chapter one; pilot

Torryn leisurely leaned back against her chair, her foot sprawled over the school desk lazily. Algebra two was Torryn Wilde's final class of the day, and with it being the final class came Torryn's eagerness to go home.

However, it also marked another day that she was to be left in the dust by the three people whom she considered herself closest to. Sure, after joining the cheer team, Torryn managed to befriend the captain Sierra and a few other girls, but despite their friendliness, Torryn still considered herself closer to Jack, Miko, and Raf.

Especially Miko.

Torryn loved hanging out with Miko, the two were able to stir up trouble like never before with the other. Jack was also fun to hang out with, though he was more level-headed, something that Torryn found herself grateful for sometimes. Rafael, or Raf, for short, was like the little brother Torryn never had, plus he was always willing to help her with the schoolwork she pretended not to understand.

   Keyword; pretended.

Torryn Wilde lived up to her name in the sense that she was a complete wild card. Despite her IQ and overall intelligence being high, Torryn continuously failed tests and put off school work for the pure reason of not wanting to draw attention to herself.

It was her father, Scott Wilde, that suggested she do this. Because of Scott's job as a high-ranking government agent, Scott was rarely ever home. He knew his daughter was smart, and he knew if she were to show just how smart she truly was it could gain unwanted attention.

Torryn Wilde was different from other teenage girls her age, and it was more than just the usual amount of angst or feeling like she did not belong. No, Torryn Wilde was different in the terms that at least once a week she was bombarded with visions of someone dying. And even worse, whenever those visions happen, Torryn is unable to stop herself from the sonic scream that rips its way from her throat.

A scream which quite literally rattles her house, the main reason why her father bought a house isolated for miles just outside Jasper. That and the fact that it was an extremely good price for it being a borderline mansion.

Torryn Wilde was more than aware of what she was, a banshee. As long as Torryn properly concealed herself it was a relatively easy trait to live with. Besides, now if she was ever attacked, all she had to do was scream at the person and their eardrums would most likely burst.

"Ms. Wilde," Torryn looked up as her teacher stopped by her desk, looking at the leg sprawled across it with disdain. "This is a classroom, not your living room, now get your foot off the desk." Multiple students snickered, everyone in the class now used to Memorial High's newest student causing ruckus on a daily basis.

Rolling her eyes, Torryn complied, sending Jack Darby a smirk from across the classroom as she dramatically stomped her foot back on the ground. Jack sighed in exasperation, shaking his head as he watched his friend get in trouble for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

Jack and Torryn shared almost all classes together considering they were in the same grade and Memorial High was a tiny school. Miko was a grade below them being a Sophomore and Raf, though he was only twelve, was in all advanced Senior classes.

The only class Miko and Torryn shared was art because they both chose that as their elective. However, since Memorial High was such a small school, every student had the same lunch, making the quartet able to sit with each other during the short thirty minutes of freedom they had.

Torryn had never had a group of friends like Jack, Miko, and Raf, they were the first people whom she allowed herself to grow truly close to. She simply wished they would let her into whatever it was that they did outside of school.

At first, she suspected it may have been something illegal and they did not want to involve her in it, but after getting to know them more, she highly doubted anyone of them were capable of anything seriously illegal.

Well, maybe Miko, but that was beside the point.

Whatever it was they were doing, it appeared to take up all of their time outside of school. Torryn did not want to push them to tell her, she more than anyone knew the importance of boundaries and secrets. She could not expect them to tell her their secrets when she herself was not even willing to share her own.

The sound of the teacher slamming something on her desk caused her to jump, pulling Torryn out of her thoughts. Torryn was not the only person startled, the class had been relatively quiet up until now, everyone waiting for school to be out and for their weekend to officially start.

Looking down in a confused manner, Torryn's lips pulled up in an amused smile. The teacher had just placed the now graded test that Torryn took thirty minutes earlier down in front of her. Stamped up top in glaring red ink was the letter 'F' and just next to it a bold 21%.

Despite knowing every single answer on the quiz, Torryn once again failed the test purposely. She knew when her father said not to draw attention to herself by being smart he meant for her to get mainly B's and C's, but Torryn decided for her own entertainment she would take it to a whole other level.

Every time she had a test or quiz, Torryn would answer only a few correctly and for the rest, she would think up the most ridiculous answers possible.

When the question asked to name the quadrilateral shape, Torryn did just that.

The rhombus was now Harry, the parallelogram Finn, and the rectangle was Abitha.

If the question asked her to find x, then that was simple. All Torryn had to do was circle x on the sample square.

"A twenty-one percent, Ms. Wilde. Are you trying to fail my class?" The teacher's snide voice rang out across the class, Torryn simply shrugging.

   'Yes,' Torryn thought to herself.

Before anyone could utter another word, the bell finally rang signaling the end of the school day. Jumping out of her desk, Torryn swung her backpack over her shoulder, smiling condescendingly at the teacher.

Pushing past her teacher, Torryn made her way to Jack's side, Jack groaning when he saw her. "You really need to start studying, I can tutor you if you want," Jack suggested as they walked out of class and the down the crowded halls.

People rushed past them, girls and boys slamming their lockers, multiple hollers and whoops traveling down the busy hallway. Torryn shook her head with a smile.

"Nope, I'm good," Jack guffawed at Torryn, his mind reeling with disbelief.

Though this was not his first time offering help, Raf had offered multiple times as well, he really should not be surprised. Besides, other than at lunch Jack really did not have the time to tutor Torryn.

Any free time he had was spent at the Autobot base. Same with Miko and Raf. All three of them did feel bad that Torryn was not included, truly they did, but at the same time they knew that involving Torryn was dangerous. Not to mention, without a legitimate reason for telling her there was no way the Autobots would go for it.

As Torryn and Jack walked toward the doors, Miko and Raf suddenly sprang towards them, Miko with a happy grin on her face.

"So, how did that math test you were talking about earlier go?" Miko immediately questioned, knowing her friend probably bombed it, not once since she moved to Jasper had Torryn passed anything, and they all knew it.

The only class Torryn did not have a failing grade in was art, and that was only because Torryn was somewhat good at drawing. With a grin, Torryn did not answer, Jack, rolling his eyes, answering for her.

"A big, fat F. That's what Torryn got," Miko snickered, while Raf fixed his glasses.

"Want me to tutor you?" Raf asked alike to Jack did just a few minutes prior.

"Thanks," Torryn ruffled his hair causing Raf to groan in disdain. "But I'm good, besides you guys probably don't even have the time," Torryn said lightheartedly, though it sent a pang of guilt through the three's hearts.

Sooner rather than later, they crossed the threshold leading to out front. The sun was bright, causing Torryn's red hair to practically glow, the sixteen-year-old's eyes looking similar to caramel in the light.

Torryn was attractive and everyone knew it. Her body was perfectly sculpted from cheer practice; despite most people's thoughts, cheerleading was an extremely hard sport. It required a lot of physical activity and not to mention extreme flexibility.

Luckily, Torryn was no stranger to physical activity or flexibility as up until she was thirteen, Torryn was a gymnast. That was the reason she chose to join cheerleading of all sports at Memorial High, it was the closest thing to gymnastics the school offered.

Torryn racked her eyes across the dusty and dry desert landscape of Jasper, she truly did miss the lush green of her previous home in Washington. However, it was always warm in Jasper and it rarely rained, making wearing shorts and a tank top the norm. Considering Torryn had never been able to wear shorts or a tank top in Washington since it was too cold and rainy, she was quite happy that she now could change her style.

Though, it did suck that it was too hot for Torryn to wear long sleeves or jeans. In an instant, Torryn noticed the three vehicles sitting out in front of the school. Miko's huge green monster truck, Jack's motorcycle, and Raf's yellow muscle car.

With a sigh, Torryn handed her three friends a smile, sad that she wouldn't see them until Monday. In response, they all gave apologetic looks alike to every day as they waved goodbye. They really did feel bad, but it wasn't a simple issue, they could not just tell Torryn about the Autobots nor could they hang around a little longer. Their guardians had to get back to base as soon as possible in case of any missions.

Torryn watched with a slightly dejected feeling as her friends rushed off, leaving her like they did every day. As soon as they were in their respective vehicles, they were gone, leaving with a trail of dust in their wake.

For a split second, Torryn considered following them but quickly disregarded that, knowing it was an extreme invasion of privacy. Torryn may have been a laid back person with disrespect toward authority, but what she did respect was privacy. After all, she would not want someone invading her privacy.

Turning away from where her friend's vehicles previously were, Torryn faced the school parking lot catching sight of her father's gleaming Mercedes Benz sitting in her usual parking spot. Torryn's father owned a wide collection of different cars, all of which Torryn was free to use.

Torryn was not exactly sure what her father did as an agent, but she knew it must have been pretty important with how much he was being paid. Scott Wilde was definitely well-off in terms of money, something Torryn herself was grateful for.

Torryn was happy she did not need to get a job to help pay for the bills like some kids her age did.

Swinging her backpack around, Torryn reached inside, grabbing the keys to the Benz. The drive to her house should take somewhere around twenty minutes with where she lived outside Jasper, but with the way Torryn drove in the Mercedes, it usually only took her ten minutes. Torryn truly did have no respect for rules (or laws).

As she walked closer to her father's car, keys jangling and the sun hitting her fair skin perfectly, she groaned catching sight of Vince leaning on the hood of his car which was conveniently parked just next to hers.

Vince, the school bully who regularly participated in illegal racing as everyone knew, was not someone who people wanted to mess with. Torryn did not like how Vince messed with her friends, especially Raf, but Vince was also friends with most of the girls on the cheer team. Including Sierra.

This meant Torryn was forced to speak with Vince on multiple occasions, and surprisingly, once she got to know him, she decided he was okay. That was when he was not bullying others for his own entertainment, of course.

Torryn learned that Vince's home life was not the best, and Torryn was willing to bet that was the reason Vince messed with people at school. Vince was not necessarily abused, but his parents constantly ignored him for the favor of his older brother who was in college. It did not take Torryn long to understand that the only times Vince's parent acknowledged him was to compare him to his older brother.

Because of all this, Torryn cut Vince slack, deciding that she would be friendly enough toward him.

Torryn rose a brow when Sierra walked next to Vince, both of them waiting for Torryn to get to them. Sierra, alike to most days, was catching a ride home with Vince.

"Yo, Wilde," Vince called in a teasing manner, cupping his hands to make his voice louder. "We don't got all day, hurry the hell up!"

"Screw you, asshole!" Torryn yelled right back, not needing to cup her mouth to make her voice louder. Being a banshee came with its perks, such as being, as Vince so graciously calls her, 'a human megaphone'. That was another reason Torryn easily made the cheer team, along with phenomenal tumbling, Torryn was able to yell like no one's business, and that came in handy for being a cheerleader.

Purposely beginning to walk slower, Torryn laughed at Vince and Sierra's face of exasperation. After another thirty seconds of slow walking, Torryn finally stopped in front of them.

"Maybe I should start calling you sloth instead of megaphone," Vince joked, Torryn mocking a gasp of surprise.

"Me, slow? Have you seen how fast I go in this baby?" Torryn patted the hood of the Mercedes proudly.

Vince rolled his eyes in response. "We get it, you're rich. I'm telling you, you should compete in the races though."

Vince was always asking Torryn about coming to a race. Torryn, despite having no respect for the law, could never bring herself to go to a race. Torryn knew accidents constantly happened in those types of races, and she did not want to take a chance that someone had an accident while racing and died. If someone died while racing, Torryn would not be able to stop herself from wailing.

"My dad would kill me," That was always Torryn's excuse, no one, not even Jack, Miko, and Raf was aware that Torryn was by herself most of the time.

Nor did they realize her mother was dead, Torryn never mentioned her father not being home for months at a time. Instead, whenever she felt her banshee nature acting up or she did not want to do something, she would use the excuse that her dad needs her home.

"Dude, don't tell your dad then. There is this thing called sneaking out," Vince voiced sarcastically, Torryn only shaking her head.

"Nah, my dad would catch me hands down. He's eerily aware of things," That was true, when Scott Wilde actually was home, he was aware of everything his daughter did. She could hardly conceal a lie from him in person. "Besides, I have a date with Netflix tonight," Sierra and Vince scoffed at her, Sierra shaking her head.

"You know there is this party tomorrow night, Morgan's hosting it." Sierra started hopefully, Torryn knowing Sierra wished her to attend.

Torryn was no stranger to parties, she had been to a few in Jasper. Because Miko, Raf, and Jack were never able to hang out, Torryn would attend a party every now and then. When Torryn did attend a party, she would not lie, she had fun, she enjoyed it.

It was always the same, Torryn would go and somehow she would end up being the life of the party. She would drink until she was smashed, then she would dance on the counter without her shirt, and possibly even make out with someone.

Despite how much fun she had, Torryn knew not to party every weekend as most people at Jasper High did. She had a bad history with partying and now limited herself to it once a month, two at the most.

Shaking her head, Torryn gave them a sorry smile. "Sorry guys, my parents are taking me with them to one of my dad's work parties tomorrow night." A lie that was believable, something Torryn found herself doing often.

If Vince knew her parents were never home, let alone that she lived in a home that was a borderline mansion, he would no doubt pressure her into throwing parties every weekend. Or, he and Sierra would want to come over frequently. Neither of those options sounded fun to Torryn, so she lied about her parents and never told anyone about where she lived.

"Boooo," Sierra groaned, "Fine, I get it, family crap, but don't forget about practice tomorrow morning. Coach wants to give us a new element in the pyramid and add an extra jump, so practice is probably going to be hell." Torryn whined at that, unlocking the door to the Mercedes, beginning to put her backpack inside the car.

Vince snickered, Sierra, slapping his shoulder playfully. "That sucks," Torryn leaned against the car, a small pout on her lips. "Have fun at the race tonight though, but don't get arrested, I refuse to bust your sorry ass out," She gave Vince a pointed look before getting in the car.

"Awe, c' mon..." Vince placed a playful hand over his chest, "ya know you love me!" He pouted.

Torryn snorted and shook her head before saluting the two.

"Not answering that so your feelings aren't hurt, bu-bye!" She waved with her fingers, driving off before either of them could reply or say something to get her to stay longer.

Vince and Sierra rolled their eyes at their friend's antics, Vince opening the passenger door to his car for Sierra. They truly did wish Torryn would go to the party tomorrow night, when Torryn attended parties they tended to be all the more fun.

As Torryn floored it out of the parking lot, she saw the principal yelling at her to slow down out of the corner of her eye. Shrugging, Torryn only went faster, flipping the principal off as she went. She would probably get in trouble for that on Monday, but she could care less.

"Suck my nuts," She said even if the principle couldn't hear her, turning onto the main road that would lead straight out of Jasper and to her home.

As the shiny Mercedes turned onto the road, Torryn swerved in a way that made it so she cut a crappy Honda off behind her. The car honked in anger, Torryn sniggering as she quickly surpassed the speed limit, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

Torryn Wilde was a lot of things, but a good driver was not one of them. She only had her license for a short seven months, and she had already been in three separate accidents, all of which she was at fault. The conversations she had with her father about them did not go well, but despite his anger, he was only happy she was safe.

The only reason she even still had a license was her father being able to pull some strings with the authorities.

Torryn sped past the city limits sign, the desert now the only thing in her sight. She was debating with herself what she wanted to do when she got home.

Watch a movie? Go swimming? Catfish someone for her own entertainment? Miko and Torryn had a similar sense of humor, and at lunch, despite Jack and Raf disapproving, Miko and Torryn constantly catfished people on social media.

To be fair, these people were only ever douche man pervs.

Thinking of Jack, Raf, and Miko brought another wave of curiosity to Torryn. Torryn truly wondered who it was that picked Miko and Raf up, and where did Jack always go on that motorcycle of his. Not to mention how was it that Jack could even afford such a luxury motorcycle, it was no secret that he and his mother were not the most financially stable. Jack even had to pick up a job at K.O. burger to help pay the bills.

Slowly, Torryn turned onto the small dirt road that lead from the highway to her house. After five minutes on the small dirt road, Torryn approached the huge house that she had the luck of calling her home.

Pulling into the garage, Torryn parked the Mercedes next to her father's other four cars. He owned five in total, the Mercedes that Torryn usually drove, a Tesla that Scott himself drove when he was home, a Range Rover, a Porsche, and finally a collectible Chevy straight out of the sixties.

All the nice cars gleamed, Torryn grabbing her backpack while turning the car off and getting out. The garage was extremely large, the roof being thirty-feet in height and the garage itself as wide as a suburban house. The garage was made to house many cars along with some storage, however, Scott did not have enough storage, and so all that resigned in the vast garage was his five cars.

With a breath, Torryn trudged toward the garage door, deciding that she would take a quick dip in the pool before catfishing some old creeps. She considered calling Miko and inviting her over but she knew Miko would be too busy and she was not sure whether or not she should give Miko her address.

Oh, well, another Friday night alone for Torryn it would seem.

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