What happens in the story
Talking in there minds
☁︎ What happened in the Previous Chapter ☁︎
*Doing something*
That's all I could think of ^^""""
Now onto the story!
Previously on Legends...
︎☁︎ Kai: watch it when Samukai throws his daggers a-and don't forget to save me
P Wu: uhh...
Kai: it'll all make sense when it happens☁︎
☁︎P Kai: I thought I told you to stay back
P Nya: and what? Let you have all the fun?☁︎
☁︎P Samukai: *was about to hit Kai but then*
P Wu: Ninja Go! *Uses spinjitzu and attacks Samukai*
P Wu: *stops and is now in a battle stance*
Samukai: Sensei Wu, your spinjitzu looks rusty
P Wu: nothing like bone to sharpen on its edge Samukai ☁︎
☁︎Zane: Sensei, no matter what you need to convince Kai to go with you
Jay: why?
Zane: because if Kai doesn't become a ninja the world as we know it won't exist, the four of us will never unite we'll never train Lloyd to become the green ninja, and Nya will never fall head over heels for Jay☁︎
☁︎Jay: *sighs in relief* oh good... he's going, we saved the future!
Zane: not so fast, we still have to make sure he becomes a ninja in order for everything to get back on track☁︎
☁︎Samukai: stop fooling around! We failed our mission and the lord Garmadon is freely counterless habits!
Skeleton: I just wanted to know if I was seeing double. I thought I saw the same ninja twice back there
Garmadon: *realizes* two....so the ninja followed me here.....think they can stop me??? They are as annoying as they are troublesome.......
But two can play it this game.....☁︎
Meanwhile with the ninjas
Past Kai and Nya can be seen being trained by the past Wu, it seems like she is really determined to be a ninja meanwhile the Past Kai didn't even want to
Wu: you must harness the fire within *he said while walking towards Kai and stops beside him*
P Kai: *sighs* yeah, yeah *just walks to another part of the training area*
Meanwhile the present Ninjas are watching all this, happen
Kai: *groans* ohhh I'm worthless
Jay: it's like you don't even want to be a ninja
Kai: I told you the only reason I became a ninja was to rescue my sister
Zane: if Kai doesn't learn to be a ninja our future will be destroyed
Cole: even when Garmadon does something good it's always evil! Sensei ain't cutting the mustard, guess it's up to us to get things back on track
Jay: I thought you said not to get involved! Change anything change everything
Cole: that was before Garmadon altered the past and changed the future. Now we got to clean up the mess
Zane: he's right, the only way to save our future is for Kai to find his fire
Cole: what are you trying to say Zane?
Zane: I'm saying we have to give Kai his motivation back, we have to kidnap Nya and deliver her into the hands of the Skeleton
Kai: *sighs* if that's what it takes okay *he looks at Past Wu trying to train Kai but isn't working well* if it's all right with you guys I've got an Idea on how I can talk some sense into myself
At night
The ninjas would sneak into the monestary and was now in Nya's bedroom
Jay: *feels bad for Nya but had to do it*
Cole: alright, time to play our parts
Zane: we'll have to act quick while Kai is keeping himself busy
Cole, Zane and Jay would put on skeleton mask as Nya would wake up and the 3 kidnap her putting her in a sack
Meanwhile with Kai
P Kai: *currently brushing his teeth and spits it out like how you usually toothbrush*
Kai: *uses this chance while his past self wasn't looking and takes out the mirror and was now pretending to be the reflection*
P Kai: *looks back at the "mirror" and makes sure he did it properly*
Kai: hey dummy
P Kai: *got startled and ends up backing up a bit* wahh!!
Kai: yeah I'm talking to you
P Kai: *didn't know it was his present self and thought it was just his reflection as he was confused* me?
Kai: would you get your head on straight and start listening to Sensei, the fate of the world kind of rests on it *puts his hands on his waist*
Meanwhile with the others
The 3 can be seen on the rooftop sneaking out
P Nya: *was still inside the sack* unhand me!!!
Jay: *was holding the sack that Nya was in* no, I'm sorry Nya....
P Nya: how do you know my name?!? Oh when my brother finds out about this he'll be sorry!!!
Cole: actually he'll be quite relieved
Zane: *notices 3 people in black suits* uh, guys we've got company....
3 ninjas in black suits would arrive as they would look up and spots Cole, Zane & Jay
Jay: *gulps* uhhhhh... isn't...that...us?!
Cole: better lower our mask so they don't recognize us *he and the others would lower their mask*
The ninjas would start fighting with their old selves, Jay jumped down and starts fighting his past self while the apst Cole and Zane would now be on the roof aswell
Zane: *takes out his shurikens*
Cole: let's not hurt ourselves boys I'd hate to leave a mark
Zane: *nods understanding and puts his shurikens back as he took out some tiles from the roof and throws them at his past self*
P Nya: *moving around inside the sack as she called her brother's name from inside*
Meanwhile with the two Kais
P Kai: *heard* huh?! Nya!! *Turns around and was about to walk out*
Kai: h-hey I wasn't done talking to you, you can't leave!
P Kai: *looks back at the present Kai* why not you're just my reflection *puts his hands on his waist*
Kai: *his eyes twitch as he couldn't take it anymore as he punched his past self in the face knocking him out while going out of the place where he pretended to be a reflection*
P Kai: *falls unconscious*
Kai: sorry but I can't have you spoiling our plans
Back outside Kai would arrive outside
Jay: Why does time travel have to be so complicated (╥﹏╥)
The sac that Nya was in would fall off the roof but fortunately Kai was able to catch it as he climbs on the rooftop ninja style
Kai: guys let's get out of here!
The other 3 would do Spinjitzu to knock their past selves off of the roof as they landed on the floor
P Wu: *arrives and sees what is happening*
P Kai: *also arrives*
P Wu: they took Nya
P Kai: huh?! They took my sister?! No!!!!!
Meanwhile back in the present Lloyd on the picture would slowly fade back
P Wu: we'll get your sister back
P Kai: *his head was currently lowered*
P Wu: *looks at the present ninjas who were hiding at the rooftop still*
Kai: *takes off his mask as the others did the same and smiles*
Wu: *looks back infront of him* but first I want you to meet your team
The past Jay, Zane and Kai would take off their mask
Kai: looks like the fire returned
The ninjas would head out
At the forest
The ninjas can be seen jumping from tree branch to tree branch
Cole: all we gotta do to get everything back on track is to deliver Nya to the skeletons
They continue to jump from tree branch to tree branch
Meanwhile with the skeletons
The skeletons would be around the campfire talking together and laughing
Samukai: *arrives and smacks Skeleton 1 on the head* this is no time to celebrate! We didn't get the girl! How would you like to go back to the underworld to tell lord Garmadon that we failed!
Skeleton 1: *gets up and walks farther from the other skeletons as he mumbles* "oh you killed lord Garmadon" *he sits down on a tree and keeps bad mouthing Samukai*
The Ninjas were right above him as Kai would drop the sack that had Nya in it infront of the skeleton
Skeleton 1: *surprised and looks up only to find no one as he shook his head and checks what's inside the sack*
P Nya: *angry*
Skeleton 1: *closes the sack and turns towards Samukai* uhhm Samukai, how would you like to go back to the underworld to tell him... *He grins* we succeeded....
And that's what Samukai did, he went to the underworld and told the past Garmadon the news
Samukai: master we have the girl...
P Garmadon: good..... *He was currently a shadow*
As Samukai and the Past Garmadon were talking, the present Garmadon would arrive and hide behind a pillar waiting for Samukai to leave which he did which gave Garmadon the opportunity to walk towards his old self
P Garmadon: what is the meaning of this?!
Garmadon: it is I....your future self....
P Garmadon: how can it be....
Garmadon: I know you are searching for the golden weapons and it is because of them that I have gone back in time and stand before you now
P Garmadon: I don't understand....you have...uhh....I have four arms....
Garmadon: yes, and I need your help to get rid of the ninja once and for all!!
Oh Garmadon nods as his future self would whisper to him his plan as both of them laughed evilly
Back at the present time Wu was looking at the deck of the Destiny's bounty as he sees the sky going dark
Wu: great....scott....
The Lloyd in the picture would slowly start to fade away again
Back at the past (again)
The past ninjas were currently sleeping on the ground of the forest while the present ones were on top of a dead tree
Jay: oh why are we still here??? I thought everything is back on track???
Cole: yeah but we have to stay and make sure all goes as planned
P Wu: so what exactly happens next?
Kai: our past selves have most of the golden weapons, shadow Garmadon now should have my sister, but in about one minute I get woken up and tricked into taking the sword of fire. Thta will eventually unleash the greatest nemesis onto Ninjago....
P Kai: Nya...? Nya wait up! *Chases after the fake Nya*
The ninjas and Master Wu would follow him as they reached where the sword of fire is and hides behind boulders
P Kai: *was now infront of it*
Kai: ah this is when I steel the sword of fire and cut my sister down. Then I get attacked by my own shadow
P Nya: *was in chains and was falling down towards the lava*
P Kai: Nya!!
P Garmadon's voice: tick tock tick tock.....
P Kai: *stops for a bit and concentrates, and once he did he then proceeds to jump on the rocks making sure not to fall into the lava to get to where Nya was as he does a front flip grabbing the sword as he did that* Ninja...go!!! *Does Spinjitzu and was able to free ad save Nya*
P Garmadon: *evil laughs*
P Kai: stay close to me....
P Nya: trust me, I'm not going anywhere *she said this with a nervous tone in her voice*
P Kai: *sees Garmadon who was still a shadow* you can't hurt us, you're only a shadow!
P Garmadon: this time.... I'm actually much more....
Kai: wait, he never said that before.... Something's different
And as if on que, the Present Garmadon was now infront of the past Kai
P Kai: Garmadon?! You're supposed to be trapped in the underworld!
Garmadon: oh there's so much more you don't know
P Garmadon: go future me.... destroy him.....
Both Garmadon and Past Kai would attack each other as their weapons would collide with one another
Kai: ugh... We have to do something.... I don't stand a chance against Garmadon's forearms! Wait- that's it!!
As both Garmadon and Past Kai would fight, Garmadon manages to gain the upper hand and was able to knock the sword of fire away from Past Kai's hand as the sword would land right beside Present Kai
Kai: *looks and gets an idea*
Garmadon: *grins as he starts to slowly approach Past Kai and Past Nya as the past siblings themselves would back up with Past Kai being infront of Nya to protect her*
Kai: *lands infront of Garmadon and his past self as he held the sword of fire*
P Garmadon: two Kais?!
P Kai: yeah~
Garmadon: *gets angry and charges at the present Kai*
Kai: looks like I have forearms too
Garmadon would start attacking Kai as Kai himself would dodge all the attacks as both the Kais would team up
Garmadon: *getting even more frustrated*
Zane: *lands infront of Garmadon aswell*
Garmadon: ergh *backs away but ends up bumping into someone who was at his back as he turns around to see who it was*
Cole: *was the one* now we got you *tries to take the golden weapons away from him but fails*
Garmadon: *yeets Cole making him land on Kai and Zane*
Cole: *grunts* I think it's safe to say the past has drastically changed
Both the Garmadon's would laugh evilly as both would high five each other
Zane: I was thinking about that, it could be possible to erase the events that have transpired so far by destroying the mega weapon that brought us here in the first place
Kai: you mean if we destroy that, everything goes back to normal?
Zane: uh- theoretically.....
Cole: but nothing can destroy the mega weapon, only a weapon of equal power has any chance of stopping it
???: *arrives* uh, like maybe the weapons forged to create it in the first place~?
The ninjas would look to see who it was revealing it to be Past Master Wu and Jay who was currently holding the golden weapons
Garmadons: *still doing high fives but then the present one would notice what Jay was holding* no!!
Cole: the golden weapons!! *Gets up and rushes to Jay*
Jay: yeah, I thought these would come in handy *tosses the weapons that corresponds to the ninjas, Cole's being the Scythe of quakes, Zane's shurikens of Ice, Kai's sword of fire and Jay himself was holding his which is the Nunchucks of lightning*
Kai: okay, no time to find out how you got these, we have to destroy the mega weapon once and for all! *He starts to use his sword* Fire!
Jay: lightning!
Cole: earth!
Zane: Ice!
Garmadons: no!! What are you doing?!?!
P Wu: ninja....go!!!
The weapons would merge with the mega weapon causing it to fly to the sky and explode
Once that happened, the volcano they were in would start to crumble
P Nya: *slowly starts fading away*
P Kai: Nya!!!
P Nya: *looks at P Kai and tries to approach him but ends up fafing away*
P Kai: what's happening?!
Back at the present the ninjas were now back at the training room as it was dark, the ninjas were currently holding their weapons that they used to train Lloyd with earlier
Jay: did we just-....um....
Kai: return to the future?
Cole: this feels familiar... But weren't we training Lloyd?
Zane: the future was altered and there is no green ninja.....
The ninjas would lower their heads but then heard the door open and was happy seeing who it was
Lloyd: *arrives and closes the door* sorry I'm late *walks towards them* are we ready to get training?
Kai: *surprised but in a happy way* y-you're still here! *He goes to Lloyd and hugs him as the others did the same*
Lloyd: *hugs back* yeah why wouldn't I be?
The ninjas then stopped hugging Lloyd
Jay: so when we went back in time to destroy Garmadon's mega weapon that didn't change anything?
Kai: *picks up a watermelon*
Lloyd: my father has a mega weapon?
Kai: *turns to face Lloyd* wait a minute, you've never heard of it? *He tosses the watermelon up in the air and cuts it into perfect slices as the watermelons landed on each individual Ninjas*
Lloyd: I- I think I would have remembered that.... Why?? What is it?? Should I be concerned???
The other ninjas would start laughing
Lloyd: hey! What are you guys laughing at??? What's so funny?? *He tosses his watermelon up in the air slicing it as the watermelon would land back on his hand and the red part of the watermelon was now shaped into a dragon*
Kai: *chuckles* I think some things are best left in the past, come on, let's just prepare for the future
The Ninjas would start laughing again except Lloyd
Lloyd: I don't get it-
Few hours later
The ninjas were now currently asleep
Lloyd: *keeps tossing and turning in his sleep*
In Lloyd's dream
Lloyd: *grunts as he looks around and found himself at a void* w-where am I.....
Suddenly a voice would talk to Lloyd
??? Voice: Lloyd.....
Lloyd: *surprised to hear someone call out his name and looks at the direction only to find no one there* w-who's there??
??? Voice: Lloyd.....
Lloyd: *still looking around trying to find who was calling his name* I swear if this is a prank-
??? Voice: it's not a prank Lloyd....
A white glowing figure would appear infront of Lloyd
Lloyd: *shocked as he stays alert*
???: Don't be afraid..... I mean no harm.....
Lloyd: *he felt as if this figure was telling the truth as he lowers his guard down* w-who are you....and...what exactly are you...?
???: You'll find out soon....
Lloyd: w-what do you want from me.....?
???: *Smiles* I want you to remember.....
Lloyd: h-huh??
???: Remember Lloyd.....
Lloyd: I-i don't understand....what do you mean...?
???: Remember.....
Suddenly the ground under Lloyd's feet would crumble causing him to fall
???: Remember Lloyd....
Back in the real world
Lloyd: *Jolts up sweating and panting heavily as he looks around only to find himself still at his and the others bedroom* ....... *Lowers his head*
Who was that....?
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