stupid boyfriends and tired girlfriends
a/n: judul di ao3 nya sih when there are sugar there are ants, where there are sins there are trouble + ku tulis ini karna pengen para virtue interaksi
"Wow, Gluttony is amazingly annoying," Temperance said, letting her body fall to the couch, on the space between Patience and Kindness. "He thinks he can bribe me with marshmallows!"
"Don't you like marshmallows?" Patience asked timidly.
"Well, yes," she relented, taking out a huge pack of marshmallows out of her bag, "but it's still ridiculous!"
Temperance passed it to Kindness. Kindness took the pack from Temperance's hands and opened it, then took one and popped it into her mouth before returning it. "I don't see the issue," Kindness said, although it came out muffled.
"The issue is that he actually bothers to memorize what I like and I don't like it." Temperance said.
Patience took a marshmallow. "I don't see that as a problem," he said. "Isn't it nice to know someone cares for you?"
"It would be nice if it, a, doesn't make me fall in love with him, and b, doesn't have a result of him keeping marshmallows everywhere! There are ants in every corner of our house!"
Kindness swallowed her marshmallow. "You know, that does seem like a problem," she mused. "Would you like it if I called Chastity? She's pretty good at bugs and all that stuff, since, you know, bugs aren't chaste." (karena serangga tidak suci baginya.)
"She'll probably re-arrange everything, but it'll be better than ants. Call her, please, Kindness." Temperance agreed.
Just as Kindness was about to call for the virtues' youngest sister, Envy ran into the living room. His hair was more messy than usual, and there was a wild look in his eyes. Everyone noticed he was besprinkled with blood. He leaned against the doorframe and tried to catch his breath while Kindness tried to get marshmallow powder off her fingers so she can fuss over Envy.
"Are you okay?" Kindness asked, worried. When her fingers were clean, she immediately checked her boyfriend all over, from head to toe.
"I'm-I'm fine," Envy gasped, still trying to breathe. Temperance noticed he was clutching his side like he had a stitch. "Gluttony isn't, though," he added.
"What!?" Temperance yelled, scrambling out of her seat and tripping over herself, shoving the marshmallow packet to Patience who was watching everything, terrified.
"Yeah, we got-we got caught up in some trouble," Envy said sheepishly. "He told me to run and I sensed your aura here, so-"
"Get out of my way!" Temperance commanded, pushing through the door. Envy managed to move out of the doorway and let himself fall to his couch.
"Hey, the coordinate is [enter coordinate here]!" Envy yelled.
Temperance barely acknowledged him. She opened a portal and was gone before Kindness had the chance to check for his wounds.
"Whose blood is this?" Patience asked while KIndness fussed over his white clothes which were stained with blood.
"Not mine," Envy lied through his teeth. Fortunately, the virtues seemed to believe him and left him alone.
A few minutes passed with Envy's clothes getting darker and darker with blood, and nobody noticed. He didn't tell Kindness about his wound because he doesn't want them to worry over him instead of Gluttony, who was more mortally wounded. He was still salvageable. Gluttony could die if not treated quickly, and he didn't want Gluttony to turn into a ball of light in the Mountain of the Wicked. Who would he be annoyed with if Gluttony dies?
Then a portal materialized, and Temperance came out of it alongside an unconcious Gluttony.
"You're safe!" Kindness exclaimed. "How's Gluttony?"
"S-sorry, but he's the doctor of the sins, how are we going to heal him?" Patience asked meekly.
"Thank you, Patience, very helpful," Temperance snapped. She was halfway into panicking, fingers flying over the wound on Gluttony's heart with Kindness speeding up the process-Temperance staunched the bleeding and she cleaned the wound while KIndness healed.
Patience curled up on himself beside the half-unconcious Envy. "Sorry," he mumbled to nobody in particular.
As time passes and Gluttony stabilized, Patience realized amidst the chaos what his two sisters hadn't: Envy was also injured. Of course he is. He'd probably lied so all their attention was focused on Gluttony. Which is typical.
...Not that he'd say that out loud.
It was pretty noisy in the living room, but Patience could hear labored and uneven breathing well. Especially when said person was sitting beside you. He forced himself to look beside him, and what he saw was rather terrifying. There was blood all over the sofa and all over Envy, but Patience himself was suprisingly clean.
"Are you okay?" Patience asked tentatively.
That was a dumb question.
"...Maybe?" Envy said weakly.
Patience glanced at the team working on Gluttony. He decided Gluttony will be fine without a few hours of healing now, so he took a deep breath.
"Um... Kindness? Sorry to interrupt, but someone needs your help," he said, pointing to his sister's wreck of a boyfriend, pale with blood loss.
Kindness looked over, finishing up on Gluttony.
"Jesus Christ!"
An hour later, the sofa was clean of blood and so was Envy's shirt, thanks to Patience and his knowledge of detergents. The person himself wasn't completely covered in blood, because Kindness had panicked and took off his top to tend to the wound, but only his face and torso was cleaned. He was now unconcious, alongside Gluttony, and this gives Kindness and Temperance a chance to talk. (Patience went outside. He hated the smell of blood.)
"God!" Temperance started, taking out another pack of marshmallows. "Why is Gluttony like this?"
KIndness' hands were shaking. She reached into the marshmallow pack and stuffed one into her mouth. "Why is Envy like this?" she asked back.
"Sins are idiots."
"Not idiots," Kindness said. "They just act impulsively sometimes."
"Sometimes?" Temperance asked, lifting an eyebrow.
Kindness swallowed her marshmallow. "...Most of the time," she relented.
Temperance's other eyebrow shot up.
"Fine, all the time!" Kindness said, lifting her hand in the air in a motion of surrender. She was smiling. "All the time. Sins act impulsively all the time."
"That's what I thought," Temperance said, also smiling. "Hey, have you ever saw someone doing something stupid, then you're like, What an idiot! then you realize that's your boyfriend and you go, Wait, that's my idiot!" asked Temperance.
"Usually Envy does that to me," Kindness confessed, trying not to laugh. "He says I'm too nice and I'm getting used by everyone."
"That isn't wrong," Temperance admitted, "sometimes I'm too restrained. That's the cons of being a virtue."
"And that's why the sins exist. To balance us out!" Kindness said cheerfully, squishing a marshmallow.
Temperance nodded in agreement. She ate another marshmallow, and comfortable silence ensued as the two girls chewed their food.
"Hey, I think I can get rid of this blood smell," Temperance said when she swallowed her food.
KIndness followed suit. "Really? I usually just wait for Envy to do his magic. Did you know he smells like ice, lime, and mint? That's why this house smells like that."
Temperance snorted. "No. He sounds like a mojito. And that explains why I want lemonades every time I come over."
"You're not wrong," Kindness laughed. "I'll keep a stash of lemonade for you."
"No, the lemonade thing is a stupid craving. I don't need lemonades, so why bother? But I do know for a fact Gluttony smells like sterile hospital rooms and food. Not a bad combination, if I'm being honest. And Diligence said that Sloth smells like fresh bedsheets and milk. For some reason."
"I won't make lemonades, then. And she is Sloth, after all. What did Charity say?"
"...He says Greed smells like gold and catnip?"
"What?" Kindness asked in disbelief.
"I have no idea." Temperance replied.
"Okay... Wait, you said you know how to get rid of the blood smell? Cause I don't like blood, especially its smell."
"Yes, I do have a way. But it'll make the whole house smell like sakura flowers." Temperance warned.
"As long as the blood goes, I'm happy with it," Kindness assured her.
Temperance nodded, bringing out a bottle of water from her backpack. "I hate fish," she said, "but I'll eat it if I have to. And Gluttony loves it, so we compromise. He doesn't eat as much, and I bring this spray everywhere, so if he does eat fish, I can make him smell like sakura instead of the fetor of fish."
Kindness smiled at Temperance's mini-rant. "You seem to care about him a lot."
"Of course I do. Do you want me to spray this or not?" Temperance asked.
At Kindness' nod, Temperance squirted the water into the air, and all of a sudden the air really does smell like sakura flowers. There was no trace of the iron smell of the blood. "Wow, that's really strong," Kindness said.
"I can't take the smell away."
"No, I like it. I'm just not sure if Envy will be amused if he woke up to his house smelling like this."
"I'm sure he will if you convinced him to be," Temperance said. "Besides, he's still out cold."
Kindness nodded. "Yeah, he is," she agreed. "I still wonder about how, exactly, the two got into this mess."
"I'll make Gluttony tell me," Temperance threatened. "That reckless idiot!"
"...Temperance?" Patience asked, head poking in from the door. "I've been thinking-wait, why does the air smell like flowers now?"
"Because of me," Temperance said, shaking her aerosol bottle. "What were you thinking about?"
Patience walked in, closing the door behind him quietly. "We know that the-the attacker isn't-isn't human," he stuttered. "Because they managed to-to injure Gluttony and Envy. My question is... who? I mean... we know it's one of the Atramentous... but which one?"
That got Kindness and Temperance quiet and turning the gears on their heads.
"Let's digress," Temperance said loudly after a few seconds of silence. "I think we should lighten up and talk about something else."
Kindness nodded. "Okay," she agreed.
"...What should we talk about?" Patience asked.
"I actually have no idea," Temperance said, shrugging. "But the topic is diverted, so I consider it a success on my part."
Patience fiddled with his shirt. "Hey, what's it like living with a sin?" he asked suddenly.
"Aren't you living with Wrath?" Kindness asked.
"I, uh, I moved out the instant I could," he admitted. "My plants keep on dying."
Kindness hid a smile. "Yeah, that happens sometimes with me-Envy froze my aloe plants solid once. But now we have a ton of frozen aloe, which... is a plus."
Patience couldn't help grinning.
"Well," Temperance started after she managed to stop smiling, "my version is... It's annoying. Other than that, they're just dorks that's not much different from us virtues."
KIndness drummed her fingers on her lap. "Um. It's like living with a roommate."
"I think we can agree they're stupid." Temperance said.
Kindness laughed. "I wouldn't put it that harshly, but, well..."
The three virtues trailed off in laughter, keeping their volume in check so that the injured patients won't wake up. A few minutes passed and they were calm again.
"Tell us how Envy froze your plants," Temperance requested. Patience nodded in agreement.
"Okay," Kindness said. "So his skills are kind of uncontrollable and he has ice powers, right? And it randomly goes off when he's surprised and all that jazz. He was on the balcony where I put my plants, looking on the stars or something like that, and I thought it would be a good idea to surprise him. So I did. What happened was that that side of the house froze over, I was pretty sure I couldn't use my skill back then, and I had a few icicles pointed at my throat."
At this point, Temperance and Patience was laughing again. "Continue," they said in unison.
"Then he realized it was me, and he jumped back, nearly jumping off the balcony, and I was scared to death. He was like, Oh my God! I'm so sorry! Were you hurt? and bascially he was panicking. I said I was okay, then we spent like half an hour figuring out how to melt the ice."
"Wait, so even Envy doesn't know how to melt the ice?" Temperance asked.
Kindness nodded, confirming her statement. "Yeah."
The three virtues laughed their head off again. When they calmed down, Kindness was requested to continue the ridiculous tale. So she complied.
"After that, Envy was like, I think I can remove the ice, but I noticed the frozen aloe plants, then I said, Hold on, let me put away the frozen plants, and obviously he was confused and he asked me, Why? so I explained that frozen aloe is great for drinks and meds, especially for those times where he got burned by Wrath's fire-"
Patience looked surprised. "Wait... He got burned by Wrath's fire?"
"Um, yeah. That time you gave him back his powers and he ended up needing your help? Envy was there, right?"
"Why didn't he tell me? I could've helped him! I know being hit by that fire hurts a lot! And I owe him for that portal paper!" Patience exclaimed.
"...I actually have no idea," Kindness admitted.
"Sorry to interrupt," Temperance said, "but please continue the story?"
Patience jumped. "Sorry!" he squeaked.
"Alright," Kindness nodded. "So I explained that to him, and he's like, Okay, cool, then I went inside to take the pots away, and when I returned the ice was gone."
Patience sighed sadly. "Wrath burns my plants," he said. "I wish he'd have frozen them instead."
Temperance patted his back as an act of consoling. "There, there," she said.
"You can take mine," Kindness said. "You gave them to me in the first place, so it's only fair that you take it."
The three then talked about other topics, like how everyone met up at Envy's house. (Kindness lived in Envy's house, and that means every virtue will go to her, as she's the second senior virtue. This also means that every sin would follow their datemates. It was how it became like this.) Then they talked about marshmallows and how they were superior. But their conversation eventually rounded back to the sins. After more and more and more talking, they finally reached a conclusion.
"So... the conclusion is that living with sins is like living with roommates with magical powers?" Patience asked.
"Yes." Temperance confirmed.
"Normal roommates?"
Temperance nodded. "But I still think Gluttony is an idiot."
"He's yours," Kindness pointed out.
"Yeah, my idiot. Until the end of time."
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