[...Okay...Something I want to say before we get into this chapter. I asked a question on my conversation board the other day about out of my books, how would my followers rank them. Anywho, one person who ranked them gave some reasoning behind his choices. And for ANTI-HERO he said it felt a little slow. And honestly... I completely agree with that. Especially for this arc. It's taken quite a few chapters and during that time the book has fallen off.
And it makes me not want to write it sometimes. Now, the reason why I'm bringing all of this up is because I'm going to try something different once this arc is finished! Which should be done after chapter 32. Basically, I want to bring a more fast-paced approach in a way that hopefully makes it stick well, whilst not feeling rushed in the sense it ruins the story. So, yeah, a new approach to get excited for. Cool? Alright, well, in that case... Let's get into the chapter, and quite possibly, the final one for this very long arc]
[Your POV]
Chaos. That was the one word that ran through my mind as I launched from roof to roof above the carnage that had been brought to the streets down below. From this height up, I was able to see the walls of flames that blocked off this part of the city from the rest of Tokyo. And with the flooding of smoke from those flames, the bright lights from the stars above began to fade. It seemed like all was already lost in this sudden attack from an enemy I had yet to face.
But I didn't waver in my conviction to find the person responsible for this mess...and stop him. In the few minutes, it took from me to leave Gran Torino with the passengers on the derailed train, to using the feats of One For All to maneuver through the city as quickly as I could, I realized full well that this battle was one step up from the attack at USJ. There were innocent people here. Plenty of casualties could, and have, happened because of this.
And with the sighting of that Nomu who attacked the train, it was fair to say that the person behind it was that man with the decayed hand covering his face. Whoever he was, and however he created such vile monsters, in the end, it didn't matter. Because at the end of the day, he was a human just like the rest of us. And as I've come to understand lately, all of us fear, the only thing going for me is... I knew how to use that fear as a weapon.
[3rd Person POV]
As the thoughts of stopping Shigaraki flooded through (Y/n)'s mind, the young boy continued to use the energy of One For All currently circulating through his legs to launch from a building rooftop to a street sign, to anything he could use to keep up this fast momentum.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Gotta keep moving. Gotta go faster. I know he's around here somewhere. I can't just let him get away with all of this. After all, I gave him one chance to run away, this time around, no one's running from shi--"
Out of nowhere, (Y/n)'s entire thought process was thrown off when something large, and strong, launched out of nowhere to tackle the young hero out of midair. The entire instance went down so quickly that before a grunt from the sudden contact could escape his lips, an entire groan of pain came crashing from the bottom of his stomach as his body was sent into the side of a parked car placed on the opposite side of the street.
The rumbling sound occurred simultaneously with (Y/n)'s body smashing into the front driver's side door. The entire door, and the surrounding area of the car immediately imploded, creating quite the dint that (Y/n) had a feeling wouldn't buff out so easily. But the damage of the car was the last thing on (Y/n)'s mind as he struggled to gather his thoughts in one place. After all, he had so much to think about.
Where was Shigaraki? What had just attacked him? Were there any other people around who could also be hurt by that thing? And how many of his ribs were currently broken? Because going off the surge of pain that came from around that area as he barely lifting his back off the crushed pieces of metal that once made up the driver's side of the car, (Y/n) knew something was broken.
(Y/n): "...Argh... Shit! What was that...?"
He grumbled to himself as he finally managed to get his entire body free from the destroyed car, allowing his knees to crash into the hard road beneath him. With the stabilization of his gloved hands, (Y/n) remained in this dog-like position on all fours for a moment. But his head was suddenly forced upward when the sound of something incredibly heavy stomping on the ground and growing closer to his position echoed in the air. Fragily lifting his head, (Y/n) was greeted by the...face...Of yet another Nomu.
In the few seconds of silence that followed as (Y/n) eyed this monster of a Nomu, (Y/n) realized three things. The main one being, in the instance, he couldn't really say whether he was looking at the creature's face. As it wasn't so much 'face', but more so... Brain. It was definitely an uncomforting sight, only added on by (Y/n)'s second observation. This Nomu was definitely more muscular than the one he had defeated before. He was even hesitant to believe a combined punch of both his Quirks would be able to do enough damage.
Meaning another round of Un-Nightmare States of Smash was pretty much off the table. Such brought (Y/n) to his final observation... Shit was about to get real! And if it wasn't already made known before, it most definitely was when the Nomu began to further approach (Y/n)'s position pressed up against the car. Despite the Nomu's current position being in the centre of the street, with its size, it'd take no more than four steps before he'd come into reaching range of the little grin nightmare bunny. That meant (Y/n) didn't exactly have a whole lot of time to come up with a plan.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Alright, come on! Think, (Y/n)! What's the best way to bring this guy down?"
But no thoughts came his way. All (Y/n) could think about was how a single step from this beast was enough to make visible imprints in the solid ground beneath his feet. So it wasn't hard to imagine what that could do to his head if left in a vulnerable position again.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Come on! Think, brain! I need something! Argh... If only Izuku was here. He'd know how to take down something this big with ease!"
"If you can't beat it with punches, try keeping it in one place! Trap it so it can't escape!"
(Y/n): "Huh?!"
Immediately (Y/n)'s focus was pulled away from the Nomu as the sudden voice entered the air. At first, (Y/n) thought it was Izuku speaking to him. But a quick look around showed that the voice had come from a slightly overweight man wearing an All Might shirt who was currently cowering behind a postbox on the sidewalk just to the side of (Y/n). The man, despite being afraid, seemed happy enough to help (Y/n). But fear quickly stormed on his face when he realized not only had he drawn (Y/n)'s attention his way, but also the Nomu's. But just as the Nomu began to move, causing the cowering man to fall backwards, flat on his ass on the sidewalk, (Y/n) jumped into action.
(Y/n): "Oh, no you don't!"
Quickly, (Y/n) used the enhanced energy of One For All still registered into his legs to quickly launch off the ground and jump between the sight of the Nomu and the scared civilian. In the split of a second, as time slowed down enough, (Y/n) then activated One For All in his right fist and sent a clean strike right across the creature's jaw. Of course, the attack did nothing other than forcefully causing the Nomu to look away. But that's all (Y/n) needed to get its focus back on him and away from any innocents. At this moment, time picked back up, with (Y/n) returning to his feet in the centre of the road and turning toward the citizen in the same process.
(Y/n): "Thanks for your help, man. Now, quick! Get out of here whilst I take care of this guy!"
The citizen quickly goes to run away, however, he noticeably pauses before completing a single step, allowing him to fluently turn back to (Y/n) with a finger raised and a nervous smile on his face.
"Um...Quick question. Would I be able to get your Hero name? It's just, I've never seen you before, and if you somehow manage to survive this fight, I-It'd be kinda cool to say I was the first person you saved--"
"Right! Nevermind!... I'LL ASK LATER!!!"
All (Y/n) could do as he watched this over-the-top hero fanboy run away in the distance, was question if Izuku would have been like that if he got older. (Y/n) was suddenly pulled from such thoughts, however, when out the corner of his eye he spotted the clenched fist, one the size of his head, from the Nomu heading straight for him. Thankfully, with his quick reflexes, and a stroke of luck, (Y/n) managed to avoid the attack. But the street did not.
A small cloud of dust launched into the air upon the Nomu's fist smashing into the ground. As this happened, (Y/n) quickly began looking around for something he could use to trap and imprison the Nomu. But that was easier said than done. Especially when a creature with such strength seemed able to escape from any prison imaginable. At least... That's what (Y/n) thought before his eyes caught hold of something. In doing so, an idea came to mind. One that would be risky, and one that no heroes with licences would like. But honestly, in a moment like this... Who gave a fuck about licences. So with that, (Y/n) jumped into action. Quickly going about making his plan a reality.
As for the Nomu, after a few seconds, and a rather obvious sound of metal clanging in the distance somewhere, the creature proceeded to use its massive hand to swipe away the smoke in front of him. Now, whilst it most certainly did clear the air, allowing him to see the cause of the earlier noise, whether the Nomu would have changed that if given a second chance was put up into the air when the first thing he saw upon clearing the air was the blunt end of a metal spear-shaped shard heading right for his face. Though, instead of actually plunging it through its head, it was instantly plunged right through the left shoulder of the creature.
The person behind the attack, (Y/n), using all his might that once it was stabbed straight through the black flesh of the Nomu's shoulder, he continued to push until it not only allowed half the spear to go through his shoulder but that the end that was free on the other side, also plunged as deep as it could into the rocky ground of the road behind the creature. It didn't take much longer for the sight of the Nomy, forcefully bent backwards slightly, struggling to stand back up due to the metal spear keeping his body in place. And just to make sure it'd stay that way, a simple leap about five meters off the ground followed from (Y/n). The destination appeared to be landing behind the Nomu.
But as he traversed the body of the beast, the part of the spear (Y/n) originally held on to stab it through the Nomu's shoulder, was twisted and turned in a way that his opposite couldn't just simply rip it free of his body. This meant the Nomu was left in that position. Left slightly bent backward, kept in place due to the metal spear plunged through his shoulder. And whilst (Y/n) knew this gave the creature no pain, the mere fact it kept him in place long enough that he could do the process again was all that mattered. So that's what (Y/n) did. Using various ripped-off parts from the car he crashed into earlier; mixed with the added speed of One For All; (Y/n) was able to create a makeshift prison for the monster.
One after the other he'd stab various shards of the car through the body of the Nomu. Whether that be his opposite shoulder, his hands, feet, or knees. Any place where there seemed to be movement, (Y/n) sent a shard of metal straight through it in order to bring the Nomu to a halt. Of course, the Nomu wouldn't just allow this to happen. But whenever it went to strike back, all (Y/n) needed to do was send a punch or kick the way of the creature to stun it long enough to plunge the next piece of metal through its body. And before long, the process was done. The Nomu was practically put on display in the middle of the street, unable to move due to all it's appendages being forced to remain in place.
Though, there was one final spot left free. The creature's head. The large brain that made up the front of the Nomu's skull shifted with each movement that came from the neck. Clearly, it was trying to free itself. Something that probably could have been avoided if the creature was more smarter than strong. But it was thanks to that fact, that (Y/n) stopped it in its tracks. But to properly make sure this creature wouldn't hurt anyone, (Y/n) needed to finish it off. So, with a final shard of metal in hand, and an open spot right in the centre of its skull, (Y/n) launched into the air with One For All. As he did, he pulled back the shard of metal, ready to strike his final shot when suddenly...
(Y/n): "Huh?!"
Suddenly turning his gaze away from the Nomu just as the voice flooded the air, out of nowhere, a flash of bright orange flames abruptly appeared before (Y/n)'s eyes. In an instant, the flames completely swallowed the body of the Nomu. The bright light emitted from the flames so strong that (Y/n) was forced to cover his eyes with his hand.
However, with the sudden attack coming as he was already in the process of heading towards the now burning Nomu, (Y/n) was forced to activate One For All and kick off the side of his right leg to narrowly avoid getting burned himself. This, however, caused (Y/n)'s wayward body to instead go crashing into the brick wall of a store positioned along the sidewalk.
(Y/n): "ARGH!"
As the sharp groan escaped his mouth, with his hurt body slowly rising to his knees for the second time in the span of a few minutes, (Y/n) prepared himself to shift his gaze in the direction the vast flames came from. And despite already carrying a potential idea at the cause of such, his theories were soon confirmed altogether when the sound of a familiar voice entered the air. A voice he hadn't heard since the Sports Festival...
"I was looking for the Hero Killer...But this guy's timing was bad."
(Y/n): [Eyes Widen] "...No way..."
"...And so was yours."
Before (Y/n) had even turned his head, he knew the voice was directed on him. Even so, he still couldn't hold back the shock that sprung through his body when his eyes finally landed on the source of the powerful flames themselves. The hero most known for fire. The Number Two ranked out of all mask wearers.
(Y/n): "...Endeavor?"
The name fell from (Y/n)'s lips as his lifted gaze reached Endeavor's. The two with shared history taking in the silence. But whilst both said nothing, their brains were rushing into overdrive. For Endeavor, he thought back to the Sports Festival, where he as surprisingly delivered a powerful punch by (Y/n). Something that seemingly came out of nowhere during the end of the young boy's match with Todoroki. When (Y/n)'s body came flying from the cloud of smoke created by Todoroki's fire Quirk.
The young boy launched forward with no restraint as his fist collided with the Number Two Heroes chest high in the grandstand. But whereas most saw this as a simple accident, (Y/n) knew otherwise... Hence whilst Endeavor simply saw (Y/n) as the boy who somehow didn't know how to control a punch, (Y/n) himself knew full well how much control he had. Especially given how he wanted to do simply more than a punch to the face of the fire-based hero.
After all, (Y/n) knew exactly what Endeavor had done to Todoroki and the rest of his family as kids. How he only had children in the first place because he wanted an heir to be stronger than All Might. The abuse and destruction he brought onto his wife and kids, all made clear to (Y/n) by the use of his 'Fear Third' technique. Such memories--No, nightmares--that flooded into his mind that day had haunted him since. And he was only reminded of such right now as his rising body faced off against the man who called himself a hero.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Stain is a monster. Who brings about his own sense of justice on to people he believes don't deserve the name 'hero'. Normally, I would scoff at such ideals from a man with his deranged mind. But as I stand here now, I can't help but to agree with him..."
The high flames that engulfed the Nomu continue to rise in the background, giving an effective source of light to the face-off (Y/n) and Endeavor currently shared. And though their heights varied immensely. That didn't seem to stop (Y/n) from glaring up at the man through his mask.
Endeavor: "You're the boy from my Shoto's classroom, correct?"
(Y/n): "I'm surprised you're speaking to me as if you have no idea who I am. Especially going off how you approached me when we first met."
"It is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might."
"His match with you will be a very instructive test bed..."
"...Please don't disgrace yourself in it."
The words Endeavor said to (Y/n) in that hallway within the arena the Sports Festival was held in relayed itself to (Y/n)'s mind with ease. Only further adding to the fire that was built up inside of him from all the other emotions he held towards the older man.
Endeavor: "Whatever I said to you in the past, I stand by it. After all, may I remind you that you were the one to punch me that day. So you might want to drop that anger in your eyes, boy."
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Get a load of this guy. He should be in a bottomless pit for what he did to Todoroki and the rest of his family. I should tell him I know, but..."
But the idea of throwing more turmoil into Todoroki's life seemed to be an unfair, and selfish matter, for (Y/n) to do. So he kept his mouth shut from revealing any such information, and instead moved onto the current matter.
(Y/n): "...What are you doing here?"
Endeavor: "The city is in disarray. It's a hero's duty to bring peace."
(Y/n): "I meant right now. I didn't need your help taking down that Nomu."
Endeavor: "Is that so?"
The uncertain tone in his voice was soon given more light when Endeavor turned his gaze back to the imprisoned burning Nomu. As he did, (Y/n) followed shortly. But in doing so, he came to understand why Endeavor was speaking in such a tone that didn't seem very confident. Mainly due to the fact that the aforementioned burning Nomu, whilst burning, was not so much imprisoned anymore.
Such was revealed by the fact the Nomu had now stopped trying to lift his arms free from the metal shards implanted in the ground, he instead went to remove the metal shards from the ground as his main focus. Something that was beginning to work, as with each strong movement from the Nomu's arms and legs, his body continued to rise higher and higher, allowing himself to basically be a walking monster with metal spikes coming out of all his appendages.
Endeavor: "I heard you fought one of these things before at USJ, I would have expected you to realize something like this wouldn't hold such a vile creature for long."
(Y/n): "Maybe it would have worked if you let me send one last one through its head, instead of trying to turn me into a S'more!"
Immediately, (Y/n) got the sense Endeavor didn't like the younger boy arguing back at him. Such became obvious by the grinding of his teeth he slightly showcased as he held back his anger. The narrowing of his eyes a few seconds later laid way for the hero's next sentence.
Endeavor: "Why are you here in this city?"
(Y/n): "It's internship time at U.A.. So I'm interning..."
Endeavor: "From what I heard, you were interning under Mirko. But after you were attacked by the Hero Killer, you resigned from learning under her. You should be back at U.A. by now."
(Y/n): "Maybe I'm not done with this part of the city yet?"
Endeavor: "And why would that be? Want to have another round with the Hero Killer who went after you? That wouldn't be very wise, Kid."
(Y/n): "Well, if we're calling him a 'Hero Killer'; I guess that must mean I have a free second round with him, huh? Seeing as, you know, I'm not dead or anything!"
Back and forth the pair went with their exchanges. It was clear, despite how disrespectful it was in Japan for youngsters to speak back against their superiors, that (Y/n) didn't give two shits about what he said to Endeavor. As for Endeavor himself, he found it rather irritating that a kid would even get in the way of heroes. And with the sight of the burning Nomu slowly continuing to free himself from the spikes implanted into the road in the background, (Y/n) was doing more than just distracting him from helping innocent people. Such caused the frustration to continue to arise within Endeavor, showcased by the clenched fist at his side. But before he did anything physically to remove (Y/n) from the scene, he was interrupted by the voice of Gran Torino.
Gran Torino: "Oh! There you are, (Y/n)! Haha! I thought you ran off on me."
As soon as (Y/n) recognised the voice, and the strange way in which it sounded rather... Happy, (Y/n) quickly turned his head, along with Endeavor, to land his gaze on the approaching Gran Torino. Who, just as the tone suggested, was smiling. Which didn't make much sense to (Y/n) as Gran Torino wasn't really much for smiling.
Gran Torino: "Oh, these young heroes today, real eager to make a name for themselves." [Chuckles; Looks up at Endeavor] "...Wouldn't you say so?"
Just like that Endeavor released his clenched fist at the arrival of Gran Torino.
Endeavor: [Sighs] "...You would be right in that regard." [Turns to Gran Torino] "I know not who you are, honoured elder, but I suggest you and this...young one... leave the rest to me. I shall handle this monster embedded by flames."
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Boy, is he talking about the Nomyu, or himself--" [Realizes] "Hang on! Wait a minute! As if I'm going to just leave this to--"
Gran Torino: "Of course! Of course! Haha! All the best!"
(Y/n): [Turns to Gran Torino] "Huh?! You're not serious about--"
Before (Y/n) could continue, his arm was suddenly grabbed by Gran Torino. In doing so, the older man proceeded to pull (Y/n) down to his height and began whispering into the ear of the young boy.
Gran Torino: "You came here to fight Stain, did you not? Leave this monster to the Pros."
(Y/n): "B-But I can't just walk away from--"
Gran Torino: "In this case, you can. There are heroes here to handle it. Besides, if you don't hurry up now, Stain is going to get away."
(Y/n): "But I don't even know where Stain is!"
Gran Torino: "Then you best get searching, rookie!"
...Gran Torino was right. Searching was all he could do. And he couldn't do it whilst facing off with Endeavor. Even as much as (Y/n) wanted to make this monster among men pay for the pain he put onto such young children, he held back, offering nothing more than a final glare in the direction for the Fire Hero before turning back to Gran Torino with a simple nod. The next thing (Y/n) knew, he was back to jumping from rooftop to rooftop, leaving Gran Torino to accompany Endeavor in dealing with the Nomu who had now completely freed himself from the ground.
[Your POV]
--A Few Minutes Later--
Chaos. That was the one word that ran through my mind as I launched from roof to roof above the carnage that had been brought to the streets down below. From this height up, I was able to see the walls of flames that blocked off this part of the city from the rest of Tokyo. And with the flooding of smoke from those flames, the bright lights from the stars above began to fade. It seemed like all was already lost in this sudden attack from an enemy I had yet to face.
The only difference to earlier when I thought this exact same thing, was now I was starting to wonder if I'd even manage to find Stain amongst all this chaos. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. Or in this case, a source of carnage amongst an even wider source of carnage. It didn't help that whilst I searched for Stain, in the back of my mind, I had the worry about the guy who attacked USJ being somewhere nearby, watching all this horror go down before his very eyes. But I couldn't focus on him now... I had other matters to deal with. I just wish they weren't so hard to complete.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "The centre of the commotion is where it all started."
I knew as much because that's the direction everyone was currently running away from.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "But what's with this Nomu? I was shocked to find one of them here, but two?!"
It left me worried that there were more out there. And with more out there, that meant more potential harm on people. And with heroes being scattered all over the place, how will they properly be able to handle this rampaging force?
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "If they've all got crazy strength like the one in USJ, one even All Might struggled against, how can heroes that aren't as strong take care of them without people getting hurt? It won't just be Gran Torino and Endeavor who are in trouble--the whole city will be!"
So much ran through my head in one fatal swing to the point I didn't know what to concentrate on. Stain? Iida? The Nomu's? Or the mysterious attacker who brought them here? There was so much that I didn't know what to do. What to think! I just needed to focus on one thing!
...And then it came to me in the form of an unknown voice in the distance.
"Tenya! Tenya, where did you go?!"
(Y/n): "Huh?"
Immediately, my head shifted in a sharp left direction. Seconds later, my gaze faced down a short alleyway that led to the next street over. In the seconds it took for me to turn my head, it took only a few extra for me to launch off the street pole I was perched on, and catapult myself onto the ground at the entrance of the alleyway closest to the next street over. But as his feet made contact with the cold ground, (Y/n)'s eyes were almost forced open in shock when he saw a large bus seemingly fall from the sky and smash into an abandoned car in the middle of the street. Instantly, time slowed down as a powerful explosion went off from the sudden contact.
One which caused (Y/n) to cover his face with an arm from the bright light that came with it. But only a few seconds later did the cause for it all finally appear, as the lifeless body of an unknown hero fell at his feet after being launched from the distance. Lifting his head, (Y/n) saw what he feared in the moment. Yet another Nomu could be seen busily fighting off a trio of heroes who were attacking it. Unlike the prior two, this Nomu had wings perking from his back, with a long neck allowing his head to extend outward.
Finished off with a strange gas mask covering the part where his mouth would be to make his design unique compared to the others. But something that this Nomu shared with the others was its undeniable strength. Which was put on show as with the creature's long arms, fluently whacked away two more heroes, as another jumped onto its back. It was as these two heroes also struck the ground, that reinforcements from the side came in to check on them, whilst others began preparing fire extinguishers to take out the flames. One of these heroes just so happened to be 'Normal Hero: 'Manuel'. The hero Iida had been interning under.
Manuel: "Argh! Where did you choose to run off at a time like this, Tenya!"
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "What? Iida ran off? At a time like this? He'd never do something like that when people could be hurt--Unless..."
"Hey, kid! You're in the way!"
(Y/n): "Huh?"
Turning to my left, I saw a female hero in a green and white striped suit with a red scarf around her neck standing in front of me, the only thing blocking off my sight of the carnage going on. Just as my eyes took in her appearance, she abruptly turned to glare at me.
"I said you're in the way! Get out of here!"
(Y/n): "Uh--"
"Someone! Someone, please, help us!"
"Help us, heroes!"
At that very moment, the sound of two children crying for help flooded the air. A plethora of different gazes turned in the direction, including my own and the female hero in front of me. When we all finally reached the origin point, the sight of two kids trapped in the back of a red car could be seen. The front of the vehicle had been completely crushed by shrapnel from the earlier explosion, whilst the back doors seemed unable to be opened from the inside. The situation was only made much worse when about twenty meters away, two older people, who were currently being held back by a pair of heroes, could be seen screaming in the same direction.
Woman: "Please! My babies! Someone help them!"
Man: "I need to go back for them! They couldn't get out before you pulled us away!"
The man tried to storm back toward the car, but the heroes who had seemingly rescued them before could now be seen keeping them in place.
Unknown Hero #1: "No! No! You can't go back! It is too dangerous for you!"
Unknown Hero #2: "Don't worry! I'll go get them for you!"
Without hesitation, the shirtless muscular hero with horns on his head dashed toward the car with the trapped kids. However, he was abruptly blocked off from going any further when the Nomu with wings suddenly dropped down in front of him.
Before the hero could even comprehend the situation he was in, the winged creature suddenly swung down his arm towards him, like an ax cutting through wood. Thankfully, this hero carried enough strength that bringing his arms into an 'X' formation was enough to hold off the attack. But with continued pressure from the Nomu, it became obvious he wasn't moving any time soon.
Unknown Hero #2: "...Argh...I-I can't move...Someone else needs to get the kids out of here..."
Woman: "My kids! Someone needs to save them!"
The woman's cries were soon followed by more fearful screams from the trapped kids. Before long, their voices were the only thing that could be heard in the air. It was such a frightening, and realistic nightmare, that it caused a lot of heroes who were in the process of checking up on their injured own, or taking care of the fire with extinguishers and fire hydrants, to pause and truly take in the moment. One of these heroes was the female with the red scarf in front of me.
She was left to just stand there and take in the image of the crying children trapped in the backseat of their car, unable to move due to the nightmarish nature of the scene. Luckily for everyone here...I knew a thing or two when it came to nightmares. Such soon was made known when a green blur dashed by the side of the female hero. It didn't take her long to figure out who was running towards the car. And that it was something no one else was doing.
Female Hero: "Hey! You can't just run in there!"
But I didn't respond. I didn't have time to. For with each second that passes with those kids screaming for help, it reminds me of the night my Mother did the same thing. And unlike back then, where all I could do was stand and watch in horror, now I could do something different. I wasn't going to let a single second get away from me stopping another family from going through the horror I did. So I ignored the voice of the woman. I ignored all the voices of the heroes around me that told me not to recklessly charge in.
Manuel: "Hey! Who is that guy?! It's too dangerous to just run in like that!"
Female Hero: "I tried telling him that! He wouldn't listen!"
Of course, I didn't. Why would I listen when I didn't have the time to listen? I wasn't being reckless now. I knew that because whether they were reckless or not, it didn't matter. Because any obstacle that dares to come my way right now, well, simply put... They'd be the only reckless ones around here. Such a thought gave me the confidence to keep pushing until I finally came to a stop in front of the only thing left blocking me from freeing these kids. I didn't hesitate to try and open the backdoor, but when it didn't work, I realized this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.
Add in the fact that with the front completely crushed by debris, I only had one option left. I knew a punch of One For All would break the hinges of this door. The only problem was, with me not having entire control of it still, I wasn't sure if a single punch on the hinges would simply cause the door to come off easily, or outright crush this side of the car. It got me worried for the people inside. A feeling that only grew worse when I lifted my gaze to see the frightened looks of the two kids curled up next to one another inside the backseat of the car.
Their bloodshot eyes, brought on by constant crying, immediately reminded me of Izuku when he was young. People often called him a crybaby because he cried easily. But me... I simply saw that as him being the sweet and loving person that he really was. Even at that age. So seeing these kids show their own shades of emotion, I knew even more now I couldn't fail them like I did Izuku. This was my time to show Izuku that I had become strong. Strong like him. That even through all these years, I had taken his death as a means to become better. Just like he did...
(Y/n): "I need you guys to get as far back from this door as you can, okay? I'm going to get you out of here, but first, you need...to..."
My words fell short, however, when I saw that the expression on the faces of these two kids wasn't the joy of seeing a hero. It was fear... of seeing a nightmare. It truly made me realize in this moment, despite my urge to bring fear into the criminals and scum of this world, that that use of fear could backfire, and bring about a wave of emotions onto the innocence I come across when I put on this mask. Because that's what I saw right now. Fear of the innocent. The way these two boys clung to one another tightly.
Even more so than when they were surrounded by just Nomu's, brought out a wave of doubt over me. One that made me question the path I was taking. I didn't want to make them afraid, but I still wanted to use the fear of this world against the wrong in it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised they couldn't understand something like that. They were kids. They could get scared even by their own shadow being in the shape of some monster. So, in this moment, I was brought to a standstill. I needed them to move back so I could use One For All.
But they wouldn't listen to a single thing coming from something they were scared of. This left me with only one thing left to do. So as fire continued to burn in the background, and the fierce noises of fighting going on amongst heroes and Nomu's, I decided to block it all out of my mind. To clear it of all distorted noise and thoughts. Allowing myself to be able to speak from the heart, to relate to the fear inside of these children, as I pulled my mask back over my head so they could see that amongst all this horror going on... I wasn't the one to be scared of.
(Y/n): [Sighs: Smiles] "...Look! It's okay! I'm not a monster! I'm a hero, okay? Just a normal hero..."
Older Boy: [Cautiously] "You're...You're a hero...?"
Younger Boy: [Excitedly] "Like the ones on TV?!"
The complete difference in approach to my sentence comedically showcased the different age gaps between the two. Despite both being below the age of ten, the older of the pair definitely seemed more mature.
(Y/n): "Um, well, I-I haven't been on TV yet, but, uh...Yeah! I'm like the heroes on TV! But I need your guy's help, okay? I need you to get as far away from this door so I can get you out and back to your Mom and Dad. Can you do that for me?"
Again, the age difference between the two siblings showcased themselves instantly. The older brother seemed hesitant but knew he had to do it. As for the younger brother, he was just excited to help a hero, and completely forgot about all the scary stuff going on outside. But if it meant saving them was easier, I'd gladly accept it as such. So once the boys agreed to what I had said, they quickly made sure they were pressed up against the backseat door on the opposite side of the car as possible, allowing me a bit of rest in worrying about screwing the next step up.
(Y/n): [Sighs and Mumbles] "Come on, (Y/n)... You can do this... Just remember your training with Gran Torino..."
[3rd Person POV]
--A Few Days Earlier | The Alleyway Next To Gran Torino's Home--
Gran Torino: "--Normally when placing a Quirk onto someone like All Might did to you, their body will struggle to comprehend all this sudden surge of power. Luckily for you, your body was already used to stuff like that due to you already having a Quirk."
(Y/n): "Which means...?"
Gran Torino: "It means your body is able to comprehend the sudden surge of power coming through it when you activate One For All So your body doesn't break when using it."
(Y/n): "Break?!"
Immediately (Y/n)'s eyes exploded open as he turned to Gran Torino with a face full of shock.
(Y/n): "What do you mean by 'break'?! All Might never said anything about my body brea--"
Gran Torino: "--However!"
(Y/n): "H-Huh?"
Gran Torino: "Just because your body can handle One For All without breaking, doesn't mean you're using it right. After watching you use it, I've come to realize your body is too stiff when using the Quirk."
(Y/n): "Stiff?"
Gran Torino: "There's also discourse in your mind! You're overthinking things! You're natural and fluent when using your Nightmare Quirk, but as soon as you shift over to One For All, you act like a completely different person!"
(Y/n): "Well, that's because I haven't had One For All all my life. I've grown up with my Nightmare Quirk so I'm used to it and--"
Gran Torino: "See! That's it! If you only use things you're used to, you'll never get stronger! The same can be said about your fight with Stain! You're used to going up against people you're stronger and faster than. But as soon as you went up against something you weren't used to, your mind went completely haywire. You got worried. You got scared. And you can't have that when using One For All."
Honestly, when (Y/n) first heard that, he wanted to be angry with Gran Torino. How could he be scared about using a Quirk when he's wanted nothing more in his life than to fight villains? But the more he thought over it, the more he was humbled and came to realize... that Gran Torino was right. He was scared of Stain. Even before he knew it. As soon as something didn't go his way, he got worried, and concerned. (Y/n) saw that now... and only further realized why he lost.
Gran Torino: "What you need to understand is that One For All is just like every other quirk. It's not special in any regard other than history."
(Y/n): "But I--"
Gran Torino: "But you think otherwise just because it's in the hands of All Might, huh? You think it's so special because its in the hands of the Number One Hero. That's why you need to forget that. You need to forget everything when you're using it."
(Y/n): "But how do I do that?"
Gran Torino: "You need to think of it like it's your first time using this Quirk, just like when you first used your original one. When you used that the first time, you had no idea what it was capable of. You just let it go free. That's what you need to do with One For All. Just relax...and let it be free throughout your body."
[Your POV]
(Y/n): "Let it be free throughout my body, huh? Would that even work in a moment like this?"
Of course, no response came when I needed it.
(Y/n): [Sighs] "...Well, I guess there's only one way to find out."
And with that one way being do the unknown right here and now, there wasn't really much left for me to do. Once I gathered the best mindset for the moment, I moved into action. Slowly I brought my gloved hands up to the side of the metal door in front of me. After I had another glance to make sure the kids inside were pushed back as far from me as possible, seeing the youngest still carrying a wide smile, I couldn't help but release a small chuckle as I shut my eyes and began to focus.
(Y/n): "...Come on, (Y/n), you can do this. Just relax. Release all the stiffness in your body. Clear your mind. Focus. And once you've got that focus... Let it go free."
With that final word exiting my mouth I did exactly that. The green sparks of One For All quickly began to surge through my wrists and travelled down into my hands. Even with my eyes shut, i could feel the exact parts of my body where this unbelievable energy surged through. And by the time it reached the tips of my fingers, it was sent directly into the car door and through all the joints and parts that completed it.
Eventually, the process of pulling the door clean off the car came in an instant. It was like the door had always been a part of my hands. Once I was reassured that the task was completed, I opened my eyes to see the kids, and every other part of the back of the car was perfectly fine. Only in this moment did I allow a sigh of relief to fall from my lips as I discarded the door onto the nearby ground.
(Y/n): [Chuckles and Smiles] "Well, how's that Gran Torino? That enough freedom for ya?"
Younger Brother: "That was amazing mister!"
Turning my head back towards the car, I witnessed as the two young boys exited the vehicle and out into the open world. Both now carried smiles as they looked up at me.
Older Brother: "Yeah! That was really cool! You're strong just like All Might!"
(Y/n): "...Like All Might, huh?" [Thoughts] "Kinda ironic, but sure." [To the Boys] "Well, I'll be sure to tell him you said that. But--"
Female Hero: "Hey! Kid! Behind you!"
I was already in the process of turning around when the second part of her sentence came.
Female Hero: "One of those monsters are heading right for you!"
As soon as I heard that part, my instincts to fight kicked into gear. And thank goodness for that. Because by the time my head had fully turned around to face the direction in which the female hero had warned me about, I saw that the Nomu with wings was heading right for me. And knowing that nothing good would be coming out of that, I knew that there was only one thing I could do to stop it.
That's why, as all the eyes of the surrounding heroes and citizens fell onto me, I sprung off the ground and into the air. As I grew higher, a surge of green energy and fog formed in my right fist. Something that only grew stronger and stronger until I had fully turned around to come face to face with the approaching monster. But instead of being afraid, I brought together everything I had inside as I screamed my next set of words.
The end of the sentence came just as my charged-up fist collided with the front of the Nomu's face. And whilst just as it didn't cause the creature to explode as it did with the Nomu that attacked the train, it still caused enough damage that the gasmask that covered the jaw of the creature was outright shoved into its face. Leaving the entire outside to become the inside of what once was the face of the creature's skull. That, along with sending the monster charging backwards far into the air, ultimately crashing into a street pole in the distance, was the final display of my charged-up power before it faded away completely as I safely landed back on the ground.
By the time my feet touched the ground, a wave of silence fell around the surrounding area near the car. Sure, there was still the behemoth Nomu still being fought by some heroes in the not-so-far distance, but for those around me, including the children and their parents, all they could do was just stare at me in disbelief. It was quickly becoming a sight I was getting used to. Not because it was something I expected, but because what I did was something no one else expected. Such as the female hero who had warned me off earlier. Out of all of them, she carried the most silence as I safely brought the boys over to their parents. It was as the family embraced one another, that I lifted my gaze to her and offered a witty remark without the smirk.
(Y/n): "How's that for a kid getting in the way?"
No response other than the hero awkwardly blushing out of embarrassment before dropping her head came as I pulled my mask back over my head and turned to Manuel, the person Iida was interning under.
(Y/n): "You're the hero Tenya Iida was interning under, right? Tell me which direction he ran off in."
Manuel: [Blankly Stares At You] "Uh-Um..." [Shakes head] "L-Last I saw him...He ran off in that direction."
Even before the motion of his hand pointing down the right side of the street was complete, I had already taken off in that direction. Once more using the city rooftops as a means of travel. It was as I returned to my search for Iida that I left the remaining heroes to deal with the Nomu's. All the while the two boys who I had just saved watched from the comfort of their parent's arms as I continued to disappear into the distance.
Younger Brother: [Mumbles to Himself] "When I grow up... I wanna be a hero... Just like you, Mister."
[3rd Person POV]
The child's soft mumbles went unnoticed by everyone else at that moment, but for him, it meant a whole lot. Because in a way, just like how Izuku was inspired by the actions of All Might. The children of today were beginning to be inspired by a new type of Hero. One who didn't let licences and orders hold him back. A hero for the people. He was kinda like a King if you think about it... A King in Green. And it's heroes like this that the world will need as it ventures into the future. And unbeknownst to one young boy in particular, it's a hero he'd need now more than ever.
That young boy was none other than the very person (Y/n) was searching for right now, Tenya Iida, the growing hero seeking vengeance for the pain brought upon his family by the Hero Killer, Stain. The good news for Iida was that he had found Stain, in fact, he was looking him right in the eyes at this very moment. The bad news was, he was looking up at Stain from the ground. Left unable to move after receiving a single slash of the killer's sword. Now, Iida was left to wonder how exactly he'd get out of this mess... and if there was really any hope left to overcome it.
"So noisy... I guess the idiots have come out, huh?"
The voice of Stain softly muttered with a hint of disgust at the forefront of it all as he looked off into the distance to see the high clouds of smoke, and subtle suggestion of fire. He knew right away, that the fools of villains he had met previously were the cause of such. But he couldn't deal with them now. After all, he had company. With his free hand, Stain effortlessly held the bleeding head of a hero known as "Native" against a wall. The aforementioned hero had medium-long, dark brown hair with blood dripping down the side of his skull where a Native American-like headgear with a feather was taking up most of the thick liquid. A discarded feathered cape could be seen on the ground nearby.
A stream of blood could be seen falling from his injured forehead and onto his chest where the letter 'N' was located. A confused look found Stain's face the more he examined the hero's appearance. It eventually led to a scoff, before his head aimed itself down toward Iida, who was left unable to move whilst on his hands and knees. All he could do was look up at the hero killer with an irritated gaze. All Iida could think about was how he screwed up his chance to combat Stain. After all, he got lucky enough to spot the criminal when he was in the process of following Manuel just minutes ago. Iida couldn't believe it at first. There he was, chasing after Manuel as best he could as they ventured towards a distress call from a few heroes fighting a 'monster'.
Iida was left to question what exactly they meant by that. But all it took was a few extra steps for Iida to completely forget that thought, as something red was caught out of the corner of his eye. That's when he spotted Stain holding his blade up to the neck of the Pro Hero, "Native" down a dark alleyway. Someplace no one even bothered to look down due to the sudden chaos going on. Without thinking, he stopped following Manuel and dashed into the dark corner of the city. With all his speed, he dashed forward. Iida had thought he got the advantage on Stain when he eventually got close enough, as the villain seemed to not notice him by the time he had jumped into the air to attack from the side.
However, it was soon shown Stain was no ordinary villain who would fall for such a thing. In the blink of an eye, his body turned with great speed. The next thing Iida knew, his helmet was launched off his head as his body was flung backward onto the solid ground of the dark alleyway. In the moment, all he could do was just remain in place, agitated at himself for being struck down so easily. He wanted this moment ever since he found out about his brother, and the first attack he goes to make, it fails. He didn't even know how it happened so fast. But the matter in which he failed was not something left unknown. That was something Stain made clear as he looked down at the boy with a halfhearted gaze.
Stain: "A child wearing a suit... Who are you supposed to be? Go away. This is not a place for a child."
Iida: [Thoughts] "Shut your mouth you son a bitch!"
That's what Iida wanted to say. But he didn't... He knew his brother wouldn't want him to forgo the code of a hero. So he kept his anger in check, though allowed a fierce glare to creep onto his face as he looked up into the eyes of the hero.
Iida: "A scarf as red as blood, carrying blades all over his body... You must be the Hero Killer: Stain!"
When all Stain did was roll his eyes, Iida quickly swung his body around so he stood up on one knee, the anger on Iida's face growing as the villain sloppily gazed down at him.
Iida: "You are, aren't you?! I've been chasing you all this time, so I know it's you!"
Stain: "If you knew it was me... Then why did you ask?"
Iida: "Argh! Stop playing these games!"
Stain: [Scoffs] "The only one playing games here..." [Turns to Native] "Are the fools who go about dressed up in special clothing calling themselves heroes." [Turns Back To Iida] "So I'll ask you now... Who are the people playing games?"
The way Stain spoke to him with no real seriousness or sense of threat in his voice caused Iida's anger to double down. He wanted to bark so much pent-up hatred at the man who caused him so much pain. But that was yet another thing Stain took from him, as before Iida could even say a word, he was greeted by the sharp blade of Stain staring him right in the eye.
Stain: "Your eyes... They tell a story of vengeance. Are you...? Are you here for vengeance?"
Iida: "Of--"
Stain: "--Be careful of what you say. Depending on the situation, even children may become my targets."
Iida: "Are you saying that..." [Clenches Fist] "...I am not even a target?" [Grinds Teeth Together] "Then listen, Criminal! I am the younger brother of a hero you attacked! The younger brother of a most excellent older brother! I have come to stop you in his place!"
"Will you take this name for me?"
With all the anger, all the frustration, the voice of Tensei found the mind of young Iida. The moment the pair shared in the hospital room, where his older brother asked him to take on the name his brother had made his own. It was a moment that brought Iida so much anger in the past. But this time around, it gave him hope, and strength, that he could do the impossible right now.
...He could beat Stain!
Iida: "Remember my name for as long as you live! Ingenium! It is the name of the hero who will defeat you tonight!"
Stain: "I see. In that case...Die for me."
With his words roaring from the bottom of his gut, Iida activated his Quirk. The boost from the exhaust pipes at the back of his legs launched him forward, ready for a powerful attack. But as Iida lifted his foot to boot Stain, the hero killer merely jumped out of the way. The look of shock that crashed on Iida's face when he realized his attack didn't hit came quickly. Instead, Stain's entire body proceeded to overshoot Iida's attack. It was as he continued to travel over the head of his opponent, that Stain swung his foot down in a powerful kick to Iida's shoulder. The attack was only made worse by the sharp spikes around the edges of the boot. Enough to cause a splatter of blood to fill the air seconds before Iida's body dropped to the ground.
Stain: "Ingenium, huh...? So you were brothers?"
Iida: "We--Argh--We are brothers! He's not dead!"
Stain: "Oh, I know. In order for news of me to spread, I let him live... This is how you repay my kindness?"
Iida: "Kindne--ARGH!"
Stain: "You're too weak!"
The vicious attack of words was quickly followed by an attack just as deadly. Stain wasted no time in slamming his foot down on Iida's head, before immediately following it by swishing his katana through the air, ending its path right through the left shoulder blade of Iida, who screamed out in agony.
Stain: "Scream all you want. Your brother did the same. You both are weak. Not because you scream, though, but because you're fakes. Both young and your brother are--"
Iida: "Shut up, villain! He's paralyzed from the waist down due to spinal cord damage! He can't work as a hero anymore, so I won't have you tarnish the memory he made for himself and everyone else as one!"
Stain: "Memory? Ha! The only memory he laid out for those is one of false promises! That he would always be there for them when they call for a hero! But someone who can't be there isn't worthy to use the name!"
Iida: "How dare you say tha--GET OFF ME, VILLAIN! I'LL BRING YOU TO JUSTICE!"
Stain: "The only thing you will bring is more pain to your loved ones the more you pretend to be a hero. Just like your brother..."
Stain proceeded to press his foot down harder onto Iida's head upon hearing that. Just to rub the pain in more so. To the point, a few seconds afterwards, Iida was unable to hold back tears as he lay there on the cold ground where no one knew he was. Tears began to stream freely down his cheeks and onto the concrete beneath him as images of his brother being a hero flashed before his eyes. Whether it was saving a family from a burning building.
Or rescuing people from a car crash. It was something that Iida always imagined when his hopes of being a hero grew so strong that he couldn't just keep them in the back of his head anymore. It was within these memories that Iida was always cheering and supporting his brother behind the caution tape at every scene. He always saw his brother as his inspiration. But to think of him now, as he lay on the ground, it brought him so much sorrow...So much pain.
Iida: [Whilst Crying] "Tensei is an e-excellent hero who saved many people... and led them until now... S-So there's no reason for you to crush him..."
[Iida's POV]
"Tensei, I am very proud of you. You have become very independent at such a young age, with many sidekicks who follow you. That is not an easy feat."
...I remember those were the words my Dad told spoke out one morning when we were having breakfast together as a family. I was there, eating my food so I could leave thirty minutes early to make sure I arrived at class before anyone else. After all, being disciplined with your time management allows you to be prepared to be on the scene of a villain attack whenever you are called upon. But I was brought from my thoughts when I heard my Father's words. I couldn't help but turn to look up at Tensei sitting beside me. His joyous smile as he closed his eyes and played off my Father's kind words were something he did often.
Tensei: "It's not that they follow me, Dad. It's the opposite. I can't do anything by myself yet, so they're supporting me the best they can. I need to work hard to return the favour, too."
Iida: [Mutters] "...Tensei..."
Tensei: "I'm not that talented or anything, but I have to live up to the name of a Hero. I'm glad that my work as a hero helps many people. But without the help of those beside me, I wouldn't be nearly as well trained as I am today."
When I heard his sentence, I realized in that moment, that Tensei, my older brother, was my hero. He was an excellent hero who gave me a dream.."
[3rd Person POV]
Iida: "So I won't forgive you... I'LL KILL YOU!"
Stain: "Save that guy first!"
Iida: "Huh?"
Lifting his teary eyes from the ground, Iida turned in the direction Stain was pointing to see the groaning and panting body of Native, the Pro Hero who now sat on the ground leaning against the wall of the alleyway. The sight brought shock to Iida. Mainly due to the fact he had completely forgotten about the one thing most prominent in heroes... Saving people.
Stain: "Save that guy! Don't use those powers for yourself! Being taken in by the hatred before you and trying to fulfil your own desires... That is the furthest from what a hero should be! So reflect on yourself, child! Save those instead of saving yourself! And save others!"
"That's what I plan to do."
Stain: "...Huh?"
As the word fell from Stain's lips, everything suddenly went silent. Everything. From the carnage from the Nomu's in the distant city. To even the slightest sound brought on by every night. It all went silent, like Stain found himself trapped in a nightmare where all he could see as he looked around in search of the voice...was darkness. But Stain soon found out that darkness wasn't the only thing present. For as his gaze finally turned in the direction to the entrance of the alleyway, he was suddenly shocked to find vibrant red eyes about a meter from his face.
The glowing gaze of a monster of the night stalled every single action inside of the Hero Killer, to the point he couldn't do anything as out of nowhere, his face was greeted by the firm surface of a hardened fist. One sparked to life with glowing green energy. The force behind the attack was so strong that the imprint of the attacker's fist could be felt immediately on the threshold of his skin. That was the only warning Stain received before he was suddenly dealt the impossible task of keeping his feet firmly placed on the ground.
It was all due to the sheer force behind this powerful strike that the Hero Killer was sent flying backwards! Right off Iida's body and disappearing further down the darkest parts of the alleyway. In this moment, a spark of hope was ignited into the dying body of Native. Whilst Iida was left to widen his eyes at seeing someone deal so much damage to Stain. Which was more so a hardening reality for the young boy, who realized right now just how much stronger some people were compared to him.
He witnessed the body of Stain get flung through the air and pushed further into the alleyway. But Iida's thoughts were soon taken off the Hero Killer's body entirely when the person who had attacked Stain abruptly landed in front of him. The first thing Iida saw as he raised his head, was a cloud of green mist circling the shoulders of the figure and faded into parts of the surrounding area. As seconds built up, with the colour green coming from more than just the foggy substance, Iida's eyes suddenly widened when he realized who it was that had saved him.
Iida: [Mutters] "(Y...(Y/n)...?"
(Y/n): "You alright, Iida?"
Iida: "...Argh...I can't... Move my body..."
Instantly, (Y/n) remembered to his original fight with Stain, when the Hero Killer somehow stopped him from moving at all.
(Y/n): "It's his Quirk. If he ingests some of your blood, you can't move."
Iida: [Shocked] "What? He can really do that?"
(Y/n): "Unfortunately so. But don't worry, there's an easy fix..."
Iida waited for the response. As he did, (Y/n)'s glowing eyes narrowed in on Stain. Once they finally reached him, he continued his sentence.
(Y/n): [Glares at Stain] "...I just won't get cut."
The end to his sentence brought another round of shock Iida. Meanwhile, the sighting of extended green ears atop this figure's head, added on by glowing eyes, and a mouth piece around the bottom of this figure's jaw that resembled sharp teeth, left Stain to conjure up multiple ideas on who this person who attacked him was. One thing to say, the appearance of this person definitely didn't outright scream "hero" to anyone. In fact, to Stain, he appeared like the exact opposite.
Stain: "...A villain?"
Stain couldn't be blamed for thinking such, especially upon seeing this masked figure wearing a green tactical suit with a tattered yellow scarf hanging around his shoulders, clawed metal gloves and sharpened fangs at the edge of a pair of boots in the same material. The ideal thought in this moment was that standing before him was indeed a villain. And he wasn't alone. As Native, managing to break out of unconsciousness, lifted his weary head to witness what had gone down from the sudden noise he had heard before.
He was suddenly given the fear of his life when his eyes took in the appearance of the nightmarish monster standing right in front of him. This opinion was helped by the fact that when Native did open his eyes, (Y/n) had offered a glance down at the wounded hero. The vibrant red nightmare fuel that continued to glimmer from the eyes of his mask added in the final steps for Native to begin shaking in fear.
Native: "Wh-Wha-What fuck?! What the fuck are you?!"
He screamed through raspy fear clogging up his throat. But this was something (Y/n) was used to by now. But in the past, he didn't exactly have a response to such a question. But after learning to accept One For All, and his relationship with Gran Torino, (Y/n) finally felt like he could mutter the words Izuku had longed to say himself one day.
(Y/n): "...I'm a hero."
And despite Native struggling to believe that, he remained silent. As for (Y/n), with nothing left in regards to introduction, he proceeded to send his gaze back on Stain, who had still not yet moved from his standing position some ten meters away. A place he was sent after being punched by (Y/n) previously. But right now, the pain that surged through his body from the attack seemed to be the least on Stain's mind. As right now, the villain found himself staring in disbelief at the figure he once thought was a villain. But now, as more thoughts gathered together, including how the young boy he had just attacked interacted with this mask-wearer, allowed Stain to come to a conclusion. One that he couldn't help...But get excited about.
Stain: "...Y-You're him...aren't you?"
(Y/n): [Turns to Stain] "Huh?"
Stain: "The boy from the photo! The one I attacked in the alley last time? You're him!"
Excitement sparked to life on Stain's face as he pointed through the darkened parts of the alleyway at the haunting figure that was made up by (Y/n)'s costume.
Stain: "Yes. You are him? I can tell from your punch! Though...This time...Something is different--" [Caresses his cheek] "--The way you punched me, it wasn't like before--" [Suddenly looks at you] "What is it? What did you change? Whatever it is... It excites me that perhaps you are not wasted on being considered a 'true' hero."
Iida: [Mutters] "...A true...Hero..?"
Those words broke Iida. Mainly due to the fact that before, Stain told Iida he was basically nothing to him. Yet here (Y/n) was, and Stain was calling him a true hero. And for someone who always prided himself on trying to be the best...It broke Iida to hear otherwise. It reminded him of the very conviction that was put inside of his mind during the Sports Festival. He didn't want to be held back by always being friends with (Y/n), at least to the point where Iida didn't do the smart moves to try and improve himself. That's why he wanted to team up with Todoroki. But it seemed even that didn't do anything to keep him behind (Y/n). A sour emotion slowly arose inside of the young boy as Stain began to chuckle through his excitement.
Stain: [Chuckles] "At first, I thought you were a villain! Someone from that fool Shigaraki's villain group! But I am glad to say I was wrong in that regard."
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Shigaraki? Is...Is that the name of the guy behind the Nomu attacks? It would make sense. After all, during the USJ attack, he was leading a group of villains."
Stain: "Haha! If I'm being honest, I was starting to get afraid that you had given up on being a hero so easily. Yet I knew that attacking in this part of the city would surely draw you out again. And look, it did!"
In that instant, both Iida and (Y/n) froze in shock as Stain's words registered on their minds. As soon as they did, (Y/n) removed his mask back to properly reveal the identity of his attacker, though once his face became clear, all Stain saw was anger on the young hero's face.
(Y/n): "Wait! Are you telling me you did all this...To draw me out?!"
Stain: "...It was the necessary action. Besides, I still had more false heroes to cleanse. So it wasn't out of my way."
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Wasn't out of your way?!" [Out Loud] "This isn't a game, you evil son of a bitch! If you wanted me, all you had to do was stand out somewhere in the open and I would have come to beat the crap out of you in an instance!"
With his words filled with venom, (Y/n) continued to broadcast his anger to Stain. But the Hero Killer didn't exactly seem thrilled by the words coming his way.
Stain: "Whatever you say can not change from what has already happened. Besides, if you wanted me to not continue to harm people...You should have killed me the last time we met."
(Y/n): "I would have if you--"
Stain: "No. No excuses. The only thing you can say revolving around our last encounter was that you were weak. But going off your previous punch, you have improved. So I am willing to give you a second chance. A second chance to stop me from continuing my reign of true justice." [Grins] "But in the end, it only cost you the blood of your friend~"
Stain's words continued to make (Y/n) rage inside. With his fist clenched, and One For All circulating through his arm, he was tempted to launch straight ahead and attack the villain. But (Y/n) knew otherwise. That's exactly what he did last time, and that's exactly what Gran Torino warned him against during their training. Besides, there was another aspect that made this situation different from the previous encounter between the pair. Innocent lives were close by. Both Iida and the hero Stain had attacked. And with Iida being unable to move due to Stain's quirk.
Add in the likelihood that the other hero was in the same situation, meant he couldn't get them to safety and come back. But as (Y/n) struggled to find a solution, right behind him, Iida found his own complications. And it all revolved around the sudden arrival of (Y/n). Iida couldn't help but feel anger in the moment. That (Y/n) had gotten between his moment with Stain. And whilst Iida knew full well, deep down, that he was already screwed before (Y/n) showed up, the selfishness to want to save his brother led him to continue to let this anger boil away inside of him. All before that anger eventually became unable to be held back.
Iida: "...Argh! (Y/n)! Don't get involved!"
(Y/n): "Huh?" [Turns around] "What?"
Iida: "Don't...Don't get involved with this, (Y/n)!" [Groans in anger] "This has nothing to do with you!"
(Y/n): "...Nothing to do with me?"
The subtle voice of (Y/n) once again came in a mutter as he outright turned his entire body to face Iida, revealing the hurt expression that came with hearing the words of his friend. But as (Y/n) turned to face Iida, Stain took the moment to truly take in the shock that had since set in from seeing (Y/n)'s face again. Honestly, it still shocked him that the boy had shown up here. Mainly due to the fact he thought what he had already done to the boy would place enough fear inside his spirit that he'd give up the life of a hero.
Yet, here he was, coming to the rescue of his friend. And whilst it was an annoyance to have to deal with yet another person getting in his way, Stain couldn't help but reflect on this moment, and the punch delivered by (Y/n) to his cheek moments ago. All of which was doubled by the strange sensation that came with even the slightest of contact with his cheek where the punch was delivered. It left him in a confused state, to the point it allowed (Y/n) to place his full focus on Iida, whose anger continued to grow.
Iida: "I told you, (Y/n)! My brother was the one that got attacked! I don't care if Stain attacked you as well, that doesn't mean you get to take this away from me! I need to be the one to bring him down! Not you!"
(Y/n): "Iida, what are you saying? First, you say this has nothing to do with me, and now this? I'm not just doing this because Stain beat me! I'm doing this so you won't get hurt!"
Iida: "But I don't need you here! You don't know what it's like to live with a brother who can no longer go for his dream! A dream that was taken from him, (Y/n)?! You don't know what that's like!"
At least, that's what Iida thought. but (Y/n) knew full well what it was like to have a brother lose his dream. He knew about it on a far greater level. And a part of (Y/n) wanted to tell Iida exactly that. But right now, (Y/n) felt as if that wasn't the best route. He didn't want to make this moment about him. This moment was about making sure he didn't lose another person he cared about. And if Iida saw that in a manner in which (Y/n) was being selfish... then so be it.
"Your friend came to save you, and yet you still hold anger towards him? Quite a selfish trait for a so-called hero. I'm glad you came across my path...That means I don't have to go searching for you to cleanse you of your lies."
Immediately (Y/n) spun around to face Stain, whilst Iida sharpened his glare in the direction of the Hero Killer before screaming at him. Something Stain just simply took in with his ears as he faced off with (Y/n).
Iida: "Shut up! I don't care what you think, you monster!"
Stain: [Looks at you] "You hear that? he calls me a monster. Yet he is the one who brings lies onto this world."
(Y/n): "Yeah, well, can you blame him? You the exact definition of one."
Stain: "Oh, I would beg to differ. But I guess I can understand why a simple, blinded, mind would see it that way."
At that moment, both (Y/n) and Iida formed confused looks on their faces as leaned into what Stain was suggesting. Thankfully for them, Stain was more than willing to explain.
Stain: "After all, people like him see it plainly. That villains are evil! And heroes are righteous! These terms have always changed throughout the course of history depending on who you ask. Kids who have never seen peace grow to become villains, who believe they do what they must to survive. Whilst kid's who have never seen pain have the belief simply stepping out into this world with a cape means you become more than you already are! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! That's what it means to be a 'hero' these days! But this place here..."
He easily refers to the darkened abyss of the alleyway around him as (Y/n) keeps his eyes focused on the villain. IIda struggles to do the same as these words are directed right at him.
Stain: "...This very place is a neutral ground! Justice will prevail you say! Of course it will! But depending on who you ask, justice takes different forms. But in reality, there is only one right way of justice. So I take it upon myself to make sure that one right way comes back to light. For right now, in this world, the only person who can dare call themself a hero of justice...Is him!"
(Y/n): "And who would that be?"
Stain: [Grins] "Well, if you end up nothing disappointing me in my judgement, than I will very well tell you who that is. But for now, my impression is still that I can defeat you easily. Yet, I am surprised to even see you here, if I am being honest."
(Y/n): "Yeah, well, I told you last time, I'm not done with you."
Stain: "And for a good thing it seems. That punch you gave before was far better than the ones you offered up last time. Have you been training?"
(Y/n): "I've been taking precautions..."
If you call getting yelled at and basically abused by Gran Torino for several straight hours a day for about a week or so precautions. But whatever they were, Stain simply took it as a sign. A sign that he didn't in fact waste his time on previously attacking (Y/n). Mainly because it seemed that very attack and humiliation that was delivered to the boy that day was exactly what he needed to reach the level he was at now. And if Stain was being honest...It excited him.
Stain: "Well, whatever you may have done. In the end, there will only be one outcome. If we clash, the weaker of us will be killed. But..." [Narrows eyes on you] "...Something tells me you are not afraid of death. But you do fear something. What is it?"
(Y/n): "I fear a world where people like you are in it."
Stain: [Chuckles] "What a cliche hero line to say. Nevertheless, I shall give you it."
(Y/n): "Gee, thanks..."
He muttered, sarcastically with a shake of his head. In the same motion, (Y/n) made the action to pull his mask back over his head.
(Y/n): [Thoughts] "Alright. This is it. Some may think it was stupid that I didn't bring a pro with me. But, then again, I guess maybe a part of what Iida said was true. I do want Stain to myself... But only so I can prove to myself that the pain I went through last time we fought actually led to something." [Sighs] "Look, you can say whatever you want. But I want you to know something. This fight, right now, it's going to be your last."
Stain: [Chuckles] "Because you are going to kill me...?"
(Y/n): "No..." [Glares at Stain] "Because if I don't, then my brother who died from a killer like you years ago will see that I haven't reached his dream. And I don't know about you, but I most certainly can't be reunited with him in a way like that. So, sorry Stain, but your killings end here."
Instantly, Stain grinned from hearing such conviction. But the greatest of reactions came from Iida, whose eyes almost burst from his skull upon hearing what (Y/n) had just said. Even before they could properly register in his mind, Iida felt a massive weight fall onto his body after he was reminded of everything he had said. All the while realizing, in this moment, that there was so much more about (Y/n) that he had no idea about. But Iida was unable to properly focus on that regard for much longer as out of nowhere (Y/n) leaped into action without a thought of hesitation in mind! The realization of a fight in process quickly set into (Y/n)'s mind as his body launched through the air at great speeds.
The energy from One For All fading from the feet which had rocketed him forward into the action. As he catapulted forward, (Y/n) questioned whether he should have said what he did back then. But he found himself wanting Iida to know that what he was doing now...It was for a purpose. And it was because of that purpose that (Y/n) held nothing back as he pulled his fist back through the air and prepared to strike Stain. The speed in which he went to do so, however, was so quick that for the second time in a row, Stain was left to join Iida in showcasing shock, as the nightmarish appearance of (Y/n) appeared right before his eyes in the blink of an eye. And again, like before, Stain could do nothing as (Y/n) sent his fist filled with energy through the air and straight into his face.
But whereas the punch from earlier sent Stain flying, (Y/n) used his training of One for All to allow only so much energy that whilst it didn't send the Hero Killer off his feet, it most certainly packed a punch. One that forcefully pushed deep into Stain's cheekbone. All the while Stain could only take in the fact that (Y/n)'s speed had doubled since their last encounter. A Shocking development that led his excitement to double, even as (Y/n)'s opened left hand came around to grasp his throat. The tight squeeze which was suddenly apply was immediately followed by Stain being easily picked up off his feet before getting shoved into the ground. His entire body enveloped by debris of crushed concrete, all the while the haunting red eyes of (Y/n)'s mask stared him right in the face.
Stain: "Y-You... You really did take precautions...Didn't you...?"
(Y/n) didn't respond. Instead, he proceeded to fluently fling Stain's body from the ground and right into the brick wall only a few meters to the side. Upon impact, Stain's smile could still be seen even as his body clung to the crushed surface of the wall. Though whatever joy he found in the fact that (Y/n) had most certainly improved, (Y/n) himself tried to take that away as he went to deliver his second straight unmatched strike in a row on Stain seconds after the previous one. This time around the powerful punch was delivered right to Stain's stomach. The amount of force pushed with the fist felt like a hundred-ton weight had been thrown right into his gut. Such left Stain to hunch forward and cough up saliva from the bottom of his stomach.
All the while (Y/n) continued to stab his fist as deep into the stomach of Stain as he possibly could. The process was definitely a prolonged one for sure. (Y/n) making this opportunity to showcase to Stain, and himself, that no matter how many times he may lose, he would always get up. Meanwhile, Stain had his mind set on something else. The strange red streaks of energy that ran from his fist and up to his wrist. It left him to wonder just what kind of Quirk (Y/n) had. For the last time they had fought, all Stain witnessed was green fog coming from the boy's body. But this...it was different. It made him question whether something happened to (Y/n) since they last met.
Sure, he had trained, but was this really the same quirk in which he carried in their original fight? It just didn't make sense to the Hero Killer. Before he could think on this anymore, out of nowhere, (Y/n) relented on the soul-crushing force being applied by his fist into Stain's stomach. Upon its removal, Stain's body quickly went to fall forward. However, before it struck the ground, (Y/n) had somehow already spun around to grab the Killer by the crop of shirt. In this moment, (Y/n) held no fear or hesitation as he offered a single twist before sending Stain's body flying for the third time now. This time, he went head first into the opposite side of the alleyway, where another brick wall was there to greet him.
(Y/n) allowed the impact to violently fill the airwaves. And with seemingly no rush in his actions. the young hero merely turned around to watch as Stain's fragile body fell from the opposite shattered wall and onto the ground where the debris from such an object was located. This allowed Stain to be gifted with an opportunity to rise to his hands and knees. Of course, he did take this as an opportunity to give his thoughts on the fight so far.
Stain: "Y-You--" [Coughs up blood] "You really are something, kid--" [Coughs] "--I'll give you that. However, it...it takes more to be a true hero than just beat up those who deem as criminals--"
(Y/n): "That's where you're wrong, Stain."
Out of nowhere, (Y/n) effortlessly picked Stain up by the throat once again. Just like before, Stain merely offered a shattered grin from his beat-up face as he stared into the nightmare-fueled gaze of the so-called hero standing before him. But (Y/n) found no time to comment on such a thing. After all, he wasn't just here to bring Stain to justice.
(Y/n): "You may think I'm just here to beat the shit out of you and throw you in prison? I hope not. Because then you'd be wrong. I'm not here to simply throw you in prison. Or to prove I'm a true hero. Because I honestly don't care about that."
Stain: [Panting In Pain] "...And why...Would you not care about that?"
(Y/n): "Because why would I give a single shit what you say or think? In fact, I don't care what anyone thinks about me!"
That notion quickly cemented itself within the minds of Stain and Iida, who could only watch on in silence from their separate locations, as (Y/n) took the moment to get real.
(Y/n): "All my life I've been worried about what others thought. I got a reminder of that when I came to U.A.. Because in this world, apparently, you need a licence to be called a hero. But I couldn't give a single fuck whether I have one. Because at the end of the day, nothing is going to stop me from helping people. I witnessed what it was like when I was younger, the pain that comes when a hero doesn't show up! It's a pain I'd never want to put on anyone else!"
Stain: "Then you'll have to kill me if you want that goal to come true!"
As soon as Stain's words ended, he took the moment to bring up his knee and strike (Y/n) in the gut. This seemed enough of an unforeseen action that (Y/n) was forced to let go of the Hero Killer's throat. As soon as Stain dropped to his feet, he immediately jumped back up, only to spin his body around midair to apply a thunderous kick to (Y/n)'s chest. Yet again, the unexpected attack caused One For All to deactivate throughout (Y/n)'s body as he was sent flying backward. He would have struck the brick wall behind him if hadn't the quick reflexes to twist his body whilst flying through the air to get his feet ready to take the initial hit for him. But instead of simply allowing his body to strike the wall, (Y/n) instead wanted to use it as a means of attack.
That's why, as his body grew closer to the wall behind him, he quickly activated One For All on the bottom of his feet, which allowed him to create a similar style of attack that Gran Torino used when fighting (Y/n) in the kitchen of his home. In that tiny space, Gran Torino was able to ricochet his body all over the place at great speeds, managing to get all over the place before (Y/n) could even process a single movement. And that's exactly what (Y/n) wanted to do right now with Stain. So as soon as he felt the pressure of the wall push against the bottom of his feet, he used the built up energy from One For All to send him flying right back in the direction in which he just came from.
Just like bouncing around on rubber, (Y/n)'s body was immediately sending storming straight back towards Stain, who could only tilt his head at the sight of the approaching opponent coming his way. It was clear in this moment to both (Y/n) and Stain, that the oncoming attack would definitely strike the Hero Killer. But the amount of damage put into it was solely up to (Y/n). But unlike previous times when (Y/n) would just deliver a single punch to Stain, this time around he wanted to show his enemy that he didn't just go away from their last encounter with the thought of simply coming back to fight him again without the conviction to win it all...No. He wanted to prove to this Hero Killer, that sometimes getting knocked down doesn't mean you're out.
And after the training (Y/n) went through with Gran Torino, (Y/n) was now standing taller than he had been in a very long time. So he went about showing that by releasing a seemingly endless foray of punches that struck him tenfold all over the front of his body by the time (Y/n) had returned to Stain's position on the opposite side of the alley. All oncoming attacks came at great speeds. All came in one after the other. And all delivered a warning that anyone Stain had come across before... They didn't carry the conviction (Y/n) carried inside. The conviction to become better. The conviction... To not let fear win. But that wasn't to say (Y/n) had completely disregarded the idea of fear. Far from it. Fear was a tool he was gifted the ability to use.
But like a lot of quirks, it came with countermeasures. But whether it was a Quirk or not, fear is something that everyone has, whether they liked it or not. Meaning everyone will bow to it one way or another. And that's exactly what he planned to do with Stain right now. Because while Gran Torino and others may believe Stain has no fear, (Y/n) wanted to think otherwise. And even if he didn't have fear, it didn't mean he was without it entirely. All (Y/n) had to do was awaken it inside of the Hero Killer. It was that desire to do so that as (Y/n) pulled back his fist for a final time, he extended the reach of One For All from not just his fist, but past his wrist, and further up his arm until it finally reached his shoulder.
There was so much pressure and force built up in this next strike that by the time it was finally released, a thunderous BANG erupted just from striking the air alone. But if that first sound was only a warning of what was to come, the sound that followed did little to justify the extraordinary limits (Y/n) that went to place fear inside of Stain. And the effect of which seemed to be working. For as the sight of (Y/n)'s energised fist headed straight for his body, all Stain could do was question the last time he saw such power like this. He didn't expect to find an answer, but he was shocked to suddenly do so when he remembered one person in particular. The person who sent him down this path of self-justice and the quest to find a true hero.
He was the one considered to be the Number One Hero by many. But to Stain, he was the only hero that mattered. It led him onward in his life to try and find someone who could be just like this person. And right now, in his final moments before being dealt a world of pain, Stain looked into the glowing red eyes of (Y/n)'s mask. And whether they were really his or not, Stain couldn't help but come to understand that in this moment before chaos, there was a glimmer of hope. That this young boy, gifted with a Quirk like no other, was willing to go to extreme limits to protect others and bring about a sense of peace for the innocents of this world. And if that wasn't the requirements of a hero, than Stain shouldn't be the one searching for a true hero in the first place.
Eventually, the time to accept the hit arrived. And to say what followed was a spectacle wasn't even close to describing the amount of power (Y/n) put on display. For as his fist made even the slightest of contact with Stain's chest, a spark from One For All travelled the millimetres of distance between the two to start of the chaos. The next thing anyone who found themselves trapped in this city knew, a giant explosion of bright green light went off somewhere that caused the entire surrounding population to be sent off their feet and tumbling to the ground from the mere surge of energy that went along with this bright light. Only a few of the stronger heroes managed to stay on their feet.
One such person was Endeavor, who took the opportunity to turn away from the Nomu he was fighting to look off into the distance where the light came from. A look of annoyed confusion found his face, and though he said no words, a lot could be felt from the moment. But whilst not many would find out about the feats of strength (Y/n) put into that final punch, those that were present could easily claim that in this moment in time, the stepping stones for a future hero worthy of the title had been laid. But whether or not this was enough to finish Stain off was yet to be seen. What was known, however, even if he was still standing, the power that came with One For All was most definitely ready to take him on yet again...
[Okay, so 16k words and I've decided to leave things here. This chapter was almost around 12k words with me not knowing what to write. But like it has been in the past, I get sudden surges of creativity, and with it, I managed to bring you an extra four thousand words of action. In saying that, I hope you all did like today's chapter. I do plan to end this arc-FINALLY-with the next chapter, which I will try to get out next week. That's another thing, I wanna try and get back to weekly updates for this book especially with the MHA anime coming back around for season 8. So, yeah, that's something to look forward too. Because I'd really like to make a turnaround for this story and hopefully keep it going! So, yeah, thanks again for reading, I hope you all enjoyed, and I hope to see you again very soon.]
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