The Mission of the Opal Jewel

🚨🚨please read the authors note at then end. Thank you! Carry on with the chapter🚨🚨

Your P.O.V.

I woke up as soon as dawn broke. I sat up, and inhaled the ungodly scent of a light guild. I looked around to see if I could find that ice wizard, Gray.

There he was. Just loitering around the bar. That's weird. It looks as though he didn't sleep last night. He looks like he is in a deep conversation with himself in his head. "Morning sunshine." I greeted him with sarcasm.

"Yeah, whatever." He replied with his gruff voice.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I said, getting up from my position on the floor.

"Ha-ha. Very funny." He replied with the sarcastic tone of voice I gave him.

"What's got you so grumpy this morning, sunshine?"

He looked at me, with his dark eye bags. "Just been thinking."

"Oh? About what?"

"Did you really mean what you said last night?" He answered looking at me with a small light of hope.

"Unfortunately, yes I did. We don't get off as easy as you light guilders." I said looking in the ravin haired guys' grey eyes.

Once I said that there was a loud noise coming from the front of this guild. The bright light from outside made me put my hand in front of my face for protection. It seems as though Gray had done the same thing. When my (e/c) eyes transitioned to the new light, I removed my hand from its positioning. There stood the little, old man again. Beside him was the girl who covered her true strength in laughs and smiles. I believe her name was Mirajane. "Well, good morning Gray and Miss (Y/N)." The old man said.

"Morning, Gramps."  Gray replied.

"I am going to my office now. Stupid kids, making me have to do so much paperwork." Mokorov said, mumbling the last part.

"Oh my! Gray it looks as though you haven't slept all night. Am I correct?" Mirajane asked him.

"I'm fine. No need to worry."


Later on the rest of the Fairy Tail guild came in. One group came in louder than the rest. I believe they are called Team Natsu. They seem as though they cause so much trouble. I still can't believe Gray is part of their little group. Gray was at the bar, head down, but it perked up when he heard his team come in. "Hey Gray! Oh my gosh, Gray did you get any sleep?" Lucy asked him.

"Like I said before, I'm fine." He huffed.

"Did that little girl in the cage give you that much trouble?" Natsu asked with a laugh.

"I am not little you pest!" I yelled from the makeshift cage. I was leaned back against it. "Well you sure look like it!" His flying cat smirked.

"Watch it, feline." I sneered through my teeth. After our little distpute, Makorav came in from his office. "Team Natsu, please come here." He said while standing near my cage. They all gathered around him, I was sat on the floor, listening in.

"I got a mission for you brats. So, listen up. There is a person who needs you to fetch a precious jewel for them." He said.

"Master may I ask, why do you want us to be doing this job? It sounds like any normal task." Erza asked in a confused tone.

"This jewel is Opal. It is considered to bring bad luck. Who ever stole it must have thought that it would be a good profit. We can't have anyone getting their hands on it, for we do not know how much bad luck will be brought. The original owners kept it in a glass case to make sure nothing bad would happen." The old man spoke. My eyes were wide when I heard the word Opal. That gem, it's-I have to stop. That's not what I need to worry myself with. That was the past. I looked over towards their master, his eyes were still closed, like always.

"I want all of you to go on this mission with cation. You may as well take (Y/N) with you, seeing as she finds such fascination in the matter.  Plus, she needs to be around her care taker, because he can handle her better than the rest of us it seems." The old man spoke with a cheeky smile. While Natsu was laughing about how Gray just got called a care taker, Gray asked the old man a question.

"How am I supposed to take her around without her escaping?"

"Freed has put an enchantment on her wrists to act as handcuffs. She is not aloud to use physical violence or walk away from you. The only way that changes is if you allow her to. Basically the same concept as her cage. Now, you children should get going. It is a day away from here. I wish you luck." Makorav said while leaving to go back to his office.

Team Natsu took a step towards me. They kept walking towards me, except, all but one, ran into the cage(I think I worded that right). That one man who got through was gonna be a pain in my rear end for this whole mission. Gray.

"You ready to go?" He asked me putting his hand out for me. "Do I even have a choice?" I joked.

"Not exactly." And with that I took his hand for help to get up, and we all left. This mission isn't going to go well, I just have a feeling.

❄❄❄heyyyy guys!!!! So I will get straight to the point for those impatient people who just wanna find out about my important message. So first off, I understand I haven't updated in ages. I am sorry, but you can change that. Do you want me to have a schedule for posting? Tell me what you think is a good schedule in a comment. Thanks!

Second, today we have reached a record of 1.04K views! Thanks so much! I understand it's hard to deal with my writing and my lack of updating. But you guys are amazing!

I realise that you guys are probably very mad at me for not updating ^~^". So I will give you my reasoning because it's just not really fair.  I have just finished a stressful year of school. The tests, worksheets, projects, and people were just scaring me, and led to stress. I also have been reading a lot of other Wattpad books for inspiration and writing examples. For example, wording and words. Then there's the....anime! I have to keep up on my anime, guys! I have a lot of fawning to do over Free. But there was also my new friend blogityblogger who I text a lot xD it's not a bad thing, but I get distracted from her. It's good distractions though because it gives me good ideas.

Also be glad I asked hannahadams1000 to give me a due date or you probably wouldn't be reading any of this. She gave me until last Saturday but I never fulfilled that. It doesn't help that I'm a procrastinator. This would have come out Saturday but I was going through some things about myself and it just made me sad so I had to text hannahadams1000 in the middle of the night for help because I needed help. So she helped me bring my self confidence up with that after it plummeted. Then on Sunday I totally forgot about it as I was to busy dribbling/fawning/adoring Free. So here I am. 11:34 p.m. writing the rest of this. But that's all I have to say. Thank you so much for reading my story, my Nekos!!!! Byyyye!!!!!!❄❄❄

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