Hello everybody (my name is Markiplier and welcome back to a game of Five Nights at Freddy's-)
Welcome back! If you're reading this chapter instead, good! Because the "This is the final part UwU" thing was literally me in 2020.
I hate that phase.
Ahem... Anyways, you guys will see a fully new and improved storyline here. Instead of being cringy where Funtime Freddy is some bastard that wants FT.Foxy for himself - I decided to make him get close to the fox.
You'd have to find out when you read this.
(While typing this-
I'm making this up as I go, I just got to when Lolbit and Funtime Foxy met.)
It's just that I wanted to redo this when I saw the amount of attention it got, hell, I'll also be deleting those first chapters. (Which they'll be deleted by the time this is finished.)
Little fyi, though... It'll be styled in my way of the animatronics. Basically, some are fluffy, their lips actually move, they can smile/frown/etc, hair feels like hair, etc.
That's all and I hope you enjoy the better version of this story.
Funtime Foxy sat on his stage, kicking his legs slowly as he read a paper about his performance, plus how it went for the couple of days after he was rented. The paper had a lot of good reviews on his performance; being confirmed as stunning and smooth. His tail wags as he read the sheet he held.
Whenever nobody was in Circus Baby's Pizza World, all animatronics could roam around and chat. Of course, everyone had to return to their designated spots after every night or when they had to deactivate to rest for their next performance.
As for this white and pink vulpine... He took pride in his performances. They were stellar and even took place at certain times. Occasionally on some days, he'd perform with a close buddy of his: Funtime Freddy. A bear with a little blue rabbit hand-puppet who wore a red bowtie and had red-pink eyes. The two had gotten pretty close here in Funtime Auditorium, but the animatronic fox swore the bear had feelings for him. Did Funtime Freddy even know that Funtime Foxy didn't share the same feelings? Maybe he knew, maybe he didn't.
Speaking of the bear... He heard an overly familiar voice ring out in the auditorium, shooting the fox out of his thoughts. "Ohoho, Foxy!" The purple and white bear went to the other, sitting next to him. The Bonnie hand-puppet wasn't equipped.
The vulpines gold eyes took a side glimpse at the animatronic bear; "Hey, Fred," He started, "What's your opinion on my performance from earlier today?" He now queries as he shows the other the paper he held.
The other Funtime looked down at the paper, leaning in closer to see it better. His blue eyes inspected the sheet, giving a small nod with a quiet 'huh'. "Your performance is one of a kind! I believe you've always showed your pride and joy during the day with all of the kids and birthday children." Funtime Freddy now answered, looking at the fox.
The animatronic fox gave a small nod with a quick yet tiny smile. "Thanks." He chuckled as he tossed the paper to the black and white tile floors, his bushy tail switching over to be by his side. The bear watched the paper skid across the clean floor.
"No problem, Foxy. Anyways, any plans?" He now asked, turning his attention the white & pink Funtime.
This caught the vulpines attention, him now glancing over at the other male; "Oh, yeah, I do have a small plan for tonight. It isn't much but definitely will take up time." He answered his question, before raising a brow. "Why?"
"Oh! Just was curious... What will you be doing that gets you busy?" Funtime Freddy interrogates as he turned his chunky body to face him curiously.
"Tch- do I have to tell you everywhere I go?" The fox spoke with a sarcastic smile on his face, he loved messing with his best friend.
"Yes." The Funtime animatronic replied quickly, wanting the answer after groaning.
"Alright, I'll tell you." The fox smirks smugly, turning his head away from the other as his eyes stayed focused on the bear. He heard a sigh of delight, seeing the other perk up more. "I'll be checking out the private room. You know, the office with the desk monitors, two doors that lead to hallways and a vent?" He stated, smiling as he turned his head to still look at Funtime Freddy.
The purple and white bear was too stunned to even speak, finding this hard to believe. Sure, he knows Funtime Foxy is a daredevil, but thinking of him going into the Private Room? Now that was insane. Little did he know, the fox animatronic had already made a Pirates Cove in the other area.
He's met some of the mystery animatronics by the names of Electrobab, Yenndo, and Bonnet, in there. They were all nice to him.
"Wait, isn't that room dangerous for us? Unauthorized, I thought..." Funtime Freddy mumbled after, the golden eyed male rolling his eyes.
"Please, you all follow your programming way too well. It isn't that bad." He spoke as he now stood up, heading to the said door that would lead him to the Private Room. He heard shuffling, immediately knowing the bear was following him.
"It's because we're not supposed to go in there, let alone let kids go in that room." Freddy stated, stopping his walk, now next to a table. Foxy turned his head as he stopped at the Private Room's door. When remembering the words that came out of the fox animatronics mouth, Funtime Freddy's eyes widened; "Wait... You said it isn't that bad... Are you saying that you've been in there a lot?!" He exclaims as his mouth went agape.
"Bingo!" The fox did finger guns at him after turning his body to face him, "Now that's what I was saying!" He lowered his hands, them on his hips. "Just as long as we don't tell Baby, Ballora, or anyone else about my little secret, we don't get in trouble. You good with keeping a secret?" He held out his hand, expecting a promising handshake.
Funtime Freddy immediately knew this posture. Of course he did! He's been friends with Funtime Foxy for a while now. "Alright, I won't tell anyone. I promise." Using his left hand; he shook the other Funtime's hand. He saw a smile come upon the others face.
The vulpine now nodded; "Of course, thank you, Freddy." He says, retracting his hand. Now facing the door, grabbing the handle and going inside. His tail whooshed around in delight after he got in the room, clicking the door shut. He heard footsteps becoming distant, assuming Freddy left.
"Nice... Some lovely privacy..." He spoke quietly, sitting himself down on the office chair. Due to being an animatronic that's 5'9" and 250lbs, he would've broken the chair if it wasn't so strong. Still being sat on the chair, he turned his gaze to the three monitors, all filled with static. The desk also had a Fredbear plushie leaning against one of the monitors, a remote on the Fredbear plushie. There was a 'Celebrate!' poster behind the monitors with Circus Baby and one of her Bidibab's next to her. A fan sat on the desk. It blew out cool air, his fur at lento speed from the breeze.
It was so quiet and peaceful in this room-that's why he hung out here most of his duration. He had a social battery and currently it was recharging now. He could usually hang out with Ballora the most because she kept quiet. Most of the time, she sang songs or practiced ballet dancing. Sometimes they'd chat about the children's safety or just about food. Baby was someone that would constantly talk about how she could pretend. Of course, that bored Foxy. Why pretend when you can just have some alone time? (Mood.)
Just as he got relaxed, he heard a thump in front of him. His closed eyes shot open. The vulpine animatronic leaned forward and looked down. He was inspecting the ground for Bonnet or Electrobab. "Bonnet? Electrobab? Is that you?" He calls, receiving no answer.
"Huh." He shrugged before sitting up, only to see a hand similar to his pop out of the static screens. But the hand had orange for the palm and purple nail polish. The hand popping out made him squawk from surprise. He fell back, the chair hitting the ground.
His golden eyes were wide as he stared in shock and confusion. Then, he saw the source of the hand begin to climb out of the monitor. A fox animatronic similar to him was the source. Who was this? This vulpine was orange and white with purple cheeks and lipstick. The freckles were purple. But their eyes... Their eyes stood out the most. Nothing but black voids with a white dot for the pupils.
His golden eyes goggle into the others eyes, the other fox animatronic gawking down at him. They were only halfway out of the monitor. The room was awkwardly silent; the only thing breaking it being the static and the noise of the monitors.
Finally, the other spoke up; "Who're you? I've never seen you before." A... Woman? No, male... What was it? But it sounded feminine.
Before he could answer, the other animatronic was now on their feet and staring down at Funtime Foxy. Hands on their hips as they awaited for his answer.
"My exact question to you." He got cocky, subtly glaring at the other. Right as a hook came flying down, Funtime Foxy leapt up to his feet and gripped their wrist. He turns them, tossing them against the ground. The other vulpine was too surprised to fight back, before flaring their teeth at him. Having been brought down, the orange, purple, and white fox animatronic examined him for a weak spot.
Finding it, the 'intruder' raised up their leg and kicked in his knee. They got a pained yelp from him, the male animatronic going down quickly. The glitch got up to bolt, only to be grabbed the ankle, trip forward, and hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Okay, who are you?!" Foxy would demand, snout wrinkled up as he bared his teeth at the other.
"Fine!" The other turned their head to glance at him, "I'm Lolbit! Goodness gracious." The other finally let go of their ankle. Their tails lashed around as they stared at each other in the silence. Foxy did take notice of the different tip colour. The tail tip colour on Lolbit was orange.
He gave a firm nod before answering; "I'm Funtime Foxy, or just Foxy. Your gender?..." He asked with a small questioning wave of his hand.
Lolbit stared down at his hand, raising a brow as they looked back at him.
"Female. That's my main gender." She admits in a serious tone. The male nodded, scooting back from her to not be in her space anymore.
"Sorry for starting that fight. It was unnecessary." Lolbit eventually broke the silence, staring at the tile floor after sitting herself up.
"I shouldn't have got cocky." Funtime Foxy laughs softly, scratching the back of his head. His fluffy ears laid back as his tail sat next to his side.
The female giggled slightly as her tail wags from his statement. "That's true. Also, for a guy that looks like me... I'm surprised you don't even have a hook." The 'clone' gestured to his hands, the male looking at them slowly.
"Oh, that? Yeah, it wasn't in my blueprint. So I was designed with the miracle of both hands." The male vulpine answers; sitting his hands down on the tile flooring. The tiles were checkered with black and white.
"Lucky." The female lifts her left hand, showcasing a hook for a hand. "I'm stuck with this thing. Sure, it's perfect for self-defense... But from what? Other animatronics that could be stronger than me?" She laughed. Her laugh almost sounded like that of a maniac.
Funtime Foxy just listens to her cackle. When the vulpine calmed down, he spoke up. "I can speak to Yenndo about-" He started.
Lolbit interrupted him, one ear perking up. "You know him?"
"Uh... Yes I do. Obviously," The male snorts with a cocky smile; "I come here a lot. I know Bonnet, Yenndo, Electrobab, the cool ones in here..." He listed. "I also know Yenndo for sure can fix up that hook of yours and make you a hand." He points to her now resting limb.
Lolbit thinks for a moment. She turned her head to her hook, raising a brow as she slowly glanced at him. "You sure?"
"He fixed up my voice box errors." The male vulpine answers, the female now putting more thought into it. Finally, she smiles and nods.
A couple weeks had passed by, and Funtime Foxy had spent extra time in the Private Room. Ballora had expressed her concern a while back, but stopped asking.
Today was the day for Funtime Freddy, however. He was going to express his feelings for Funtime Foxy. He was building this up for YEARS now. He eventually went to the Private Room's door. He knocks. "Hey Foxy? Are you home?" He jokes with a smile.
Suddenly, there was shuffling and he jumped back. The door flew open, showing Funtime Foxy. "Ah- Freddy! Hi! Hey, I have to introduce you to someone." The animatronic grabbed Funtime Freddy and pulled him in. The bear showed nothing but confusion to this.
"Wha- who?" The bigger Funtime glimpses down at him.
He saw the gold eyes of the vulpine focus on the screens. Foxy had lifted his hand and knocked on a screen.
"Just watch this." He smirks cockily. "I recommend moving to that corner." His tail twitches. The Funtime bear turns his gaze to the corner, backing up and standing in the corner.
"Foxy, please don't let this be one of your mean pranks again." Freddy pouted, the pink and white fox turning his attention to him.
"What? No, it isn't one of those pranks."
Right as Funtime Foxy answered, another fox like animatronic dove out of the screen. Funtime Freddy stiffened as his ears laid back, blue eyes widening. His mouth was agape.
The orange, white, and purple figure had somehow did a roll and slid to be kneeling in front of the other Funtime.
"Hiya! I'm Lol-Lol-L0lBi7!" Lolbit used her glitching voice to her advantage. Funtime Freddy was almost on the verge of screaming before she jumped up to her feet.
"She glitches?? Looks like you??" Funtime Freddy turns his head, looking at Funtime Foxy. The fox had crossed his arms with a nod, his bushy tail wagging behind him.
Lolbit went around Funtime Freddy; inspecting him. "He isn't as skinny as you described him to be." She looks at Foxy while saying this, pressing her hand against his stomach. Freddy started to giggle, the females white dots for eyes shooting to look up at the bear. She smiled brightly.
"He isn't that chunky. Look at him. He's fluffy." Funtime Foxy chimes in, grinning.
The female felt her tail start to wag. "Ooohohohoo you're ticklish, aren'tcha?" She teases, now starting a tickle fest.
Easily, she won against the bear as she using her other hand to start tickling his stomach.
Nothing but laughter came from the Private Room.
After a few minutes pass, the bear reached up his left hand. "O-Okay, okay, stop, please-" He requests, the female vulpine suddenly next to the male fox. The two foxes made eye contact, smiling.
The purple and white animatronic couldn't help but take notice of Funtime Foxy's rather loving smile. "Are you two dating, or?" He dropped his confession immediately.
"What?" The two looks at him, both speaking in sync.
"Nope!" Lolbit chirps.
"Not at all, what makes you ask?" The shorter male now queries, confused.
"Your loving smile."
The room went quiet. The two vulpines blushing madly. They glanced at each other, the female giving a shrug. Funtime Freddy stood there awkwardly, casually third wheeling. He scratches his head, sighing. "I came here to confess my love for you, Foxy. That's why I was here." He breaks the silence.
The foxes now had their attention on him. Foxy laughing nervously, "I hate to say this, my guy; I only see you as a friend." He said to him. A small smile on his face.
"Well, I see who has your eye now!" Funtime Freddy threw out his arms, gesturing to the orange and white fox. The female placing a hand on her chest as if asking he meant her.
Funtime Foxy put his hands on his hips. "And how would you know, hm?"
Lolbit spun in a circle, bored. She listened to the two bicker back and forth. From her dizziness, she landed right in the male vulpines arms.
Since Author-Chan is fuking bored she's going to rush it.
Then the foxes got married.
The end.
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