
I still couldn't believe on what just happened. Sylvie just left on us on that planet or wherever there was, she tricked me.

-Can't you open a portal?-I asked anxious.


-We are going to loose her!


-Use your timepad-

-Y/N!-Mobius yelled and I almost jumped from his loud voice at me.

He didn't seem like the calm, meticulous and caring Mobius from everyday. He seemed angry, and I could somehow, from far, already sense it. He sighed and put his hands on his hips, he seemed tired of me.

-Are you...angry?

-No.-He answered coldly.

You know, I don't understand why I do these types of things sometimes. It just happens, I feel like doing and I do it, what I don't think is about the consequences. And that is when bad things happen.

I reached and touched his hand. I could feel all his emotions, he was angry and upset. The feels filling my chest and making me frustrated just as he was, and that was specially towards me. Concerned and mad at the same time.

Mobius noticed I was trying to understand his feelings and took his hands strongly from mine.

-Don't do that again!-He exclaimed.

A silence took over us. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know why he felt like that, what he was thinking about me at that moment, and all of that just summed up making me more upset.

Mobius took his timepad from his pocket but instead of saying "let's go back" and open a portal behind him, he closed his eyes strongly and exhaled air. Looked up and curved his lips, his hands were tense, I could see his vains more exposed now that he pressed stronger the timepad in his hands almost like a releasing stress excercise.

He passed a hand through his hair, messing the fluffy white strands, wich I had to hold myself not to put it into place by myself, then looked at me.

-...What's going on?-I asked scared of his response.

-The battery. It's dead.-He showed me the timepad without getting close to me.

-Can't we charge it?

-Do you have a timepad charger?-He mocked and I felt slightly offended by his tone. I didn't answer- That's what I thought.

I observed the land we were, "Lamentis", I dare to say it was quite beautiful. The whole planet was covered in a periwinkle purple, surrounded by rocks and mountains in an eggplant tone. I've never seen a place like that before, it could take anyone's breath away.

-We need to find a way to charge this. And fast.-He said serious.



Loud sounds started, and when I turned to the sky, rocks were falling from it, inflamable, in our direction with an incredible speed.

-All the planet will be destroyed.-Mobius said and grabbed my hand strating to run.

We were both running like crazy people, trying to avoid the huge explosions make the ground shake behind us, the lots of sand going up in the air as the rocks hit the soil.

Mobius tripped and fell on the ground, he continued saying for me to go, to leave him there. More rocks were coming.

-I'm not leaving you here.-I pulled him out of the ground and helped him run again, just in time when rocks hit where he was before.

-There!-He pointed to a cabin close.

I tried to avoid Mobius feelings, they were so messed up, so weird with fear, concern as we ran with the meteors behind us.

We reached the cabin, we both entered and I closed the door. We could still hear the explosions while trying to catch our breath and calm our hearts. My legs were aching from how fast we were, Mobius relied on a wall and tried to recover himself too.

The cabin was small, made of wood, with flaws between them wich allowed light to split between them entering and iluminating it. It seeemed old, with some insects wandering on the ground and smelled like mold.

-What was that?-I asked.

-This is Lamentis-1, a moon in 2077. A planet will crash and destroy everything soon.-He answered cleaning the dirt from his clothes with little slaps of his hands.

We were stuck in a planet about to blow up and with no means to escape. Thank you Sylvie.

Mobius sighed and put his hands on his face stressed. I didn't like to see him like that. And somehow I knew it was partially my fault.

I tried to approach him, standed close, in front of him.

-Go away.-He said with his face still buried in his hands.


-I need to think about a way to get out of here. Let me think alone.

Something inside of me ached when he pushed me away like that. I hated myself for making him be angry like that, and also hated him for behaving like that.

-I-I'm sorry-

-Apologies won't save us.-He finally looked at me, his blue eyes were so cold that froze my soul.

-I know but-

-Why didn't you listen to me?

I stood quiet, I didn't know how to face him.

-Why didn't you just stay there, safe? Could you understand how....Ugh.-He sighed irritated and closed his fist.- That variant is dangerous, do you know how much you risked going after her?

-I do, I almost risked the whole mission I know, and I-

-Not just the mission Y/N!-He shouted and interrupted me. There was a pause of silence before he continued.-You risked yourself. I know that you don't care about it, but couldn't you just think of me then?-Mobius took courage for a moment- Couldn't you care about how concerned I was about you?

I wanted to understand, I really wanted to. But what did mean? Scared about my safety? So much that he'd stay angry? I was alive, wasn't that what mattered? Why did we have to fight? I didn't want to. I refused to fight with him. I just wanted him like always by my side.

Mobius looked down at my hands, I wondered what he was thinking about while the little particles of dust flew away in the bright part of the cain.

-Did you want to run away with her?-He suddenly asked.- Is that it?

-What? No!

-I told you to don't cross the portal.

-But we were working so hard to catch the variant and...Mobius she knows more than what we think-

-And you were willing to leave me there to go after her.

-To help you.-I grabbed his hand.-You're my partner, how could I leave you?

Mobius surprisingly held my hands with his, intertwining his fingers with mine, as a warm feeling from his chest filled mine. What Mobius was feeling was different from any feeling I've experienced before.

-We're going to make this out alive.-I guaranteed him.-I know we will.

He nodded slowly with his head, his hand strongly holding mine, much bigger than mine, almost covering it completly as he held it closely.

-How much time do we have?-I asked, my voice sounding like a whisper. Only the silent cabin around us as my body were close to his in that half lightned room.

-Until nightfall.-He answered in a low tone.

-Then let's do this.-I tried to encourage him, Mobius head was still down, observing our hands together.-Let's find a way to charge the timepad and leave this place.


I lifted his chin in my direction with my hand, his soft skin touching mine as his fragyl eyes looked at me, in a delicate touch to that rough cabin in a meteor rain.

-We will find a way.-I looked intesely at him.

Mobius gave a quick smile and took a deep breath thinking, then lifted his eyebrows for a moment. I put my hand wich was at his chin on his shoulder.

-There must be a city around here. Maybe any place wich contains energy enough to make it charge...

-That's it. Let's go!

-I don't know where it is.

-Then let's search it.

I walked away towards the door and opened it, the huge light from outside filled the cabin.

-Agent Mobius, welcome to our Tour through Lamentis-1.-I imitated a tour guide-Today you'll experince the wonders of this planet until (hopefully) nightfall. Our tourist points are, a purple desert, more purple desert, meteors that can kill us, and (hopefully again) a city that can charge a timpad. Ready?

I finally could see a smile followed by a laugh on him, and just seeing him happy made me fill with joy.

-I'm not, but do I have any choice?

-No, you don't.-I joked and we got out of the cabin.

Mobius and I have been walking for a long time. So much that I thought I wouldn't be able to continue anymore until we found ourselves in a ghosttown. Yes, ghost, since there was no life signs in there.

I tried to ask if someone was there, even though Mobius insisted it was useless since everybody probably left because of the meteors coming.

The constructions in Lamentis had a futuristic but somehow retro aspect with numerous neon lights and vaporwave vibes here and there.

Lamentis was relatively hot, the air dry because of the desert and the wind breeze used to bring a lanveder smell.

Mobius was trying to use the energy from one luminous sign in the timepad but it didn't work, sweat dropped from his face because of the heat and he had rolled his sleeves up as much as we could, while I on the other way, wanted to take my shirt off, but Mobius insisted for me to keep it in case "someone in that town would appear" even though there was NOBODY nearby (as if I would really believe in that).

He was already loosing hope, I tried in any way I could to make him feel better but it didn't work. Each time he tried to charge the timepad on something and failed, his face turned again in a sad expression, wich made me want to hug him tightly to make him feel better, but I didn't.

We reached a house more far from the others, it had the shape of a rectangle and the construction seemed older too. Mobius and I knocked at the door.

-Who is it??-An angry voice came from inside.

-Uhm...we are just looking for a charger for our-


I glanced at Mobius and he did too.

-Rude.-We said at the same time.

I knocked at the door again.

-Ma'am could you please open the do-

-I SAID : GET AWAY FROM HERE!-The woman insisted.

-Okay, I'm done.-I said to him.

-Y/N wait, don't-

I started to throw myself against the door trying to force my entrance.

-Y/N that's invasion.

-She's going to die anyway Mobius! She won't have even ground to place the house anymore!

The door finally opened, but, the woman, in a woden chair, stayed with a normal, neutral expression, while holding a huge device and pointing it to me. Suddenly, a huge wind, or magnetic force, pushed me meters away from the house, making me fall on the sand.

-I told you it wasn't a good idea.-Mobius teased and helped me get up.

-Come on, we just want energy to go, why does everything have to be so hard?!-I complained.

-Energy for what?-The woman suddenly spoke from her chair.

-To our device to help us leave the planet.-Mobius answered as we stepped closer to her house but didn't dare to enter- Do you by any chance know where we can charge it please?

She looked at both of us for a moment thinking.

-Your friend is an ignorant-She insulted me.

-Hey!-I protested.

-But-She spoke- You are quite polite.

Mobius smiled at me teasing and I rolled my eyes.

-You won't enter my house. I won't lend anything to you.-She said.

-Oh, that was very useless, thank you.-I replied annoyed.

-How do you make her shut up?-She said looking at me irritated.

-Well, I have a few methods...-Mobius smirked.

-Anyway, maybe you can find whatever you need at the Ark, that's where everybody is going after all.

-An ark?-I asked.

-It's some sort of vehicle taking people off the planet. And there's also a train nearby.

-And why don't you go in any of them?-Mobius asked- Why are you still here?

-I will die here. I don't care anymore.

Her idea made me sad. Was it possible to someone get to that point to just don't care? To don't want to live anymore? I wonder what happened in her story to make her feel that way. I wondered if that could happen with me someday.

-Wich way is the train?-Mobius asked and she pointed to a direction.

-But I wouldn't be so excited if I were you, only V.I.Ps are receiving tickets.

-We'll find a way to make it. Thank you for the information. And my apologies for the door again.

She just nodded and we left, leaving her to the already written destiny.

There was a huge line at the train station, a line I had no idea would be so big. It had so many people with so many different appearances and sizes, most of them complaining, saying that the system was wrong, that only the riches would live and they'd die waiting in that line, that the train staff would be responsible for their deaths and many others. I tried not to cry when I saw children in that line, already knowing what would happen.

From what we could observe, and from what we heard, people who seemed to be "nobles" entered and gave tickets to the staff with blue uniforms, wich allowed their entrance at the modern train waiting to leave.

-What are we going to do?-Mobius asked me- We are far away from royalty.

-I might have an idea.-I answered.-Just follow me.

We cut line and went to the train plataform where a guard stopped us:

-Ticket.-He standed his hand to receive the paper.

Mobius glanced helplessly at me expecting for me to do something.

-Oh, yes! The tickets! Right...-I touched the guards hand and used my powers- Couldn't you just be chill about it and let us in?

The guard's posture relaxed and he had a smile across his face:

-Sure, go ahead.

-Thank you.-I dragged Mobius by his arms as he just stared impressed at the guard.-Come on.

Inside the train there was a huge area with many desks, benches, chairs, and even a bar at the center. It was really luxurious, with a huge chandelier at the top, followed by seats made of velvet, sophisticated drinks and emerald green paintings who shined on the walls.

Mobius and I sat on a bench next the window to avoid curious eyes.

-Wow, that was incredible-He complimented.

-I'm surprised it worked actually, but unfortunetly I can't control everybody, we need to be careful.

-The energy source must be at the train's pannel.

-Let's wait until all the passangers are distracted  we'll be able to go the train driver's room.

-Sounds like a good plan, what do we do until then?

-We act like rich people for some minutes.-I joked and took two glasses of a sparkling drink a waiter offered us, I gave one to Mobius- Cheers to our grand escape.

-This looks like a book plot.-He said taking a sip and cleaning part of the moustache where the drink touched.

-I like to think this way.

The other passengers were...exotic. they had huge extravagant clothes, different from the people who waited outside, they had lifted up noses, lots of makeup and different hairstyles that reached the ceiling. All of them in their own groups and conversations, in private affairs that at the moment looked so small and indifferent to the iminant tragedy.

I just then noticed Mobius was looking at me, the head relied on his hand a little leaned to the side, while he had a soft smile, with those caring eyes again. His fingers tapped the desk almost in a song rythm as he continued staring.

-Do you want to say something?-I asked.

-Hm? No.-He answered.

-Then...why are you looking at me?

-Does it bother you?



He remained in silence.

-Okay can you please say something? This is awkward.- I said and he chuckled.

-Maybe it's the alcohool.

-Nah, you're weird in general.-I joked.

A waiter passed again, Mobius took another glass.

-Hm... alright, let's ask questions to each other.

The train was moving, I could see the purple landscape changing in the horizont and up in the sky, the planet about to crash on us getting closer.

-Questions?-He asked.

-Yeah, any question.

-Okay. You begin.

I thought for a moment.

-Cats or dogs?



-But cats are cute too. I just think dogs and I have a better dynamic.

-Yeah, you're just like them.

He laughed.

-What about you?

-Well, I prefer cats. They are cute. And I"'ve never seen a dog in person

-I kind of imagined it already. But you've never seen a dog? That's too bad.-He took a sip from his drink.- My turn.

-Go ahead.

-The place you most want to visit in the whole world.

-That's hard.

-I know.

-Hm...I'd like to visit the whole world, but, I've always wanted to vist the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Iraq.

-Oh really?

-I've read about its' origin, I've always wanted to see how it looks like in person.

-What is the story?

-According to one legend, the Hanging Gardens were built alongside a grand palace known as The Marvel of Mankind, by the Neo-Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II for his Median wife Queen Amytis, because she missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland.

-How romantic.

-I know right? Almost impossible to believe it's real.

-Why not?

-I don't sometimes seems so...distant. Like it's not what happens to people like me. Just in stories.

-That's not true.

-Have you ever fell in love?

He thought for a moment, the glass already empty on his hands.

-I'm not sure.-He shaked his head- But I saw love in many other variants before. Couples separated by time.

-Tragic.-I said dramatically.

-A lot.-We both chuckled.

-And where would you like to go?

-I've went to many places in different times, I've seen pretty much everything.-He said- But I'd love to take you to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

-Uou're just saying that to make me happy.

-If that makes you happy then I'll be happy too.

I felt my cheeks burn. Mobius asked for another glass and I standed there, trying to not overthink those words. They probably didn't mean much.

The purple horizont continued through the window, Mobius and I observed it quietly, a different atmosphere between us made me anxious.

-Oh, I have a new question- I tried to make the atmosphere lighter, he smiled at me and my heart speeded.- Um...choose: a Jet Ski or me?

-Know your limits.-He chuckled.

-You can't be serious!-I laughed- I thought we had a connection!

-What about me and you on a jet ski?

-With a gorgeous sunset in the background?-I played along and leaned towards him on the table.

-Only if you hold to me.-He leaned to me too.

-Deal.-I smiled to him.

-Deal.-He smiled back.

Mobius was close, too close to me, inches apart as he observed, with those mysterious eyes, my face up and down, stopping for a moment at my lips.

I had butterflies in my stomach, and, when I brushed his hand with mine for a second, I also felt something weird in his emotions.

I couldn't describe what Mobius felt. It was different, made him nervous and happy at the same time, anxious but calm, a roller coaster of sensations.

He carressed my fingers with his, playing with them,he held them delicately, like they were the most precious things in the world.

The feeling inside my chest overwhelming me, a crescent emotion wich I couldn't understand.

-I was beat...Incomplete...-Mobius muttered a melody.- I've been had, I was sad and blue...

-Mobius what are you-

He put a finger between my lips and gave a naughty smile while singing.

Then got up from his chair and walked towards the bar having another drink.

-But you made me feel...yeah you made me feel shiny and blue...Come on everybody!-He brought attention and people stared to think it was a show strating to clap along.- Like a virgin! Hoo!

He pointed to me and I couldn't hel0 but laugh, Mobius looked like a dorky teen and tried to make dance moves.

-Touched for the very first time! Like a virgin!-He was driving the crowd insane- When your heart beats-He put a hand on his heart- next to mine!

He continued dancing and singing, people tried even to sing along, making rythm with their hands and feet while he put on a show, he was obsviously drunk but I loved to see that crazy side of him.

-You're so fine!-He ponted to me- and you're mine, I'll be yours till the end of time!

I bursted laughing until when he winked at me, I blushed intensely when he did that and people gave an "oooh"interested.

-When you hold me, and your heart beats, next to mine...

Guards started to notice the scene, a crescent panic grew inside of me. I tried to communicate and say to Mobius come to our table but he didn't seem to notice.

People were applauding him while I was anxious there, hoping that none of the guards would notice, but they did.

I walked fastly towards Mobius and grabbed his hand.

-We need to go, now-I said serious.

-Did you like it?-He asked with a goofy smile.

-Like what?

-My presentation for you!

-Y-yeah but we need to go-

His feelings were so...happy, I don't know, and somehow they were caused because of me, I couldn't understand right, but Mobius just stared at me, there, with a smile on his lips.

-Tickets.-I heard an authoritary voice behind us.

-Oh shit.-Mobius swore and I looked at him surprised.

I turned to the guard with blue uniform and helmet standing his hand at us.

-Tickets.-He asked without even saying "please"., about that...-I was trying to come up with a good excuse and touch him but another guard was coming.

-We don't have any.-Mobius suddenly said and I wanted to punch him.

-You what?-Even the guard didn't believe on what he said.

-What my friend meant is-

-No, we don't have any tickets. None. Nothing. Zero.-He made a zero with his hands.- Nada.

I swear, Mobius is the most idiot and unfortunetly, the most honest person in the whole universe when drunk. Honesty with ignorance are not a good combination.

The guard gesticulated to another one, wich brought more partners with him, all of them surrounding to kick us out.

I refused, still tried to do something to convince them, but it was no use, I tried to get Mobius and run away through the train but we were circled by them.

A guard held my arm strongly and started to drag me away.

-Hey!-Mobius pushed him- Don't you dare touch her again.

It was quite a noble act, but at the same time not a very good one since they took guns from their belts and pointed at us now.

I just looked at the window and had an idea.

I grabbed Mobius' hand.

-Do you trust me?-I asked.

-With my life.-He replied.

-Good, because we are going to risk it right now.


I kicked a door of the train and jumped with Mobius, the vehicle still in movement, the ground out there passing fastly beneath us, until we crash landed on it, rolling through the soil.

Mobius was on top of me, while I observed the huge train get far from our point of view, his dust covering us and the planet already starting to turn darker.

-Are you okay?-I asked Mobius while trying to catch my breath, I could feel his body touching mine.

-Yeah...I think I am.-He replied and rolled to the other side to don't stay on top of me, now he lied on the sand by my side.

I touched his hand and with my powers made him a little sober, it works in a way to make the person more serious and make their metabolism work faster, that way the alchohool would be freed.

Just by that his aspect changed.

-...sorry.-He muttered and I could see by the look on his face that he was embarrassed.

-It's alright.-I said while looking at the purple sky wich was now in a dark violet sunset.

-No, it's not, now we can't go back to the TVA.-He sighed.

-It's not your fault, I said that you should drink too.

-But I put us on the spotlight.

-At least you have a pretty voice.-I looked at him and he laughed.

-That was terrible, I hope you liked ot because I'm never doing that again.

-Oh come on, it was better than Madonna herself.-I chuckled-Someone sang for me, I feel like royalty.

We stood quiet for a moment, it was possible to see explosions from meteors hitting the ground. Lamentis' ending was near.

-What are we going to do?-I asked.

-......I don't know.-Mobius picked up the timepad from his pocket wich still didn't work.-We don't have much time left.

I just then realized I've hurt myself. It must've been when we jumped out of the train, the adrenaline in my veins didn't make me notice before but now I could see it. I could feel the scratch on my knee bleeding, torning the pants where I hit it.

I held a groan to don't show it, tried to hide it from Mobius, we had enough worries at the moment.

But he saw it.

-What is that?-He asked getting up fastly from where he was and coming next to me.

-It's just a scratch, nothing serious.

-What do you mean nothing serious? You are bruised Y/N!-And he got worried again.

-We don't have time for this- I tried to get up but Mobius placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back sitting on the ground, I didn't realize he could be that strong.-I'm fine!

-Just let me do this.-He got a part of the sleeve of his shirt and torned it apart, starting to make a curative where I hurt myself. He made q tight knot that made me give a pain sound.-I'm sorry.

When he finished it wasn't a perfect aesthetically curative, it was rough, improvised, but worked, and most of all, made by someone who really cared at the moment.

-Better?-He asked with his blue eyes.

-Better.-I replied and gave a shy smile-Thank you.

He nodded and sat by my side staring at the sky where a planet got closer and closer to us.

-Sorry for bringing us to this planet.-I said- Now we're gonna die and it's my fault.

-Don't say that.

-It's true. If I just stayed there and waited...-I sighed frustrated.-You should be pissed at me.

-Unfortunetly I can't stay angry for too long with you.-His eyes met mine and he gave a half smile.- And you could never imagine that the variant would do what she did.

-Sylvie.-I said- Her name is Sylvie.

-Hm...-He nodded- Sylvie. Not my favorite variant already.

-And do you have one?-I chuckled already knowing his answer.

-Of course,-He gave a mischievous smile at me- That Gorila Napoleon was incredible, what a fantastic variant.

I pushed him with my should and we laughed, he put an arm around me and we stayed close observing the sky.

-Are there any survivors in Lamentis?-I asked.-After all of this?

He shaked his head in a "no".

-None.-We stood quiet, and, after a moment Mobius gasped- Not after...!


-Remember what that woman said? About an Ark? Originally, the Ark never left-

-Do you want to take the Ark?-I completed his thoughts.

-More like kidnapping it but, yes.

-Then what are we waiting for??-I got up fastly, trying to don't hurt myself more.-Let's go!!

Lamentis' urban are was...something else. It had retro but dirty styles, with many techonological advances but things that had a hard rusty cover too. People walked fastly, runned, made protests, and more ahead, you could see a huge rocket, or whatever that was. That was the Ark.

-Only riches in the Ark! I can't believe this!-A woman protested with a child in her arms.

-Excuse me, wich way is the Ark?-I asked her.

-You need go that way on the right-She pointed- But I wouldn't go if I were you, neither you or your father will be able to enter, they just let predefined people enter. Can you believe that?

-...father...?-Mobius muttered and I laughed hard.

-Thank you miss.-I said and I teased Mobius- Come on father.

We walked away from the lady, I was still laughing.

-Father?- He complained-Really?

-You wanted a nickname, here it is.-I continued joking.

-Just call me daddy already then.-He lifted only one of his eyebrows and smirked, I blushed and felt my cheeks on fire.- Now the jokes are over.

We walked through many groups full of people, some already accepted the end, others continued protesting, trying to make the authorities let them enter at the ark by any cost.

We needed to be fast, but we couldn't avoid trouble. The ground was shaking, meteors started to hit the city. We had to run so fast that we could almost fly through the sidewalks. But it was quite hard since I was injured, Mobius kept holding my hand and helping in any way he could, even though we weren't as fast as we should.

But, like in any place, there were bad people. Some guys on a clup tried to stop us, starting a fight, while Mobius and I, backs turned to each other, tried to defend ourselves.

-Don't worry, I'll defend you-He teased.

-Thanks daddy-I punched a man and he fell on the ground- But I'm capable of defending myself.

It took us some time, I've got to admit,  but we could still follow through our path, now, avoiding the ground that was crashing beneath our feet.

-Watch out!-I pulled Mobius in my arms just in time a building fell behind us.- Are you alright?

-Yeah, good one, thanks-He said and we continued running.

We had just arrived, we were just in front of it, explosions caused by people behind us made smoke go to the air, while screams for salvation echoed and filled the planet, we just needed to enter and get out of that place.

Mobius and I glanced at each other, almost like asking "are you ready?" And when we were about to go to the Ark's direction:


A huge yellow explosion in the purple landscape, pieces falling while we had to look for shelf to don't get hit by them.

We were too late. The Ark has been destroyed. There was nowhere to go.

-No...-I muttered realizing we had no means to escape anymore.-No, no, Mobius-

He had a sad expression, the eyebrows down and the lips curved.

He gave up.

The people on the street gave up.

The planet itself gave up.

And I had to do the same. As much as I didn't want to.

We walked towards a more isolated area. I couldn't hear anymore the screams of mother begging to the skies for their children, I couldn't hear people crying, others still fighting. That planet suffered so much that I couldn't handle all the emotions anymore.

A lake was in front of us, the water crystal clear and showed our own reflection on it, while huge lights iluminated the area,  with a large view to the planet coming.

I standed in front of the lake looking at the sky, my heart aching, anxious, already knowing what was coming ahead. I wanted to stay calm but I couldn't.

The meteors were almost like crayons in a paper surface, little lines scratching the sky, but instead, they were furious, heated, and destructive.

-It's incredible how beautiful this is even in the end.-I said as Mobius stayed by my side.-But at the same time I'm afraid to look at it.

Mobius put an arm around me, I looked at his face, and, before he could say anything, I brokedown into tears. I hated to be vulnerable like that, but with him it didn't matter. Actually nothing else mattered. It was the end. I'd die. We'd both die.

Mobius hugged and stayed in front of me, almost in a way to protect me from the huge disaster and to stop me from watching the planet crashing. I had my head buried on his shoulder, the once hot planet now was cold, and the only warmness was on him.

He caressed my head with one of his hands while I had my arms tight around his body, I didn't want to let him go. I didn't want to stay alone at the end of the world.

He lifted my chin to face him and cleaned a single teardrop on my face.

-Don't cry-He said in a low comforting tone.-I'm here with you.

I took a deep breath trying to hold the tears. I touched the hand he had on my face and closed my eyes absoving his feelings for a moment. They were so sweet, so perfectly welcoming in that disaster, like some sort of drug.

-Mobius-I looked at him while still holding his hand.-What is this?


-What you're feeling.

He took a moment to answer.

-I didn't know actually-He looked down for a moment.- Actually I think I just realized what it is...-He gave a soft smile and I noticed a tear rolling through his cheek.-I just realized how I feel about you.

-About me? What is it?

-Is it stupid to say that I'm still scared to say it out loud?

-Of course not.

Mobius caressed my cheek once again, his eyes were crystalline because of the tears, shining as they stared into mine.

-Remember your question in the train? The one about choosing between you and a Jet Ski?

-Yes, why?

-I'd choose you.-My heart almost stopped- I'd choose you infinity thousand million times over. This nmber doesn't even exist- He chuckled- The answer would always be you.


The wind was more furious, the ground was shaking, the planet closer, I could already sense it. It was time.

-You know what?-He said smiling in that fragyl expression- Fuck it.

All of sudden, he pulled me close, and his lips crashed into mine. I was surprised to say at first, but I immersed into that strong feeling. The taste of him on my lips, in a slow, passionate and sad....kiss?

That was a kiss. That was a kiss worthy of legendary couples like Romeo and Juliet, Mark Antony and Cleopatra, Bonnie and Clyde. The type of kiss you hear about and sigh while reading. An enduring, breathless one, that makes your head spin and your heart speed so much that you think you're going to die.

Mixed with tears, with emotion, an unforgettable, first and last kiss at the end of the world. And I realized I felt the same. The same thing Mobius' heart ached for, the weird feeling I've never experienced before. The feeling I only had with him.

The last feeling I wanted to have before my death.

We aparted without air, chuckling between the tears and touching each other's foreheads ready to go.

Mobius smiled once again, we closed our eyes and I just waited for it. At that end of the world, there was nowhere else I'd rather be. No one else I'd rather have by my side.

For the first time I accepted fate.

-Good night Y/N.-He said sweetly.

-Good night Mobius.

And I closed my eyes ready for the explosion.


-THERE THEY ARE!-A voice interrupted the silence. Hands pushed my arms, I looked at Mobius scared, while we were both being pulled apart.

They were dragging us into portals.

They have found us.

The TVA.

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