C.VIII - The Book behind the Cover : II
I have absolutely no idea how long I'm gonna take to finish this story. [-_-] sorry!
Just to clear stuff up, the crystal caller is what I call the thing Iris gave to Carissa to communicate with the others btw!
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"Fine, no need to get aggressive." I said.
"Just leave me alone brat." She scoffed.
"Just wanted to be nice! Not like you'd know bout it."
"Now you're gonna insult me?! This is your 'nice'?"
"It's more of my 'getting angry' phase" I roll my eyes.
"Ugh." She sighed and I knew something was off. I sat down beside her despite everything just happened. "Now , what's wrong?"
"Seriously, we're doing this again? Can't people have their alone time!" She said and turned her back to me. "And.. thanks I guess. But we're not friends."
"Wouldn't expect anything." I stated.
"You're tolerable, kinda." She said sitting sideways to me, facing the lake.
"Was that a complement?"
"Believe what you want, we're not friends though."
I did something I'd like to call a mental shrug. "Now what's wrong?"
"It's personal."
"Ugh, fine."
"Avery and I had an argument. My cousin." She explained looking sadly at the lake. I've never seen someone so self absorbed, so sad before. No offense to Missy- who am I mind-talking to?
"Just an 'oh'?"
"Nothing more, nothing less."
"There can't be a less than that."
She just gave me a sad laugh and went on her way. I noticed something fell out of her pocket while she went away. "Wait! You dropp-" and she was gone. I took a closer look and it was a picture of her and a girl with brown hair and amethyst eyes. I assume, Avery.
Something's up, I just know it.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
Iris came in front of me. "Where were you? The show's about to start!"
Auriana ran upto us. We were backstage and the others were presumably in the audience. "Ekk! I can't wait!! How do you like the outfits?" She asked. They were all wearing their usual colours but the outfit styles had changed. Talia was wearing an oversized shirt with black leggings while Auriana was wearing a short suit type crop top and black jeans. Iris had her usual pink scheme but she was wearing a shirt and leggings instead of a dress.
"I hate this." Talia commented monotonously.
"They're ni-" I started.
"I know, thanks!" We heard the band name and Auriana unsurprisingly squealed. "C'mon! That's us!!" And dragged Iris away with Talia trailing behind. Good to know I'm not a apart of that.
I walked out from backstage and joined the others in the audience, front row. "Where's Amaru?"
Lyna pointed to Mephisto who was watching very attentively at the show while Amaru sat on his head with a packet of some human food. I almost burst out laughing but then noticed Lyna and Carissa talking without any arguments which was a relief.
The girls were singing their song "We are Magic". Everyone seemed to enjoy it and I spotted Laura across the room shaking hands with some dude in a white suit and a mustache.
Finally a normal day after so long.. When do I tell them?
Suddenly a burst of crystal came flying through the roof. Dark crystal.
In a moment everyone started scattering around the room and panicking. Most of the people sprinted to the doors but in vain.
A fury of smoke filled the hall and I saw her, Praxina in the air. The girls were on stage whispering on what to do.
I quickly fell to the floor, casting a spell to freeze everyone except the only Ephidians present.
Amaru popped up out of a popcorn bag finishing the last piece. "Amaru arena!" Iris yelled jumped from the stage.
"Go hide! Praxina might think you're an illusion and try to get rid of you!" I said to Mephisto and shoved him behind some giant speakers.
"Iris Princess of Ephidia!"
"Talia Princess of Xeris!"
"Auriana Princess of Volta!"
"Carissa Princess of Calix!"
"Lyna Princess of Borealis!"
"Dang, can't do that." I muttered. "Crystal Offensio!"
Praxina dogded and suddenly Bains came out of nowhere, pouncing on me. "Crystal Scala!" Bain bumped into the crystal tower and I swooped down with my sycthe. Bains just growled and we both circled eachother. "Let's dance, big cat." I winked and he roared forcefully letting my hair fly back.
"Sciara, watch out!" Auriana yelled out and saved me from crystal by a shield. "It's six against two Praxina!"
"That's what you think" she ended with a maniac laugh and vanished. Was this a trap?
"What did that mean?!" Carissa shouted while Bains growled at her.
"Maybe she has people under her." I suggested an option which was probably the worst out of all.
"That can't be good. Now let's take care of Banes!" She exclaimed while dodging an attack from Bains. "Yikes!" Lyna exclaimed noticing Bains's teeth and man, were those something from my nightmares.
"I'll distract him, you guys do your thing."
"Okay, careful!" Iris warned me and I just gave a thumbs up.
"Okay, now..-" Bains just growled at me. "Yeah, I really don't like those teeth." And ran towards him. I really didn't wanna die like this! And we were face to face running towards eachother. I jumped above the black tiger and in a moment, I back flipped over him just in time to cast a spell. "Crystal Whisper" making him tumble to the ground and I fled the scene before I got sent into oblivion.
"Crystal Luxtra!"
A beam of light rushed towards Banes but missed as he vanished at the last second. "Ugh. So much for nothing!"
"I'm sacred of Praxina now." Mephisto teleported beside me.
"Weren't you always?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No! I- no?!" And he teleported away. I chuckled at the wimp who was currently trying figuring out how to get out of the arena.
"Yay! Another day, another -" Aurianna jumped and paused, "what rhymes? Another day, another .... Another.. another-"
"Slay?" I suggested.
"We killed someone?" Auriana looked towards me. "Who?"
"Let's not celebrate to soon girls, she said something about having a partner or minions under her. We need to find out who before anything gets out of hand. -" Talia paused and quickly scanned the whole stadium. "-Those twins could be her minions.."
"Deinos and Kakos? But we already know their weakness, why would dare to hire them?" Auriana questioned. Everyone had now de-transformed.
"Auriana is right on this one Talia. Why would Praxina do that?" Iris sided with Auriana.
"Are these some villains who've fought before, ya?" I asked Auriana while Iris and Talia talked.
"Yeah. They were tough but we got their weakness and believe it or not, Mephisto actually pointed it out!" She smiled at me.
"Oh. That's - nice actually." And smiled back.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
"Spread the magic
You and I, we are magic - magic
Spread the magic
You and I, we are magic - magic
Spread the magic
You and I, we are magic - magic
Spread the magic
You and I, we are magic - magic
We - we.. are magic - are magic, are magic"
*Crowd cheering*
"Great job!" I cheered at the exhausted girls waling off stage. "We're gonna get changed in the dressing rooms and we'll meet you out front at the fan meet." Iris informed me and I agreed to tell the others.
I waved to Lyna and Carissa and told them to meet me at the fan meet out front while I go find Mephisto who somehow got lost with Amaru. "And don't fight please." I warned them and left to search the stadium seats first.
I searched the Stadium, Stadium halls, back stage, indoor gardens, indoor museum, sound check rooms, food stalls, and even the fan greet area.
"I can't find them!" I told Carissa and Lyna. We I formed the girls ,through the Crystal communication device Iris gave me, on stage who were signing autographs with other bands as well. They agreed to help in a few minutes after finishing up.
After they finished, we all spread out to search for Mephisto and Amaru. Iris and Auriana, Me and Talia, and Lyna and Carissa. "I've searched everywhere except these outdoor gardens. They're probably somewhere here."
She nodded and we searched around the lake I spotted earlier but I didn't mention it to anyone.
"Where are they?!" Talia muttered under her breath in frustration. Suddenly I heard a snap behind us and we turned swiftly on our feet.
"Mephisto?! Where've you been?!" We both started as He struggled standing up. He was - bruised all over and Amaru was almost unconscious, hanging from his shoulder. "W-what day is it?" He said scratching his neck.
"I'll go get the girls, you stay with him. He'll probably doze off into the pond if not." Talia suggested seriously and left left without a word.
"Why me- nevermind.."
"What even happened?" I asked helping him sit down on a bench. I cleaned Amaru's face with some water and set him down beside Mephisto, not fully unconscious.
"It- I think- it was some black haired - looked familiar for some reason.. She had like a possessed vibe.. was it Praxina?" He looked at me and I could tell he was upset for his sister. She's not the best loving sister but he's genuinely concerned which made me feel a - something.. a cold feeling in my heart. It was sad, just sad to see him like that - Anyone like that.
"I- Yeah I think it was.." I sat sitting on Amaru's left with Mephisto on his right. This black haired person.. "It was a girl?" I asked.
"What? I mean, yeah yeah. It was, and she seemed familiar too.."
And then realisation hit me. "Oh my.." I gasped snapping my head up from the ground. "Do you remember Missy?" I asked in a hurry.
"That black haired girl from a while ago! The one that shoved you when we first came to earth?!" I explained and his eyes widened.
"Yeah! That girl, she attacked me! Sh-she seemed to have crystal powers - but how, that's impossible, right?!"
"Oh, I have a terrible guess. Where are the girls when you need them?!" I sighed in frustration and looked at my crystal caller. I tapped it and called Iris. "Hello?! Where are you guys! We figured out who attacked Mephisto and Amaru!"
"Mhhamahhahaa -" A laugh I'd recognise. "Good luck with that Mephisto trick. I know he's not real you fools! Just a reminder, it's Praxina speaking~!" I dropped the caller on the ground. I've messed up real bad now. "Oh c'mon." I said in frustration and walked away.
"Where are you going?! Didn't Talia tell you to stay?!"
"I'm not, Follow me!"
"I'm like,, half dead over here?!"
"Oh right."
I summoned my Butterfly hover board. "Okay, now come on!" And he stood shakily on the board. "I really don't like this!" He exclaimed.
"We'll make it in time this way. Now cmon!" I sent the board flying and ran with all the speed my feet could take me.
In a few minutes, we reached the main highway but there was no one around. "Oh for cladnick's sake!" And then we spotted crystals being fired in the distance of the forest and ran towards it.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
It was now sunset and the sky was a deep majestic mix of red and yellow rays all over. Unfortunately the sunset wouldn't melt Praxina's heart away from violence, who was standing before me while Mephisto and Amaru hid somewhere. Carissa and Lyna were fine, but The other girls were floating in dark crystal orbs fully conscious of what was happening but defenceless.
"I'll ask once, brat. Who are you?" Praxina asked with a sturn expression.
"I'll tell you once, Prax. None of your concern!" I shouted. Carissa charged at Praxina with her clubs. She jumped up in the air, striking from above while Lyna attacked from the front. Guess I don't have a say in this...
I quickly tried to get in the air to free the girls. "Crystal Scala!" I said and appeared infront of Iris's cage. "Crystum Pactus!" And the cage broke free letting Iris out. She jumped down on the ground and helped Carissa and Lyna. I freed the others and attacked Praxina from her back.
"You! Who are you?!" She said, blocking my attack with two swords. Suddenly a crystal dagger came out of nowhere and slashed right against my cheek.
"Agh!" She grunted throwing my greater force off her double swords. I went tumbling back but held my ground. Then I noticed where that dagger came from, Missy!
But it wasn't just Missy, she was - possessed?
"That's not good! Amaru, Arena?" I asked jumping away from Praxina for a second.
"A-Amaru.!..-" and suddenly the arena floor appeared beneath us. I thanked Amaru who was with Mephisto at the pillar of the arena.
"That really can't be good! How does Missy have powers?!" Iris exclaimed jumping in at Praxina.
And with not another word, a huge battle broke out. Even though there were like six of us, we were somehow lacking. Something about a darn teamwork that is.
Iris and Talia were with Praxina while Lyna and Carissa figured out how to get against Missy, who was somehow overpowered. Me and Auriana were just existing. Guess they don't need us. Oh well.
"Look out!" I shouted as Carissa and Lyna were about to get hit by Missy. "Stop arguing with eachother!" I said as I blocked the attack.
Abruptly Banes appeared out of the blue and attacked them from behind. Carissa managed to smash her clubs against Bane's face, startling him. Me and Auriana teamed up on Missy while Carissa and Lyna with Banes.
"Crystal Pactus!" Auriana charged at Missy creating a distraction. A crackling noise came from the ground where Auriana had hit it and the floor collapsed under her feet. The arena!
Out of nowhere I got an idea. Not sure if it's gonna work but doesn't hurt to try. Or, hopefully it doesn't..
I grabbed the photo of Missy and Avery from my pocket and threw it in front of Missy. It flew across her face and she froze. Tears formed in her eyes and a blood-curling scream let out of her mouth. She was - paralysed,, in her body. The ground started rumbling due Praxina's enormous spell that came crashing at us while Missy fell to the ground, unconscious.
After the dust cleared, I stood up from the debris of what was left of the arena. There was Praxina grinning at me in her so called victory. I rushed over to Missy who lay limp on the ground.
"Agh?!-" Screeched Praxina in an awful tone just now seeing Missy - her fiercest creation."What have you brats done?!" She said clenching her fists. She vanished in a cloud of dark magic and left us to deal with Banes. Great, just great.
"Do your thing, we need to get her to the hospital!" I informed the others referring to Missy's situation. Mephisto and Amaru emerged from behind the pillar while the girls performed their spell.
"Crystal Luxtra!" A beam of white light blinded us for a few moments before adjusting back to reality.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
We were sitting in the living room of Ellira's house. Since the concert at Riverdale didn't go quite as planned, we'd - or better off, the girls - had decided to stick to Sunnybae stadium for the time being.
"Disappointed? Frustrated? Angry? You name it! Why did that happen on our concert?!" Exclaimed Auriana in an annoyed tone, as should be, slopping down on a wooden chair.
"Well look on the bright side-" Iris started, while writing in her diary, "atleast Missy's not rude anymore."
"Yeah, yeah. We all know you're Happy to get Nathaniel to yourself Iris." Auriana complained and we all burst out laughing.
Just another usual day in Sunnybae.
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