𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙮-𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣
"Ready, bow!" Johnny announced the next day, the students all bowing in the rows they formed together.
"Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament." Daniel spoke up as he looked at the group.
"But we have different ways of getting you there." Johnny went on, his voice much rougher then Daniels.
"We realize that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing." the LaRusso man nodded his head understandably.
"So we've discussed it and came up with a solution. We're gonna divide and conquer." the blonde man nodded, which confused the group even more then they were before. "Eagle Fang trains out front."
"And i'll be back here with the Miyagi-Dos." Daniel nodded to his students with a minor smile. Alaska and Demetri shared a look.
"I thought we were stronger working together." Miguel voiced all of their inner thoughts.
"We're still working together." Daniel reassured him.
"Just reparably." Johnny added in. "On opposite ends of the dojo. All right, Eagles, follow me."
"Bye, Meat." Alaska elbowed Demetri, waiting for Hawk to join her side as they went with the group out in the front.
"Do I come with you guys?" Wyatt asked, jogging to catch up with Hawk and Alaska. "Or am I Miyagi-Do?"
"I think you get to pick." Alaska shrugged. Eli was hoping he'd pick Miyagi Do, but the way he trailed behind the two showed he was going with them.
"Fall in!" Johnny announced to his group, them falling in to stand side by side. The blondes eyes scanned the students. "Hawk, since you're new to Eagle Fang, come on up."
He looked to Alaska before walking forward, bowing. "Yes, Sensei."
Alaska gasped when Johnny kicked his feet out from under him, the red haired boys back hitting the sandy ground. He looked up in disbelief. "What the heck?"
"Today we're gonna practice our front sweeps. On Hawk." Sensei Lawrence looked at the standing group. He pointed at Alaska. "Don't you go easy on him either, Antartica."
"All right. I know I was a dick, but i'm sorry." Hawk rose to his feet as Johnny looked over at him.
"Talk is cheap. Who's next? Come here." Johnny pointed at Alaska as she sighed, walking forward. "Give it all you got."
Alaska looked at Hawk as he winced, nodding his head. "Go ahead."
Alaska cleared her throat, stepping back before lowering her body, sweeping Hawks legs out from under him as his back hit the floor again. Alaska hovered over him. "You okay?"
"Don't worry if he's okay." Johnny grabbed her arm, throwing it up in the air. "Everyone, do what she just did. Penis Breath, you're up."
Whatever Mitch was planning back fired, his foot not getting Hawks legs, kicking him right in the balls. Alaskas jaw dropped as Eli winced, nearly falling over. The blonde Sensei look in disbelief. "You kicked him in the balls? What the hell is wrong with you? Don't be a pussy, punch him in the face."
"Sensei." Alaska looked his way after Bert got a punch in. "Come on."
"You wanna take his place? You can." Johnny nodded at her. "He wants to prove he's an eagle, he's gotta be strong like one."
"It's fine." Hawk nodded his head at her, wincing as his feet were kicked out from underneath him again.
"Boom! Nice shot, Gus!" Johnny cheered. "All right, new kid, lay it on him."
Wyatt looked over at Alaska as he stepped forward. "Just, sweep the leg?"
"Or punch him, I don't care." Johnny shrugged, Hawk clearing his throat and stood up straight. "Just stay away from the balls. Have a little empathy."
"Sensei Lawrence." Daniel walked out of the Dojo, looking his way. Wyatt backed off, standing back in line. "May I have a word with you?"
Johnny huffed, looking to his students. "All right, guys, everybody take five. Walk it off. Looking good, looking good."
They headed toward the dojo for a water break, walking in as the Miyagi-Dos did the same. Hawk passed Alaska, going into the small room over to the side. Miguel was next to Alaska as they shared a look. "You think he's being too tough on him?"
"No, doesn't mean I like it though." Alaska dug for her bottle in her bag. "He's trying, at least. I know not everyone's gonna forgive him over night, but he's trying."
"I know, i'm proud of him." Miguel nodded, watching her take a sip before passing it to him. "Who's your friend?"
"Wyatt." Alaska looked back at the boy standing awkwardly alone, she then remembered she was the only person he knew here. "Wyatt, come here."
He seemed greatful, walking over with a frightened look. "That dudes brutal."
"He's got a soft side." Miguel nodded with a cheeky grin, holding out his hand. "I'm Miguel, i'm sure Alaskas talked a lot about me."
"Oh, yeah, the entire reason she joined karate in the first place." Wyatt shook his hand as Miguel flashed a grin in Alaskas direction. "Is it always this...mean?"
"Depends on who you train with." Miguel nodded, nudging Alaska. "Maybe Miyagi-Do will be better."
She scanned the room. "Demetri, come here, love."
He walked over with a tilt of his invisible hat. "Did you enjoy kicking Eli in the balls?"
"I would never." Alaska defended herself with a dramatic gasp. "Me and Miguel were wondering if you think Wyatt would be better in Miyagi-Do?"
"Who's Wyatt?" Demetri gave an odd look.
Wyatt almost laughed as he rose his hand. Demetri hummed, looking at Alaska. "Did he kick Eli in the balls?"
"Nope, that was Penis Breath." Miguel gave a knowing point. "Wyatt thinks Sensei Lawrence is a little..."
"Violent." Wyatt nodded.
"Miyagi-Do is kinda anti-violence." Demetri nodded at him, looking around the room. "No one kicks people in the balls here."
"You could always just try it out and then decide who you like training better with." Miguel pointed out. Demetri gave a small squeeze to Alaskas arm, walking past her as he headed into the room Eli disappeared to. "My moms meeting Sams parents soon."
"Already?" Alaska looked his way.
"Yeah, i'm kinda nervous." Miguel gave a knowing look. "What did you do when your parents met Hawks?"
"Well, I was six and they just talked about wine and Eli and I tried to have a coloring contest but I ended up throwing all my crayons at him." Alaska nodded her head as Miguel gave a huff. "Just, don't say anything to embarrass her, be involved."
"But no too involved were they think you're trying to control her." Wyatt nodded with a knowing nod of his head. "And chew with your mouth closed."
"Exactly. And don't slouch but don't sit completely straight, it might look like you're trying too hard." the Lee girl added in as Miguel's eyes darted back and forth between the two.
"Be involved, but not too involved, don't embarrass her, don't smack, don't slouch, but don't sit up straight." Miguel nodded as he listed on to the two. "Okay, got it."
Before either of them could say anything else, Hawk was storming out of the room with a sad look on his face. Alaska looked alarmed. "Hawk."
He ignored her, pulling the dojo door opened to stop Daniel. "Hey, Mr.LaRusso, can we talk?"
Demetri joined the three as they walked a little closer to the door to listen in. "What?"
"I don't know where I fit in here." Eli admitted to him with a minor sigh, walking down the steps to stand infront of him.
"What did you expect? You've burned bridges with pretty much everyone here." Daniel snapped at him, Hawks face falling as he walked away. "Hey! Hey!"
Before he could say anything else, a sting hit the back of his head. Alaska had smacked him upside the head. "Ow."
"He's trying to do better." she glared harshly at Daniel. "You don't have to be so mean to him."
Wyatt watched her walk follow off, looking at Demetri. "Does she always take his side?"
"Always." he nodded in agreement. "Except onces, imagine spending all summer with them, pre karate, in a cabin at camp."
"You guys have been friends that long?" Wyatt looked in shock.
"Kindergarten." Demetri nodded his head with a sigh. "They're different though. They've always been, I don't know, a little closer."
Alaska hurried after Hawk, calling for him, but he kept ignoring her. She pulled her ring off her finger, throwing it at him, he turned when it hit his back. "Why are you ignoring me?"
"You don't always have to defend me." he gave a knowing look her way. "You can go back and enjoy the class, it's fine."
"It's not fine." she shook her head with a minor look of disbelief. "You don't want me to defend you? I always defend you."
"Yeah, but he's right." Eli sighed, the two standing under the tree to hide from the sun. "No one wants me there, I messed it all up."
"But you're trying to get better, that's all that matters." she defended him without even realize she was doing it. "Let's just go for the day and we'll come back tomorrow."
"You don't have to come." he gave a knowing look.
"I booked two massages over at Butterfly Loft. I was gonna invite Sam but..." she trailed off with a cheeky grin his way.
Eli grinned at her, laughing slightly. "Okay, fine."
Alaska gave a minor cheer, linking their arms as they headed toward the car.
"I am so offended!" Demetri threw the spa door open, Eli and Alaska looking up from were they were faced down on the little beds, the pair of workers rubbing away at their backs. "Why was I not invited?"
Alaska looked back at the woman behind her. "Sorry. Could you give us a second?"
The two left, Wyatt walked in and shut the door. "He dragged me here."
"You know, maybe I like massages too." Demetri crossed his arms knowingly. "Maybe I want to lay naked on a table and have my back rubbed."
Alaska wrapped a towel around her body as she sat up. "I tried to give you a massage once and you acted like I was Kanye West when he was a dick to Taylor Swift."
Wyatt looked in confusion at their conversation.
"Yeah, because you have mean palms." Demetri nodded at her, looking at Eli as he sat up. Wyatt look at the tattoo on his shoulder, the state of Alaska traced on it. "And you! Since when do you like massages?"
"Since it wasn't Alaska giving them." he pointed out.
"Damn, are you really that horrible?" Wyatt asked, looking at the nail polish on the table.
"They're dramatic." Alaska rolled her eyes.
"No." the two said on sync, getting a look of disbelief.
"I needed to clear my head." Eli looked at Demetri knowingly. "And Alaska has a lot of money, you know?"
"Yeah, I was just trying to be his Sugar Daddy." Alaska nodded in Demetris direction, Wyatt looking over in disbelief again. "You guys can join for what we have planned next."
"I thought we were just doing massages?" Hawk gave an odd look, seeing her evil smile. "No. No. Nope. I know what you want to do."
"Please." she begged, getting off the table and holding the towel closer. "You secretly love it."
"I don't secretly love it." he shook his head, sitting up and getting his shirt. "You know what happens."
"What are they talking about?" Wyatt asked Demetri.
The dark haired boy looked back. "You're about to find out."
Eli was in a fit of giggles, shaking his legs and trying to sit still. "I hate this."
Alaska had paid for four pedicures to go along with the massages. She was laughing at him while Wyatt and Demetri sat across from them, not bothered by their feet care. "You love it."
"I don-" he tried, being cut off by yanking his feet around with a laugh.
"Are we paining them?" the woman smiled at Alaska.
"We're all gonna do purple." she nodded her head with a smile.
"We're getting them painted? Sweet." Wyatt grinned, relaxing in the seat as it massaged him.
"I feel like you're secretly up to something and you're trying to kiss up to us." Demetri gave a knowing look toward the girl. He then looked at Wyatt. "The last time we did this, she tried to convince us to fly back to Korea with her and her dad."
"Why wouldn't you want to go to Korea?" Wyatt looked oddly.
"Scared of heights." Demetri shook his head. "Do you know how dangerous it is to be on a plane that long?"
Wyatt looked over at Hawk, who was biting his lip to hold back laughing. "Why didn't you want to go?"
"I did go." he looked up with a nod. He looked over at Alaska. "Why are we doing purple?"
She looked over, his face seemed knowingly, as did hers. They broke eye contact, his face flushed and she was hiding a smile. Wyatt and Demetri seemed lost, having absolutely no clue. Demetri gave a knowing look. "You are planning something and he's apart of it."
"I'm not apart of her evil plans." Hawk defended himself, glad his feet were being left alone and his toenails were being taken care of.
"That's the first." Demetri rolled his eyes.
"Is this about your parents?" Wyatt gave an odd look toward Alaska, she gave a pleading one back.
"You!" Demetri pointed at Wyatt. "You were the one in on it!"
"In on what? What did you plan with him?" Hawk looked over quickly in Alaskas direction, clearly bothered by the fact that Wyatt knew something he didn't.
Alaska reached across her chair, holding out her hand. He took it, letting her hold his hand as her eyes went back and forth between him and Demetri. "So-"
"Oh, god, are you pregnant?" Demetri looked in fear.
"Are you pregnant?" Hawk looked over quickly, Demetri freaking him out. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
"What?" Alaska looked at the two with wilds states. "Why- why was your first thought that I was pregnant? No, I don't have a boyfriend."
"You've had some mood swings lately." Demetri pointed out.
"And your boobs look bigger." Hawks words had the trio look his way in shock. "I'm just saying. That happens when someone is pregnant."
"I'm not. I'm not pregnant." she gave a quick shake of her head, Wyatt's laughter echoing in the salon. "And it's a new bra, you asshole."
"It's nice." he nodded. "What color?"
"Eli!" Demetri gave him a crazy look.
"My parents are renewing their vows." Alaska finally got what she was planning on saying out. The two looked at her. "They're wanting to re due their wedding, just smaller. I just wanted you guys to come."
"Aw, really?" Demetri gushed. "That's so sweet of them."
"Why are they doing that?" Eli asked, squeezing her hand to get her attention.
"They're just finally in a really good place again. It was my dads idea, obviously." she gave a minor smile. "It's gonna be in the backyard, and they're inviting people close to us. Obviously, they want you guys to be there."
"Your dad wants me to come?" Eli blinked.
"Of course he does, he loves you. Both my parents love you." Alaska gave him a soft smile. "But, I do need to warn you guys, Trey is gonna be there."
"Ugh, Trey." Demetri groaned at the thought of Alaskas shitty, long lost brother. "Is he living with you guys now?"
"No, but he's over almost every weekend." Alaska rolled her eyes. "My mom has him a room set up. So, i'm gonna start staying with one of you on the weekends."
"Yeah, duh." Hawk nodded his head. "Cedric too."
"How come you don't tell your parents what he did?" Wyatt spoke up, getting the three attention. Demetri and Hawk didn't realize what good of friends him and Alaska clearly were. "I mean, he should be in jail."
"My mom is really happy." Alaska sighed with a sad smile. "I just don't want to ruin it for her."
"Well, we'll just pretend like he doesn't exist at the wedding." Demetri nodded as his toenails began to be painted purple.
"Yeah." Eli gave a soft smile her way, squeezing her hand. "That's a better announcement then you being pregnant."
"Yeah, that would suck." she gave a snort. Before anyone could say anything else, her phone rang. "Speak of the devil. My lovely father."
"Zane." Wyatt gushed.
"Hey, dad." Alaska spoke from the other line. The three watched her eyebrows frown together at whatever he said on the other line. "What? What? It's still in the papers? But I thought he could-"
Hawk pulled on her hand to try and get her attention. Alaska held the phone. "No, no, don't go without me there. I'm on my way."
She hung up the phone, apologizing to the woman at her feet quickly as they dried them for her. Eli gave worried look. "What's wrong?"
Alaska stood up with a shake of her head. "You remember when me and my parents got those lawyers to get Robby out of jail early?"
"Yeah." Demetri nodded his head.
"Well, the papers say he's in our care until further notice. Well, he's been staying with someone else and apparently someone notified the police that we're violating the papers." Alaska gave a frightened look, pulling her shoes back on. "We have to get him back because they're sending a officer to check it out tomorrow evening."
"You're going to Cobra Kai?" Eli gave a insane look her way. "No, no way."
"I can't just let my dad go alone to get him." Alaska shook her head as she was hurrying off. "I'll call you guys as soon as I get home. I already paid, I love you, babies!"
The three called back to her, all sharing a worried look.
kylie speaks
have y'all missed gina
and zane? my fav dilf
and milf are making a
comeback next chapter.
and robby and alaska
for the first time in s4,
i'm feeling anxious to
write it.
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