august 2024
"hello carats" blossom smiled at the camera, setting down a big brown delivery box. "i have a box."
"wow a box." chan's sarcastic voice behind the camera could be heard.
sending a silent glare to her older member, the girl looked back to the camera. "if chan oppa would have let me finish then he would know that its from my parents." she mutters snarkily, fixing her hair. "we're in the dorm kitchen because i gave them money to buy me foods i used to like growing up and send them to me. i was missing home and i want to see if i still like the same snacks."
"yeah, yeah." chan rolled his eyes, watching blossom as she dug through the snacks box. with a hum, she lifted a plastic bag.
"first snack i'm gonna open is these marshmallows." the girl mused, ripping open the bag and taking something out. "they're ice cream shaped. i dunno what they taste like compared to anything but theyre really good from what i remember."
chan looked at the bag in her hand. "ice cream shaped marshmallows?" he asked doubtfully before grabbing one out of the bag. "lemme try one."
after popping it in his mouth the older chewed it for a bit before looking at the bag again. "it kinda tastes like raspberries."
"what? no they dont-" blossom starts but then she tries one and throws her head back in annoyance. "its not the same flavor anymore!"
chan snickers in the background, eating a couple more "raspberry flavored marshmallows" from the bag. "what'd they taste like before?" he asks after a moment of blissful and innocent mocking.
"i-" she pauses to think about it before exclaiming exasperatedly, "they just tasted fluffy! i don't know how to explain it!"
that has chan dying of laughter behind the camera. "fluffy, wow." he says between gasps. "do you taste food by like... consistency?"
blossom glares at the older, chucking a marshmallow at his face. "shut up and pull something out from the box." she grumbles, throwing the bag of marshmallows away.
chan wiped off the sticky marshallow from his face before digging into the box himself. "what else is in there? what's this?" he questioned, pulling out a blue rectangular box.
"oh my god." blossom's eyes instantly widened. "give it to me." she reached over and snatches the box from the older.
"what is it?" chan laughed, watching her rip the package. "you were pretty quick with that."
blossom ignored him, shoving her hand into the now ripped open paper to grab out the contents. "sno balls." she stated, holding out the box of little coconut covered, fluffy chocolate cakes.
chan raised a questioning eyebrow, tilting the camera to the box. "sno balls? never heard of them before." he questioned before grabbing one.
"they're really good." blossom muttered, opening the box and taking one to snack on. "i haven't had them in a while but they're so good."
after taking a bite, chan nodded in agreement. "those are good... but what do they taste like, blossom?" he teased, putting a sarcastic emphasis on her name.
blossom rolled her eyes, shoving her hyung away. "like, chocolate? and... coconut. it tastes like both of those things." she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "what? were you expecting me to say something stupid?"
"considering you said marshmallows tasted fluffy, then you can't be too surprised by me expecting something stupid out of you." chan retorted, pulling out something else from the snacks box.
this causes blossom to look at the camera and mutter in english, "he's always mean like this to me guys"
chan looks up from the item in his hand in surprise at the sudden english. "what're you saying in english? are you calling me mean?" he accuses jokingly, holding up the item.
blossom rolls her eyes and answers with a nod. "...and i'm not lying." she added, also in english.
the older gasps, playing mock shock. "i'm hurt~" chan replies in a sing-song tone in english, putting on exaggerated sad facial features while waving the item in his hand around.
blossom sighs, switching back to korean. "yeah right." she snorts, taking the item in his hand. "whats this?"
she holds the new snack up to the camera. it's a yellow, rectangular box with the word "sour patch kids watermelon" printed on the box and gummy watermelons.
"kids..?" chan mutters, tilting his head in curiosity.
"don't worry it's not actually kids." blossom reassured as if that was something he would seriously worry about.
"yeah, yeah. i know that." he mumbled, waving her off. "is it like... fruit snacks? sour gummies?"
"pretty much. you'll like them, i promise." blossom nodded before opening the box. "here, try one." she offered, holding the open box to him.
chan picked one out of the box, eyeing it suspiciously before popping it in his mouth. "oh... it's actually really good. it kinda.. tastes like sour then sweet?"
the girl smiled, nodding. "it's supposed to be like... sour, then sweet in the middle, then sour again towards the end." she explained before taking a gummy for herself.
"huh, it actually does do that." chan acknowledged, picking out another one from the box. "i want more."
"too bad, i'm not giving you anymore." blossom said, pushing away his hand to keep the box to herself.
"what? why not?" chan complained, reaching again for the box but was once again pushed away.
"because they're mine." she said simply, sticking her tongue out at him. "i already gave you a couple. get your own~."
"but i don't have any of my own." chan whines, trying again with a teasing voice. "come on maknae-ah~ remember sharing is caring~" he coos playfully, using the english phrase.
"hmm, i think i might have forgotten that saying." blossom feigned a thoughtful look, putting a finger to her cheek. "remind me please~"
she smirked, knowing he would cave and give her the correct explanation.
chan huffed, knowing that she was doing this on purpose. "sharing is caring means that if you have something that someone else wants, then you share it with them because you care." he deadpanned.
blossom nodded in mock confusion while still using a fake thoughtful expression, like she was thinking hard. "care? what's care?" she questioned, enjoying watching chan's patience slip further and further.
he was fighting back a growing urge to playfully punch her in the arm. "care... means liking and looking after someone... or something." chan muttered begrudgingly, his patience hanging by a thread.
the girl hummed in acknowledgement, but still kept up her facade. "hmm... like? and... look after?" she repeated, well aware of what the words meant, but she was still enjoying his irritation.
at that chan let out a groan and back hugged her grabbing hold of the box while she had it. "you know exactly what i mean" he chuckled, tugging on it slightly. "respect your elders! im still three years older than you!"
blossom shrieked as she was suddenly pulled back into his chest. "hey!" she whined, smacking his arms as she attempted to keep hold of the gummy box. "that's not fair!"
chan ignored her, managing to pull the box out of her hand before letting go. "it's not fair that you're being a sassy little jerk either" he retorted, holding the snack away from her.
"yeah but i'm the youngest..." blossom protested, trying to reach for the box unsuccessfully. "so i can be a jerk if i want to!"
"oh really?" the older questioned with a smirk, holding the box higher up. "being the youngest doesn't mean you can be a jerk whenever you want. especially to your oppa~"
blossom grumbled quietly while she tried to jump for the box still held above her head. "you're the one who's being a jerk first because you're not giving me the box." she huffed, trying to glare at him.
unfortunately, she was too short and the effect didnt land.
chan snickered, ruffling her hair. "i didn't start the teasing, you did," he said matter-of-facty, grinning at her. "besides, if you're just gonna be like this then i'm gonna tell the hyungs that you hit me."
"but i didn't-" she started before she felt chan grab her wrist and slap himself in the cheek with it. "hey!"
"ow, that hurt. why'd you hit me?" chan fake-whined, acting as if he was really hurt even though he had a cheeky smirk plastered all over his face as he ran out of the kitchen with the candy. "joshua hyung!"
the girl let out a gasp of disbelief, watching him run off in shock. it only took a split second to register whats happened before blossom was running out behind him.
"chan oppa, come back here!" blossom yelled, chasing after him in a desperate attempt to get the box. "give me back my candy!"
woah im actually alive (sadly) (/hj). sorry i've been so inactive this year. i need to stop promising more chapters and saying its soon when in reality its half a year later LMAO. anyway thank you so much for reading! i'm working on some outfits for eras rn so there may be some more chapters in the coming week <3 (im seeing svt in two days !!!)
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