Chapter 2 Summary Part 2(Old)
Sandyflight led Tinywing with them on the narrow, winding path to the Moonmirror. Tinywing followed quietly, still amazed by the sights along the path.
"I forgot that this is your first time to the Moonmirror since you've got your name," said Sandyflight. "Still, try to keep your pelt on."
"Ok I'll try." Tinywing nearly laughed at his mentor.
Sandyflight and Tinywing padded along, meeting up with Dustwing, the EyrieClan medicine cat. "How are you two?" she asked. Sandyflight only grunted.
Tinywing dipped his head to the others in greeting. "I'm doing good after we got back to our camp. How about you two?"
"I'm fine," said Dustwing, "I nearly jumped out of my pelt when boulders started to fall from the sky all around my clan a quarter moon ago."
Sandyflight looked thoughtful. "We had a similar problem with collapsing dunes." The three medicine cats saw Firestrike rush by them. "What's eating his tail?" wondered Sandyflight aloud.
"A PROPHECY!" Firestrike shouted, racing to the Moonmirror.
"What!?" Tinywing ran after the tom.
Firestrike stopped out the Moonmirror, painting.Tinywing stopped next to the older medicine cat and pressed his nose quickly to the glassy surface of the Moonmirror. The world spun around him for a moment, and then he found himself on a grassy slope with Firestrike at his side. "Where are we?" He asked. This didn't look like any StarClan territory he'd seen before.
Firestrike shook his head; he didn't know either.
A cat appeared in the distance.
"Prophecy cat? Is that you?" Firestrike asked.
"Yes." The voice was hushed as a faded black and white she-cat stepped from the shadowy trees. Her fur was speckled with starlight and her eyes flowed faintly with their power.
"The power of the Stars!" gasped Dustwing, bowing.
Sandyflight gave a short nod, but looked around their new environment skeptically. "Why are you here?" she asked.
"I have a message for you, Firestrike. Or at least I hope it's for you." Her voice wavered slightly, but the StarClan cat continued. "You must decide soon, or the Clans will fall, and the Children will rule once again."
"What is it?" Firestrike asked worried.
"You must make a choice. You can decide to end the peace or bring war and death to the Clans." The StarClan cat spoke softly, voice growing ever fainter.
"You must find the Collar and the Sand, and bring the light to the darkness, but remember, don't-" her voice was cut off as she disappeared.
The vision faded and the four medicine cats found themselves back in front of the black glass of the Moonmirror. "Well that was helpful," said Sandyflight sarcastically. "So, Firestrike do you want to address the tiger in the room or would you prefer to deliver a report about how things are going in GroveClan?" asked Sandyflight sarcastically.
"A fire light's a collar left on the sand,
6 will be chosen when all seems lost,
3 to preserve, 3 to destroy.
If 3 become one, the clans will die,
But only their sacrifice will heal the poison of hate. That was the prophecy I got, he recited.
Sandyflight grunted. "Trust StarClan to come up with such a confusing prophecy. I can't even begin to work out what it all means, but it's at least clear we have to find these 6 cats that StarClan is talking about."
Dustwing looked worried. "How are we going to keep both pairs of 3 apart? What if the prophecy means if either group joins up together the clans will be at risk? Do you any of you have an idea about who those 6 cats could be?" Dustwing looked at Tinywing and Firestrike expectantly.
"I think the first three of them might be Rosepaw, Dahliapaw and..."
"Sandsky maybe," said Sandyflight, interrupting Firestrike pondering. "Her name would fit with the prophecy and she's a decent cat."
"I suppose that makes sense," said Dustwing, "now the real question is whether each of those three want to help protect the clans, or destroy them."
Firestrike nodded. "Rosepaw seemed pretty angry with Meadowpaw's death and she blamed me and probably the rest of the Clan. So maybe she wants to destroy it? I don't know about Dahliapaw and Sandsky though." He looked at the rest of the medicine cats.
"Dahliapaw is a mischievous little apprentice, but I don't know her well enough to say whether she'd turn against us or not. She is the daughter of a rogue," said Dustwing anxiously.
"Sandsky is a good loyal cat. If she's a chosen cat like I think she is, that's one less cat to worry about." Sandyflight narrowed her eyes at Firestrike. "I'm less than convinced that Rosepaw is evil because she was mad her friend died. Had you said anything typically nasty before she got mad at you?"
"Well I did scratch her face..." Firestrike looked at them directly, showing his fully scarred eye for the first time.
Sandyflight looked unimpressed at Firestrike's injury. "Thought so. If she turns out evil, we have you to thank."
Dustwing on the other hand gasped at the sight of Firestrike's eye. "Good StarClan, what happened to your eye?!" she shrieked, turning away from the sight of his injury.
"It got scarred by a Children of Ember cat. What did you think I got cut by some herbs?" he said sarcastically.
"Judging by your skills as a medicine cat, I wouldn't put it past you," snarked Sandyflight.
"Sandyflight, don't be cruel," lectured Dustwing. "For now, the best we can probably do is keep an eye out for more StarClan signs and see if we've read the prophecy right. I just hope that's enough..." Dustwing looked down then collected herself. "Why don't we move on to our reports? How has GroveClan been doing, Firestrike?"
"Other than the things I've mentioned GroveClan has been going well..." He looked at his muzzle growing a little gray. "I think it's time Dustwing and I also got an apprentice."
"I agree,"said Dustwing. "EyrieClan is healthy but a few cats are dealing some cuts, so if you don't mind Firestrike, I'll need to go fetch some borage from GroveClan territory. Sandyflight?"
Sandyflight prodded their apprentice forward. "Tinywing, since this is your first time at the Moonmirror after getting your name, why don't you deliver the report?"
"Of course." Firestrike nodded.
Tinywing threw a glance at his mentor, then mewed, "DuneClan is doing fairly well after being driven out. We've managed to make it back to our camp and find enough prey for the night. What we're mostly worried about is the herb stores, but I'm sure it'll be fine." He looked at his mentor to see if he'd managed to deliver the report correctly.
Sandyflight nodded. "That about covers it. I've had enough of this," she padded off, beckoning with her tail for Tinywing to follow her.
"I suppose that means this halfmoon gathering is over. It was lovely to see all of you again," said Dustwing insincerely, before she raced back to EyrieClan.
Firestrike nodded, walking back to GroveClan.
The Children of the Ember:
Fox was crying over the body of her brother Wolf when the others walked in on the clearing.
Owl paced, his eyes were wide and bloodshot. His body shook with spasms. Delilah stepped through the trees quietly, trying to stay stealthy. When she saw her Sister crying, she walked into the clearing to investigate. She saw Wolf, blood soaking his pelt and eyes closed. Her mouth fell open in a gasp.
"She did this!" hissed Fox through the tears. "Grovestar killed him!"
Rage swelled up inside Delilah. "I've had enough of these flea-brained Clans! I'm going to go find Sky!" Delilah ran through the forest, heading in the direction of the Cave of Prophecy. She'd find the Chosen there.
Sky ran into Delilah on the way back to his nest. She was distraught and tears were running down her face. "What's wrong?" The white tom asked her as she slowed to a halt.
"It's Wolf," explained Pike, another one the Children. "Sky, he was murdered by a clan cat!"
"Oh no...." Sky's eyes widened when he saw his fallen Brother. "I'll go get the Oracle. I'll see what she can do."
"We'll pay them back Sister," said Pike, licking away Delilah's tears. "We will drive these invaders from our shores!"
"YES!" Passion filled her yowl as she screeched to the sky.
More and more cats streamed past Delilah and Pike, heading to the Cave of Prophecy. "Finch is that you?" asked Fern. "Come on you three, The Summoning's about to start!"
Pike padded next to Delilah, impressed by her passion. He kept his eyes out for Hope, wondering if she would be able to sneak away from her "clan" for one night. Delilah stood up and followed her Siblings. She didn't want to miss such an important occasion.
Hope rushed next to her Sister. "Delilah!" She mewed happily, before she noticed the tears staining the she-cat's eyes.
"It's Wolf," explained Pike. "He... he didn't make it."
"What!?" Hope's eyes widened "What could've possibly been strong enough to kill Wolf!?"
"It was Grovestar!" he hissed. "She's more fox than cat, a rabid dog!"
A growl rumbles in Hope's throat. "I knew that dog heart couldn't be trusted! All she ever does is lie and manipulate her Clan into killing others!"
"I hope The Oracle has a plan to stop this madness," said Pike, barely able to suppress his rage. "The clan cats have gone too far this time!"
"Yes." Delilah could barely stop herself from clawing the ground open like a wound. Instead she resorted to letting her claws slide in and out, poking deep holes in the grass.
The Cave of Prophecy:
The Oracle lay curled up, meditating on a stone surrounded by a ring of green smoke. She opened her eyes before her guest had even made a sound. "We have been expecting you, Chosen."
Sky dipped his head to the Oracle.
"Do you have anything new to report? How goes our effort to drive out the invaders?" The Oracle asked quietly. Behind the ring of smoke, The Oracle was barely visible, looking like nothing more than a twisting shadow.
"I've heard news from the ones who stray out far that the Painted Stones were taken over by one of these Clans. I've also been told by some others that they were driven there by another Clan, who is currently falling apart due to lack of prey," the burly tom replied to the Oracle.
"The fools are tearing themselves apart? This is good to hear. It will only make our design easier to achieve." The Oracle moved out of sight. "If you have nothing else to report or suggest Our Chosen, you may go. We must all prepare for the Summoning."
"Yes," he replied, dipping his head. "I have one more thing to report. "Wolf has been lost to one of the Clan cats, specifically one of the leaders, who goes by the name of Grovestar. Is there anything you can do for Wolf before he goes to Paradise?"
Behind the wall of smoke, Sky saw The Oracle come forward. "Yes, there's something We can do," she whispered. More smoke poured from the cave floor. "Sacred Ancestors of Our Paradise Below, We beg you! Accept a new cat into your fold this night. Give Us the power to ensure this never happens again!" The Oracle's small body shook violently then suddenly stopped. "Push Wolf's body into The Passage so the Ancestors can have him. Join Us again soon, We've had a vision to share with Our Children."
"Thank you, Our Chosen," said the Oracle, "Please let the others know the Summoning is about to begin." The Oracle shadowy form disappeared beneath the smoke.
Sky dragged the heavy cat by his scruff and gingerly pushed him into the volcano. A cloud of smoke blew up into his face, smelling of his fellow Brother.
Fox watched her brother fall into the lava. She desperately hoped his soul had passed into the Paradise Below. She looked up at Sky, and wiped away her tears. She could not afford to be weak if she wanted her revenge.
Sky felt his heart wrench as he saw Fox. The poor thing, having lost so much to those rabbit-brained Clan cats.
Fox looked up at Sky. She moved closer to him. "Thank your support," she purred. "Should we say a few words or head to The Summoning, Sky?" His throat clenched and he shook his head, unable to speak.
Fox nodded. "Wolf was my brother in more than one way. As a litter mate, he'd always pull these mean pranks on me. I'd hate him at the time, but if anything was going wrong in our life, he'd always be there for me. If only I'd had the time to show how grateful I really am... As a Brother and fellow Acolyte, he was one of our strongest warriors. His courage and strength were an example to all of us." She closed her eyes as a cloud of smoke passed over her. The tears came again and this time she didn't bother to stop them. "Thank you Wolf," she whispered, "thank you so much for being in my life." After a few moments of silence, she turned back to Sky. "I'm ready to go."
Sky nodded and walked out with her, wrapping his tail over her back to comfort her. They'd lost a good cat that day, to an enemy that didn't even belong here. He started to think of how he could get rid of the Clans as he walked. Fox nuzzled into Sky's warm fur, drawing on his strength to support her.
The rest of The Children finally reached the Cave of Prophecy, whispering and jostling each other in anticipation. The Oracle stepped out of the flames and slowly climbed a high rock flanked by more of the smoke. A green light flickered in the cave, illuminating patches of her black fur as The Oracle's yellow eyes burned bright. "We call this Summoning to order!" yowled The Oracle, silencing everyone. "Let the light of halfmoon illuminate truth and cast deceit into darkness. Who wishes to speak first?"
"I do," Rose meowed, dipping her head in a formal manner.
"Speak Rose, what do you have to say to Us?" asked The Oracle.
Rose lifted her chin. "DuneClan has had their territory stripped away from them by GroveClan for a short amount of time," she meowed. "Then Stargazer came down to them, assisting them in maintaining peace. I was out of my body at the moment it all took place."
"Excellent, We thank you for this intelligence. It will be most useful," said The Oracle. "Does anyone else have anything to add?" Rose sat down, curling her tail over her paws. "If no one has anything to add, then We must say a few words. Last quarter moon, 5 brave Acolytes led a raid against the invaders. While they were retreating, one of their number, Wolf, was murdered in cold blood by a cat known as Grovestar." The Oracle's eyes narrowed. "This crime must not be forgiven. We must have vengeance!"
The Oracle turned to Sky. "My Chosen, do you have a plan to drive out the invaders?" Rose looked at Sky.
"I have a plan. I heard from Hope that there has been fighting among the Clans. We can catch them at their weakest and bring them back where they belong. I've also been told by a few who wish to remain anonymous that there is a new 'threat' to these Clans...." Sky spoke calmly, his strong voice rising above the clamour around him.
Rose raised a brow. "I thought we were the only threat to them," she thought aloud.
"I'm not too sure if this is true, but I've heard from a trusted spy. I've been told there is a prophecy of sorts..."
"Hmm," Rose meowed. "Oracle, have you heard anything of such?" she asked, curiosity in her gaze.
"No, We haven't. Sky, We request that you give Us a private report about this after The Summoning. Prophecy can be a dangerous thing." The Oracle's yellow eyes suddenly went wide. Smoke billowed out of the cracks in the ground. "We have a prophecy of Our own..." she said, in a voice that sounded like 1000 cats were speaking at once.
Owl came late and sat down, twitching. "I'm happy to shred them."
Fox padded over to him. "Me too, but look up there. I think something's going on with The Oracle," she whispered. Owl shivered, looking up at the Oracle. Rose backed away.
"When the last bridge breaks,
When the sky attacks,
When the hunger aches,
All disease will wrack.
When the night is set alight by an ember,
The Ancestors will awake and remember
Their power to drive out the Clans forever!" the 1000 voices yowled. Suddenly, she fell to the floor of the cave, still shaking. "We hereby dismiss this Summoning," she called weakly.
The Children of the Ember padded away, gossiping about what they'd just seen. Rose cocked her head. "What..?" She then dipped her head. "It was good to see you again, Oracle."
The Oracle nodded stiffly. "I will try to understand the prophecy I've just given. In the meantime Rose, please use your power to keep an eye on GroveClan. They are the most dangerous of the clans and we need to keep an eye on them.
"I will."
DuneClan Camp pt. 3:
Sunscar waited until the next day. He hoped that Dunestar was finally awake. "Dunestar, can we talk?"
"Yes, we can."
Sunscar nodded, relieved. "I just thought I'd talk about our plans from here on out. Do we try to get revenge on GroveClan for everything they've done to us?"
Dunestar thought for a brief moment. "No. I believe Stargazer wants us to do as he said, so we will remain at peace with the other Clans." She met the deputy's eyes evenly. "I want to kill them just as much as you do, but our Clan doesn't need more battles."
Sunscar thought for a moment then bowed his head. "I guess I understand what you mean. Our Clan needs time to heal." Sunscar chuckled. "Me more than anyone. I think I'm getting a bit old for this." His face grew serious again. "And that's the second thing I wanted to talk to you about.'
Dunestar's eyes widened. "Are you saying. . ."
"No, I don't want to resign. I just want to be prepared for the worst. I've fought for my clan for many moons. If something were to happen to me, I want a cat I trust to take my place as deputy." Sunscar tried to make his tone confident and cheerful. "And in my opinion, the perfect cat for the job is Nightflame."
Dunestar nodded. "If there were any cat I'd pick after you, it is Nightflame." She dipped her head. "But do remember, please, I'm on my sixth life, and with the Clan's tensions I don't think I'll last very long," she chuckled. "Besides that, I trust you'll do amazing in the rest of your days."
Sunscar's eyes glistened. "I promise I will do my best to live up to that faith. I'm so lucky to have the chance to serve a leader like you."
Dunestar smiled. "You'd make a great leader." He bowed and left the leader's den.
Sunscar padded over to the Warrior's den and woke Nightflame. "Nightflame, want to go on patrol with me? I have some news I think you'll be very glad to hear."
"Sure." The fluffy tom yawned, blinking a few times before being properly awake.
"Meet me on the territory when you've had something from the fresh-kill pile," said Sunscar kindly.
Nightflame wondered what the deputy of DuneClan wanted to ask him. He grasped a fish and ate quickly, eager.
GroveClan pt. 3:
Firestrike walked into the camp, seeing the Clan gathered for another meeting. "WE ARE AT WAR WITH THE CHILDREN IF THE EMBER NOW! WE WILL ATTACK THEM AT DAWN!" Grovestar shouted.
Weary from the battle with DuneClan that had finished just a few hours ago, most of GroveClan looked unenthusiastic. "Yes!" yowled Cederclaw, "I can't wait to kill every last one of those savages!"
Grovestar nodded to Cederclaw. "All warriors and apprentices, come. Let us start training!" Grovestar and Cederclaw went over to the warriors while Breezewing went to the apprentices. "I'm going to teach you some battle moves..."
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