in the family behind bars."

"Mother and I had a bet going," disclosed Ember. "It was going to die when she did, but Lurch carried it on."

Silence fell between the two siblings and one cousin. "Come on, let's see if the fish are biting," Wednesday finally said.

Pugsley sighed, and pulled the pin on the grenade, chucking it ten metres into the water. There was an explosion with a splash ten feet high, and then about thirty to forty fish floated to the top of the water.

"That's quite a catch," Wednesday said.

Pugsley sighed, looking at his sister and cousin. "I'm gonna miss him!" He cried.

"It's not over yet. He's innocent," Ember told her cousin.

"Well... if anyone can figure out who really committed the crime... it's you two," Pugsley gave a small smile at his cousins, then his face became serious. "You have to find out the truth and free dad."

"Well, until that happens, we both know mother will be falling apart," Wednesday sighed. "Which means we all have to be strong. And by 'we all' I mean you."

Pugsley looked out at the lake.

"Now, give me one of those," Ember said, extending her hand for a grenade. Pugsley put one in her hand and she ripped the pin out of it, chucking it further that her cousin's into the water. The explosion seemed bigger, but it was probably the same.

Ember turned her head. "Where is aunt, anyway?"

Pugsley shrugged. "She said she wanted to be alone. Somewhere where no one would find her."

Ember had a logical, rational and right guess to where this was.


"Hello, aunt."

Ember had been right. Morticia was standing in the middle of the Nightshades library, which Ember hadn't been in since she had rejected the group, along with Xavier, Ajax, Bianca, Yoko and the others.

"Hello, Ember," Morticia sighed. "So you're a Nightshade. That didn't take long."

"Actually, I rejected them," Ember said, walking down the stairs and into the middle of the room, where her aunt was.

"Why? Because I was a member? Your uncle? Your mother?" Morticia asked.

"I'll never live up to your legacy here, or mother's," Ember spoke honestly. "Even the current club members know of it, however small minded they are. I win the Poe Cup, mother claimed it four times. I join the fencing team, you captained it. Why would you send me somewhere I could only exist in your shadow?"

Morticia's unblinking eyes glazed over. "It's not a competition, Ember."

"Everything is a competition, aunt," Ember said, head not moving but eyes looking down. "You just can't see that because you're winning."

Morticia sighed.

"But mostly, I rejected them because they're a trivial social club," Ember finished.

"We used to be so much more," Morticia sighed under her breath.

"Well, I'm guessing it went downhill when Xavier Thorpe and Bianca Barclay joined," Ember muttered under her breath.

Morticia sighed. "Our mission was to protect outcasts from harm and bigotry," she said firmly. "In fact, the group was started by an ancestor of your uncle's from Mexico. One of the first settlers in America."

"Goody," Ember answered quickly. Then, seeing the confused look on her aunt's face, she elaborated. "I saw her painting at Pilgrim World."

"Oh," Morticia gave a teary scoff. "Ironic, isn't it, when she was the one to kill Joseph Crackstone."

I admire her, was Ember's first thought upon hearing this news. She hadn't known that.

"The Nightshades were her secret, but deadly answer to his oppression," Morticia sighed.

Then she delivered it.

"I know why you've come here, Ember," Morticia stated quietly. "So, go on. Ask."

Ember hesitated. "Uncle Gomez didn't kill Garrett Gates, did he?"

She had been suspecting it ever since Gomez had confessed...


And again, Morticia was now confessing, but it was the same scene... Gomez and Garrett were fighting... and Morticia watching on. The man she loved and the man who loved her.

"By the time I made it up the stairs, I found your uncle fighting for his life, it was terrifying."

She spoke of how she had screamed for Garrett to stop... of how he had been smashed against the pillar... of how he had looked at her with a crazy, obsessed look...

She had screamed again, trying to get the two boys to stop... and then, finally, she told the tale of the sword getting kicked away and Gomez running to it... Garrett standing up and looking, this time, at Morticia...

"I'll never forget the way he looked at me. He was even foaming at the mouth... It was like I was staring into the eyes of a rabid beast."

The same story. The exact same story. Except Morticia was the one to pick up the sword, flung astray. And when Garrett walked onto it, piercing himself, it was Morticia who was holding the weapon.

The blood was on her hands.

"It was only when I heard the scream that I realised what I'd done. Your uncle was so... calm, and brave."

So Garrett fell and Weems screamed, then Gomez took the sword out of Morticia's hand and convinced her to leave. She was stunned, and crying, but he managed it. He took the sword out of her hand and appeared at the top of the balcony with it.

"Your uncle took the blame in order to protect me..." Morticia's voice faded into a whisper. "I was so grateful when they cleared him of any wrongdoing but I knew... I knew... that someday this would come back to haunt us. And it has."

Ember was silent, considering all her options. Then she spoke. "You said Garrett was foaming at the mouth. That his eyes didn't look human."

"I've never seen someone so blinded by rage..." Morticia shook her head, more tears falling.

"Well maybe it wasn't rage at all," Ember took a step towards her aunt. "Foaming saliva, dilated pupils, mental confusion. What are those all textbook symptoms of?"

She smirked as Morticia gasped, looking at the ground. "But how can that be...?"

Ember's smirk widened. "There's only one way to find out."


It seemed Ember was just going in and out of Jericho this Parents Weekend. Because now, she was standing in the graveyard, halfway down into Garrett Gates' grave, trying to find the casket in the ground.

She breathed hard as she worked, shovel in hand and dirt under her fingernails, chucking it in piles behind her.

"Oh, this reminds me of when your mother and I got you and Wednesday matching grave digging kits!" Morticia swooned, putting a hand to her heart. "You were both so happy you almost smiled."

Ember chucked another lot of dirt behind her, straightening up to look at her aunt. "You're sure you don't want to join?"

"Oh... umm- no that's okay, darling, I don't wanna spoil your fun," Morticia said hastily, glancing down at her newly manicured nails.

Ember scoffed, discarding of more dirt and sticking her shovel back into the ground. She was in a hole that was at least four feet deep now, it had to be-

The shovel hit something hard.

Ember balanced the shovel against the side of the hole and knelt down, raking away more dirt until a placard was visible:

Gแด€ส€ส€แด‡แด›แด› Gแด€แด›แด‡s
1972 - 1990

"Moment of truth," Ember said, partly to herself and partly to her aunt, as she curled her fingers around the opening to the casket.

It opened easily. Ember closed her eyes and breathed in the smell, almost smiling. Then, with opened eyes, she saw the body.

The flesh had only partly rotted away from the bones; the mid section of the body seemed oddly preserved. But it was the skull Ember looked at; the teeth all still there, in a sickening smile, and hair of shoulder length, all greasy and matted.

"Hello, Garrett," Ember spoke lowly and threateningly, seeing at once what had really killed Garrett Gates. "I was right."

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Ember jumped up, but not before getting her evidence. A police car was parked outside the graveyard, lights flashing, and a policewoman was coming towards Ember and Morticia, a huge torch in hand. "Guess there's going to be an Addams family reunion in lockup tonight."

Ember had to admire her aunt as Morticia put her hands up, surrendering. Ember followed suit, knowing exactly what to do now.

"You're both under arrest," the policewoman told them.

The rest was history.


"Get comfortable. You can post bail in the morning," Sheriff Galpin said roughly, as he slid the bars to Ember and Morticia's cell shut and locked it firmly.

They had an adjoining cell to Gomez, so obviously, Morticia and her husband were kissing and embracing through the bars at the back as Ember stood at the front of the cell, trying to formulate her next move.

"Not even the long arm of the law could keep us apart," Gomez whispered.

"At least we'll have one last night together..." Morticia cried.


"I've seen jackals with more self-control than you two," Ember raised her voice, still looking out between the bars. Her aunt and uncle turned to her, and she turned as well, walking towards them. "Neither of you are strong enough to serve hard time," she smirked, "and thanks to me, you won't have to."

"I knew our little jailbird would have an escape plan!" Gomez grinned from his cell.

Ember, meanwhile, was getting a bit of black tissue from her pocket. It had her evidence rolled up inside it; a single finger, that had belonged to Garrett Gates.

She unfolded it in front of her aunt and uncle. "It's a souvenir from our outing. I borrowed it from Garrett."

She handed it to Morticia, who took it in her hand.

"He died from nightshade poisoning," Ember said definitively. "The remarkable preservation of soft tissue and blue tint confirms it."

It was true; the finger had blue bits all over it.

Morticia saw it too. "Which means Garrett was dying-"

"Before you stabbed him," Ember nodded.

Morticia gasped and turned to Gomez. "You look even more ravishing as an innocent woman," he told her, going in for a smooch-

"For once, could you two get off each other and focus?" Ember asked irritably, taking the finger back off Morticia-

And then she was falling, her head pointed upwards...

A sign... the Rave'N nineteen ninety...

"Prove to me you're still worthy to be called my son!" She was seeing a car now... and an angry man was in the driving seat, speaking to a scared Garrett in the passenger one...

This was Ansel Gates... Garrett's outcast-hating father...

"Kill all those outcasts!" He yelled at Garrett, handing him a vial of... Of nightshade poison...

"Sneak into that dance and spike the punch bowl!"

Garrett was going into the dance... but then he saw Gomez... and Morticia...

"Argh!" He was fighting with Gomez... getting shoved into the pillar...

The vial had smashed in his pocket...


Ember's head shot down and came into contact with the cold floor of the prison cell. She got up immediately, eyes widening.

"You had a vision, didn't you?" Morticia looked surprised.

Ember realised why. She had never told her aunt she was having them.

"What happened?" Morticia then changed her tune, acting more curious than taken aback. "What did you see?"

Ember didn't waste any time. "The night Garrett died, he had a vial of nightshade poison that broke in his pocket. He wasn't just trying to kill uncle. He was going to use the nightshade poison to murder the entire school."

Morticia looked to Gomez, who looked right back.

They would deal with this in the morning.

Which meant it was going to be a long night.


As soon as day dawned, Ember and Morticia posted bail and got out of jail, heading straight to the Mayor's office with Garrett Gates' finger.

"Thank you for seeing us at such short notice, Mr Mayor," Morticia started. She and Ember were standing a couple of metres from Mayor Walker's desk, and Ember had the finger in hand.

"Yes, well, veiled threats have that effect," Mayor Walker said plainly, looking at Ember.

"Garrett Gates wasn't killed by a stab wound," she started urgently, walking forwards and laying the finger down on the desk. The mayor's throat gave a little gurgle and he looked away.

"That blue sheen is a telltale sign of nightshade poisoning," Morticia stepped up, she too walking forward.

"But you already knew that, didn't you?" Ember questioned, not for a second doubting her theory. "Because back when you were sheriff, you were in charge of the case and you covered it up."

Mayor Walker avoided eye contact for a second, heaving a heavy sigh. He then looked up at Ember and Morticia in turn. "Ansel Gates hated outcasts and Nevermore. He claimed the land the school was built on was stolen from his family over two hundred years ago.

"Garrett went there that night to, spike the punch, and kill all the kids at that dance," he knew more than Ember had anticipated. "Ansel confessed the whole thing to me in a drunken stupor. It was his idea."

So he knew... Ember thought savagely. "Why did you instruct Dr Anwar to falsify the autopsy report? You knew the truth about how he really died."

"Listen, my job was to keep the peace," The mayor raised his voice. "Now, if there had been a trial, both Jericho's and Nevermore's reputations would've been trashed!"

"I think the only reputation you were worried about ruining was your own," Morticia chimed in, a smirk on her face. "I remember Garrett bragging to me that his father had the sheriff in his pocket. And one year later, you get elected mayor. Hmm... no doubt with the full support of Ansel Gates."

"I resent your implication," Mayor Walker snapped.

"What I resent is that you could've prevented Garrett's death if you had done your job when I lodged my complaint about him stalking me," Morticia leant forward on the desk. "But no. Men like you have no idea what it feels like not to be believed."

She held her stony gaze, her last words burning into him. He could only stare for so long. "What do you want?"

Morticia and Ember turned to each other. "All charges dropped," Morticia told the mayor.

"My uncle will be released immediately with a full and unequivocal apology from the sheriff's office," Ember told the mayor, who curled his mouth. "Do we have... a deal?" She asked; low and threatening. Just her type of negotiation. "Because I can assure you, that if we do not, everyone will soon know the truth about Garrett Gates. And the reputations you've devoted your life to saving will be ruined anyway."

There was no option for the mayor.

Apart from agreeing.


Back outside, Wednesday and Pugsley joined Morticia and Ember as they all waited for Gomez to come out of jail.

But Ember took Morticia aside to talk to her.

"You were very impressive in there," she told her aunt, giving her a satisfied nod.

Morticia smiled, then her face glazed over. "When did your visions begin?"

"A few months ago," Ember answered. "Wednesday's too. Before we left for Nevermore. Though hers are never as... extreme as mine."

"Hmm," Morticia sighed. "I'm sorry you didn't feel you could tell me."

Ember studied her. "I know we've had our difficulties lately," Morticia went on. "And I know I could never replace my sister as your mother... but I'm always here for you, Ember. Always."

Ember nodded, turning to properly face her. "Sometimes when I touch someone or something, I get these very violent glimpses from the past or future. I don't know how to control it. But Xa- someone - told me that they were just telling me what I wanted."

"Our psychic ability resides on the spectrum of who we are," Morticia said. "Given my disposition, my visions tend to be positive. That makes me a Dove."

"And for someone like me?" Ember asked. "Who sees the world through a darker lense?"

"You're a Raven," Morticia smiled.

"Like this?" Ember asked, bringing out the obsidian necklace that Morticia had given her when she first arrived at Nevermore.

"Yes," her aunt answered. "That's part of the reason why I gave you it. Your mother... she was always a Raven. And I her dove. But a Raven's visions are more potent... more powerful. But without the proper training, they can lead to madness. If I could help you, I would, Ember, but we're not trained by the living. Somebody from our bloodline reaches out from beyond to help us when we're ready."

Ember knew exactly what this meant. "Goody has," she said. "I've seen her before."

"Be careful, Ember..." Morticia warned, her face serious. "Goody was a witch of great strength, but her vengeance pushed her too far, and even she couldn't save herself."

Ember was about to reply, but Gomez was coming down the steps of the prison, Lurch putting his jacket back on. He then faced the sheriff. Ember couldn't see what they were saying, but it looked as though they were... making up?

They even shook hands before the sheriff want back inside and Gomez went to his family.

"Dad!" Pugsley ran at him, getting enveloped in a big hug. Morticia then grabbed Ember and Wednesday and brought them in, making it a kind of group hug.

Ember would usually be against it.

But she couldn't fight the smile on Pugsley's face.


"Don't push it," Ember told Pugsley, as he had her in a big hug.

Finally, Parents Weekend was at an end, and everyone was out on the drive at Nevermore, bidding farewell to their families.

So were Ember and Wednesday, as Pugsley went to the car and Gomez and Morticia stepped forward.

"Well, at least we can't say Parents Weekend wasn't a nail-biter," Gomez said to his daughter and niece.

"I knew you didn't have what it takes to be a murderer," Wednesday told her father.

Gomez sighed. "As much as that stings, gracias, my death traps!"

He hugged both girls, kissing their cheeks as well. Both Ember and Wednesday just stayed rigid, wishing for it to be over.

Then Morticia stepped forward.

"As I leafed through the pages of this yearbook, I was reminded of all the wonderful times I had here," she said, handing out the blue book she had been obsessing over in Weems' office at the start of the weekend. She handed it to Ember. "But they were just that. Mine. You both have your own paths to blaze.

"I don't want to be a stranger in either of your lives," she looked at Ember for this. "If you need me for anything - either of you - anything at all... I'm only a crystal ball away," she smiled tightly.

"Thank you, mother," Wednesday said.

"Yes, thank you, aunt," Ember added.

Morticia's eyes became teary and she let out a breath. Then she air-kissed both girls, and left for the car.

Lurch drove straight away, carrying three of the Addams' away. Wednesday left, as well, claiming to have cello to do, leaving Ember on the drive, alone.

She went through the yearbook straight away, sighing as she turned the pages.

Then gasping.

I knew it.


"I knew it!" Ember emitted those exact words as she strode into Weems' office two minutes later, the yearbook in her hand.

"I did witness Rowan getting murdered that night," she continued, as she opened the blue book.

"Excuse me?" Weems asked.

"When Rowan appeared the next morning, it wasn't him. It never was. Because no one at this school knows that there's a shapeshifter in their midst," Ember leant over the desk. "You see, when you participated in the talent show with my mother and aunt, not only did you impersonate Judy Garland, you became her."

She showed Weems the page. There was Judy Garland, singing. Except it wasn't Judy. It was Weems.

She had been playing her all along.

But Weems just stared at her, then scoffed. "That's a fascinating theory."

Ember shrugged. "I'm curious to find out how Sheriff Galpin feels when I tell him."

This, however, ruined Weems' calmed persona. She stood up, leaning over her desk and getting in Ember's face. "You won't tell a soul, Miss Addams," her voice was low, and threatening. "And it wouldn't matter much if you did. Rowan's father already knows what happened and he fully supports my decision not to involve the authorities!"

She was shouting now, but Ember was just confused. "Why would he agree to that?"

"Because Rowan was not in his right mind," Weems leant back, standing up to her full height. "His telekinetic abilities were driving him mad and he attempted to murder you twice! His... tragic death allowed us to rectify the situation without casting the school, or Rowan, in an unflattering light."

"Is there anything you won't do to boost your own image?" Ember asked rhetorically. "You and Mayor Walker are the same. Burying bodies to cover your dirty secrets."

"I did what I needed to do to shield this school from controversy, and protect its students from harm!" Weems snarled.

"Tell that to Eugene!" Ember took a step forward. "How are you protecting him?"

Weems looked like she was about to explode, but shouts from students outside rendered her silent. She rushed to the window, though, and Ember followed.

Out on the balcony, everything became clear.

"What on earth-?"

And Ember saw what was the problem, smoke clouding her unblinking eyes and glazing them over.

FIRE WILL RAIN was burned into the lawn outside.

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