▬▬▬▬▬⠀( back to school )
▌fun fact #27 ; kourin wants to cut her
hair but, it reminds her of her mother.
"Katsuki, what hap—" Kourin placed a hand over her mouth as she stifled her laughter at the sight of the ash blond. She placed a hand on his head before she burst out laughing, "what the fuck happened to your hair?"
Bursts of laughter were rare, especially from the brunette so he took the opportunity to appreciate the melodious sounds coming from her mouth before he decided to grill her. Two minutes passed and he wrapped an arm around her neck, holding her in a loose chokehold. "Don't even fucking start."
After the internships, she realised how much she'd actually missed him but she'd gotten close to Todoroki during that time, he was practically on par with the ash blond. "Fine, fine." Her arm slinked around his waist and his arm was loosely draped around her neck. "I missed you, Kat."
"Yeah.. me too," he mumbled softly, averting her gaze as a light blush appeared on his cheeks. "You should wake up earlier, idiot, you're making me late."
"Every second of sleep is important to me, hedgehog. So, if you don't like being late, then go ahead. I'm used to going to school on my own anyways," she shrugged in response, and though she seemed nonchalant, she did enjoy his company. "You know, this isn't a bad look for you." She said, touching his hair. "But I prefer the regular you, that's the you I love best."
"I— idiot! Shut the fuck up! Don't say shit like that! Not with that look!" His face flushed as he pushed the brunette away from him.
Kourin rose an eyebrow, "what look..?"
"Those fucking eyes just staring into your soul.. fucking fuck." Bakugo shoved his hands into his pockets, looking away.
"Fine, I'll say it to Shouto then, if you don't want me to say it to you," She shrugged, a teasing smile worming its way onto her lips. "Shouto, I love your eyes, they're like mine. Shouto, ki—"
"Don't talk about that half and half bastard around me! I'm going to be number one in your fucking heart!" He declared and grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder. When she began complaining and trying to pull her skirt down, he smirked and began leaving kisses along her thigh. "That's what you fucking get for mentioning him!"
Kourin watched in amusement as Kirishima and Sero began teasing the ash blond about his hair, her heterochromatic eyes scanning the classroom and excited chatter filled the room. She'd missed them. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Kaminari say her name.
"Oh, yeah! The hero killer!" Sero grinned.
Kirishima smiled over at his best friend, "I'm glad you guys made it out alive! Seriously. You were all pretty manly, all things considering."
Yaoyorozu turned to face them, more specifically, the brunette who was sitting atop the half and half boy's table. "I was so worried. I'm relieved that you're okay, that you're all okay."
"I heard Endeavour saved you, right?" Sato asked.
"That's amazing!" Hagakure gushed. "As expected from the number two hero!"
Todoroki remembered what Chief Tsuragamae had said to them and his heterochromatic hues landed on the brunette's scarred hand. "Yeah. He saved us."
"I saw on the news that the hero killer was connected to the League of Villains." Ojiro said. "Imagining someone that scary coming to USJ freaks me out."
"He is scary, but did you see the video, Ojiro?" Kaminari asked.
At the mention of a video, Kourin rose an eyebrow. "Video? I didn't even know there was a video.. Do you mind if I see it?"
Kaminari nodded and dug around his pockets for his phone, but under her intense gaze, he fumbled with his phone and dropped it to the ground, if the brunette hadn't caught it. "Thanks Koucchan. Uh, here." He grabbed the phone from midair and searched up the video before handing it to her.
The video wasn't long, maybe four or five minutes in total. She'd hate to admit it, but he did have a point. There were many people becoming heroes just for money or fame, Uraraka was one, but she knew that the girl's intentions were completely pure and fine, so she wasn't worried. "Wow.."
"Seeing that, you can see how he's really single minded, and like, tenacious. Doesn't it almost make you think he's cool?" His eyes met with hers.
"Kaminari-Kun!" Midoriya furrowed his brows.
He fumbled out a sorry, but Iida shook his head. "No, it's fine. It's true that he was tenacious. I understand how people could think he was cool. But, he chose purging as a result of his beliefs. No matter what he thinks, that part is definitely wrong. In order to keep anyone else from turning out like me... I will once again walk on the path to becoming a hero!" The tense air cleared and he turned to address the class. "Now, it's time to commence class! Everyone, take your seats!"
"Uh.. Koucchan..." Kaminari trailed off, an embarrassed blush adorning his cheeks. "Can I... have a hug?"
Though initially surprised at his request, she nodded and opened her arms to which he immediately ran in, inhaling her scent. She smelled of lime. "I missed you."
Ashido furrowed her brows and marched over to them. "Not fair! I want one too!"
And soon enough, half of the class were clamouring for hugs, even those who were shy or bashful. She'd hugged everyone in the class, aside from Mineta who was held back by an angry Bakugo. She found she liked everyone's hugs, but she especially liked the boy's hugs. Even Shoji's hug was strangely comforting.
"Kero. Is that from your internship, Koucchan?" Asui motioned to the scar on her hand.
"You have a lot of scars, why so many?" Hagakure asked.
"None of your damn business, extras!" Bakugo fumed, glaring at everyone. She was becoming too popular for his liking.
Tokoyami had been thinking about it, for awhile now actually, how the brunette was littered with scars. It plagued his mind. She plagued his mind. He thought back to the USJ incident, then to their classes. There's no possible way she could've gotten that here which means..
She got them from home. Yaoyorozu furrowed her brows at the thought.
"He told us to meet him here, but he's not here yet." A soft sigh escaped Kourin's lips, leaning against the half and half boy for support. She understood why, but that didn't mean she was any less impatient.
"Wah, Koucchan! You changed your costume!" Uraraka gushed, eyeing her costume. It was no longer black but instead, it was a dark grey colour with a golden belt and bracelets, not to mention black boots to match. "It suits you! So aesthetic!"
Ashido grinned and nodded in agreement, her yellow hues landing on her exposed back. "No cape! Nice."
"I'm still making a few adjustments, but I'm happy with it for now. The cape held me back. It looked nice, but a little constricting," she told them, fiddling with her bracelets.
Another few minutes passed before All Might jumped in, landing in front of them. "Okay. I am here. Anyway, we'll start now. Right. It's basic hero training! Long time no see, boys and girls! How've you been? For this time's hero basic training, since you've all just gotten back from your internships we'll have some fun with a rescue training race!"
Iida's hand shot up. "If we are doing rescue training, the shouldn't we do it at USJ?"
"That place is for training for disasters. Do you remember what I said? That's right! I said, race! This is Field Gamma! A dense area filled with factories laid out like an intricate labyrinth. You'll break up into three groups of five and one group of six and go through the training one group at a time. When I send out a distress signal from somewhere inside, you'll all start at once from the outskirts of the city. It's a race to see who will rescue me first. Of course, you'll have to keep damage to buildings to a minimum," he pointed over to the ash blond.
Bakugo averted his gaze. "Don't point at me!"
"He has a point." Kourin teased, smirking at him.
"All right, first group, get in place!" On his say so, the first group, which consisted of Midoriya, Ojiro, Iida, Sero and Ashido, made their way to their starting line. Everyone had began saying that the green haired boy was at a disadvantage.
"Who do you think'll win? I think Sero'll be first!"
"Hm, but, Ojiro's there, too."
"I think it'll be Ashido. She's really athletic!"
"Deku will be last!"
"Even if he's injured, I still think it'll be Iida."
Kourin pursued her lips, her heterochromatic hues landing on the green haired boy. "I'd say Izu, but it really depends." They didn't know what she knew. During the hero killer incident, the way Midoriya moved, the way he glowed, she knew he was slowly getting the hang of things, but the terrain was unpredictable.
"If I win, I'm taking you out." Bakugo declared, causing everyone in the class to look at him, but he didn't care. He never did. "It's a bet." His crimson hues raked over her body, the skin tight fabric clinging onto her skin, her exposed back.
"You still have that last bet from the sports festival, Bakago," she reminded him, causing the class' gaze to turn to her.
"Then it's two fucking dates. Whatever. I'm taking you out when Deku loses," he huffed in response before turning back to the screen.
Kirishima looked back and forth between the pair before a scream left his lips. "Are you guys dating or not?! It's killing me, oh my god. Don't you say it's complicated!" He pointed accusingly at the brunette. Everyone looked them, wanting an answer as well.
"I haven't been officially asked," she shrugged, earning a few sighs of relief.
"Are you dating Todoroki then?" Kaminari asked, glancing over to the half and half boy beside her. Even though she hadn't been asked out, he could tell the two boys at the top of the class liked her.
"I haven't been officially asked," she repeated and motioned to the screen. "Now, focus on the task at hand." Once everyone's attention was no longer on her, her cheeks flushed a dark shade of red. She'd never dated anyone before, until U.A. she only had four friends. Dating someone..
Unbeknownst to her, the two boys who liked her the most saw the blush on her cheeks and assumed it was for them. A smirk adorned Bakugo's face, whilst a smile appeared on Todoroki's features.
"Okay, here we go! Start!" All Might pressed the button of the remote in his hands and a horn blew.
Everyone's attention was on Sero first, but when Midoriya whizzed past the boy in lead, a small gasp escaped everyone's lips. He began bouncing off walls with a blinding speed. Everything was going well for him, he was in the lead. Until he slipped and fell. Kourin winced as she watched her best friend fall due to his footing, causing Sero to win. And though Bakugo was upset at Midoriya's progression a triumphant scream escaped his lips. "I win! Two dates!"
"Yeah, shut the fuck up," she said stoically. Her group was the last to go, which consisted of Sato, Shoji, Aoyama, Asui and Yaoyorozu. She won effortlessly. Two wings of fire burst out from her back and she shot up to the big blue open sky, from above, she quickly spotted the number one pro hero and dove down to where he was. A victorious smile appeared on her lips as she held out her hand which All Might shook. They were all thinking of one thing, about how much she looked like an angel.
"She found him so fast.." Uraraka uttered in a whisper.
"They didn't even stand a chance.. Man, Koucchan is so manly." Kirishima sighed softly, staring at his best friend in awe.
Kaminari's hues focused on her stoic expression and seven words uttered his lips that made everyone look at him. "I think I'm in love with her." Half the class stared in shock, whilst the rest glared in anger.
"And we have a winner!" All Might bellowed. "I'm very proud of you, Young Yagami, on this victory." He slipped on a sash over her shoulders as the other five landed behind her. "Now, you may all return to class. I will see you all tomorrow!"
"Hey, Midoriya! I discovered something crazy!" Mineta beckoned to the green haired boy. "Come here! Look at this hole, Shawshank! It's probably thanks to the efforts of those who came before us! Next door is, you know, the girl's locker room!" All the boys froze at this newfound information, except for the righteous class rep.
"Stop this, Mineta-Kun! People is definitely a criminal act!" Iida scolded.
"My little Mineta is already a criminal act! Yaoyorozu's ample boobs! Ashido's slender waist! Hagakure's floating underwear! Yagami's perfect figure and everything! Uraraka's fine body! Asui's unexpected boobi—"
Unfortunately for him, they'd heard everything from when he first started fantasising. Kourin placed her hand on the hole and a gust of wind filled his windpipes causing him to start choking. "Fucking fucker," she grumbled under her breath as she filled in the hole.
"E— eh?! That's what Koucchan used do to people when she wanted them to shut up." Midoriya's eyes widened, sweat dropping at the sight.
"Thanks, Koucchan," Hagakure said.
"How despicable." Yaoyorozu gritted, glaring at where the hole previously was. But even though she thought his actions were horrid, his words were somewhat more or less true. Especially the part about the brunette. She had perfect proportions, curves. And scars..
Kourin saw the look on the purple haired girls face and a comforting smile made its way onto her own. "Kyoka, I think you're beautiful just the way you are," she whispered softly so only she heard it.
Her face flushed as she glanced at the semi nude brunette. "Thanks, Kou."
"Koucchan! You're really amazing!" Uraraka beamed at her, slipping on her shirt.
"You should smile more, kero. It suits you." Asui said.
Kourin slipped on her blazer and adjusted her skirt. "Being stoic retains mystery. But I guess I'll try.." Now that she was free, there was no harm in trying, but still, her past haunted her. Every so often, she'd get nightmares. "I'll see you back in class." When she exited the the locker room, there were two boys leaning against the wall, waiting for her. "You don't have to wait for me.."
"What the fuck too you so long?" Bakugo grumbled, walking on her right side.
"I wanted to wait." Todoroki said softly, walking on her left side.
Her lips curved up into a smile, it both amused and fascinated her, how they responded so differently. "C'mon. Aizawa's probably waiting on us."
"Well, it's almost time for summer vacation, but of course, it wouldn't make sense for you to rest for the whole month. During the summer vacation, we'll have a training camp in the woods!" Aizawa announced, the class burst into cheers, this time, even Kourin joined in. Everyone had begun listing things they were excited for.
"Let's test our courage!"
"Open air baths!"
"Hot springs!"
"Star gazing."
"If we're out in nature, we will have to work under different conditions, right?"
"No matter what the environment, we must choose wisely... Interesting."
"Eating and sleeping with everyone!"
Aizawa's eyes shone red and the class immediately quietened. "However. Those who do not pass the final exam before that... will be in summer school hell. Dismissed." Everyone had dispersed and there were only three people remaining in the classroom, a thick tension in the air.
"Okay..." Kourin stood up from her seat and stretched. "I'm headed home then."
"I'll walk with you." Todoroki and Bakugo both offered in unison as they made their way towards her. After realising they both said the same thing at the same time, they shot each other a glare.
"I'm flattered, but I'm a big girl. I can walk home by myself." A gentle smile appeared on her cheeks which just melted their hearts. "I'll see you both tomorrow." Her lips made contact with their cheeks before she walked away. They stood beside each other in silence until she disappeared from their view.
"Oi, half and half bastard. I won't lose to you. She'll be mine." Bakugo declared in a low voice, the look on his face no longer soft.
Todoroki turned to face him, a cold glare on his features. "And that'll be up to her."
A silent house. A cold stove. She didn't realise how much she would miss her parents. They'd left three days prior to her return from her internship and she wasn't even sure when they'd be back. They'd gone to Australia for Adan's brothers wedding and in addition to that, his mother was in the hospital with a fall. She knew they'd be gone for awhile and she'd be alone. She trudged up the stairs and when she opened the door to her bedroom, her eyes widened at the sight.
"Hey doll, did you miss m—"
"Dabi!" Kourin jumped into his arms, her arms hastily wrapping around his neck. She buried her face into the crook of her neck as a wide smile appeared on her face. "I missed you!"
This girl doesn't know what she does to me. His arms wrapped around her petite waist, burying his face into her shoulder. "I missed you too." They stayed like that for what seemed like ages before he pulled away to get a good look at her face. "Did you get more beautiful when you were gone?"
She stifled her laughter as she moved off of him. "You're pretty lame. What're you doing here anyways?" She asked, slipping off her blazer. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're here."
"I wanted to see you. Can I not see my favourite U.A. girl?" He mused, looking up at her. Kou in her uniform, very cute.
"So, where exactly are you staying?"
"My parents had an emergency in Australia, wanna come live with me for a bit?" She asked, slipping off her tie.
"Are you sure? Like sure? One night is different to me staying for a week, or even a month." Dabi told her sitting up and though he was serious. He'd want nothing more than to stay with her. "Super sure?"
"Of course." Kourin nodded and slipped off her school shirt, revealing a black singlet. "I mean, I don't mind being alone, but with you here.. it might be fun. And you're warm, so I won't be cold." She told him and slipped off her skirt, revealing the black shorts underneath. "You can always say n—"
"I'm staying then. With you." The corner of his lips twitched up. Forever.
idk my inner succubus is like really
thirsty for sum smut idk why. but
i'm not that good at the shit but i
like it so. bear with it, cause imma
write more!!!! if you go to around
7:40 of ep 33, look at izuku's face he
always looks happy to see all might
its adorable. he's so precious, my bb.
they're all fit af,,,,,, like damn sexc.
i fucking love dabi just damn just
DAMN. but shouto too. <33333
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