Ch 8: 'Going Away To College'

[So, I was initially pacing myself to actually get this out Wednesday. But, I decided to take a few days to just relax a little. Unfortunately, with work, I wasn't about to get this out yesterday like I usually do. Thankfully, it was only one day late. But to make up for it. I bring you all a 12k-word chapter today! So, yeah! Today I bring you all another chapter of Anti-Hero, a book that is the third of three MHA books I tried to make. Those didn't do as well as I would have liked. But it seems the third time is the charm really is real. So, thank you all for enjoying this book, and I hope I can continue to bring you more in the future!!!]

[Your POV]

...It all happened so fast. At one moment, it seemed like any other day. At least, that's what we all approached it as. But then the portal appeared. A void of complete darkness. At first, we didn't know what to think of it. Some thought it was another test--

Kirishima: "Is this like the entrance exams where the lessons already started?"

Ashido: "Surely they wouldn't do that to us again, right?"

--Then there were others who didn't care what was going on. They just wanted to get into the action.

Bakugo: "Ha! Whatever it is! Bring it my way! I'll crush anything beneath my feet!"

Kaminari: "You said it, Bakugo!"

But as waves of different emotions circulated through the crowd of confused students. It soon became fairly obvious what was going on. One by one figures stepped out from the void. The looks of pure evil that scared their faces enough to tell me exactly who they were. They were obstacles. Nor training exercises.

The looks in their eyes showcased what type of scum they were. The filth that this world will one day be rid of. These...Were villains. And just as some students were about to take that first step forward in order to complete what they thought was a mere exam. They were suddenly stopped by the sharp voice of Aizawa. Who only confirmed the suspicions I already had.

Aizawa: "Nobody move!"

Kaminari: "Wh-Why not?"

Aizawa: "Those aren't some exams. They're villains."

It seemed that if Aizawa was stating such, no one else had a reason to not believe him. It was because of that very choice that the looks of still fear quickly found the many faces of my fellow students that surrounded me. As for me, I wasn't afraid. In fact... I was hoping something like this would happen.

[3rd Person POV]

Not too far away near the portal, more and more mysterious villains stepped out and entered the interior of USJ. But none drew more attention to themselves like two precise figures. One, seems to carry the appearance of a normal human. Though, what made him stand out besides his greyish messy hair, was the countless decapitated hands that somehow were attached to his body. Whether that be his arms, rib cage, or shoulders.

Then there were the hands wrapped around his neck, holding onto the top of his head, and another that covered his face. Two red cords were all that connected the hands attached to the top of his head and neck. Whilst the one on his fave parted just slightly to allow one of his eyes to see out. But if that wasn't frightening enough, the mere monster that stepped out beside him definitely did bring that feeling.

A creature that was nowhere near that of a human. His black skin that covered his muscular body created a pattern that only death itself could find itself to wear. Then there was the gapping brain that pulsed at the top of its extended head. All finished by the deranged smile this monster offered toward anyone who dared to look its way. Whatever these two were, they were certainly more than just some villains. They were truly the definitions of monsters.

(???): "Thirteen and Eraser Head, huh?"

"The teacher's schedule we received the other day said that All Might was also supposed to be here."

At first, it seemed like an unknown figure had spoke out of thin air. However, it was not thin air that brought the voice, but the very portal that stood behind the villains. A head could soon be seen forming at the top of the void, made from the very same abyss that created the portal in the first place, where a pair of yellow eyes could be seen looking in the direction of the stunned teachers.

Aizawa: "The trespassing the other day, it must have been these scumbags who were the cause."

Thirteen: "Do you really think so?"

Aizawa: "There's no other possible solution around all these. I am certain, they are what caused the break in."

As soon as (Y/n)'s ears picked up that little bit of information from Aizawa, his eyes widened immediately. Not because it was a shocking revelation. But only because it made (Y/n) question. If they put so much effort into breaking into a place so secured like U.A., then whatever it is they were after, they were not going to stop at anything to get it.

That thought only continued to fill his mind as down below on the ground, the gathered villains continued to approach the stairwell. Where the five or so dozen steps were all that remained between them and the class of students. But whereas all seemed to be going smoothly for the villains, the grey-haired villain seemed to think otherwise.

(???): "I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too... All for All Might... The symbol of Peace... I can't believe he's not here!"

The disappointment in this man's voice was present as ever. Though, it sounded more like that of a disappointed child than any type of sound a man would make. However, it wasn't long until the disappointment left as he released a sigh through the hand that covered his face.

(???): [Sighs] "Oh, well... Perhaps he'll come running along if we kill some kids?"

Despite not having a single clue what the villain had just said due to the distance between them, it wasn't needed for Aizawa and Thirteen to realize trouble was upon them. Quickly Aizawa flicked on his glasses and activated the bandages that hung around his neck, whilst behind him, Thirteen kept an arm stretched out in front of the kids. Whose shock was only continuing to grow.

"T-There's no way..."

"This can't be happening."

"How is this possible?"

The words came every which way. Entering through one of (Y/n)'s ears before heading out the other. It wasn't until Kirishima's voice sounded that (Y/n)'s focus was brought back to reality.

Kirishima: "There is no way they could get into a hero school! This has to be a joke, right?"

Before he could get a response, Yaoyorozu stepped between the group to speak out to Thirteen.

Yaoyorozu: "Teacher, what about the trespasser sensors."

Thirteen: "We have them, of course, but..."

Todoroki: "Did they only appear around here, or around the school? Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means we have someone with a Quirk who is responsible for it all."

But as all the others thought over how and why, (Y/n) began to understand it all. The day after there was an attempted break-in to the school, villains suddenly begin to appear in an isolated area separated from the main campus during a time a class is supposed to be here. It was as clear as the day around him that this wasn't not by chance, or some mistake, this was on purpose. Bakugo, who had previously been standing beside (Y/n) up to this point, soon took notice of the expression on his best friend's face. All it took was a mere nudge from the scruffy blond to bring (Y/n) back to reality.

Bakugo: "Yo. Dude? You alright? You're not scared, are you? Because you know there's no way they'll be able to beat us."

(Y/n): "I'm not scared. But this is not some random attack."

As soon as he stated such, both Iida and Uraraka, who were also standing beside (Y/n) immediately pushed themselves into the conversation.

Uraraka: "Really? You think this was planned or something?"

Iida: [Scratches chin] "Hmm... It would make sense, yes. But still, finding a way into U.A. would be incredibly difficult."

Bakugo: "Well, clearly it wasn't too much trouble. Because from what I can see, all these villains just walked on in here! But don't worry, I'll be sure to send them flying straight back through that portal in no time."

To further prove how pumped up he was, Bakugo made sure to slam his fists together. But as much as (Y/n) liked his friend's enthusiasm, he knew that doing shut would not be easy.

(Y/n): "I wouldn't jump straight in so fast, Bakugo. It may seem like not much. But remember, they were still able to get into U.A., which means they have a goal in mind."

Bakugo: "I have a goal in mind, too. To punch that big one right in the face!"

Immediately Uraraka, Iida, and Kirishima turned their gaze to the distance where the giant monster stood next to the portal. The looks of doubt that crossed their face showcased just how little they believed in Bakugo's statement. No matter how eager he may be. Either way, before Bakugo could even think about doing such to the giant opponent, his attention, and everyone else's for that matter, quickly was directed to Aizawa, who immediately made his way to the front of the group.

Aizawa: "Thirteen, prepare the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with raido-wave- type powers is disrupting the signal." [Turns to the students] "Kaminari, you try contacting the school with your Quirk, as well."

A simple nod was all Kaminari gave before doing as asked, meanwhile, more students stepped forward to ask Aizawa what he was going to do. But their worry was soon confirmed as the teacher claimed he was going to hold off the villains as best he could whilst the students evacuated with Thirteen. (Y/n) was surprised such a sacrifice was being made. After all, most heroes dreamed of moments like this.

But even with such a motivation backing him, (Y/n) knew the outcome of Aizawa winning was low. Even if he could erase their Quirks, he could only do so whilst looking at them. And with the vast number of villains, to do such a thing, whilst having to combat approach enemies from every angle was definitely a daunting task. Before anyone could say anything else, (Y/n) watched as Aizawa jumped into action. As he neared the ground, a group of villains stepped forward.

"Alright! Shooting squad, step forward!"

"Didn't our intel say it was just going to be All Might and Thirteen?"

"Who is this guy?"

"I don't know. But if he thinks he can come at us from up front he's got another thing-"

But just as the villains were about to open fire using their Quirks, they were all brought to a sudden halt as a red glow went off as Aizawa opened his eyes. Now, these villains were not frozen, or stuck in time. Instead, as underwhelming as it was. They were left unable to move due to shock when they noticed their Quirks were not working.

"Huh? My Quirk... The bullets won't come out?!"

And as the shock of such filled the small faction of villains, Aizawa would send his bandages in to wrap around their bodies and fling them into the air. Being twisted in union before being slung back to the ground, eventually ending up smashing into each other, causing them to line on the ground in an unconscious state. The look of shock that soon spread throughout the other villains watching soon became known to all present, another thing that became known to them, was exactly who this mysterious hero was.

"You idiots! That's Eraser Head! He can erase Quirks by just looking at them!"

But whereas some grew worried, others, like the villain who had formed arms made of rocks did not seem to share such a feeling.

"Erase? So what? Are you going to erase the Quirks of us heteromorphic-type villains as well?"

Aizawa: "No, I can't."He simply stated as he avoided the first oncoming punch. Then, before the villain could prepare himself, Aizawa twisted his body before swinging his other hand around to smash it directly into the opened face of the rock-themed villain. Though, as he was flying through the air, thinking he was going to get off that easy, Aizawa sent a bandage flying after the fleeing villain.

Aizawa: "But the skills of guys like you..."

At that moment, another one of these villains came from behind to deliver a hidden bunch to the hero. But with ease, Aizawa ducked just in time to continue his sentence.

Aizawa: "Are statistically more likely to manifest in close combat..."

Appling a fierce kick to the gut of the villain who came from behind, the sound of him falling onto two other villains went off. But just as the trio were just regaining their settings back. They opened their eyes only to see the first villain Aizawa wrapped up being sent flying straight toward them. The sound of a loud explosion going off behind him was all Aizawa needed to know his attack was direct. Therefore, he could finish his sentence.

Aizawa: "...So I've taken measures against it."

Now even more worry began to rise amongst the villains. A person who was normally skilled from a distance could now be seen to do quite the job in close quarters. Such a skill left not many villains volunteering to head into battle first. So in the end, Aizawa did wait for any villains to come his way, he went to them first.

Whether it be booting them in the face, or punching them so hard they'd feel it again in the morning. Aizawa went on a rampage. But the more he did, the more the mysterious villain covered in his hands began to realize something. It seemed to annoy him enough that he began scratching his neck slightly.

(???): "I see... I hate pro heroes. The masses don't stand a chance against them."

It was as Aizawa continued to hold off the villains that the rest of Class 1-A rushed for the exit behind them. All except for (Y/n), who just stood there and watched Aizawa. But it wasn't long before just watching became too boring for (Y/n). And so, with that first step, he went to join in delivering justice to the villains, whilst also making sure they'd remember to never do such a thing ever again. However, just before his foot could reach the first step he was brought to a sudden halt and forced to twist his head when the voice of Uraraka entered the air.

Uraraka: "No! He blocked us off!"

Seconds later (Y/n)'s gaze landed on what Uraraka was talking about. Because there, just beyond the crowd of students, blocking the path between them and the exit to safety, was the purple void. Or, which was now known to actually be a villain with teleportation powers whose body was made up of the void. Either way, with those powers he was able to transport himself directly in front of the exit. Stopping anyone from leaving before his arrival. Now, there seemed no way for help to be reached.

(???): "Oh, no. I don't think so."

The voice of the void was all Aizawa needed to hear to realize his mistake. All it took was a single blink and he was able to get away without being stopped. Now the students were left blocked off. But that didn't mean Aizawa could just go and save them. As more and more villains just came in to hold back the hero. Leaving the students and Thirteen unable to do anything seemingly against this new threat.

(???): "It is nice to meet you all. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we invited ourselves into the home of heroes, U.A. High School, in order to meet All Might and deliver the Symbol of Peace his final breath."

Immediately everyone came to a halt out of fear. Not just fear out of the fact they just said they wanted to kill All Might, but because this unknown figure was seemingly very confident about it. That was the defining feature of it all.

(???): "I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change?"

Of course, no response came the void away.

(???): "Well, that is neither here, nor there. This is the part I am to--"

In the moments leading up to the end of the void's sentence, there were a plethora of people gearing up to mount a sneak attack. Thirteen was the most obvious. For as the villain spoke, she prepared herself to activate her Quirk. All she'd need to do is flick the cap at the tip of her index finger and all should be over. Amongst the students, both Bakugo and Kirishima were prepared for war. However, neither one of them was able to do anything before a green blur dashed passed them.

At first, no one was able to understand what was going on. That's when a sudden gasp sounded. Instantly everyone's gaze was directed to the front where the villain's abyss of a body hovered in the air. Yet, despite the lack of facial features, the students and Thirteen were still somehow able to notice the look of pain on his face. To find out the cause, all they had to do was drop their gaze ever so slightly to the stomach area of the villain to see the stoic figure of (Y/n) standing inches away from the void, his fist plunged deep into the purple centre.

Looks of awe immediately found the faces of everyone watching from the group. They couldn't believe one of their own had the courage to go straight forward against a villain. Yet, there was some confusion amongst the group of students, mostly from Kaito, who proceeded to grind his teeth upon seeing how everyone was stunned over (Y/n)'s act, when it appeared he did nothing but punch the void, an attack that clearly wouldn't work. And, as would soon become a surprise to Kaito, he would get the satisfaction of finally getting one over (Y/n) when he heard the sound of laughter coming from the void.

(???): "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

The looks of awe quickly shifted back to shock as the void looked down at (Y/n), whose gaze was covered by his mask, looked down to the ground in shame. He failed...

(???): "Oh dear, did--Ha! Ha! Ha!... Did you actually think that would work? A mere punch to my stomach?"

As the villain's laughter continued to fill the air, the hidden grin on Kaito's face grew stronger and stronger.

Kaito: [Thoughts] "Finally! Finally! People will see that (Y/n) is nothing but a fluke compared to me! He's no rival... He is no rival! And now everyone knows!"

As Kaito's inner victory reigned supreme, (Y/n) kept his head low in what appeared to be shame of failing in stopping the villain. Such an appearance did not go unnoticed by figures such as Bakugo, Uraraka, and Iida. Before they could vocally say anything, however, they were once again cut off by the void, who released a sigh before continuing to speak.

(???): "Then again, you all are nothing but students, so I probably shouldn't have expected anything other-Other... Wha... What is that feeling?"

The sudden change in expression, from confidence to complete confusion did not go by without Thirteen and the students knowing. It immediately brought their focus in on the scene, including Kaito, whose smile began to drop when he realized (Y/n)'s punch was not just a punch. Such a reveal came when a faint green glow began to form around the part of the void's body where (Y/n)'s fist was plunged into. At first, it could barely be seen. But as time went by, and the more the confused expression dawned on the void's face, the glow only continued to grow.

(Y/n): "You know the one thing I hate about villains? They really like to presume the worse is over before they can even think of what happens next." [Looks up] "Then again, you all are nothing but villains. So I probably shouldn't have expected anything other than that."

"Ooooh! Burn!"

A quick glance over his shoulder was all it took for (Y/n) to realize the sudden shout from behind came from none other than Bakugo. Who was left to look on in confusion at the rest of the students who looked his way in the same state?

Bakugo: "What? He used the villain's own burn against him? That was badass."

Despite not offering a reaction to the public, (Y/n) couldn't help but grin to himself upon hearing the words of his best friend. But that was the only response(Y/n) offered before reeling his fist back from the void before sending it forward all over again. This time, his fist was consumed by the energy of his first Quirk. The bright green and black chaotic energy once more getting sent deep into the void, and upon colliding with something metal, the reaction (Y/n) was waiting for finally arrived.

(???): "AAARRRGGGHHH!!!"

A powerful gust of wind formed around (Y/n)'s body as he kept up the pace of his attack. Meanwhile, the students watched were left once more in a state of awe as they witnessed veins of green energy run throughout the void's body. The effect of his 'Nightmare' starting to take its toll. Eventually, all came to an end as void pushed off (Y/n)'s body, sending itself flying backwards some meters, freeing itself from (Y/n)'s hand as it stumbled to the ground.

As for (Y/n), he was left unphased as he reeled back his arm and cut off his Quirk. Once done, he turned around and flicked his mask over the back of his head, just as the students and Thirteen rapidly approached him. Though, of course, before he could do or say anything, (Y/n) was immediately brought into a headlock by Bakugo, who couldn't help but celebrate in his best friend's victory. Whilst also making sure the girls knew about it.

Bakugo: "You see that? That's called being awesome, people! Hey, Kaito! Take notes, dude!"The aforementioned bully could be seen at

the back of the group, doing nothing but narrowing his gaze as he growled at (Y/n). Something both boys couldn't help but feel off by.

Bakugo: "...Or you just keep... Doing whatever you were doing, I guess..."[Turns to you] "Anyway! Bro! That was fucking awesome!"

Thirteen: "Language, Bakugo."

Bakugo: "Huh? Oh, right." [Turns to you] "That was 'Mother' fucking awesome!"

Thirteen: "Language! Bakugo!"

Bakugo: "What? I said 'mother'. Now the 'fucking' has parental supervision, so it's okay, right?"

(Y/n) couldn't help but vocally laugh upon hearing that. The same could be said for a few others could weren't entirely sure how serious Bakugo was when stating that. As for Thirteen, she could only sigh and shake her head at seeing the state of the youth these days. However, before she could say anything else, her direction was soon focused on (Y/n) who turned to her with a smile.

(Y/n): "Don't worry about him, Thirteen. Bakugo can be very... Well, Bakugo."

Thirteen: [Sighs] "I presumed as much, Midoriya."

(Y/n): "Uh, call me (Y/n). I, um... I prefer things that way."

Whilst Thirteen seemed surprised by such at first, she eventually gave in and merely nodded before going over to approach the discarded villain. As she did so, (Y/n) was brought into an even closer headlock where he was instantly greeted by a smirk running across Bakugo's lips.

(Y/n): "Um... Hi?"

Bakugo: "Don't 'Hi' me, dawg!" [Slaps your chest] "I see you!"

(Y/n): "Um... Okay?" [Chuckles] "I don't know what you're on about."

Bakugo: [Smirks] "Oh, but I know what you're 'on' about." [Slaps your chest] "You tryna' get some of that Thir-ussy! Ha! Can't say I blame ya, Thirteen is pretty hot."

Though as Bakugo's sentence came to an end and he reopened his eyes he was just greeted by the blankest stare (Y/n) could possibly offer him.

(Y/n): "Dude... No."

Bakugo: "Dude! Yes!"

(Y/n): "Seriously, dude."

Bakugo: "Dude?"

(Y/n): "Dude."

Bakugo: [Stretches arms out] "Duuude?"

(Y/n): "Du--"

Ashido: "DUDE!"

Immediately both (Y/n) and Bakugo werecut off from their 'dude-off' when out of nowhere Mina Ashido jumped in and screamed the word. Though (Y/n) andBakugo just stared at her, the former offered a short smile as the latter just stared.

Ashido: "...What? It looked like fun?"

That was all she stated before walking off with her head lowered. But before (Y/n) and Bakugo could return to what they were doing they were soon joined by an approaching Tsuyu.

Tsuyu: "(Y/n). Bakugo."

(Y/n): "Sup, Tsu."

Bakugo: [Groans] "Oh, great. The frogs back. Here to make fun of my junk again?" 

Tsuyu: "No."

Bakugo: "Good. Because you reall--"

Tsuyu: "Though your lack of deodorant is something to be desired."

Bakugo: "WHA!"

A shocked expression was all Bakugo could offer as he froze in place. And he remained just like that as Tsuyu turned her gaze back to a nervous (Y/n). Nervous that this girl was about to roast him into a similar state.

Tsuyu: "(Y/n), you did very well with the villain."

(Y/n): "Oh, uh, thanks, Tsu--" [Chuckles] "You, um..."

Mineta: "Yeah, (Y/n)'s awesome!"

Out of nowhere, Mineta jumps into the air and lands on (Y/n)'s back. Before the male could say or do anything about this, his attention was immediately directed back to Tsuyu.

Tsuyu: "I liked the part when you punched him whilst using your Quirk."

Mineta: "Yeah! (Y/n)'s awesome!"

Tsuyu: "I also liked how it made your butt clench up in your costume."

Mineta: "Yeah!...Oh."

Instantly Mineta dawned a shocked expression, but he wasn't alone as (Y/n) formed a similar one as he looked down at Tsuyu. The frog-themed girl just staring up at him like what she had just said was not out of mother fucking nowhere. All the boy could do was offer an awkward smile and chuckled in equal amounts of awkwardness as he struggled to come up with what to say. As for Thirteen, not too far away, she along with Iida and a few more curious students, could be seen approaching the still body of the taken-out villain.

Iida: "Teacher. Is it really wise to be approaching the villain like this?"

Thirteen: "Thankfully it appears like the rest of the villains have not noticed their comrade has been taken out. So, I will simply use my Quirk and--"

However, just as the flick of the cap released from the tip of Thirteen's finger, the sudden click was all it took for the previously unconscious villain's eyes to snap open. However, the once vibrant yellow streaks were now noticeably carrying a hint of green in them. The same could be said for the rest of his body. The green streaks working through the purple void as (Y/n)'s Quirk was revealed to not fully take out the villain.

Such a shock was soon revealed to Thirteen and the rest of the students when out of nowhere the villain sprung to life. A gasp of air the only audible queue as to his revival. But as soon as it was heard, (Y/n), Tsu, Bakugo, and Mineta, who was still hanging onto (Y/n)'s back, turned in sudden shock. A few seconds were all they were given to witness as the villains shunned Thirteen to the side and narrowed his tormented gaze toward (Y/n).

(???): "Did... Did you really think you could defeat me so easily? When this whole plan relies on me?!"

It was clear that the villain still had more to say, after all, when did villains not have more to say? But (Y/n) didn't to hear more to know what to do next. Besides, this very villain himself claimed that the plan relied on him to achieve whatever it was he was tasked with. So, all that needed to be done was for this one villain to be taken out and the whole scheme of it all would be thrown for a loop.

The void was soon alerted to this by the mere scream that exploded from (Y/n)'s lips as he launched forward, reeling his fist back for a final blow. Mineta was quick to come flying off (Y/n)'s shoulders, his small body aerodynamic enough that that powerful gust of wind was all it took to get the young boy screaming in peril.

Mineta: "Help! Help! Someone help me, ple--"

However, he soon cut himself off when his eyes narrowed in on the target he was approaching, and it was none other than Tsuyu's chest that just so perfect clung to her body. All he had to do was close his eyes to realize he was seconds away from having his face slam into the chest of the frog-themed hero-in-training.

Mineta: "Uh, actually... I'm fine! No need to save me! I've got this!"

But the smile on Mineta's face would not last for long as all would soon be thrown off. You see, whereas (Y/n) thought a final punch would be all it took to finish this villain off, which was a true fact, unfortunately for the male hero, the villain before him had already realized such. His stormy figure rose high as the green glow sunk in with his dark purple skin.

(???): "...Of course, luring you in was the exact thing I wanted."

Immediately (Y/n)'s eyes snapped open as a chuckle escaped the void's mouth.

(???): "After all, the job I was given, was to scatter you all... AND TORTURE YOU ALL TO DEATH!"

Before (Y/n) could do anything, it was already too late. Within seconds the void showcased a power he had previously kept hidden as streams of his very body stretched out over the cascade of U.A. Students before him. Immediately shock quickly resonated on the faces of all the students as they were swallowed into the abyss of shadows. The attack was enough to get (Y/n) sent flying backwards, sending him straight passed Bakugo and Kirishima who struggled to push against the fierce winds.

Kirishima: "What the-- What's happening?!"

Bakugo: ""Who cares?! I just need to punch him and all of this will be over!"

Kirishima: "I... I don't know if that's how it works?!"

Of course, Bakugo didn't care, however, there was not much he could do in the attempt to punch the villain as the heavy winds were doing quite the order on keeping the people in place. As for (Y/n), he continued to get sent flying back, and no stop seemed to be in sight. But not all were in danger. Using his speed Iida was able to tackle Uraraka and Ashido out of peril, whilst Shoji held down a few others.

But for all the other students like Kaito, Yaoyorozu, and Kaminari to name a few, they had no such help as they were forced to endure the might of this villain's power. But, at last, it was only a taste, the real might of it all came a few seconds later when in a blink of an eye every one that wasn't able to find cover or flee to safety, were flung into the void around them, disappearing from sight.

[Your POV]

It all happened so fast. One moment I was charging for the attack, and then I got sent flying back. I blew my opportunity. If what that villain said was true, that was my one opportunity to throw their plan out the window... But I failed. The next thing I knew the void of his body swallowed me whole. When my eyes next opened, I found myself falling from the sky to a large pool of water below me. Though in my descent, I noticed that it was thankfully not an ocean or lake somewhere unknown, but the shipwreck location within USJ. But just as I came to realize such, it was time for my body to collide with the water.

The cold sensation of the water was quick to surround me, thankfully my suit did a good enough job that it was able to keep it out of my mask. Enough so that I was able to lift my head and take eye of the surface. But as I rushed for a desperate attempt to reclaim some much-needed oxygen, my mind raced a second with the details I had already managed to pick up. For once, the villain that opened the portal, he was no second-rate henchman. All I needed to tell that was how he managed to come back from my Nightmare Punch. Normally enough of a strike would be all it took for them to be consumed by the darkness.

But the thing that set me off the most was the fact that these villains came here to kill All Might. A hero that had not known defeat before. So the very reason that they had hopes of defeating him was more than enough to set me on my limits. But I'd figure out what was going on sooner or later, and I know, the next time I come across a villain, I wouldn't hold back my punches. I'd make sure whoever I see next would feel my wraith... And funnily enough, it didn't seem I would have to wait for long. For as I was pushing myself toward the top of the water, out of the corner of my eye a sudden movement caught my attention.

A quick shift of my head was all it took for my eyes to land on the sight of a human- like Shark villain wearing a scuba tank coming my way. And at high speeds to say the least. Whether it be the sharp teeth that were hinted at through the hinges of the villain's mouth, or the way his very body appeared more 'Shark' than 'human', I wouldn't blame anyone for feeling a sense of fear in the moment. And I'm sure this villain before me thought I was doing exactly that, fearing. But I was not afraid. Though, there was one problem... I didn't exactly know what to do. Never before had I used my powers underwater, and with the vast amount of liquid that surrounded me, it would be extremely difficult to bring enough force to strike my opponent.

Even if I used all my strength, the best I would be able to do with either One For All, or my own Quirk, would take out this villain, but it could possibly lead to me either being seriously injured or worse. And I couldn't risk injuring myself now when I had a score to settle. So, in this moment, I was one hundred per cent, absolutely, completely... Fucked. So much so I was brought into a frozen state where all I could do was stare at the impending doom that zoomed toward me. Yet, even if I was fucked, I wasn't going to go down without a fight. So, instead of fleeing, I swam toward this villain.

The look that was showcased through the eyes of my mask must have been quite the shock for this villain, whose own face quickly lit up for shock and hesitation. I have to admit. Seeing a villain question their choices was quite a funny sight to see close up. And that look only continued to grow as I neared him more and more. Yet, in a final attempt to showcase his might over my own, the shark villain immediately opened his extended mouth to reveal his rows of sharp teeth. Yet, I didn't stop swimming, even if I didn't exactly know how to use my powers, I wouldn't just let this villain get away with doing what was wrong. But, in the end, it was not me who would deal the final blow.

For out of nowhere Tsu came zooming into the scene. Her feet smashing into the side of the villain's face, which was quite a sight to see. Before I could even react, Tsu had turned to me and launched her tongue with a single 'ribbit'. The next thing I knew, my body was surrounded by a large slippery tongue that somehow made its wet presence known, even with water surrounding my body. Nevertheless, I did not struggle as Tsu carried not only me, by Mineta, who rested in her arms, to the surface of the water. I'm not sure how much time passed in the process, but I know for a fact, the time in which it took for me to rip my mask over my head by the time we reached the surface was quicker than ever before.


A good minute passed as I caught my breath. It was rare for me to go in water, let alone remain down there for an extended amount of time to fight someone. But, I can tell, after today, if I ever was to do something like that, I'd definitely want Tsu by my side. Yet, as I turned to the aforementioned girl, I was shocked that she seemed unphased by the whole experience.

Her ever-illusive expression which showcased her personality was just the same as how she chose to speak, had not once left her face. Even as she turned to me, still, she acted like nothing that just happened, actually happened. What was even more impressive was that she managed to stay this way even after Mineta opened his mouth.

Mineta: "You know... For a frog... Your boobs... Are pretty big..."

It was as soon as Mineta said this that shocked gaze returned to Tsu, only to see the girl show the only form of reaction I had seen from her since meeting her. A brief blush found her cheeks. Seconds later, Mineta's body was dropped onto the floor of the stationed ship by Tsu's tongue. Thankfully, Tsu was much gentler when placing me down not long after. I couldn't help but offer Mineta a confused gaze as the boy groaned on the ground. Seconds later, Tsu climbed up the side of the ship and joined our little drop on the deck of the ship.

(Y/n): "Uh, thanks for the help, Tsu. But, you know, I could have climbed up on the ship by myself, right? You didn't have to, um... Use your tongue."

Tsuyu: "It is not a problem, (Y/n). I did not mind."

(Y/n): "Oh. Um... Alright?"

There wasn't much else I could say in the moment. Despite everything that just happened, it was still an easy task to feel awkward in a situation like the one I currently found myself in. Though, like always, Tsu seemed to not share the majority of emotions going around as she turned her gaze to the vast interior that USJ had to offer us.

Tsuyu: "This has turned into a very bad situation, hasn't it?"

(Y/n): "Heh. You can say that again." [Thoughts] "Though what worries me the most is what that villain wants with All Might."

Tsuyu: "Do you think everyone else in the school is in danger?"

(Y/n): "I don't think so. These villains, whatever they want, they knew about U.A.'s schedule. They were the ones who caused the panic yesterday. They knew all of this was going to happen... They were just waiting for the right time to intervene."

The truth of it all seemed to be felt by not only me, but the others that were thrown into this location with me. The voice of Mineta quickly taking over any other sound present as he jumped to his feet from behind.

Mineta: "But! But! It's not like they can kill All Might! Once All Might comes, he'll pound those guys!"

The enthusiasm in Mineta's voice told me enough that he actually believed the words he was saying. And if they didn't, the way he started punching the air did. But in the end, I knew his hopes were more than likely for nothing. Unlike Tsu and Mineta, I knew All Might's secret, and the fact that he was not here at the start of class leads me to believe that for reasons unknown, All Might isn't able to transform currently. However, to my surprise, I was not the only one to hold doubts, as the sudden inclusion of Tsu's voice was all it took to return my focus to the conversation.

Tsuyu: "Mineta. Don't you think they are trying so hard because they have a way of killing All Might? Guys that strong just told us they would torture us to death, you know?"

It did not take long for the life on Mineta's face to suddenly drop, and it only continued to do so the more Tsu spoke. It didn't take long for Mineta's face to remind me of one Izuku had when we were kids. It was a look I hated to see. And only made me more pissed off at the villains who suddenly showed themselves. But it seemed my anger was at good timing, for the second I clenched my frustrations into a fist, caution immediately filled the faces of both Mineta and Tsu as they looked over the edge of the ship.

It wasn't long before my own line of sight followed, and what I saw was reason enough to frighten those around me. From the depths of the deep blue that rested before us, over a dozen villains could be seen dashing toward us through the water. The sight of the impending doom was enough to make Mineta's face go pale, all before he sprung himself onto the side of my face.

Mineta: "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! What are we going to do?! What are we going to do?! There's a ton of them!"

[3rd Person POV]

"What will we do?!"

The words echoed inside (Y/n)'s head as he peeled Mineta off him. The small boy still waving his arms about as the villains circled the ship. It was true. There were a ton of them. But as (Y/n) approached the edge of the boat, he was not afraid. He didn't know why. Was it because all these villains gave off the generic henchman vibe? Or did he just not care about his own safety in a time like this. In the end, he wasn't sure. But all it took was a single glance around him.

To the villains, and to those who were stuck with him. He knew he couldn't just stand there and wait for something to happen. That's what he did on that night. But he's moved passed that night. The time for waiting was over. Now, was the time to act. And act he did, as with no hesitation whatsoever (Y/n) began to lift himself up onto the railing of the boat. It didn't take long for both Tsu and Mineta to notice (Y/n)'s strange action.

Tsuyu: "(Y/n). What are you doing?"

Mineta: "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! What are you doing?"

'What am I doing?' The sentence came to (Y/n) at a moment's thought. As if a final key to queue in whether his determination for this was genuine or not. In the end, (Y/n) knew it was. That was all it took for the young boy, who now stood on the edge of the boat, to turn his head back to his classmates with no hesitation whatsoever.

(Y/n): "Look. You guys so what you want. But I ain't waiting here for help. These villains want a fight. They'll get one."

Mineta: [Gasp] "You can't be serious?"

Tsuyu: "Mineta is right. These villains are not some exam, (Y/n). They are real people."

(Y/n): "You're right, they are real people..." [Turns to the villains] "But that's what makes me know I'm going to win."

The response was definitely not one neither Tsuyu or Mineta expected. Before they could offer a response, however,(Y/n) was quick to continue.

(Y/n): "These guys, whether they think so or not, are just like us, people. They were born the same way, and they'll go out of this world the same way. But right here and now, there is one thing, one thing that connects every single one of them. They་་fear..."

Tsuyu: "Fear?"


(Y/n): "Fear is the one thing that combines us all. It doesn't matter how powerful you are. Or how in control of the situation you may think you have. These guys right in front of me, they're nothing. Not because I think I can beat them. But because I know, one way or another, they have a fear, and it's with that fear..." [Pulls mask over head] "... That I know I'll win."

The inclusion of the darker voice was enough to make (Y/n)'s point burn itself into the brains of both Tsu and Mineta as they looked on in wonder. It was at this moment that the pair realized that (Y/n) was not like other students attending U.A. There was something different about him. And whatever that thing was, it was the driving force behind the young boy's lack of fear right now.

But once more before either pair could make a comment they were thrown for another shocking scene as sparks of green and black chaotic energy formed at (Y/n)'s fingertips. What started off as sparks soon ignited into full-on blasts of this haunting energy. A source of power that soon enveloped (Y/n)'s body, enough to ignite his darkened gaze into a fiery inferno of green flames, whilst also causing a jolt of fear to spring to life in the hearts of the villains watching.

The criminals were left startled by such power. Meanwhile, Tsu and Mineta struggled to believe what was before their very eyes. All they could do is watch as (Y/n)'s frightening gaze turned back to glance at them. It was a sight that instantly caused Mineta to attempt to cling to Tsu's body out of fear. However, the girl was able to block his attempt with a mere palm to his forehead. Allowing a silent enough moment for (Y/n) to speak to them both.

(Y/n): "You both stay here. Make sure no villains reach the boat. I'll make sure these guys don't bother us when we go to leave."

Tsuyu: "Leave?"

Mineta: "Reach the boat?!"

Both questioned (Y/n)'s words, but neither got a response before (Y/n) jumped into the air and began his descent for the water below. In one single motion (Y/n)'s form disappeared into the deep blue like it was swallowed whole. With his form, the aura along with It, disappeared. With no sight of the student, the villains were left to glance at each other in confusion.

"What kind of Quirk was that?"

"Who knows? But whatever it is. It won't be enough for us."

Such driving confidence drove the villains to begin their oncoming attack with a cackle as they hovered through the water where (Y/n)'s body had disappeared. Meanwhile, back on the ship, Tsu and Mineta raced toward the ledge, the latter tossing his arms over to grab ahold to the railing to get a good look at the scene below. But all he could see were the villains in the water moving closer to the boat.

Mineta: "Ah! No! They're coming! They're coming! What will we do? Where's (Y/n)? Oh, we're so dead!"

Tsuyu: "Do not be afraid, Mineta. (Y/n) is going to help us."

Mineta: "How can you say that? You don't know him! You don't know what's driving him right now."

Tsuyu: [Sighs] "Oh, but I do. I know what is driving (Y/n) to be so heroic right now."

Mineta: "Really?! You do?!"

The shock was ever-present in Mineta's voice and face, as was Tsuyu's hesitation. She was not sure if she should reveal (Y/n)'s secret right now. But, in the end, she chose to. So, with another sigh, she revealed just why (Y/n) was doing all this. 

Tsuyu: "(Y/n) is doing all of this because..." [Sighs] "...Because he is trying to impress me."

Mineta: "Impress you?"

Tsuyu: [Turns to Mineta] "Yes. Impress me. It is what all the boys I have known do whenever I am around them. They use their Quirks and fancy words to flirt with me. (Y/n) is doing the exact same right now."

Mineta: "He... He is?"

Tsuyu: "Yes. It is quite obvious."

Such was stated from the frog-themed female as she turned back to look over the ledge toward the water, but instead of searching for (Y/n), she placed her gaze on her reflection below.

Tsuyu: [Sighs] "...I only wish this would just stop happening."

All Mineta could do was stare at the girl in confusion. But before he could get any answer to such confusion, his focus was soon drawn back to the water as the villains below came to a stop.

"Where is he?"

"I'm sure he dropped here."

"Well, where is he?"

That seemed to be the question on everyone's mind as they hovered in the water. No sign of (Y/n) could be seen whatsoever. It wasn't long, however, before they received a response. All it took was a bright green glow from below the water to capture the villain's attention.


The confused sound perfectly matched the look one villain carried as he looked down at the sight. Not long after a strange shape started to form within the bright light, but due to the water it was hard to say what it was. Slowly, after squinting his eyes, the villain moved his head closer to the water, but just as it was about to reach it, suddenly his eyes widened in shock. Something that didn't go unnoticed by his fellow criminals.

"Fuck! It's a--"

Before he could finish speaking, out of nowhere a giant shark head launched from the water, the unhinged jaws easily capturing the shocked villain's body whole. But it wasn't long before the shock passed on to the other villains present, however, that was no surprise. What other option of expression was one to make when a literal giant shark formed of green and black energy suddenly came launching from the water to swallow one of your teammates whole? Either way, the sight of this vicious creature flying into the air, revealing its entire body to the world around him, was easily enough to make the villains regret stepping foot in the deep depths.


That was the only reply one could give, but in the end, it was too late. As time caught up to the world around them, the nightmare shark quickly came back down to the water and smashed into the blue surroundings. The collision enough was able to cause a tidal wave that then proceeded to send every villain in the water to go flying in multiple directions.

But it didn't matter what they did. Whether it be allowing the water to push them further away from the scene, or swimming below to hopefully avoid this monster's wraith, nowhere was safe as this creature hunted them down one by one. All the while this happened as Mineta and Tsu watched on in complete horror at such a sight.

Mineta: "Shark?! A shark?! What is a shark doing here?!"

Tsuyu: "It does not look like any shark I have ever seen before."

Mineta: "Who cares, woman! It's a damn shark! Oh, we're so dead!"

It was as Mineta was having this panic attack, however, out of the corner of her eye, Tsu spotted a green blur slowly creep out from the water. All it took was a mere twist of her head to see that green blur was (Y/n), who slowly swam toward the boat. Heavy panting escaped through the mask that (Y/n) wore as he pushed his body through the water toward the boat.

A quick look over his shoulder to see the villains desperately swimming away in hopes of avoiding the shark (Y/n) had created with his Quirk was more than enough to bring about a satisfied sigh to the young boy. However, just as he was about to return to the boat, his eyes suddenly widened when he felt something wrap around his body.

But any caution he once felt was soon good when he looked up to see Tsu extending her tongue to lift him out of the water and back onto the boat. A few seconds later, the silent tint of (Y/n)'s knees made contact with the floor of the vehicle as Tsu's tongue set itself free from the filled the air. With (Y/n) removed his mask not long after.

(Y/n): [Panting] "Thanks... Again... Tsu..."

Tsuyu: "That's alright, (Y/n). I'll also have you know your advances were noticed by me."

(Y/n): "Oh? Um... Okay?"

He questioned with a raised eyebrow as he looked up at Tsu. Before he could get a response, however, his focus was cut off by Mineta screaming his name.

Mineta: "(Y/n)!"

The young boy shouted with tears falling from the side of his eyes as he dashed toward the aforementioned male and latching himself onto the side of his head as he continued to cry.

Mineta: "You're alright?! I can't believe it! I thought you were about to become that shark's food!"

(Y/n): "Heh... Fat chance about that."

Mineta: [Pulls back] "Huh? Are you not scared of the shark?"

(Y/n): "No. Not really. After all, I'm the one that made it."

Mineta: [Gasp] "You had sex with a shark?" [Mutters] "Is that even possible?"

(Y/n): "What?! No! I used my Quirk to make it!"

A look that clearly said 'Oh, that makes more sense' quickly found its way to Mineta's face. But as the young boy dealt with that, Tsu spoke out as she scratched her chin.

Tsuyu: "Your Quirk? Is your second Quirk able to create animals?"

(Y/n): "Uh, not really..."

He muttered as he got to his feet, scratching the back of his head as he did so. For a moment, (Y/n) was hesitant to reveal the actual powers of his original Quirk. But there was something he felt inside as he looked at Tsu and Mineta, who patiently waited for a response, that told him maybe telling his ability wouldn't be so bad. So, in the end, he did.

(Y/n): "...My Quirk, my original one, gives me the ability to construct nightmares."

Tsuyu: "Nightmares?"

Mineta: [Shivering] "Nightmares?"

The look of fear on Mineta's face was accompanied by the image of his greatest fear appearing in his mind... Girls with no boobs.

(Y/n): "I can create nightmares. Whether it be from my own mind, or the mind of others. But I have to touch them to release their nightmares."

Tsuyu: "So, that shark you created... It was your nightmare?"

(Y/n): "Uh..." [Chuckles Softly] "Let's just say I wasn't much of a fan of the beach when I was younger."

Enough seemed to suffice with Tsu and Mineta, who just nodded in response before the trio turned their focus back to the water around them where the gathered villains could still be seen swimming away as fast as they possibly could whilst being chased by the living nightmare. But, before Tsu and Mineta could witness the sight any further, their focus was quickly directed back to (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Alright. With them distracted, that'll give us the best chance we can to get away and find our way back to others. Tsu, you're pretty fast in the water, think you could give us a hand?"

Tsuyu: "Most definitely... *Ribbit*."

All it took was a mere nod from (Y/n) for the plan to go into action, and with the villain's preoccupied screams filling the air elsewhere, it meant (Y/n) had no obstacles in his path as he journeyed back to the centre of the building to take on those villains. But (Y/n), Tsu, and Mineta were not the only students who were forced a rough hand.

Elsewhere, all over USJ, countless other students could be seen fighting off villains of their own. However, unlike (Y/n), they were struggling to fend themselves off, despite their best attempts. Like currently, in the mountain zone, a girlish scream floods the air. However, it was soon revealed that such a scream was not coming from any of the girls that were teleported there. Instead, Kaminari was seen as the cause.


The screams came naturally to the blonde as he ducked underneath a punch from a villain before dashing through the dirt beneath him to race toward Yaoyorozu and Jiro, who both were gathered together with their backs placed up against a part of the mountain behind them.

Yaoyorozu: "Kaminari, gather yourself."

Kaminari: "Gather myself? Woman, I just saw my life flash before my eyes. I was a deep fryer at a fast food place..." [Panting] "...I had kids..." [Panting] "...And my wife was sleeping with the pool boy."

The last one was definitely enough to bring the attention of both females away from the villains and instead placed it on to their blonde-haired friend who currently stood at their side with his hands on his knees.

Jiro: "You've got issues, dude."

Kaminari: "Well, can you blame me? I almost got killed?"

Yaoyorozu: "No one will die today. Not if I have a say about it."

As he words came to an end, Yaoyorozu took the metal staff in her hands and launched forward. Managing to strike one villain in the forehead before spinning around and taking another villain out from under his own feet. As she did so, from behind, another villain charged her way. Yaoyorozu's eyes widened upon realizing this.

Before her fall could take place, however, Jiro came in with a sword and slammed it straight into the nose of the charging villain. All it took was a few seconds for him to tumble to the ground. Both girls standing in stride when they received a brief break from the oncoming villains. It was also at this point that Kaminari came running over.

Kaminari: "What the heck is up with these

guys? What's going on?"

Jiro: "Worry about that later. Focus."

Kaminari: "How can I focus when I don't have a weapon like you guys?" [Turns to them] "Speaking of which, how did you guys get weapons? It's not like there are any just lying around here."

Yaoyorozu: "I was able to use my Quirk to create them."

Kaminari: "Your Quirk can do that?! Well, if that's the case, creating some fucking guns so I can show my parents playing video games for hours isn't a waste!"

But both Yaoyorozu and Jiro seemed hesitant on that idea. The pair just stared blankly at Kaminari. In the end, nothing could come out of Kaminari's suggestion before the trio's combined gaze was once more directed to in front of them where over a dozen armed villains stood before them. Though that only caused Kaminari to panic even more.

Kaminari: "Come on! Come on! Give me a weapon too!"

Jiro: "You're the electric guy, aren't you?"

Kaminari: "Uh, yeah. That would be great, but news flash, I can only cover with electricity! I can discharge electricity, but not control it. If I do it, I'll hit you two, too. It's like, you know, the same as Todoroki!"

Yaoyorozu: "Then can you at least call for help?"

Kaminari: "I can't. Even if we wanted to call for help, there's interference jammin' the signal."

Jiro and Yaoyorozu could only shake their heads in dismay.

Kaminaro: "So listen you two. You can't count on me for this one. So I'll count on you instead!"

Jiro: "Geez. For a guy, he sure does whinge a lot."

Yaoyorozu: [Sighs] "Of course we had to get teleported with him."

Jiro: "If only we had someone like--"

Kaminari: "(Y/n)!"

Jiro: "Huh? Yeah... That'd be nice."

Yaoyorozu: "Indeed. He did do well in not only the exam, but in his one-on-one battle with Ka--"

Kaminaro: "No, not that! Look!"

It was at that moment that Yaoyorozu and Jiro opened their eyes and turned in the direction Kaminari's widened smile was facing. There, not too far away, the stoic figure of (Y/n) stood with Tsu and Mineta standing at his side. Soon enough the smiles of both girls grew ever so slightly, and they only continued to grow as they witnessed what was about to take place as one villain, braver than the rest, wielding a baton stepped out to have a proper look at the themed hero standing before him.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Well, would you look at this? Looks like someone wants to play the hero. Unfortunately for you lot, you're about as screwed as your friends are over there."

No response came from (Y/n). Instead, he just looked passed the villain to glance over at the others. Once (Y/n) gathered the information needed, he returned his darkened gaze back to the man standing before him. But again, he did not respond with words. Instead, the sudden action of his fist igniting in a wave of green and black chaotic energy did the talking for him.

"Oh? Ha! Ha! That's how you wanna play it, huh? Well then, I guess I'll have to show you that being a hero isn't what it's cut out to be--"

This time around (Y/n) did not wait for the villain to finish speaking before he took to action. Within a blink of an eye (Y/n) used his speed to dash forward, his fist drawing back in the process before unleashing a hellish uppercut that soon collided with the jaw of the villain. The man who once thought himself higher than (Y/n) was now shown his place as he was sent flying through the air before colliding into the side of the mountain they currently stood on. That one action was all it took for Tsu to jump in and begin taking out villains herself, as (Y/n)'s began his rampage. Seeing such a thing brought smiles to both Jiro and Yaoyorozu as they turned to one another.

Jiro: "Now that's what I'm talking about."

Yaoyorozu: "Perhaps now our chances have increased."

For a brief moment, the girls stood where they were and watched as (Y/n) walked through the crowd of villains. He did not pick up his speed more than needed to. Instead, there was no reason as he merely allowed his presence to draw the opponents toward him. Whether it be with weapons or Quirks, none phased (Y/n) as he blocked and countered all that came his way. Before then taking them out with a powerful bunch.

Jiro: [Turns to Kaminari] "See? Now that's more like it. (Y/n) isn't whining."

Kaminari: "Hey! I was not whining! I-I could help, but... I just can't, alright?"

Jiro: [Smirks] "Oh, I wouldn't say you can't. There's always a way to help."

Kaminari: "Oh, yeah? Like what?"

He stated with a smug smile with his hands placed on his hips. Before he could get a response, however, Jiro wasted no time in abruptly sending a kick to the side of Kaminari's body. As he was in the process of tumbling to the side, the boy cried his frustrations. That was until he was suddenly cut off as he bumped into something hard. All it took was for him to open his eyes and look up. The dry sensation in his mouth was quick to form when Kaminari's gaze came in contact with a wearing a blank singlet and a mask.

Kaminari: "Uh..." [Nervously chuckles] "S- Sorry about that." [Quickly turns to Jiro and yells] "What the hell do you expect me to do now?" 

Jiro: "I said you can help. Help by being a stun gun for me!" 

Kaminari: "A... A stun gun?"

The question left him curious momentarily. But his brain was forced to place the pieces together as he turned back to the villain only to be greeted by a wave of growls. Once more, a nervous chuckle sprang from his vocals. This time, it played out as Kaminari activated his Quirk. Immediately a powerful blast of yellow electricity surrounded his body, which in turn caused the strike to affect the villain's body as well. Though, in the end, only Kaminari came out unscathed as the villain's smoking body dropped to the ground. 

Kaminari: "I...It worked?" [Smiles] "It actually worked!" 

Jiro: "Of course it did. Now, stop whining and do some work."

Kaminari: "Don't worry! You two can count on me!"

With that everyone was on board to fight the villains, well, everyone except for Mineta. But as the small child tried his best to avoid the conflict, everyone else went full speed ahead in combating the threat they faced, showcasing the amazing abilities at hand. Whether it be Tsu jumping from villain to villain, leading them to smash into one another. Jiro, who entered the earphone jacks that hung from her ears into the side of her boots causing a powerful blast of sound to explode an oncoming boulder being tossed by a villain.

The sudden destruction caused the villain to lose his balance and bump into Kaminari, therefore getting electrocuted himself. It was at this moment that one villain managed to dodge the attack. A masked bandit wielding two daggers launched into the air, higher above the rest and seemingly headed straight for Jiro, only for Yaoyorozu to quickly construct a neat using her Quirk and tossed it at the villain. The metal wires doing enough to entrap his body, before ultimately causing him to also fall into Kaminari's trap. But it wasn't all fun and games, as the smile on Jiro's face quickly dropped upon seeing the strict appearance Yaoyorozu had on offer.

Yaoyorozu: "Both of you should be taking this more seriously."

Jiro: "Sorry. I thought it was a good idea at the time."

Yaoyorozu: "Yes, well, good idea or not. This is a real situation. We must take it seriously. Just like how--"

It was at this point that Yaoyorozu caught an interesting gaze out the corner of her eye. For just as she was speaking about taking the moment seriously, she saw no greater example than (Y/n) himself. Who, not too far away, could be seen sending punch after punch to the multitude of villains that came his way. Not only was it impressive to Yaoyorozu that (Y/n) was able to hold his own against such a plethora of enemies. But the way he took such a matter seriously, not choosing to joke like some would in the time, really stuck out to her.

It was as she witnessed this that her mind brought her back to earlier that day, when (Y/n) took her hand and pulled her toward the bus. Did he somehow know what was going on with her and Kaito? Or by chance did he sense something was off. Either way, whether (Y/n) knew or not, he definitely did make her day better in leading her toward the second bus. She'd be sure to thank him for that later. But right now, she'd choose to be just like (Y/n), and take this moment seriously. Though, as the young girl continued her fight, a noticeable smile was present on her lips at all times.

[Your POV]

If someone were to ask me how I'd think today would have gone upon waking up, I would have said it would be nothing but a normal boring school day, no doubt. But now as I lived in the moment, I could calmly say that this was nom boring day. I couldn't help but find a smile underneath my mask I fought off every person that came my way. But it was not out of my goal coming one step closer that brought about my smile.

But the fact that my dream, the dream I had locked away after that night, finally felt like it was becoming real. The dream to be a hero. And I wasn't alone in the matter. Offering a brief glance here and there, I witnessed the abilities of my fellow classmates. Whether it be Jiro, who could amplify and send her own explosive loud heartbeats from her body as a form of an attack. 

All she needed was to insert her plugs. It was with such an attack that she was able to take out multiple villains at once. But she wasn't alone. Soon by her side came Yaoyorozu, who used her Quirk to construct objects such as weapons and other items to use at her disposal. One such thing she created was a large tarp that formed from her back and got tossed into the air.

Yaoyorozu: "Everyone, quickly! Come to us!"

At first, I didn't know exactly why she'd create such a thing. But as the tarp came down to cover both herself and Jiro, I realized what plan the girls had in mind. I also realized that I needed to get to cover myself, and quickly.

(Y/n): "Tsu! Mineta! Quickly! Get to Yaoyorozu!"

Thankfully the others didn't need to know what was going on to go for cover. Within seconds Tsu and Mineta were once more by my side as he dashed passed villains and rushed for the tarp Jiro held open for us. In a final motion, I launched my feet forward and skidded against the dirt, managing to duck under the tarp along with the others just in time. Once done, Jiro dropped the tarp and yelled out for Kaminari.

It turns out the 'tarp' was actually an insulation sheet 100 millimetres thick, which meant it was pretty much immune to electricity. When Kaminari heard such, he didn't hold back. The feeling of the electricity coursing through the ground could definitely be felt around us. But not one bit of pain was felt, well, for us, anyway. The screams of the villains who were basically getting cooked like pieces of meat on a barbeque said otherwise.

It only lasted a few seconds, but that was all it took for Kaminari to get the job done. Once we were able to, I lifted the insulation sheet up and allowed the others to step out. As we did so, the sight of the villain's bodies standing perfectly still as smoke rose up from their flesh was something of a welcome sight. At least, if I couldn't use my Quirk on them, maybe this would give them a good idea that doing evil pays in the end.

Kaminari: "I... I did it? Ha! Ha! I actually did it!" [Turns to you] "You see that, (Y/n)! I did it, and so quickly! It was only like, what? Five seconds?! I'm so cool!"

(Y/n): [Pulls mask back] "HaHa...You know, uh... That's the first time I've heard a guy be so happy that he was able to finish something in five seconds."

Kaminari: "Huh? What are you--"

But Kaminari's confusion did not last for much longer as all it took was for him to turn around to see the restrained chuckles from not only myself, but Jiro and Mineta as well.

Kaminari: [Glares] "Seriously, dude? You're gonna do me like that after I just saved the day?"

(Y/n): [Holds Up Hands] "Hey, man, I didn't say anything." [Mutters] "Where's Bakugo when you need someone to laugh at your jokes?"

Probably off-punching something, like always. However, before I could even start picturing what that thing he was punching was, the attention of everyone was soon shifted behind us when the voice of Yaoyoroyzu sounded as she stepped out from under the sheet.

Yaoyorozu: "(Y/n), others, thank you for the help, it is greatly appreciated. Now then, with that out of the way, I think our best option is to--"

However, none of us, and I mean, none of us were focused on anything Yaoyorozu was saying. Not to be rude, but mainly due to the fact that it seemed, whilst we all got out of the fight unscathed, Yaoyorozu's costume could not be said to be the same. As now,clear as day, certain areas on her body, including her chest were exposed for the world to see.

If it wasn't for the smoke in the air that covered her chest, myself, Tsu, Jiro, Kaminari, and unfortunately, Mineta, would have been given front-row seats to Yaoyorozu's breasts. However, it appeared as if Yaoyorozu was not yet informed of the wardrobe malfunction that was going on. As she just stared at us in confusion.

Yaoyorozu: "What's the matter?"

(Y/n): "Um, well..."

Jiro: "Your clothes just got super punk!"

Tsu: "You are showing us all your boobs."

Mineta would have made a response, but he was far too busy using all the breath in his body in an attempt to blow away the smoke. However, before he could reach such a goal, all attempts were cut off instantly when I placed my mask onto his head, making sure to have the back of it in the same direction as his face so he couldn't see anything.

Once the I was certain he wasn't able to remove it I quickly proceeded to lift my gaze to the sky above as I approached Yaoyorozu, removing the tattered yellow scarf that hung around my neck. Unfortunately, with my mask used to keep the pervert at bay, it meant it was up to me to make sure the blush on my face didn't come out too much.

(Y/n): [Blushing] "Uh, here! I, um... I hope this will help keeping your, um... Mineta's a pervert and we really don't need another thing to worry about."

Yaoyorozu: "Huh?" [Looks down and realizes] "Oh! Don't worry, I can fix them."

I wasn't exactly sure what she meant by that as I was still hesitant to look down. But after a few seconds passed I finally managed the courage to do so to see that, whilst the costume was repaired, like before, it still did not leave much to the mind in the form of wondering what was going on underneath.

(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Bakugo was right. She does basically show her boobs..." [Sighs] "Why do I have a feeling he'll somehow find out about this?"

Though I guess only time can tell for that. So once Yaoyorozu's wardrobe situation was fixed I quickly turned around, reattached the scarf around my neck and made my way passed the others. As I did so, I pulled the mask off Mineta's head and quickly placed it back onto my own in hopes it'd keep any nerves that remained on my face to be kept hidden. Unfortunately, little did any of us know, the fight here was not yet over. For all over USJ, the students of Class 1-A were being tasked with the fight of their young lives.

Countless villains of all different types and varieties all came together in hopes of defeating us and drawing out All Might. In the end, I didn't know if he was even going to show up. But whether he did or not, it didn't matter. The very reason I came to this school was to gather the title of a hero. But when it mattered, title or not, I wouldn't just stand by and let villains run their mouths. Sooner or later they will taste defeat, and in the end, they will all learn to fear. But no matter who you are, no matter what power you have. Fear... Is what everyone shares.

[And there we have another chapter done. It's 1:30 in the morning right now so I hope this action-packed finish to this chapter was to your liking. The next chapter will be even better, I just know it! So, if you're keen on that, feel free to vote and comment. Because the next chapter only gets better from here. With more fights! More heroes! More Kaito! And of course, more cool scenes to showcase why the girls like the reader, oh, yeah! So if you're excited about that, be sure to stay tuned, because in the next week (Possibly Thursday to make up for the late upload this week) I plan to bring you all a banger of a chapter! So, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope to see you all next week!]

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