XI. | The Truth

"Are you still not talking to me?" Kai asked as he rolled over to see an angry Angelica. She didn't respond

"You know I wouldn't do that. I don't like snakes.. they're all slimy.. and.. ugh.. I got you this cute plushie from your favorite anime.. JoJo, was it?" Kai asked. Angelica's eyes went to him

"You got me something JoJo related?" Angelica asked

"Well, duh. You don't shut up about it. Look, after you stormed off, Kol paid me a visit. He's the one who fucked up my gift" Kai said as he slowly leaned over to wrap his arms around Angelica. He began planting kisses on her neck. She smiled at the feeling, at his touch

"Kol was here..?" She asked as Kai kept kissing her neck

"He's trying to break us up.. just like everyone else.. but we won't let him.. you're mine.. and you belong to me" Kai told her as his hands slithered up to her chest. All Angelica could think about was Kol. She shook her head

"Stop" She told Kai who was putting kisses on her jaw. He immediately stopped and furrowed his eyebrows

"What's wrong?" He asked as she removed his hands from her body

"I.. can't do that right now" Angelica said

"Well, that's fine. We don't have to. But I can tell something is bothering you" Kai said

"I'm thinking about Kol" Angelica told him. He cringed

"That is like the worst thing you could possibly say. Like I was about to get down and dirty.. and you were thinking about another man? That kinda pisses me off, I'm not gonna lie.. okay it doesn't kinda piss me off.. it really pisses me off" Kai said with an angry look. Angelica shook her head

"Not like that, Kai.. I wasn't thinking of him like that.. You know my heart is yours. I love you and you know that. It's just.. I've been avoiding the whole Kol thing.. but he just keeps inserting himself, I can't avoid it! I need to talk to Caroline!" Angelica said

"You can talk to me about it" Kai said. Angelica shook her head

"I will talk to you about it, but not right now. Caroline is the only person who has any idea what it's like" Angelica said

"I can understand, just tell me!" Kai said

"Kai, enough! I'm going out" Angelica said as she got up and started getting ready. Kai's eyebrows furrowed

"You're coming back, right? You're not leaving me, are you?" Kai asked as he began to freak out

"Baby, I'm not leaving you. I just need to talk with someone.. who's been through what I've been through.. I'll be back, okay?" Angelica said as she finished getting ready

"Okay" He said softly


"Hey, Care.. how is your mom?" Angelica asked

"I'm not too sure.. the doctors are still trying to figure it out.. so I've been cleaning the house while I wait" Caroline said

"I wanna talk to you about something" Angelica said. Caroline grabbed Angelica's hand and led her to the couch

"Anything. I'm here for you" Caroline said

"I'm trying to understand what really went on between me and Kol.. and it's a lot.. and you're the only other person who can understand.. even if it's just a little" Angelica said as she started tearing up. Caroline frowned as she held Angelica's hands

"Yeah, it's a lot.. and my experiences and my feelings are different from yours. When Damon compelled me, I was mad at the way he treated me and used me as a blood bag. And it gets even more complicated when you throw in the fact we were sleeping together. I think what made it so hard, was because no one was listening to me. Everyone else had their own opinions on what had happened and it made it even harder. I was told I had to feel a certain way about it, and I just didn't" Caroline explained. Angelica nodded feeling an immense amount of guilt

"I hate Kol! I'm so angry at him! He forced me to love him! He forced me to forget the real love of my life! All of it was a lie! And yet.." Angelica trailed off as she began crying. Caroline brought Angelica into her arms, resting her head on Caroline's chest

"I know.. I know" Caroline cooed. Angelica felt guilty. She felt as though she had betrayed Kai. She had been forced to do many things because of Kol. She was forced to betray her friends. She tried killing her friends. She spied on her friends, all because Kol had manipulated her, but there was one thing that he didn't do. He never forced himself on her, she wanted to do it at the time. She was okay with it. She knew she was fucked up for thinking the way she did, but she almost wished that he had forced her because then she wouldn't feel so guilty

She had willingly slept with another man. How was she supposed to explain that to Kai? Kai would hate her. Kai would be angry at her for cheating. How could she say she loved Kai and then do this to him? What was she supposed to do? She regretted it so much. Kai would never forgive her for what she did. She couldn't even face him

"It gets easier with time.. and I know what you're thinking.. if Kai really loves you.. he'll understand" Caroline said. Angelica pulled away and stared at Caroline with heartbroken and tear stained eyes

"Why would you say that?" Angelica asked

"What?" Caroline asked. Angelica clutched her head in her hands

"Kai can't love me.. he'll never understand.. he's gonna hate me" Angelica said as her entire body trembled. Caroline could only stare, unsure of how to react

"What do you mean he can't love you? Aren't you guys in love? That's why you're together..?" Caroline asked confused

"I love him.. I've accepted that he'll never be able to love me back.. but he needs me.. but if I'm an unfaithful piece of shit, then he'll see that I'm useless. He'll throw me to the side" Angelica cried out. Caroline physically could not respond

"He's gonna be so mad at me.." Angelica cried


Kai was staring at Elena as a plate of food sat in front of him. He had kidnapped her. He was in a foul mood due to his disagreement with Angelica. He really didn't like how she wouldn't talk to him. Did she not trust him?

"See, we never went out to eat when I was a kid. Except for the planned dates that the Coven made me have with Angel. It led me to develop this fascination with chefs and fine dining. My dad actually loves to cook. He's old-school, of course. He taught me to measure by eye, season by taste, all that stuff. But it's different now in the restaurant world. I mean, everything's on timers. It's, like, fries go in, you push a button, ding, you take them out. Literally no guess work" Kai explained as Elena stirred awake. Kai had vervained the ropes she was tied up on

"Why am I here?" She asked

"I spent 18 years in abandoned restaurants. Now I'm showing off the fruits of my labor" Kai said before he ate a piece of food

"I don't mean the Mystic Grill" Elena said

"Oh, you mean like- like 'here' here, in Mystic Falls? Sorry. I'm nervous. I'm- me and my Angel are kind of in a disagreement, so you'll have to forgive me" Kai said with a smile

"Why am I here, Kai?" Elena asked

"Well, I took the spell that was keeping supernaturals out of Mystic Falls, and I.. I, like, absorbed it. Like, ate it, I guess. It's cool, huh? First I eat magic, and then I eventually lose it, but.. I mean, a huge spell like that? I mean, come on. Magic's oozing out of me. It's all over the place. I didn't realize I was out of control until I met the manager a few hours ago. And he was all like, 'You can't come in here. We're closed. And you have an unconscious girl on your shoulder.' I was like, 'Don't judge me.' So then I gave him a heart attack, or tried to. All I did was make him vomit uncontrollably, which was like- all right, let's stop that. So I tried again. And I think I broke his spine. I'm not really sure. Because the third time I tried the spell, he kind of exploded in blood" Kai explained before taking a sip of his drink. Elena couldn't believe what she was hearing

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Elena asked

"I just told you, I have too much magic and I'm fighting with Angel. You know, it wasn't until my test run with the manager that I realized.. if I start to merge with Jo, and my gushing fountains of magic turn her into that guy.. then I'm not gonna have a twin for the merge. So, Elena, that is why you're here. Because.. I need to get my magic under control by practicing with you. Or rather by practicing on you. Oh, hey, P.S., silver lining. After the manager finally stopped thrashing around.. I finally managed a cloaking spell. Thank you. It's easy to do, and undo" Kai said before uttering a spell. The dead manager appeared and Elena jumped back in horror

"Table for three. You had no idea" Kai said with a grin


Caroline and Angelica had showed up at Liz Forbes house. Caroline had cried on the way there. Apparently, Liz had been diagnosed with some sort of brain tumor. Angelica wanted to be there for Caroline, just as Caroline was there for her. On the way she had also called Stefan, telling him to rearrange things in the house for her mother's comfort. The duo walked into the house, Caroline holding a potted plant. She saw an orchid

"You kept my orchid alive. That's amazing" Caroline said. The two girls turned to see Liz there smiling

"I wanted everything to be just the same when you finally came home, and Angie.. it's good to see you. Caroline missed you a lot" Liz said. Angelica smiled and gave the older Forbes a hug, which was returned. The door opened and in came Stefan

"Hey" He said. Liz noticed that the house was different

"What is this?" She asked as she took off her scarf

"Stefan agreed to help.. to move your entertainment center, so you can watch TV from your favorite chair" Caroline explained

"I hooked up the surround sound to your DVD player.. and I left a universal remote on the table right there" Stefan explained. Caroline grabbed Angelica's hand and led her upstairs

"Isn't it awkward?" Angelica asked referring to Stefan

"Shush.. he can hear us. Look, we just need to grab the friends box set" Caroline said as she dragged Angelica along with her. Caroline found the box and then dragged Angelica back downstairs

"If you start the friends box set now, I'll be back in time for Monica and Chandler's wedding. Stefan, you know how to laugh, right?" Caroline asked as Angelica's phone went off

"Opinions vary. Why, are you leaving?" Stefan asked. Angelica pulled out her phone to see a text

Get your ass over here rn

Angelica rolled her eyes at the text

"I've got to go, Damon needs me" Angelica said. Caroline nodded in understanding

"Text me later" She said. Angelica nodded before leaving


Kai was staring down at an unconscious Elena, who was tied up in vervain ropes once more at the school. He watched as she tried to escape them when she woke up. Kai had a soda in his hand and was drinking it. He had to change shirts since Elena lit the last one on fire, which made him a little upset. Elena looked up at him

"Oh, hello" Kai said

"Nice shirt" Elena replied

"Thanks. Somebody burned my other one. Which was awesome, by the way. I am starting to see why Devin digs you. I mean, you are crazy-pants. Oh, it sucks about that shirt though" Kai said. Angelica had bought him that shirt

"So you can care about an inanimate object, but not the people you kill?" Elena asked which made Kai giggle. He took another drink of his soda

"Well, duh.. I care. My Angel got me that shirt. Wait, wait. Is this gonna be like an episode of Ricki Lake.. where I come face to face with my demons and change for the better?" Kai asked as he crouched down in front of Elena with a smile

"Is the only person you've ever cared about, Angelica?" Elena asked. Kai thought about it

"I guess I liked my brother Joey. We played 'Dr. Mario' together and he'd always win. Actually.. one of my favorite memories is when I finally beat him" Kai said. Elena thought she was getting to him. A small smile on her face

"Of course my favorite memory is when I finally beat him to death. You don't have to waste your energy trying to change me. If Ricki taught me anything, it's that.. liking yourself is the most important thing. And I like me" Kai spoke

"You can be better.. for her! Don't you know that you're dragging her down with you" Elena said. Kai rolled his eyes

"I tried that route.. I did! But my father ruined it.. plus, I always think it's so funny that everyone else has an opinion on our relationship and on what Angel needs.. but the thing is.. nobody ever asks her how she feels about it. If you did, you'd know that she likes how we are. She doesn't want me to change. She loves me. She loves me. But everyone wants to ignore that fact.. they always want to paint her as some fucking victim!" Kai yelled as he threw the can of soda across the room

"Somebody that needs to be saved from me! Because I'm an abuser! I'm the bad guy! It's all me, right?! She never did a single fucking thing wrong! It was all me, right?! Right?! You know it's funny, that she's always painted as this victim who needs to be saved! You know she killed someone when she was 16! She doesn't remember it because she got caught by the Coven and they removed it from her memory. Of course I was blamed as the reason she did it, because I was manipulating her and taking advantage her, right?! But here's the thing, I didn't do anything! You wanna know, what happened? I'm gonna tell you what happened" Kai said

"See it was during passing period, and this girl came up to me.. don't even remember her name, well she thought I was cute.. started flirting with me. Well, my sweet little Angel saw and she did not like that. So, when school ended, Angel had somehow convinced the girl to come to the back of the school with her. That is where she slit her throat and then repeated to stab her 63 time in the chest. Yeah, 63! She didn't clean up her mess, which is why she got caught. However she was never charged because the Coven took care of it, and sweeped it under the rug" Kai continued

"Oh! But that's not my favorite part! See, that same night. Angel, showed up to my house. Of course, she was let in because we were engaged.. well she came up to my room, and I remember this like it was yesterday because I thought I was going to die that day! She comes up into my room and the next thing I know, there is a knife pressed against my stomach. The look in her eyes, they were cold. Literally chills went down my spine. I really thought she was going to kill me, that day. It was the first time she threatened to kill me, oh but it certainly wasn't her last" Kai said chuckling

"She's threatened to murder me a total of 56 times from the age she was 16 to the day she was 20. Then, therapy helped a lot.. but it's so funny, because no one knows that she did that! No one! I've had a knife pressed up against my throat, against my back, my chest, down there too, oh! And my personal favorite was when she threatened to carve my eyes out because I looked at another woman. I mean, I found it hot.. not gonna lie.. um, I mean we'd fuck after, you know she threatened to kill me.. so.. it's so funny that I'm always called crazy and psychotic.. but take a look at her. We are literally a match made in hell" Kai said laughing. All Elena could do was stare in shock. Kai let out a breath as he calmed himself. He sat criss cross applesauce as he just stared at Elena. She hadn't said anything about what he just told her. 5 minutes had passed

"If the spell you're going for is to creep me out.. it's working" Elena said. Kai moved his finger and used magic to cut Elena's cheek. She groaned in pain as Kai smiled

"What are you doing?" Elena asked as he had cut a K into her face with his magic. However it healed

"I was gonna do that to Angel, but it'll just heal" Kai pouted before he left Elena alone. He pulled out his phone and tapped on Angelica's contact. He dialed her, but got no response. He frowned as he went into the hallway

"Is she still mad at me?" Kai asked as he dialed her again, but no response. That made Kai nervous. Why wasn't she responding to him? Was she going to leave him?

Are u still mad
I'm sorry
Please respond
Look you're right.. I was wrong
I made a mistake
Please I need you

No response. Kai yelled angrily as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. Kai stopped and turned staring down at a hallway before he went back to thinking about Angelica

"She's still just a little upset.. I can give her time.. if I push her too much.. she'll run away.. I can't have her do that.. so, I need to control myself" Kai told himself before he continued wandering the school. However he felt the presence of his sister Josette. He walked down the hallway, closer to where she was. She was with Damon and Elena

"We need to go, because when the magic sucker learns we.." Damon trailed off as he clicked his tongue. "Angie.. he's not gonna be happy"

"Sorry.. three people's just a lot more to cloaking than two" Josette said before she collapsed into Damon's arms

"Why's your nose bleeding?" Damon asked

"I have a guess. Magic's hard. Isn't it, Jo? Also, what were you saying about my Angel?" Kai asked with a grin. Damon ushered Josette to leave

"Well, I heard you took my girl.. so it was only fair I took yours" Damon taunted

"Where is she?" Kai asked with a clenched jaw

"She's with our little friend BonBon" Damon said

"You touch a hair on her head and I'll kill you" Kai threatened before cloaked Elena. Damon turned around and noticed she was gone

"Where is she?" Damon spat out

"Well it's only fair I hide your girl since you took mine" Kai said with an innocent smile. Damon went to attack Kai, but he cloaked himself and went behind Damon. He whistled as he revealed himself. Damon snapped his entire body around to see Kai waving at him. Damon sped over to a mop and broke it in half. He then threw it and stabbed Kai in the chest, except it was an illusion

"Oh, that's gotta hurt" Kai said staring at the fake version of him that was currently bleeding out

"I am definitely getting the hang of this. Cloaking spells, illusions. You know, it's all the same wheelhouse" Kai said before revealing the fake version of him to infact be Elena

"No" Damon said as he went to rush to her. Kai held out his hand and gave Damon an aneurysm

"Where's my Angel?" Kai sang out

"Fuck! She's at the Lockwood estate!" Damon cried out. Kai walked off towards Josette who was crawling away. Kai walked over to her and grabbed her by the arm. He forced her to her feet as she groaned in pain

"Now that I got the kinks worked out, we can actually do this. Is there an upcoming celestial event that interest you? I'm partial to-" Kai was cut off as an arrow went through his shoulder. He groaned out in pain as he fell to his knees. The next thing he knew, he was being injected with something and his consciousness began to slip


"You guys are so mean.. Seriously, Bonnie? I thought we were friends.. well I also thought that last time before you guys killed me.. and then left me in the prison world.. oh, and who told Kol I was alive? I bet it was you.. you still mad I tried to kill Jeremy?!" Angelica spat out. Bonnie didn't respond

"Answer me! Answer me you bitch! What the fuck did I do wrong?! Why am I in chains?! I already paid for what I did! So let me out!" Angelica screamed as she thrashed around

"You didn't do anything. It was so there wouldn't be an issue when we got Kai" Bonnie explained. Angelica's eyes widened

"What'd you do to him? Is he dead?" Angelica asked softly

"He's alive" Bonnie replied. Angelica was relieved to hear those words. Suddenly, Bonnie collapsed. Angelica raised an eyebrow as the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching

"Hello, love. I'm back" A voice rang out

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