|๐ณ|~Bonding โ
"You know...you didn't have to come, I could have-"
"Are you forgetting that we're in this together?"
It had been like this for about an hour. Hiccup would tell (Y/N) to go back home and rest, and (Y/N) would have to repeatedly reassure him that she was fine as they made their way through the woods.
The boy looked down sheepishly, rubbing his neck with a sigh. "I'm just..worried about you, okay?" He mumbled, turning his head away and staring at the ground.
(Y/N) looked to him with a frown, it wasent right for her to snap at him, but could you blame her? I mean after the conversation she had with Astrid, it was natural for her to react this way.
But she couldn't rid herself of the guilt, she watched as her friend slumped forward, his excitement to find the dragons long gone. She sighed and made her way towards him, reaching out a hand and grasping his.
Hiccup flinches but didn't pull away, his posture went completely straight as he stared at the girl, who in turn didn't spare him a glance, she only stared forward.
(Y/N) gave his hand a gentle squeeze, Hiccup grinning and reciprocating the action. They didn't say anything as they neared the clearing, a gentle breeze passed through the air, both teens relaxing and enjoying the quiet.
They make it to the clearing, and (Y/N) slowly walks towards the pond. Hiccup moves forward, but his shield gets wedged between two rocks.
He tugs and pulls, but the weapon dosnet come loose, (Y/N) turns around and chuckles, folding her arms and raising a brow. He catches her eye and scoffs, disregarding the shield and making his way towards her.
They both walk around, glancing towards the cliffs and raising a brow when the dragons were nowhere in sight. "Did they leave?" (Y/N) mumbles, the grasp on her bag becoming tight.
Hiccup shrugs his shoulders, neither of the two noticing the Night Fury behind them, perched against a rock.
A few feet away, the Woolly Howl slowly lifts its head, it's body pressed against the wall of the cavern. It turns his head towards the two teens, wondering what they were doing.
It gently detaches from the wall and crawls to the ground, crouching slightly as it slowly moves towards the unsuspecting teens.
Hiccup looks towards (Y/N), his breath hitching as he notices the (F/C) dragon a few feet behind her.
He was about to call out to her but a low growl makes him stop, slowly turning around he's faced with the Night Fury, his hands slightly shaking from the sight of the large beast.
(Y/N) jerks her head as the Howl appears infront of her, it's back arched as it stared her down. The teen slowly brings her hands up, showing she meant no harm.
The dragon slowly relaxes at her gesture, watching as she reaches into her satchel and pulls out a decent size fish.
Meanwhile, Hiccup did the same, offering the Night Fury a fish, carefully offering it towards the creature. The dragon walks forward a few paces with a low rumble before pausing, hissing and growling when he notices Hiccup's knife.
The boy gasps, slowly reaching down and grabbing his knife, throwing it to the ground.
The Night Fury jerks his head, making Hiccup scoop the knife up with his foot and toss it in the lake. The dragons demeanor quickly changes as he sits, ear twitching as he curiously watches Hiccup with wide doe eyes.
The Woolly Howl carefully makes his way towards the girl, his wings pulled tightly to his sides as he lowers his head to smell the fish. (Y/N) chuckles lightly at the dragons curious gaze, her hand steady as the Howl's head nears her.
The dragons wings slowly relax, flopping to his side as he continues to sniff the fish. (Y/N) gasps as she catches sight of what was under his wings.
The skin was grey, not the kind you'd find on sheep, the kind that would make you squint if the sun hit your eyes just right. His skin looked like silk, which confused the girl, as most of his body was covered in fur.
The Woolly Howl jerked his head back in surprise at the girls gasp, backing away a few feet with wary eyes. (Y/N) pulled her hand back, an apologetic smile on her face.
"Sorry.." she mumbles, reaching out and offering the fish again. The dragon approached once more, his eyes darting from the fish to the girl.
Hiccup glances towards his friend, watching nervously as the dragon approaches her. He shakes his head and turns his attention to the very close Night Fury, the dragon tilts his head, leaning down and opening his mouth slightly.
Hiccups eyes widen a fraction as he notices the dragon didn't have any teeth, only gums.
"...Huh, Toothless," Hiccup mumbles, shaking his head in confusion. "I could have sworn you had-!" Suddenly, teeth spring from the Night Fury's mouth, the dragon snapping his jaw and devouring the fish.
Hiccup gasps and staggers back, "..teeth." He finishes, the Night Fury licking his lips and approaching the boy with a curious rumble.
"Ah..no, no, no," Hiccup frantically calls as he backs away, tripping over his feet and hitting his back against a rock. "I-I don't have any more."
The dragon stares at him, only a foot apart before he begins to gag, doing this for a few moments before throwing up half the fish onto Hiccup's lap. The boy groans in disgust, the dragon sitting back and watching him with expectation.
Both (Y/N) and the Woolly Howl watch the scene with a raised brow, the dragon curiously glancing towards the girl before he begins to gag.
(Y/N) groans in disgust as the fish's head flops out of the Howl's mouth, covered in saliva. "..I'm glad you liked the fish but that's just gross.."
The dragon tilts his head, staring at the girl like a puppy. (Y/N) scoffs before turning her attention towards the dragons foot, grimacing slightly at the sight of his missing claw.
She digs into her satchel, pulling out a bandage and a few ointments and setting them on the ground before sitting down herself.
She gestures to his paw, then to the bandages, holding them up with a soft smile. "Do you mind..?" The Woolly Howl rumbles softly, padding over to the girl and sitting down, he offers her his paw, releasing a soft roar before placing it in her lap.
Hiccup looks up at the Night Fury with a grimace, the dragon stares back, his face unchanging.
After a few moments, the Night Fury looks between the fish and Hiccup, making him groan lightly when he realizes what the dragon wanted him to do.
He reluctantly brought the fish to his lips, groaning again before taking a bite of the slimy, uncooked food.
Hiccup pretends to hum with appreciation, making the Night Fury's ears perk up. He nods, offering the fish back with another hum, but the Night Fury gulps loudly, licking his lips and shifting on his feet.
Hiccup grunts in annoyance, forcing the fish down his throat with difficulty. He shudders, gagging before looking to the dragon and offering a lopsided grin.
The Night Fury looks at his smile with curiosity before slowly pulling his mouth back into a gummy smile, it wasn't perfect, but Hiccup still found it somewhat adorable.
He watches with a small grin, reaching his hand up slowly, making the Night Fury hiss and snarl, his teeth returning before he swiftly flies off, roaring and landing a little way's off.
The Howl sniffs and gnaws at the bandage, jumping as the Night Fury bumps into him, wobbling slightly as he runs away. The dragon turns to the girl, tilting his head before racing after the Fury, whimpering slightly as his foot hits the ground.
The Night Fury uses his fire to create a heated bed, circling around as he begins to get comfortable. The Howl watches, sniffing at the fire before walking over and setting himself down behind the Fury, leaning against him.
A bird above tweets, making the Night Fury perk up and watch it with raised ears as he watches it fly away with longing.
He looks down, his ears flattening when he sees the boy sitting near him. Hiccup waves, making the Night Fury snort and turn around, blocking his face with his tail.
The Howl peeks up as someone clears their throat, looking up he finds (Y/N) standing a few feet away. She glances down to his bandage with a raised brow. "It came undone.." she mumbles, gesturing to the now dirty bandage.
The dragon looks down with a huff, gripping the bandage with his mouth and pulling it off, throwing it towards the girl and facing away.
(Y/N) sighs in annoyance, grabbing more bandages and making her way towards the stubborn dragon.
Hiccup slowly scoots towards the Night Fury, reaching out to the tail before smoothly leaping to his feet with a cringe as the Night Fury looks at him. He walks away, whistling and avoiding eye contact with the dragon.
(Y/N) slowly crouches, reaching out and touching the Howl's foot with the bandage. The dragon growls, his head jerking up and facing the girl. She freezes midway, laughing nervously and backing away, grunting as she knocks into her bag.
Both dragons growl in annoyance, they both get up and walk in different directions, finding a new place to rest.
It was getting late, the sky now a light shade of pink and orange. The Night Fury rests ontop of a tree, hanging by his tail as his friend rests below, leaning against a rock and nipping at his foot.
The Howl looks up, tilting his head as he notices the two teens sitting together on a nearby rock, sticks in their hands.
The dragon slowly gets up, roaring to his friend before walking towards the two. The Night Fury grumbles, getting up and following after his friend.
Hiccup yawns lightly, his head leaning against (Y/N)'s shoulder as he traces his stick into the ground, creating small lines. (Y/N) smiles softly at her friend, creating small flowers in the ground with her own stick.
She watches as Hiccup continues to draw a small portrait of the Night Fury, her leaning down and creating a smaller drawing of the Woolly Howl.
They both stop once a puff of air blows their hair gently. They glance behind them, finding both the Fury and the Howl behind them, their heads tilted as they watch the two.
The teens shrug and continue to draw, the Night Fury following the stick as his head moves around. He rumbles softly, turning away and waddling towards the dead tree.
The Howl watches his friend leave with an eye roll as he brings his head down closer to
(Y/N)'s, his breath fanning against her cheek.
The girl stiffens slightly at the sight of the large beast, shaking it off and continuing to draw him with a small smile. Hiccup looks to the two, the sides of their heads turned to him as he scans over their features.
It amazed him how similar the two looked, the sharp eyes, the concentrated frown on their lips, and the spots.. the spots are what scared him the most.
While (Y/N)'s spots decorated her cheek, the Woolly Howl's decorated his eyelids, both in very different places, yet so similar. He smiles, turning his head and continuing his drawing.
A loud sound catches his attention, he turns his head and watches with bewildered eyes as the Night Fury returns with a giant branch, a satisfied grin on his face.
He begins to draw, twirling and maneuvering around the three with a gummy smile, the Howl snorting as he watches his friend.
Hiccup yelps and (Y/N) lightly laugh as the tree's leaves smack their heads, the Night Fury prancing around them before settling down. He looks down and nods at his drawing, his tail swinging behind him.
Both teens rise, admiring the dragons drawing as they looks around, them in the center of it. (Y/N) looks to the Howl, tilting her head as he watches her with and intense gaze. She smiles, turning to Hiccup as the boy took a step towards her.
They both flinch as the Fury growls at the boy, more specifically his leg, they look down, noticing that his leg was on a line and lifting it. The Fury stops and rumbles, his eyes wide.
He sets his foot on the line again, making the Night Fury snarl in warning before purring as he lifts his foot.
He does it again, making the Night Fury growl and set his leg down before purring as he lifts it. Hiccup steps over the line, making the Night Fury tilt his head with a chitter as he smiles at him, understanding what was happening.
(Y/N) lightly laughs, playing along as she slowly steps over the lines, her and Hiccup seeming to do a graceful dance as they unknowingly move in sync across the Night Fury's drawing.
They pass eachother, (Y/N) twirling around her friend before she heads off into another direction. Hiccup chuckles, spinning a few more times before gasping as he feels someone behind him.
(Y/N) laughs and spins once more, her laughter dying in her throat as she faces the curious Woolly Howl, it's eyes wide like a cats and wings pulled to its side. It watches her with a soft gaze, rumbling softly as he continued to stare.
Hiccup slowly reaches out once more, making the Night Fury lightly flinch before he growls lightly, stopping when Hiccup pulls his hand back. The boy looks to his hand and nods, turning his head away and slowly reaching his hand out once more.
The Night Fury's eyes widen, looking at the boys palm and rumbling once more.
The Howl slowly leans down towards (Y/N), it's right foot slightly raised so it didn't get hurt. (Y/N) watched the dragon with a soft smile, leaning her head back and reaching her hand out.
The Night Fury hesitates as he leans forward before nudging his nose in Hiccup's hand, the boy leaning his back down more as he shuts his eyes. He flinches, slowly looking at the Night Fury with wide eyes and a soft gasp.
The Woolly Howl stared at the palm of her hand, his eyes trailing over the many scars she had. He sighs, leaning forward and placing his snout against her hand, his eyes closing gently as he exhaled. (Y/N) watches with wide eyes as the dragon slowly relaxed in her touch.
The Night Fury pulls away with a snort, sneezing lightly and dashing away, the Howl following after him shortly after. Hiccup watches slacked jawed as he looks down, a small smile gracing his lips.
He yelps as he's pushed forward, (Y/N) wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist from behind. He laughs, stressing her as she buries her face into the crook of his neck with a chuckle.
Hiccup sighs gently, looking up to the sky with a grin, his friend still clinging to him like a koala..
What an interesting day...
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