β€’ [2] β€’

After a few hours, The Sun began to rise.

[Author's POV]

The sunrise had finally arrived after several hours of night. (Y/N) was still sleeping peacefully, nothing bothering her. Since the sun rays weren't able to get into the Temple, (Y/N) wasn't going to wake up.

Suddenly, a knock at the door could be heard. (Y/N) quickly woke up, sitting up as she yawned. She stretched her arms, rubbing her eyes as she thought. Who's.. there?.Β  better not be someone or something stupid.."

She sighed, thinking it would be Douma. She waited for a bit, starting to hear a deep, soothing voice. "Ah, Lady (Y/N), you're awake!"

Her eyes widened, realizing it wasn't Douma. Half of her felt disappointed, while the other felt relieved. But, if it was not Douma.. who was it?

She quickly got up from the bed, still pretty beaten up from yesterday as she murmured. "Mhm, that's me.. Who's there?" She walked towards the door, starting to open it.

A tall, black haired figure was standing there. He was wearing a Dark Blue Yukata, Tan-White slippers on his feet. His eyes were as dark as the night, except his warm smile ended up turning his eyes into something more positive and joyful. He held a tray with a bowl of Rice, some miso soup, and Ohitashi on the side.

"Good evening, Lady (Y/N)! My name is Yosaho. I came here to give you your breakfast, and the grand tour of The Eternal Paradise Cult! Unfortunately, The Gracious Founder is quite busy right now.. So he won't be able to greet you until later."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened a bit, starting to adjust. She nodded slowly, smiling. Hah, what was I so worried about? Douma can't go into the sun, so that means he wasn't going to be here at sunrise! Two win-wins for me!!!

"Ah, alright then! I understand that perfectly. He is a busy man after all." She chuckled, starting to grab the tray. "Here, let me help you with that."

He laughed joyfully and gave her the tray. "That's right! And Thank you!" He continued to smile, bowing slightly. "I'll wait for you to finish. Then I'll come back."

She nodded in response, balancing her body with the tray. "That sounds good. Thank you." She gave him a warm smile, bowing slightly as well. She started to walk back into the room while Yosaho closed the bedroom door and left.



She smiled widely, fangirling over the food. I mean.. who can blame me??? THIS FOOD IS HEAVEN!!!!

She continued to eat the food with a satisfied gaze, her smile growing. She hummed contently, continuing to eat all of it.

She sighed in relief, finally finishing it after several minutes. She smiled from satisfaction, looking at the ceiling for a bit. Well.. I'm done eating now. But, what am I supposed to do? Should I wait for Yosaho? Or.. should I just go ahead and see The Temple for myself? ARGHβ€” SO HARD TO CHOOSE... THINK (Y/N)!!

(Y/N) sighed deeply, deciding to go find Yosaho. She got up and carried the tray with her as she walked towards the door.

She opened the door fully, noticing many of the followers moving from one place to another in The Temple. She narrowed her eyes, starting to close it as she walked towards the stairs.

Alright.. I should probably go ahead and think about everything that has happened by now. I mean, I probably came here for a good reason.. Not to mention that the Douma Doll that had brought me here isn't with me, so that's something. Mm.. Maybe if I try to investigate, I might figure something out! I should probably use my phone.. ! Wait.. WHERE IN THE WORLD IS MY PHONE?!

Just as she was about to check her pockets, she slipped. Her eyes widened, unable to react quickly as she started to fall off the stairs, loud thuds heard.

All of The Followers stopped, looking at her and the scattered items of the tray laying there. They started to whisper to each other, some of them getting concerned as she wasn't standing up. But, they didn't know what to do.

..Dammit. This is embarrassing.. She thought, sighing while she noticed that she wasn't able to stand up. ..GREAT.

She sighed angrily, not caring about the pain. Just then, someone else could be heard quickly running up to her.

"(Y/N)! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" It was Yosaho. He quickly kneeled down, inspecting if she had any injuries.

"I'm fine." She murmured, finally able to snap out of her thoughts and say something.

"You aren't fine! You just fell down stairs!" THEN WHY DID YOU ASK ME-

Without hesitation, he picked her up into his arms, carrying her bridal-style. Woah?? WHY'S HE TOUCHING ME?? WE LITERALLY JUST MET ABOUT AN 1 HOUR AGOβ€”

With that, someone else could be heard. "My, my.. Are you alright, (Y/N)-Chan?" A sad and soothing tone could be heard.. Although, it seemed as if it had one slight hint of madness or jealousy. Everyone stopped and looked behind them, quickly bowing down. ...I'm screwed.

He walked towards Yosaho and (Y/N), tilting his head. "What happened here, Yosaho-san?"

Yosaho looked down, narrowing his eyes and murmured, bowing slightly. "My apologies, Great Founder.. Lady (Y/N) fell down the stairs. We didn't mean to disturb you or cause anything in The Temple."

Douma smiled, shaking his head as he narrowed his eyes. "No, no.. It is quite alright. Such a shame that (Y/N) fell down the stairs though.. Here, let me help you with her." ...YOSAHO. DO SOMETHING!!

Yosaho quickly shook his head, smiling. "It's alright Founder! I could take her back to her room. I know you have some things to do, and I can respect that."

"No, no.. I insist. You can go ahead and finish your tasks while I take care of her." Douma smiled, his tone leaving no room for any type of argument. He grabbed (Y/N) gently from Yosaho's arms, carrying her in his.


Β  Β Β  ────────────♑──────────────

[Y/N's POV]

Silence was filled in the atmosphere between us. I decided best not to talk since I could make it worse, but why was he so silent today?

As I continued to think, I realized we weren't heading towards my roomβ€”we were heading towards two doors. FREEDOM??

Unfortunately, it wasn't freedom. It was just the backyard this Temple had. It is pretty beautiful.. I wonder why there are so many Lotuses though. Eh, it's still prettier than any backyard I have ever seen.. Makes me wonder what backyards look like now in my Hometown since this is The Taisho Era.

I continued to think, unable to notice that he had already stopped where the balcony was. Douma looked at me as I was still thinking, raising an eyebrow. "May I ask what you're thinking about dear?" I immediately looked back at him, trying to regain my sense.

"Oh uhm, I was just admiring the atmosphere here! It really is quite nice!" Great job, now Deja-Vu is filling the air.

He chuckled, nodding as he looked forward. "Ah, I'm glad you noticed that. It really is beautiful.. No wonder so many people here come outside of The Temple."

I nodded at his words, my brain not functioning to process everything he just said. Wait a minute.. Why is he still holding me?

I looked around, noticing that he was indeed still holding me. Douma couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he noticed, feeling amused.

"Mm, what are you looking at (Y/N)-Chan?" He leaned in closer, tilting his head.

TOO CLOSE BRO- PERSONAL SPACE. "I was uh.. wondering why you're still carrying me.."

He couldn't help but grin at my sudden question, his touch getting tighter. "I don't think you are still quite ready to walk again.. You did end up falling too hard."

I laughed nervously, nodding. "Right.. I apologize. I didn't realize where I was going since I was trying to uh.. find the Kitchen?"

He laughed softly, tilting his head. "Ah, I see. I assumed Yosaho would've given you The Tour by now."

"He was, but.. he wanted me to eat first. When I finished, I wanted to give him the tray again.. but I ended up falling off the stairs as you could see."

I laughed nervously, a small shade of red appearing on my cheeks from embarrassment.

He stood there, smiling at me as he shook his head. "Don't worry doll.. We all make mistakes. You don't need to worry about it. Although.. If you do want a tour.. I could give you one!"

! "Really?" My eyes widened at his words, a bit surprised that he would say that. I quickly nodded, smiling. I decided to trust him just this once, since I really needed to know how things worked here. For the record, I'm doing this to get tf out of here. It would've been great with Yosaho, but well.. I guess he's the best second option.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts once again, nodding. "Then, I accept! I really want to get to know this place better. What is a better way than to get The Grand Tour from the Founder??" I chuckled, making a small joke to see if he would react, even if I knew he didn't mean any of the Emotions displayed on him.

He let a small laugh out, nodding. "Hah, you're right! I'm glad I'll be the one to give you the tour then. Grab on tight!"

With that, he started to grip me firmly on his arms, opening the doors again.


"And.. That's the last room! Any questions dear?" He looked at me with a smile, waiting for any signs of curiosity or questions.

...Okay. I knew this place was big.. But not THAT big! I'm too broke for this shit sometimes.

I sighed from the inside, giving him a quick nod as I smiled softly. "This is such a wonderful place! I didn't realize it had so many rooms. Although.. I'm not surprised either."

He let out a small chuckle out, nodding. "Oh, definitely. This place seems small.. but just wait until you get inside." He winked, chuckling once more.

I laughed softly, looking away. Was that supposed to mean something else?-

He sighed contently, still gripping onto me while he smiled. "Now. . I think we should go back to your room. I have to take care of some business, and I won't come back until Sunset."

I quickly nodded, sighing in relief. FINALLY, Some time for myself! Smh. This would've been more entertaining if I had my phone though- ...HOLY SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT MY PHONE AGAINβ€”

As I continued to think, he quickly started to walk again. I snapped out of my thoughts, still looking around the rooms as I narrowed my eyes. Just then, he stopped.

I blinked several times, narrowing my eyes and looked at him. He better decide if he's actually going to stop, or continue to walk. JUST CHOOSE SOMETHING-

With that, Douma smiled at me. His gaze quickly shifted towards the right, his eyes narrowing.

"Now.. whatever you do, don't go into the right side of this area. Not unless there is an absolute problem and you need me. Understood?"

I could feel his gaze shifting into a serious one, knowing he was for real.

I quickly nodded, giving him a thumbs up. "Right! I got it! Not unless there is a problem or emergency!" Not like I want to see you eat humans..

His gaze slowly turned into a soft, soothing one again. "Good. Now.. let's head back to your room! I think I'm already quite late to my Cult Tasks, but I don't mind."

He continued to smile, walking towards my room again. I nodded in response, listening... to part of the things he was saying.

Well, this is the start of something interesting for me.

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