After sending the video to Stefan, Kai rushed over to help Stella. "Damon. Damon. Damon. You always play dirty" Kai said as he walked over to them. "What are you doing here?" Damon asked. "Well, Stella was going with me. Until, you decided to interrupt our vacation" Kai replied. "I wonder..." Kai made a thinking face. "What would Stefan say or what will he do when he finds out you, his brother choose Elena over him?" Kai asked with a smirk. "Stefan will never know" Damon replied. As he walked over to Kai. "I think he will" someone said from behind. And what do you know? Stefan Salvatore was standing behind his brother. "Stefan?" Damon asked, clearly confused on how he was there and how he knew he would be there.
"Yeah. I got a little video of my wife being threatened by my own brother" he added as he made his way over to Damon. "Stefan... listen" Damon began. "Listen to what, Damon? To what?! You couldn't bear to see my happy for once. The one time I get the chance to be happy, you have to ruin it. Just like you ruin everything else" Stefan blamed his brother. "You didn't care that she's the mother of my children. I mean, why would you? You killed Zach's girlfriend and their child. Why would you care about Stella and my children?" Stefan asked his brother. "Why, Damon? Is this about me turning you into a vampire? About your promise of an eternity of misery?" Stefan asked.
"No. No! He made me choose between Stella and Bonnie" Damon tried to explained. "And you choose Bonnie" Stefan replied with a nod. "Because of Elena" he added. "Bonnie is our friend, Stefan. Or have you forgotten?" Damon asked. "No. But, Stella is my wife. When it comes to my wife or Bonnie I'll choose my wife!" Stefan argued. "Bonnie can die for all I care. And by the looks of it, she'll be dead soon" Damon looked at his brother. "What are you talking about Stefan?" Damon asked. "Klaus, used to date Stella before her and I met. When he heard someone had taken her he came to help me. We had nothing. We've looked everywhere but nothing. I knew you had something to do with it. They all did. But, I thought... Damon's my brother. He would never do something like that. Especially that I have a family now. He wouldn't. Yet, I was right all along. Klaus? Klaus wants blood. He was coming for you. He wanted to kill you but I stopped him" Stefan began to cry.
"I've tried Damon. I tried to make up for what I did. For taking your life away. For turning you into a vampire. And for centuries I've done everything to help you. You blamed me for the monster you've become. But in all truth, that is all you. You turned into a monster because you wanted to. And instead of admitting it you blamed me. But, I'm done. Whatever happens to you from now on it's not my problem. If you're in trouble, don't call me, don't text me, don't ask for my help. If you die, then I can finally be at peace. I'll never, never forgive you for this, Damon. This time, you crossed the line. I hope that you get everything you want. And if you do, do it as far away from me as possible. If you don't, we'll, I don't really care about you anymore. So, if you live, I don't care. If you die, I don't care either. I hope Elena was worth losing your brother" Stefan picked up his wife and began to walk away. He stopped and put her back down, softly.
He walked over to Damon and punched him. Daemon was too shocked to even acknowledge what was actually happening. Stefan didn't stop punching him and breaking a few bones. Stefan finally stopped and Damon was a little bloodied.
"Let that be a reminder. You're no longer my brother. You're just someone I used to know" Stefan stated as he began to walk away. "Stefan, wait. Please" Damon begged.
Damon knew, he had lost his brother. For good this time. Stefan stopped and turned, tears were visible but he was done. He had give his brother chance after chance. This was it.
"I love you, little brother" Stefan nodded and walked away with his wife. Kai was watching from afar enjoying the drama. Then, came Klaus with a bloodied outfit.
"Well, that was a tad boring. I would've ripped out your heart out or decapitated you, but you know?" Klaus asked as he made his way over to Damon. Klaus was now face to face with Damon. "It was sad to watch. Now, you're all alone. Bonnie is dead. That means Elena will wake soon. But she will hate you because her best friend is dead and you didn't protect her. Now, Damon Salvatore, you truly are alone" with that the hybrid disappeared.
EPILOGUEΒ - 18 years later
People often say losing someone you love changes you. Either in a good way or bad. Uncle Damon change for the worse. Like, uncle Klaus said, he lost Elena. Elena blamed him for Bonnie's death. A little after Bonnie Bennett died, Alaric Saltzman died as well. He didn't get to meet my sisters, Josie and Lizzie. Elena went on to marry son guy she met in college, they have four kids. Grayson, Jonathan, Victoria and Jenna Miranda after her mother and aunt. Jen and Vicky look exactly like Elena. They're doppelgΓ€ngers
Tyler Lockwood ended up marrying April young and they currently have three kids. Mason, Carol and William.
Caroline is dating Enzo but they have no kids. Perhaps in the future.
Jeremy married a werewolf, Lori. They have five kids. Bonnie, their eldest. Eliani, Emely, Dominic, and Alaric after his father figure.
Damon, well, no one has heard from uncle Damon. For sometime he tried to get a hold of dad but he never made any attempt to reconcile with him. Mom often tells dad do try and find him but my father is stubborn and refuses to do so. Ah, you might be wondering who I am. Well, I'm Evangeline, Evangeline Salvatore. Daughter of Stefan and Stella Salvatore. Our family grew over the years. After being rescued, my mother found she was pregnant. She was carrying the next leaders of the Gemini Coven. Twins. Lizzie named after my grandmother and Josie named after her biological mom. Then, a year later mom had me and my twin, Elijah after Elijah Mikaelson who died to protect Hope and his family. Uncle Klaus was gonna do it. But, uncle Elijah made the choice to let his brother live so he could live a happy life with his daughter.
Uncle Kai, who at first said he didn't want join our family because he was a psychopath ended up in our family and is now married to, wait for it... (drumrolls) uncle Derek! They decided not to have kids, apparently with us, it was enough headache for a lifetime. So, our family consists of, Hope, Azriel, Rhysand, Lizzie, Josie, me, Elijah, my little brothers Lucas and Cam, mom and dad of course. Uncle Derek, uncle Kai, uncle Klaus, uncle Kol and his wife aunt Davina. Aunt Rebekah and her husband uncle Marcel. Aunt Freya and her wife aunt Keelin.
Mom and dad have been married for eighteen years and are currently the headmistress and headmaster of the Salvatore-Carter Boarding School for the Young and Gifted and this was their story. Now, the story of my siblings and I is just beginning.
This is it y'all. I enjoyed writing this story that it makes me sad to finish it. But, I got other stories to write. I hope you enjoy the story and reading it.
I do have a new stories in store. I just posted MOONLIGHT, a damon salvatore story. After that one I think k Elijah or Kol will be next and so on. So please stay tuned and let me know what you want to see in this future stories! Hope you enjoy the book!
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