Ch 12: 'Hungover You'


[Before we start just a massive thank you for last week's chapter! It did absolutely incredibly, you guys really seemed to like the chapter. A chapter which I thought may divide people. But you seem to enjoy it, which just makes me even more pumped up to continue writing this book. And, now, we can finally get into the Sports Festival! So stay tuned! Because there's going to be fights! Bro-Downs! And girls trying to get with the boy they like even though it's obvious that other girls also want to get with him! Oh, yeah! So, sit back, relax, finger paint if you want, and let's get straight into today's chapter!]

[Your POV]

After everything with Uraraka, I found myself in a blank state for the rest of the day. I was so caught up on what she said that I couldn't help but think about it. She was working so hard, not for herself, but for her family. It made me look back at all the times she tried desperately to be my friend, those times were perhaps the only ones she wanted to do something for herself. After all, she came to U.A. for her parents. Upon realizing such, I made a mental note to be more considerate of others' goals. 

But I'd also use those goals to drive me forward in my own. The rest of the school day went by pretty quickly. Though, just as I was about to leave for home, I was pulled aside by All Might. I didn't exactly know what he wanted to talk about. But this was the first time I had seen him since every that happened at USJ. Now I found myself seated across from him in his office, two separate cups of tea placed between us as he gave me some shocking news. 

(Y/n): "Only fifty minutes?!"

The words left my mouth before I could even realize it. Then again, after witnessing so much from a hero my brother looked up to, to hear that he could only hold his heroic duties from 3 hours to fifty minutes, truly showcased the limits he went to in fighting Nomu. 

All Might: "Yeah... That's the limit to how long I can use my power now. I overdid it too many times. That Nomu was a tough opponent. And it hurt... I can barely maintain muscle form for 1.5 hours now." 

At this moment, I didn't know what to say. Hearing such news was something Istruggled to believe. It left me in yet another blank state of mind. 

All Might: "What about you? How are your injuries holding up?" 

(Y/n): "Uh, yeah... Pretty good, I guess. My arm still hurts a little. But the week off did good for it." 

All Might: "Good. I'm glad. Such a situation you put yourself in, even at my own dispense, was something no person your age should go through." 

Oh, trust me. I've got a pretty good idea about that one. 

All Might: "Now, onto other news, the reason I asked you here today. The sports festival..." 

(Y/n): "The sports festival? What about it?" 

All Might: "Well, I understand you still cannot control One For All properly, right?" 

(Y/n): [Scratches back of head] "Yeah. W-When I went to punch Nomu with it, it did nothing. I had to combine both of myQuirks to even do a bit of damage. Even then... It wasn't much." 

All Might: "Hmm. I see..." 

It was an odd way to end his sentence. All Might cutting his words short as he got to his feet and proceeded to walk over to a nearby window that faced the city. But as the silence continued, I looked down at my hand, the one I used to punch Nomu. How could there be no damage done? I used One For All with all my might. And it still didn't affect him. 

(Y/n): [Thoughts] "I guess it shows how far I've still got to go..." 

All Might: "...Frankly, I don't have much time left as the symbol of peace. As I am sure you noticed out there." [Sighs] "Unfortunately. There are also villains who are noticing that as well." 

Just hearing that caused me to clench my fist as All Might abruptly turned around to point at me. 

All Might: "I granted you my power, because I want you to succeed me. You have your own goals, such as I did. You want to make this world safe, so that people can rest easy in their homes without having to worry about the evil this world carries. You still feel that way, don't you?" 

Of course, I do. 

All Might: "Then if you do, the time has come for you to show your commitment and determination. The U.A. sports festival is something pro heroes--No, the whole world, is watching closely. It's a big event! That is what I brought you here to talk about! You... The next symbol of peace...(Y/n) Midoriya... I want you to go out there and tell the world... You are here!" 

--The Next Day-- 

Midnight: "The U.A. sports festival is in two weeks! Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. One chance a year. A total of three chances. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!"

"Yes, Ma'am!" 

The loud cheers flooded the air. Well, from everyone but me. My focus was more so on the clouds outside. But even as my gazecaught out the white specks in the blue sky, my mind was still repeating All Might's words. 

"I want you to go out there and tell the world... You are here!" 

I originally planned to just skid through the festival. Not really going over the top. But now it seems like I might have to focus on winning. Even so, I still don't plan to put my all into it. Here's hoping my Quirks will be enough to get me through it. Still... 

(Y/n): [Mutters] "Show them I'm here, huh?" 

The final words that came from my mouth before the sound of the school bell echoed. I was only given a brief second to enjoy the news that the school day had finally come to an end before the heavy weight of Bakugo pushed against my side. The blonde leaning against me as a hearty smile found his lips. 

Bakugo: [Yawns] "About time class ended, right, (Y/n)?" [Whacks your chest] "Hey, wanna go get something to eat from the burger place down the street? You can buy them~" 

(Y/n): [Chuckles] "Me? What about you? Where's your money?" 

Bakugo: "I spent it! On that game, remember? But, hey! Buy me and a burger and we can both play it later~" 

I knew the first second Bakugo mentioned getting something that we'd need to pay for, that I'd be the one paying. Though, that was kinda the roles in the friendship. I would buy the food and such, and Bakugo would bring that energetic goofiness that'd make perfect use for eating the food as I watch him pick a fight with some random guy. It was a two-way street.

Kirishima: "Hey, you guys are going to getfood? Can I come?!" 

Kaminari: "And me!" 

Ashido: "Oh, I want food!" 

Sero: "Food sounds awesome!" 

Bakugo and I just glanced at each other before nudging our shoulders. That was enough to excite the others. Afterwards, however, I sent my gaze over to Uraraka's desk. She was currently packing up her things to leave. In the moment Iremembered what we had talked about yesterday. 

(Y/n): "Hey, Uraraka. You wanna come get some burgers with us?" 

Upon hearing the offer, I couldn't help but smile seeing the smile Uraraka gave. It was... kinda cute on her. U-Uh, I mean, what am I saying? She's a girl who's smiling. Of course, it's cute! I mean, I'm not just saying she's cute because she's a girl b-b-but just because she is cute! A-And the smile she has just so happens to be cute as well... 

(Y/n): [Silently groans] "...What am I doing?" 

It seemed the turmoils of my very ownmind were yet another thing that kept me down to earth when it came to being a person going to U.A. High. You may be one of the best in the class, but at the end of the day, you were still human.Unfortunately for me, I was a human who was friends with Bakugo, so that didn't leave me much room from being teased. Especially when it had something to do with a girl. 

Bakugo: "Oh La~ La~ Asking a girl out already, (Y/n)? And it's just the start of the week. You dawg, you~" 

(Y/n): [Groans] "Bakugo. Please, don't." 

Bakugo: "Hey, man. I'm merely a spectator in all that is your love life."

(Y/n): "Spectators are supposed to just watch, you realize that, right? You legit shove me if it means getting into contact with a girl." 

Bakugo: "Hey, man. I'm just a guy doing his thing." [Smirks]"Kinda like your thing... Getting with the ladies~" 

Tsuyu: "Bakugo, are you in love with (Y/n)?" 

Bakugo: "W-What?! Tsu?!" 

The sudden intrusion from Tsu was more than enough to bring out the funniest shocked reaction Bakugo could have offered at that moment. Leaving myself, Kirishima, Kaminari, and most of the class to instantly laugh as Bakugo took in theembarrassment. All the while, I made sure to save every last second of it. 

Bakugo: "Tsu! I'll kill you! Stop sayingstupid things!" [Turns to you] "(Y/n), tell them our love in of brotherhood! TELL THEM NOW!" 

(Y/n): [Tries not to laugh] "I-I don't know, man. When we were younger, you always wanted to go to the beach. Not too sure why you wanted that~" 


Kirishima: "Was the weather hot? Orsomeone else~" 

Bakugo: "I'LL KILL YOU TOO!" 

Ashido: "Yeah, Bakugo. You sure want toset (Y/n) up with other people..." 

Sero: "...Do you do that because you know you're not (Y/n)'s type?" 

Bakugo: "EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!" 

More and more people started to laugh at the expense of Bakugo. I swear I saw smoke forming above his head. I just had to bring out my phone and record, of course, Bakugo wasn't really a fan of that. 

Bakugo: "Hey! (Y/n)! Put that phone away before I shove it in your face!" 

(Y/n): [Chuckles] "Hey, man. I'm just a spectator." [Grins] "Besides, you deserve this after yesterday." 

Bakugo knew he couldn't argue with that. Hence the fact he didn't say another word. Thankfully, not much teasing came his way following this. To the point, he was able to calm down enough that we could begin walking out of the classroom to go get food. However, as the group of me, Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, and a few others were about to do that very thing, we all came to a stop. 

Our eyes widened as sparkles clouded our visions. It wasn't Aoyama, this time around. But the cause was none other than our teacher. Midnight, currently leaning back in the chair at the front of class, rested her arms over her head. Causing her, um... chest, to bounce. It quickly got a lot of the guys drooling. But nothing sent them over the edge more than when she sent a winkour way. That quickly sent everyone into a meltdown. 

Kirishima: "Ah! She winked! Midnight totally winked!" 

Kaminari: "Who was it at? Me? Guys! I think it was for me!" 

Instantly Kaminari gets shoved out of the way by Sero. 

Sero: "Please, dude, it was totally for me!" 

...Only for him to get shoved by Sato. 

Sato: "I think you all are missing the big picture here. She was clearly winking at--"

Bakugo: "It was none of you!" 

The voice of Bakugo, as usual, broke the crowd apart. Instantly everyone turned to him. But Bakugo, he was looking at me. A grin running from each side of his face. I knew it was a subtle nod that he wasquickly going to get me back for just before. But this time, I was ready. Ready as I could ever be as he swung an arm over my shoulder and pulled me close. 

Bakugo: "It's obvious she was winking toward (Y/n)." [Leans in closer] "Wasn't she, (Y/n)?" [Mutters] "Come on. Crack under pressure. Everyone's watching. Crack so Midnight knows you're just as flustered as everyone else in this classroom." [Thoughts] "Then the girls will totally know you want a girlfriend. No guy would dare decline Midnight! She's a damn Mil--" 

(Y/n): "Actually... I think she was winking at Mineta." 


The response came quicker than anyone could have expected it. But Bakugo's was the one I noticed most. Mainly because he instantly grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me about.

Bakugo: "What are you doing, dude?! You're totally blowing your chances here!" 

(Y/n): "Pfft. What chances." [Grins] "Besides, it's obvious... She was definitely winking at Mineta." 

And just like that the aforementionedpervert popped out of nowhere. 

Mineta: "Really, (Y/n)?! You think so? Youreally think she was winking at me?!"

(Y/n): "O-Oh, yeah... Totally." 

Even with it being a lie, it was still hard to admit. Yet, I needed to stay focused if I wanted to annoy Bakugo even further.That was until I turned to Uraraka, whostood beside me, and grinned down at her. 

(Y/n): "Doesn't Bakugo just look funny, Uraraka?" 

Uraraka: [Laughs] "Totally!" 

Bakugo: [Grumbles] "I'm not funny. I'm annoyed. Argh! Get back here and go flirt with Midnight!" 

[3rd Person POV]

With his words still coming in the form of a grumble, Bakugo lifted his hands up and went to chase after (Y/n), as if going to choke him. But the young male was too quick. Quickly maneuvering himself toward the door. However, near the back of the class, Yaoyorozu watched all this go down. Smiling at (Y/n)'s and Bakugo's antics. Only for that smile to drop when she saw how (Y/n) hung out with Uraraka and made her laugh. 

It made her inners feel bleak seeing how close Uraraka was with (Y/n). You see, unlike Uraraka, who took a while to figure out whether she liked (Y/n) in that way or not, Yaoyorozu knew straight after the final instance with Kaito that she had a crush on (Y/n). The only problem, however, was that she wasn't exactly close with (Y/n). So, seeing him and Uraraka interact with each other, it made her feel left out a little. And don't get her started on Hagakure. 

Yaoyorozu: "...Why didn't no one ask me if I wanted to go get burgers?" 

It was actually due to the fact that everyone in the class knew Yaoyorozu was from a rich family. So, the majority of the people didn't ask her because they thought burgers would be 'messy food' for the rich girl. Then there was Bakugo, who was afraid that Yaoyorozu would use a knife and fork to cut up her food. And Bakugo didn't want to be part of that 'crowd'. But Yaoyorozu wasn't going to let that stop her. 

Immediately she picked up her things and went to race after the others, however, the others came to an abrupt stop once they opened the door. For as soon as they opened the door everyone was instantly brought to a stop when their eyes came in contact with the countless students that crowded around the front door of Class 1- A. Countless eyes were glued to (Y/n) and the class itself as other approached frombehind. 

(Y/n): [Mutters] "...Fuck." 

(Y/n) mumbled as Iida injected himself into the conversation. 

Iida: "What business do you have with Class A?" 

His arm lifting up and down in rapid succession whilst Mineta jumped into theair. 

Mineta: "We can't get out!" 

Bakugo: "That's it! Get out of my way! I'll make 'em leave! No one's gonna stop me from getting burgers." 

Mineta was quickly shoved out of the way by Bakugo, who pushed himself through the ground. Bakugo was in the process of drawing up his sleeves when he came to a stop when a raised hand from (Y/n) stopped Bakugo in his path. Any emotion that was previously on his face was now gone. Drowned out by the misery in its place. All (Y/n) wanted to do was leave, now he didn't have a choice but to stay. Even so, with this look covering his face, he looked out at the wave of studentsbefore him, and with no hesitation, he brought the exact message they had indeed to their faces.

(Y/n): "You're here to scout us out, huh?" 

He said to the crowd, leaving the students of Class 1-A to whisper to each other. 

Sero: "Scout us out?" 

Ashido: "What's up with that?" 

Kaminari: "You don't think they want tofight us, do you?" 

Hagakure: "(Y/n)'s so brave!" 

The invisible girl sang as she brought her hands together with glee. Something Uraraka and Yaoyorozu noticed, causing both to mumble under their breath. But everyone's questions were answered by (Y/n). 

(Y/n): "We're the ones who made it out of being attacked by villains. And with the sporting festival coming up they wanna see what they're facing." 

"The sporting festival?" 

"That's right. It's coming up soon."

"I completely forgot." 

"I can't believe they're still having it after everything that happened." 

The voices faded into the background for (Y/n) as his eyes scanned through the crowd of people. Some had smiles, excited to see the boy who fought off the villains. Others were serious, not liking Class 1-A, after thinking they were now full of themselves because they fought villains. Though, before anything else could be said, Bakugo came up by the side of (Y/n) and leaned his elbow on his best friend's shoulder as he addressed the crowd. 

Bakugo: "Sorry to spoil it to you losers. But there's no point in doing any of that. Because my boy here is going to win it all without even trying!" 

The crowd offers gasps as Bakugo points toward them with a grin. 

Bakugo: "So why don't you girls out there forget about the festival, and focus on what pretty dresses you'll be wearing when he takes you out~" [Suddenly gets serious] "As for the rest of you, get out of the way, extras!" [Turns to you] "Haha! Right, (Y/n)?" 

(Y/n) offers nothing but a palm to his face after hearing what Bakugo said. 

Iida: [Throws arm around] "Stop calling people 'extras' just because you don't know them!" 

Bakugo: "That's not true! I know you, glasses, and I still call you extra! Ha!" 

Once more (Y/n) just palms his forehead. The reaction left the blonde stumped, but before he could say anything he was cut off from a voice in the crowd. Oneunnoticeable at first. But soon enough it wasn't hard to realize who said it, as a boy with wavey purple hair and a small smirk made his presence known. 

(???): "I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant." 

(Y/n): "Huh?" 

Bakugo: "What the hell did you say, Purple Pubes?!" 

Instantly everyone's focus went to the boy with purple hair. At first, he made no reaction to Bakugo's comment. That was until he chuckled lightly, causing (Y/n), Bakugo, and the other entrapped membersof U.A. left to watch on in silence. 

(???): [Chuckles] "Tell me, are all the students in the hero course like this?Seeing something like this makes me feel disillusioned." 

(Y/n) and Bakugo couldn't help but glance at one another as they heard this strange boy talk. His soft tone was accompanied by his slow movements as he rubbed the back of his head. 

(???): "There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies and other courses because they couldn't get into the hero course. Did you know that?" 

(Y/n) made no attempt to respond, just blankly staring at the male blocking his path. Bakugo on the other hand, well, let's just say Bakugo was being Bakugo. 

Bakugo: "Ha! Just sounds like everyone else just didn't have what it took to go Plus Ultra. But don't worry, I hear those other courses are tons of fun."

Though Bakugo smiled, he did not mean it. The same could be said for this purple-haired boy. 

(???): "The school has left those of us with a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out." 

It was at this point that his gaze suddenly shifted to (Y/n). 

(???): "Scouting out the competition? Ha. I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war." 

As soon as that last part was heard, a lot of people in the class shock with shock, and slight fear. This brought an even bigger smile to the purple-haired boy's face. However, amongst the crowd of U.A. students, (Y/n) was the only one left unphased. Everyone watched with a close mind as the best of Class 1-A stepped forward and approached the boy. His face stopping about a meter or so from his fellow students face. But not once did any sort of emotion appear as (Y/n) spoke.

(Y/n): "You say you come with a declaration of war? Well, I could say a lot of things in return. A lot of things to make you second guess yourself. But all I'm going to say is, if you're telling us to worry about you sweeping us off our feet. Well, maybe you should worry about your own first. You don't know who will strike first. Because trust me, unlike some, there are others who will show you no mercy. No matter what course you hope to be in."

With those final words (Y/n) stepped passed the purple-haired boy and took off to leave school. As for everyone else, they stood in place, shocked by (Y/n)'s stoic action.

Midnight: "Aw! He's so manly~ Meow~"

A slight bite of the bottom of her lip followed from Midnight as she watched the spot (Y/n) was no longer in. As for everyone else. Once the words of (Y/n) were registered in the hearts of every Class 1-A member, they were fueled with hope as they followed after their classmate out the door. Bakugo, of course, the first to do so. But, before he left, he made sure to smile at the purple-haired boy and patted him on the shoulder.

Bakugo: "Hey, Purple pubes. You see that? That's called being awesome. Somethingyoukinda need to be in the hero course. But, hey, here's a final thought to leave you with. Think about this. If you weren'tpicked for the hero course... How the hell was someone like Mineta chosen in your place?" 

Mineta: "Hey! Bakugo! Why'd you have to do me like that... But still, good point." 

Bakugo didn't reply to Mineta. Instead, he just snickered in the direction of the purple-haired boy before chasing after (Y/n). After that, one by one, the people going to get burgers followed after (Y/n) as well. The purple-haired boy glanced down the hallway to see Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari all jump around (Y/n)'s side. That was the final thing he saw before walking away, as did the rest of the crowd. Meanwhile, those who remained in class packed their things. Still standing near the door was Uraraka, who was shocked by the words (Y/n) had just said. 

Uraraka: [Thoughts] "(Y/n) really is awesome! I promise I'll live up to beingselected for the hero course." 

"He truly is inspiring isn't he?" 

Uraraka: "Hmm?" 

Glancing to her right Uraraka was greeted by the sight of Yaoyorozu standing beside her, her arms held out in front of her chest as she smiled at the door. More precisely the exact spot (Y/n) was standing. 

Yaoyorozu: "He truly is passionate about being a hero. It only inspires me to keep pushing myself. Though, I guess in the end, one thing is for certain... (Y/n) is quite the special person Bakugo makes him out to be." 

That final part was directed to Uraraka, who Yaoyorozu smiled down at. Uraraka was left blanked out. Mainly due to the words Yaoyorozu was saying about (Y/n). It reminded her of how the pair talked yesterday. It made her question more things. However, they were both suddenly interrupted when Hagakure and Tsuappeared beside them. 

Hagakure: "You're right, Yaoyorozu! (Y/n) really is great!" 

Tsuyu: "He is definitely what people would call an 'A-list' boyfriend material." 

Hagakure: "Well, he is single~ But who knows for how much longer." 

A twinkle appeared in the non-existent eyes of the invisible girl as she exited the classroom with Tsuyu. However, a quick glance back at Yaoyorozu and Uraraka was all it would have taken to see the frustrated looks on the girl's places, combined that with the gripping of their hands together, it was clear they were not a fan of seeing their classmate talk about (Y/n) in such a way. But all of that would work out soon enough... 

[Your POV] 

The U.A. sports festival is in two weeks. It'll be broadcast live on TV for all to see. I know for a fact that the next two weeks will be filled with countless regimes and+exercises helping the others to be their best. As for me, I wasn't one of them. I had faith in my quirks that I'd be able to get through the festival without breaking a sweat. After all, my true goal was to defeat villains, I wasn't about to waste it on a one day event. If need be, I'd use One For All. 

But my own Quirk should be more than enough to showcase my abilities to those watching. Even so, All Might's words stuck with me. And they continued to do so for the next two weeks. By the time the festival finally rolled around, U.A. was packed. Whether it be spectators, news crews, even Pro Heroes were there to protect the place after everything with USJ. Heck, I think I even saw Mt. Lady waiting in line at a food stand when I walked in. 

Mt. Lady: "One order of Takoyaki, please!" 

"Oh, Mt. Lady!" 

Mt. Lady: "No green seaweed." 

"One, right? That'll be 500 yen." 

Mt. Lady: "Huh, oh..." [Coughs] "I, um... I don't have that much on me at themoment..." 

It wasn't a surprise that she played the cute card when it came to paying. All it took was a simple twirl of her hand and an, um...accidental bump of her boob in her skin-tight costume and she got it for free. 

"Ah! That's hot! It's free!" 

Yeah, it's no surprise that worked. Even after me and Bakugo walked passed we were still left chuckling about it. 

Bakugo: "Damn it. Sometimes I wish I hadboobs." 

(Y/n): "E-Excuse me?" 

Bakugo: "I mean so I can get things forfree! Not for a-anything else..." 

(Y/n): [Chuckles] "Right. Right." 

Bakugo: [Groans] "Anyway, who keen for today, bro? There's gonna be so many honey's watching you today." 

(Y/n): "Eh. I guess. But at the end of the day, there's only one person I really care about watching me--"

I was going to say my Mom. After all, she was probably more excited, yet also nervous, about today than me. But just as I was about to say that a familiar face in the crowd of people caught my eye. 

(Y/n): "Your Mom?"

Bakugo: "Huh? Hey! Don't you be going there!" 

(Y/n): "No, idiot. Your Mom. She's here!" 

To make sure Bakugo understood what I was talking about I didn't hesitate to manhandle his head and forcefully turn it in the direction I was looking. It wasn't long before his eyes landed on the sight of his Mom in the distance. It also wasn't long before she spotted us. And quickly made her way over, of course, once she did reach us, she immediately pulled Bakugo into a tight hug. 

Mitsuki: "Oh, my baby boy! I'm so proud of you! You too, (Y/n)!" 

Mitsuki Bakugo, or as I called her, Mrs Bakugo, was always a strange character. Whereas to everyone else, she was kind and considerate, the complete opposite of her son, she could be a whole different person when involving Bakugo and his naughty time. As a lot of people would soon come to see when Bakugo began shoving around whilst in the embrace ofhis Mother. 

Bakugo: "Argh! Mom! Let go of me! You're gonna embarrass me!" 

Mitsuki: "You'll embarrass yourself if you keep speaking to your Mother like that!" 

Bakugo wanted to yell more, I could tell. But he held it back to the silent mumbles under his breath. I knew, and Bakugo lived it, that you didn't want to mess with Mitsuki Bakugo when she was angry. You wouldn't like her when she's pissed off. 

Mitsuki: "Anyway, (Y/n), how are you doing today? Excited?" 

(Y/n): "I guess. I mean, I'm not one for big crowds like this." 

Mitsuki: "Oh, I see." [Chuckles] "But from what Bakugo has told me you've been gathering a crowd around school. Mr Popular boy~"

(Y/n): "Oh, uh--" [Nervously Chuckles] "Uh, I-I don't know about that." 

Mitsuki: "Well, (Y/n), just like you, when I was younger I was quite the catch at school. Oh, I remember how the boys would go crazy for me~ Mmm. But my eyes were only for Masaru."

Bakugo's Father. It was often that Mitsuki would talk about her husband like that. And it was often that Bakugo would have the same response. And that was bringing two fingers up to the side of his head and making out he shot himself. 

Bakugo: "Bang!" 

Of course, that'd often leave Mitsuki towhack her son's hand away and start yelling at him. 

Mitsuki: "Hey! What did I tell you about your public image?! Stop doing stupid things!" 

Bakugo: "Well, stop embarrassing me!"

Mitsuki: "I will do what I want!" 

Bakugo: "Argh! You're so embarrassing!" 

Mitsuki: "Good!" 

Bakugo: "...Argh!!!!" 

Bakugo was left to scream like normal. But as he had his tantrum, I was left to chuckle away to the side. That was until myattention was focused back to Mitsuki. 

Mitsuki: "So, (Y/n), is your Mom here today? Oh, it would be so wonderful to see Inko again."

(Y/n): "No. Sorry. She decided to watch the festival from home this year." 

Mitsuki: "Oh...For your first year? What a shame. I wonder never miss my baby boy's first big steps into becoming a hero." 

Bakugo: "MOM!" 

And that was pretty much the relationship Bakugo had with his mother. It was quite funny. Nevertheless, like most times, it'd end with Bakugo grabbing me by the arm and dragging me away as I laughed my ass off. Eventually, it stopped though once we reached the changing rooms where we got into our gym uniforms along with everyone else. 

Bakugo: "Man, this is bullshit, dude. I wanted to wear my hero costume." 

(Y/n): "Calm down. You'll be able to wear them another time. For now...Stop crying before I go tell your Mommy again."Honestly, it was moments like this that I loved to tease Bakugo. Of course, it didn'tmean I got off it without any reply. 

Bakugo: "Hey, dude, not cool!" 

(Y/n): "This is payback for everything to do with Midnight." 

Bakugo: "Yeah, but that's funny!"

(Y/n): "And so is this! Now, suck it up, and let's get into those waiting rooms where the others are." 

With the teasing smile still on my lips I open the door and leave the changing room, Bakugo following me with constant groans a few seconds later. It wasn't long before we reached one of two waiting rooms the school had set up for the first years. Inside were everyone fromclassroom. Some sat at the metal tables, others made themselves comfy in the small kitchen, and others took places in the corners and other free spots in the room. 

Sato: "I wonder what the first rounds gonna be like..." 

Tokoyami: "Whatever comes our way, we have no choice but to be ready." 

Shoji: "Right." 

I couldn't help but smile hearingeverything the others said as me andBakugo made our way through the room. After a while walking around I realized I didn't know where we were going, I was pretty much just following Bakugo. When I turned to see where he was going I was surprised, but also kinda not, to see he was heading straight for a group talking in thecorner. 

A group that was full of the girls from class. It only made me worry more when I saw the hungry smirk on Bakugo's face. But whereas that would normally be seen for a guy trying to get with a girl himself, in Bakugo's case, it was getting me with one, or seven, if there was a choice, who knows what Bakugo would do... Who knows what Bakugo would do. 

Ashido: "Oh, I can't wait to get out there and show everyone our Quirks!" 

Tsuyu: "There are so many people out there watching." 

Jiro: "And pro heroes too. I saw so many recognisable faces."

Uraraka: [Chuckles nervously] "Wow. You guys sure are making me nervous." 

Hagakure: "Don't worry, Uraraka! You'll do great!" 

Uraraka: "Huh... Thanks, Hagakure." 

Uraraka still wasn't so certain of it. But she got a push in the right direction when a familiar voice sounded from behind. 

"I'm sure you'll do great, Uraraka." 

Uraraka: [Gasps] "(Y/n)?!" 

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when my arrival came in, I thought it'd benormal. Not Uraraka turned around with a large smile and pulled me into a hug. All it took was a few seconds for me, Uraraka and everyone else to realize was what going on. As soon as that happened Uraraka quickly let go and pounced back to her previous position a large blush crashing across her face as a tint of red appeared on mine.

Uraraka: "U-U-Uh, s-sorry about that (Y/n). I-I-I was just starting to think y-you weren't going to show up a-and, uh, um..." 

(Y/n): "Uh, d-don't worry about it U- Uraraka. I'm sure you'll do your best today!" 

Honestly, I didn't know how to finish off my sentence. That was the best I could do. Thankfully, for better or worse, Bakugo quickly broke up the situation and tone of it all by slowly pushing his face between my own and Uraraka's. Of course, still grinning as wide as possible. 

Bakugo: "So this is how today's gonna start out, huh? Nice~" 

(Y/n): [Sighs] "Dude, not now." 

It was as I was preoccupied shaking my head, however, that I failed to notice from the side Yaoyorozu offering a stray look toward Uraraka. Her eyebrows burrowed inward as she eyed the blush on Uraraka's face. The young girl still unable to properly make eye contact with anyone as she realized what she had just done.Yaoyorozu wasn't held off for much longer, however, as a sudden thought came to mind. A thought which was definitely not what I was expecting to hear upon walking into school today. 

Yaoyorozu: "Oh, (Y/n)! Um...M-My parents and I were talking last nightand...a-and after everything that happened with Kaito, they were--I was--" 

I'll be honest, seeing a flustered Yaoyorozu was something I definitely didn't expect. It was just so... Unnatural. So much so it left me and Bakugo just to look on at theblushing girl who twiddled her fingers together as mutters took over hersentence. It wasn't until she realized what she was doing that she finally snapped back to reality. Though her blushremained. 

Yaoyorozu: "Uh, I mean, b-basically my parents wanted to thank you for standing up for me, a-and they wanted to meet you so..." [Twiddles fingers] "T-They wantedme to ask if you wanted to come with us to the Theatre this Friday night?" 

(Y/n): "The Theatre?" 

Yaoyorozu: "Yes. Um, I understand if that is not really your thing. But my parents really want to meet you, and thank you again. And... I would also like it if you came along." 


Uraraka: "Ugh!" 

What... What was going on? How did my morning already take so many turns of emotions and conversations? Again, if I'm being honest, this was the furthest from how I expected my day to go. Yet here I was standing in front of Yaoyorozu who was asking me if I wanted to go to the Theatre with her and her parents. 

I still wasn't overly confident that they didn't hate me for yelling at them. Yet, the nervous look on Yaoyorozu's face seemed to indicate no harm behind her words. It was safe to say I was so confused that my brain was glued in a single place. If it wasn't for Bakugo being Bakugo, I mayhave remained that way for the rest of the day. 

Bakugo: "What movie are you guys going to see?" 

Bakugo said as he slowly pushed his face in between mine and Yaoyorozu's. The girl before me looking on in a confused state. 

Yaoyorozu: "We're going to the Theatre. They don't show movies." 

Bakugo: "What? Then what do they show?" 

(Y/n): "They do plays and stuff, dude." 

Bakugo: "Plays? Huh?" [Chuckles and leans in] "So, Momo, you wanna take my boy to a play, huh~ And you say this was your parent's idea, right~"

I knew what Bakugo was doing. The way he smirked as he leaned in closer to Yaoyorou's face causing her to blush. Not because of Bakugo, but more than likely due to the playful tone his words carried. 

Yaoyorozu: "Y-Yes. My parents asked me to ask (Y/n) I-If he would like to attend with us a-as a thank you for helping me." 

Bakugo: "Yeah! And chickens fly! Pfft!" [Crosses arms and turns to you] "She's totally lying." 

Yaoyorozu: "I-I am not!" [Sighs] "It's just that in my family, we are raised to believe that if someone helps us, we must do whatever we can to repay that person. My parents are very high on the matter, and so am I. What (Y/n) did for me was no easy task. He didn't have to step in, but he did. And my parents took his words to heart. So they, and I, want to thank him." [Lifts head] "And that is all!" 

Just like that any nerves on Yaoyorozu's face quickly dropped, leaving everyone silent. Right now I wanted nothing more than to slap Bakugo over the head for embarrassing Yaoyorozu, but I couldn't find myself to do it as I was left looking at Yaoyorozu. It was clear what she had told me the other day was true. Her parents really must have been struck by my words. Which left me kinda surprised because the common thought with a lot of rich people was that they didn't care about others. 

Whether that was true in this case was yet to be scene, but what was known was that her parents definitely cared for her. Now, in the end, I wasn't a very big 'theatre' guy. Heck, I wouldn't be seen at one. However, with these circumstances, it felt like I didn't really have much of a choice. Besides, I've never been to a theatre beforeso it could be fun. That and I felt Ibasically had to say yes after Bakugo kindalooked down on Yaoyorozu's familylifestyle. 

(Y/n): "Sure. I'll go with you. You saidFriday, right?"


The surrounding group of girls, minus Uraraka, said again. But Yaoyorozu didn't seem to care much as she quickly dropped the stoic look on her face for a smile as she brought her hands up to her chest. 

Yaoyorozu: "Yes, Friday! Excellent! I will go tell Mother and Father right now. I'll make sure they pick the shiny limo for us to use."

(Y/n): "Shiny limo--" 

Before I could even finish speaking Yaoyorozu had already taken off out the door, narrowly pushing passed Iida who just jumped out of the way as Yaoyorozu left the room. 

Iida: "Uh. I-Is everyone ready for the... What did I miss?" 

My gaze, along with Bakugo following the young girl in her actions. But as I still faced the door, my gaze was suddenly directed back to my best friend when a slap collided with my chest. 

Bakugo: "Ha! Dude! You got a date! I knew you wanted a girlfriend!" 

(Y/n): "What? No--Dude! It's not a date! Her parents just want to meet me--" 

Bakugo: "Yeah. So you can date theirdaughter. Trust me, dude, rich people are like that."

(Y/n): "How would you know?" 

Bakugo: "I got my ways...I saw it on theinternet when googling how to set up your best bro with a rich girl." 

(Y/n): "You did not google that." 

Bakugo didn't respond, instead, merely raised his eyebrows as he looked at me. I was left stuck momentarily. Wondering if I should question him again on whether or not he actually did Google something like that. But my mind was quickly brought back to his first statement. 

(Y/n): "It's not a date!" 

Bakugo: "Oh, yeah? Then why did you agree to go to the Theatre? You don't even like stuff like that?" 

(Y/n): "Y-Yeah, well... Because you totally disrespected her family." 

Bakugo: "Ha! Jokes on you..."

(Y/n): "Excuse me?" 

Once more Bakugo didn't respond. Instead, he just glanced at me from the corner of his eye. The smirk on his lips only growing, insinuating he was hiding something. Causing me to worry. 

(Y/n): "Bakugo, what are you thinking?" 

Bakugo: "Hehehe..." 

(Y/n): "Bakugo!" 

Bakugo: "Reverse Psychology, (Y/n)~" 

(Y/n): "Reverse Psych--What are you talking about?" 

Bakugo: "Pfft! Dude, isn't obvious?" [Wraps arm over your shoulder] "I'm your best friend, dude. I knew you didn't like the Theatre, and I knew you're not a guy who would accept such a thing from people, even if they were hot. So, as your best bro, I decided to do you a solid." 

(Y/n): "Bakugo..." 

Bakugo: "Ha! I totally made you feel bad for my false stupidity that I made you agree to go with Momo! Now you've got a date!" 

At this moment... I wanted nothing more than to kill Bakugo. But, I didn't. I held strong, and clenched my fist... I'll just wait until we get out of a crowded place filled with Pro Heroes to murder him. But for now, I just walked away, leaving Bakugo's laughter to follow from behind. Such meant the other girls were left alone, discussing whatever it was that now caught their attention. However, one person who wasn't in the conversation, but in one of their very own, was Uraraka. 

The short brunette looking at the ground as she thought over what just happened. The thoughts drove her crazy as multiple questions and possibilities came to mind. However, little did I know that my troubles were about to double. For as I was walking away, trying my best to block out the laughter of Bakugo, I failed to see where I was going. Before I realized it, I had bumped into someone. Instantly my eyes opened and my head turned to see that person was Todoroki.

(Y/n): "Huh--Oh, Todoroki. Sorry, I wasn't--" 

Todoroki: "(Y/n)." 

It was weird. A simple response, but something about me caught me off. It was in that instant that silence flooded the room. Even as Yaoyorozu walked back in the room with a smile on her face, it quickly dropped when she saw the clear tension. As for me, I was left stumped as I, alongside Bakugo, just looked at the boy that now stood behind me. Hesitantly, I turned the rest of my body around to face Todoroki. A person who, up to this point, I never had a single interaction with before. 

(Y/n): "Uh... What's up?"

...Little did I know our first interaction would start off like this. 

Todoroki: "You're a strong fighter, (Y/n). You have good control of your Quirk. You don't back down in the face of fear. Andyou're willing to risk your own life." 

(Y/n): "Um... Thanks?" 

Bakugo: "Haha! You're fortunate I know better, half-mix, otherwise, I'd think you like (Y/n)." 

Todoroki: [To you] "But in saying that, objectively, I think I'm stronger than you." 

Bakugo: "...Wait. What?" 

For once, I agreed with Bakugo. 

Todoroki: "Whereas you are a strong fighter, there are things inside you that hold you back. I can see it on your face. A hesitation." 

By this point, everyone in the classroom was looking our way, all the while my eyes were focused solely on Todoroki. I wondered why, out of all the times that we've come across each other, despite a single interaction, Todoroki decided nowwas the time to speak to me. 

Todoroki: "It's that hesitation that makesme believe I am better than you." 

(Y/n): "Uh--" 

Bakugo: [Jumps in] "Look, guy, whatever your name is, trust me, you ain't 'that' guy. You see, my boy here is a hard-hitting, fighting machine!" [Turns to the girls] "That's also a caring lover." [To Todo] "If you think you can beat him. You're wrong. He beat villains--" [To the girls] "With love and passion to protect you guys." [To Todo] "So if you think you have the right to say you're stronger than him when you did nothing at USJ. You've got another thing coming--" [To the girls] "And maybe you too~" 

I wondered sometimes how Bakugo could equally talk smack to someone whilst also flirting with girls, or in this case, flirting with girls for me. But seeing the sight in front of you makes you have a weird feeling inside of your gut. You know, kinda like when you see your parents dressing up as Santa or something. You don't wanna believe it, yet, it's there, and you only wonder how it's possible. That's the exact feeling I had right now. But as Bakugo kept his grin on the confused girls, his focus,andmy own, was soon placed back to the silent Todoroki. 

Todoroki: "I may not have put my combatant with villains on show as (Y/n) did. But I assure you, I had my fair share of fighting them. But that matters little. It doesn't take away the fact that (Y/n) hesitated multiple times against the villains. And it also doesn't hold back the fact... That All Might has his eye on him." 

Those last few words were directly sent my way, Todoroki's gaze glued to my own. My face was seconds away from showing the shock I felt upon hearing his words. It took all my strength to hold it back and keep the neutral expression I had for themajority of the morning. Even so, Todoroki persisted. 

Todoroki: "I'm not trying to pry about it. Or come off as rude to you, (Y/n). You're a skilled fighter, and I admit that. That's why I found it only right that I come to you today and tell you... I'm going to beat you in this sports Festival." 

That statement was what set off a spark that soon feed the greater fire in the room. But not from me. If I'm being honest, I cared very little about what Todoroki was saying. I'm not here for childish arguments or to see who's better. I'm here to just get through the day the quickest I can, and if people happen to be entertained by my Quirk, then so be it. However, some of the others in the class seemed to get quite excited from the 'confrontation'. 

Kaminari: "Oh? Is the second best in class offering a declaration of war to the best in class? Didn't expect this." 

Bakugo: "It ain't no declaration. My boy gonna wipe!" 

Kirishima: "Hey. Hey. Hey. Todoroki, why are you picking a fight all of the sudden?" 

Bakugo: "It ain't no fight. Todo-Two-Hair's has no chance of winning." 

Kirishima: "Seriously, guys. Not now. We're about to start." 

Bakugo: "About to start wiping the floorwith his two hair colours!"

I watched as Kirishima got up from the nearby table and place a hand on Todoroki's shoulder, obviously, trying to stop any conflict. But he was quickly denied as Todoroki shoved his hand away before looking straight back at me. 

Todoroki: "We aren't here to play at being friends. So what does it matter?" 

It was clear he was waiting for me to say something. But, like I said before, I could care very little about what Todoroki was saying. So, I didn't say anything. Instead, with a simple yawn I turned around and went to leave the room. Only just as I was about to leave I looked over my shoulder to him. 

(Y/n): "Look. I don't know what your problem is with me. But, if I'm being honest, I just want to get this day over with. I don't really care about this Sports Festival." 

Iida: "W-What?! But this is the perfect opportunity for us all to show the heroes and the civilians watching that not only are we able to protect those who cannot protect themselves, but that we are compatible for heroes to pick us when we have work experience coming up. This is an incredibly vital time, how can you say you don't care about this sports festival if you--" 

(Y/n): "Sorry, Iida. But it's true."

Something that seemed to shock the others in the class as well. So much so everyone was soon looking at me, now it felt like I was forced to explain my reasons why. 

(Y/n): [Sighs] "Look, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Just something I'm not worried about. At the end of the day, if I'm being honest, I don't care if someone picks me to become a hero or not. I'm going to stop villains no matter what. That's why I'm here. To get my stupid licence, because apparently, you need one of those to help people. So, yeah..." 

[3rd Person POV]

Those were the final words (Y/n) said before continuing on his way and exited the room. Everyone was left shocked, even Bakugo, who remained in placemomentarily before snapping back to reality and going after his friend. As for the others, they remained exactly where they were, questioning what (Y/n) had just said. Todoroki was the first to move, not bothering to say anything as he, too, exited the room. As for everyone else, they sat there, in silence, their thoughts now full. They all had their different opinions on what was just said, but out of them all, Uraraka's thoughts hit the deepest for her. 

Uraraka: [Thoughts] "I guess there's still so much I don't know about (Y/n)." 

The thought pushed her downward slightly, but then she remembered what he had told her two weeks prior. That single thought was all it took to drive home the thought that she'd do whatever it took to know more about (Y/n). Thedetermination fueled her to follow afterthe boys and begin heading out to the open arena where the crowd of thousands was waiting for them. However, just as Uraraka was about to leave, she noticed a similar look on Yayorozu's face, instantly putting her on alert. But they weren't the only ones to worry about (Y/n). 

Hagakure: "I hope (Y/n)'s okay. I just wanna give him a big hug." 

Jiro: "I wonder if everything is alright at home?"

Tsuyu: "(Y/n) does seem like the person to be holding back a lot. You can tell by the passion he puts out in fighting. I would ask him about it, but when I am in the same room as him my mind directs itself into a direction that would not be helpful in such a moment." 

Ashido: "Like how?" 

Tsuyu just stares at Ashido without responding. But it wasn't just the girls who were worried about (Y/n), even some of the boys who were more active in (Y/n)'s group, and the class itself, were concerned. 

Mineta: "(Y/n)'s so cool, and girls like him, I can't understand how someone like himcould be holding back stuff. He has everything!" 

Tokoyami: "Sometimes it's those whoseem like they have everything, that truly holds the darkness inside of them." 

Kaminari: "Darkness?" 

The question was laid out but before itcould go any further the group were cut off by a wave of laughter from Kirishima. The redhead boy leaning back in his chair,something a mute Iida in the background could be seen complaining about, however, he was completely shut out by the redhead and all those around him. 

Kirishima: "Look, guys, me and (Y/n) are bros. So, trust me when I say that--" 

Sero: "Not as close as Bakugo."

Kirishima: "W-What?" 

Sero: "Not as close as Bakugo. Everyone knows Bakugo is (Y/n)'s best friend." 

Kirishima: "W-Well, yeah. B-But that doesn't mean that I'm not friends with him." 

Kaminari: "Yeah, but, like, not on the same level as Bakugo." 

Kirishima: "So what about levels? We're just three bros--" 

Kaminari: "You're kinda like a 'semi' bro." 

Kirishima: "What? No--No, I'm not." 

Sato: "Hey, it's not a bad thing. We're all friends with (Y/n), too." 

Sero: "And, hey, if you wanna become a proper bro with (Y/n). Just give it time." 

Kaminari: "Yeah, I'm sure you'll get it one day. I mean, you may have to come to terms with the fact you'll never get a girlfriend with (Y/n) around, but still...You'll have a bro then!" 

The more that was said, the more Kirishima felt broken inside. He thought he was bros with (Y/n) already. Yet, here he was being told he wasn't as close as it seemed. It was as Kirishima lowred his head that he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking over he saw Mineta offering him a triumphant expression. 

Mineta: "Look, Kirishima, if you want to become bros with (Y/n). Just do what I do?" 

Kirishima: "Do what you do?" 

Mineta: "Yeah. Just follow the bro code.That's the easiest way to become a bro with anyone." 

Kirishima: "The bro... Mineta, no offence, but are you, like, even friends with (Y/n)?" 

There was clear hesitation in the redhead's words, that mixed with the rubbing of his neck showed as much. Mineta didn't see it that way, however. 

Mineta: "Of course we are. We did the one thing only bros do." 

--A Few Days Earlier-- 

A packed line could be seen filling the U.A.'s Cafeteria as everyone awaited to get their orders from Food Rush. Amongst the plethora of people was (Y/n) and Mineta, the unlikely duo somehow entering the line at the same time. Despite this, no words had been said between them until. 

Mineta: "You think Mt. Lady's hot?" 

(Y/n): "Yeah."

Mineta: "...Respect." 


Mineta: "We didn't even look at each other when we said it. That's how you know when two people become bros." 

Kirishima: "Uhhh...I don't know." 

Mineta: [Sighs] "Then I am afraid you may never become the type of bro you wish to be. But I wish you luck, my fellow soldier."

A simple pat on the back was all Mineta gave before walking away. Leaving Kirishima and everyone else that was still present amongst the boys to just watch on. Heck, even Iida momentarily forgot about the 'Leaning Chair Incident' to watch. 

Sero: "Uh, he wasn't serious, right?" 

Kaminari: "What? About Mt. Lady?" 

Sero: "What? No." 

Kaminari just silently turned his gaze back in the direction Mineta walked. Slowly his mind wandered back to the USJ attack when Bakugo revealed his biggest secret about (Y/n) and why he acted the way he did.

"Besides... (Y/n) deserves to be truly happy for once." 

After everything with USJ, Bakugo made Kirishima promise that he wouldn't say anything, which, of course, the spikey redhead instantly agreed with. Kirishima was more than happy with such. After all, it felt like in that moment he not only came a bit closer with Bakugo, but (Y/n) as well. However, everyone else saw him as not being one of the bros with the top two most popular guys in the class. And there was nothing he could do about it. 

But in the end, such was what the room was like when (Y/n) wasn't in it. Thankfully, the action was about to begin, as out in the arena, every single seat was filled with an energetic crowd that eagerly awaited for U.A.'s Sports Festival to begin. So many people were pumped to see what new Quirks and abilities they would see today. It felt like an eternity until the event started, but when it did, it certainly started in a mighty manner.


The voice of Present Mic exploded as his face appeared on the large screens around the arena. The crowd instantly lifted in an uproar. The Sports Festival... Was about to begin. 

Present Mic: "Pay attention, audience! Swarm, mass media! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the U.A. sports festival, is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready?! Because it's time for the students to enter their First-Year stage!" 

That declaration was all it took for another explosion of excitement to rip through the crowd. Heck, it even found its way to the many homes that watched on through the TV, such as (Y/n)'s Mother. Even the box of U.A. staff, including All Might, was getting pumped up for what they were about to see. But whereas the majority of the box was spread evenly with students to watch, All Might couldn't help but wonder how (Y/n) would take this event.

"I want you to tell the world, 'I am Here!'." 

All Might's words to (Y/n) played back in his mind, seconds before his gaze, and the gaze of everyone else present turned to the tunnel down below, where the sound of rapid footsteps could be heard growing with each passing second. Before anyone knew it, (Y/n) and the rest of Class 1-A were leading the way in their gym uniforms as they stepped out into the arena. An awestruck of cheers instantly flooded the air. And it was only just starting. More and more students from all of U.A.'s first year classes made their claim to the crowd as fireworks exploded in the air. The voice of Present Mic once more returning over the speakers and screens.

Present Mic: "The U.A. Sports Festival! The huge battle where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, these are the guys, right? The miraculous stars who overcome enemy attacks with their hearts of steel!"

Everyone was in awe. Not even (Y/n) could hold back dropping his jaw momentarily as he looked around to see the number of people that had gathered to come to watch them. Everyone was in shock, excitement, and pure adrenaline. 

Present Mic: "So everyone, with that being said, put your hands together, and raise those vocals, for hero course, Class 1-A!!!" 

More and more cheers came the way of the students as they made their way for the centre of the arena were a dirt field awaited them. As they did so, the ragtag emotions that claimed every person was on display. 

Mineta: "T-T-There's so many people here..." 

Kaminari: "I can't believe they've come to watch us!" 

Jiro: "It's unbelievable." 

Iida: "Will we be able to give our best performance with all these people watching us?" 

Bakugo: "Ha! (Y/n) can! He can perform so well with so many people watching him!...Wait, not like--" 

(Y/n): [Sighs] "Dude." 

(Y/n) just shakes his head in dismay as Bakugo looks around at the crowd, seconds before Kirishima comes racing in on (Y/n)'s opposite side. 

Kirishima: "Man, he's going overboard with that praise, huh? R-Right, bros?" 

Bakugo: "Huh?" 

(Y/n): "Bros? Uh... Sure, I guess. But that'sPresent Mic for you." 

Bakugo: "Eh. Guy speaks too loud." 

(Y/n): "Aw, but Bakugo, loud is your only vocal tone." 

(Y/n) mocked, agitating Bakugo.

Bakugo: "I'M NOT LOUD, (Y/N)!" 

(Y/n): "Oh, rrright. Gotcha." 

The pair just laughed it off, meanwhile, Kirishima did that from the side before his gaze was directed to his left where he saw Sero and Sato walking. The pair smiled at Kirishima before giving him a thumbs up. But it wasn't that type of thumbs up like 'Oh, you're so cool being with the cool kids, Kirishima'; but more so 'We support your pursuit of friendship'. But that wasn't what Kirishima wanted. He was bros with (Y/n) and Bakugo, he knew it! This only drove Kirishima to prove his point further. As he did So,from the opposite end of the field, another class made themselves known as they stepped out of the tunnel. 

Present Mic: "They haven't been getting as much airtime, but this class is also full of talent. Hero course, Class 1-B! Oh, yeah!" 

Following them were general studies, support courses, and business courses. All coming out to introduce themselves. But it was Class 1-B that excited some of the boys in Class 1-A. 

Sero: "Class 1-B? You boys know what that means, right?" 

Instantly the faces of the boys popped up at Sero's side as they gave off theiranswers. 

Sato: "New opponents?" 

Iida: "A chance to better our friendship with--" 

Kaminari: "A chance to get a girlfriend with a girl who hasn't yet fallen for (Y/n)?!" 

Sero: "Huh? What, no. It's--" 

Bakugo: "A chance for more girls to fall formy boy! Haha!" [Turns to you] "(Y/n),look, so many babes! Look! Look!" 

(Y/n): [Sighs] "Yes, Bakugo. I'm looking."

He wasn't. Not really. (Y/n) only said he did, though, the tiredness from it all was definitely present. Think of (Y/n) kinda like a Dad, and Baakugo was his son showing him a drawing he liked, though in reality was nothing but scribbles. Though in this case, scribbles had boobs. A-And other things. Bakugo knew his boy liked the variety. \

Bakugo: "(Y/n), look! Look at all these girls! There's one with horns! And vines! Oh, that's hot! And one with hair over her eyes! Lame. Then she can't see you. And, look! There's that girl who stopped--Oh. Ew..." 

The sudden change caused (Y/n) to actually look, and it was not very surprising why Bakugo made such a noise, as amongst the crowd of Class 1-B students, a familiar face. A former member of Class 1-A. Kaito. As soon as the other members of the class saw him, constant whispers started to fill the air. As for (Y/n), he acted as he had done since he woke up.

Lack to care and bored to death. And he remained that way until finally, everyone gathered in the centre grounds. But (Y/n)'s expression suddenly shifted from boredom to shock, when he saw a whip flung into the air. All it took was a single glance for (Y/n) to realize who was the one running this whole sports festival on the ground. 

Midnight: "Time for the player pledge!" [Giggles] "So get ready everyone~" 

A single glance at the teacher was all it took for lovestruck gazes and whistles to fill the air, and not just from the crowd of people, but the students as well. 

"Really? Midnight is this year's chief umpire?" 

"I'm so glad I decided to come-I mean, come! I mean--!" 

"What about the principal?" 

"He's with the Third years."

"Ha. Lame... We're so lucky~" 

But (Y/n) did not consider himself lucky. In fact, he considered himself unlucky. The young boy doing his best to hide his appearance from the teacher in centre stage. (Y/n) did everything he could to keep moving, and stay out of sight. That was until out of nowhere Bakugo wrapped an arm around his boy's neck and held him in one place. 

Bakugo: "Would you look at this, (Y/n). You're favourite hero is gonna be the judge for this whole thing. I hope you don't... Sleep your way into winning all this, huh?" 

A charismatic chuckle followed from Bakugo, all before (Y/n) punched him as hard as he possibly could in the blonde's gut. 

Midnight: "Quiet, everyone! Now, I know many of you volunteered to do the student pledge. But, this year, I have decided to pick a person from amongst you."

(Y/n): "Oh, no..." 

Midnight: "A very special person." 

(Y/n): "Oh, no..." 

Midnight: "A very hot person~" 

(Y/n): "Oh, no..." 

Midnight: "(Y/n) Midoriya from Class 1- A!" 

Bakugo: "Oh, yeah!" 

Bakugo's voice was the only one present as everyone else turned to the person of interest, instantly causing (Y/n) to go stiff as he looked around his classmates, fellow students, before finally directing it toward the stage where Midnight stood, leaning against the podium, with her arms crossed to emphasise her breasts in her suit, and licked her lips. But as more people came to look his way (Y/n) began to realize that the option of running away was something he could no longer do. 

So, with nothing left, he took a deep breath and began to walk forward. His eyes fell still as he parted ways with the crowd to come to a stop at the stairs that led up to the stage. There, Midnight stood. To everyone else, she seemed normal. But (Y/n) could tell that this was not a hero. But a hungry Lionness looking for her next meal. (Y/n)'s nerves only grew as he slowly began to climb the stairs. All the while Midnight started to speak on themicrophone, listing off (Y/n)'sachievements so the crowd knew who they were going to cheer for. 

Midnight: "For those of you who do not know, this is (Y/n) Midoriya, a member of Class 1-A and the person who fought off villains in the USJ attack. He took them head on and won on multiple occasions. All so he could protect his classmates and his injured teachers. Truly, this is what a hero is meant to be!" 

That seemed to be all anyone needed to hear to realize what they should do next. Soon enough cheers louder than the ones previously flooded the air as (Y/n) stood in the centre of the stage. Before him, the students who didn't know his bravery were now shocked, in disbelief. Whilst Bakugo was beyond happy. Now everyone, including girls who didn't even go to U.A. knew about how awesome his boy was. Soon enough came the time for (Y/n) to speak the pledge, but he didn't know whatto say. 

Quickly his mouth grew dry as his thoughts ran rampant. By the time the cheers slowed down, he realized he didn't have much time to figure out what to say. But still, he just couldn't come up with anything. That's when a smooth voice came from the side. Slowly his gaze shifted to Midnight, who still leaned against the podium. Though this time on her elbow, the rest of her body facing in the direction of (Y/n). Giving the young boy a perfect look at her slender and curvy body. 

Midnight: "You know, (Y/n), I just want to say. If you don't win today, that's fine." [Smiles Brightly] "In fact! If you don't, I know! I can talk to the Principal about booking out the gym so me and you can do some private sessions... What do you say~" 

(Y/n): "I'm going to win!" 

The declaration came fast and without thought as (Y/n) spun to the mic and yelled out to the crowd of students and people. His statement came in the shock of hearing what Midnight said. But in theend, it caused the crowd to cheer him even more. Instantly (Y/n) jumped off the stage leaving the shocked Midnight to her thoughts. 

Meanwhile, the students couldn't believe what (Y/n) had just said. Because to them, they didn't see the male's words as fear, but a declaration that he would win. Something that caused those familiar with the young boy to become wary of their own chances in the festival. Whilst those who didn't know him grew annoyed by the 'picture boy' of Class 1-A. 

Bakugo: "Ya hear that, ya big nerds?! My boy said he's gonna win this whole thing and take the running-up girl on a date!" 

Bakugo cheered loudly, but (Y/n) didn't respond. Soon enough the eyes of everyone returned to Midnight, who was still reeling in from what (Y/n) said. The shock continued until Present Mic's voice called out from the announcer's booth near the top of the arena. 

Present Mic: "Um... Midnight? Are you going to continue?" 

Midnight: "H-Huh? Oh! R-Right. Um, yes... O-Onto the first game. Something you all would call a qualifier! Every year many drink the tears of defeat here. Now, here is the fatal first game! This year, it's..." 

Without hesitation, everyone turned their multitudes of gazes to the screen that popped up right behind Midnight. Despite it only taking seconds, it felt like an eternity for some, who continued to question what the first game could be. Then, out of nowhere... It was revealed. 

Iida: "An obstacle race?" 

Kaminari: "Seriously, that's it?" 

Hagakure: "Oh, it sounds so fun!" 

Midnight: "All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium--about four kilometres!" 

Sero: "Four kilometres?!" 

Mineta: "My tiny Mineta legs can't run that far!" 

Midnight: "Our school's selling point is freedom!" [Licks lips] "It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you stay on the course. We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt and be forced to be bedbound in the school's infirmary where...Who knows what will come and visit you in the late hours of the night~"

She said exactly that while giving (Y/n) clear 'Fuck-me' eyes. The sight was enough to cause (Y/n) to jolt forward slightly and direct his gaze straight ahead. 

Midnight: "Now, take your places near the furthest tunnel from the centre battlegrounds, that is your starting line!" 

With such orders being given the students of U.A. proceeded to make their way over in the direction given to them by Midnight. Though hearing what was just spoken was definitely not a good note to leave on. 

Kirishima: "Man, does Midnight seriouslyhave to be that horny?" 

(Y/n): "How do you think I feel?" 


Of course, that response came from the majority of boys. No surprise there. (Y/n) just sighed once before looking over his shoulder where Midnight could be seen giving him a wave goodbye. (Y/n) did not wave back. Instead, he quickly shook his head from the thoughts that plagued his mind and focused up. If he wanted to get this day over and done with, he needed to start here. Just a simple way to finish this race first and get something to eat. 

However, as (Y/n) and the rest of U.A.'s first year students did exactly that, they failed to notice what troubles and turmoil would be coming their way. Obstacles and blockades that even a Pro Hero would find some struggle with. But in the end, these young boys and girls would have to overcome them. But would they be able to do that? Or would they just fall? No one knows. Only time could tell... 

[Alright, there we go for this weeks chapter. I originally wanted to get the first game over with, but decided to leave it here. I feel a lot went on, and with how amazing the last chapter did, chapters like this may be able to survive. Besides, enjoy these fun chapters whilst you can because action, action, and more acting are coming your way as we dig deeper into the sports festival. So, if you wanna see more. Make sure to vote and comment such, because the better this chapter does, the sooner the next will come out! So, thank you all for reading, but the time I see you next I will officially be done with the My Hero anime as a viewer and will begin reading themanga! But, yeah, thanks for reading this 12k word chapter, and I'll be sure to see you next time!]

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