🔥❄🌬🍃| 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞
' I've always liked to play with fire'
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Classes started the following day and so far things had gone a little smoother than expected. Her favorite lessons had to have been Elemental Studies and Astrology. They both happened on Wednesdays and Elemental Studies happened again on Fridays.
She enjoyed the former because it was one if the few lessons a week that she had with her best friend due to them being in different houses. She enjoyed Astrology because she enjoyed the stars it always calmed her. When she was younger her and her mother would go out into the night sky and name as many stars as they could.
The work load wasn't as much as expected, especially since she was used to the work amount due to her tutors giving her alot notes to take down and the studying would be even worse but she was used to it.
Being an Elemental was amazing but there was alot to learn from a young age.
As the week went they had multiple different lessons such as Herbology with Professor Sprout and Transfiguration with Professor Mcgonagall.
To most the week had gone rather quickly as it was already Friday. For the first time that week Ron, Harry and Dahlia had managed to make it to the Great Hall without getting lost.
After breakfast her, Ron and Harry started off their classes for the day. The first couple had gone like a breeze and now they had Potions with Professor Snape. They had been sitting down for quite sometime chatting about to themselves when a pale man wearing black robes and long black hair barged into the classroom.
"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such...I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that it potion making. However for those select few." The man that Dahlia had identified as Professor Snape started before glancing at Draco and herself who both sent small smiles back to the man. "Who possess the predisposition. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses I can tell you how to bottle flame and brew glory and even put a stopper in death." Snape continued before stopping once again as his eyes trailed over to Dahlias right, where Harry was sitting.
"And then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention!" Snape ranted making Dahlia nudge the boy to put down his quil.
Snape glared at the boy as he made his way over.
"Mr Potter. Our new...celebrity." he spoke in an envious tone. "Tell me what I would get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" The professor asked the boy who obviously had no clue.
Dahlia and Hermione on the other hand knew the answer. Dahlua decided to keep her hand down knowing that it wasn't the right moment to answer but her new friend was far more eager to do so as she raised her hand.
"You don't know? Well let's try again. Where Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" He asked the boy again, recieving the same response from him as Hermione shot her hand into the air again.
"I don't know sir." Harry told the wizard.
"What is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" He asked a third time.
"I don't know sir." Harry told him as he looked down at his fingers.
"Pitty...clearly fame isn't everything, is it Mr Potter?" Snape snarled making Draco turn and look at the boy with a smirk.
"Clearly Hermione know's. Seems a pity not to ask her." Harry sassed the wizard making the rest of the Gryffindor and Slytherin first class student giggle.
"Silence." Snape demanded making the children quiet before marching towards the table where Dahlia, Hermione, Harry and Ron sat. "Put your hand down you silly girl." He snapped at Hermione as he pulled up a stool and sat infront of Harry on the other side of the table.
"For your information Potter." Snape started, Dahlia had a feeling that she should take this down so she quickly took out her quil. "Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draft of the living dead. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for Monkswood and Wolfsbane they are the same plant which also goes by the name of aconite." Snape spoke as Dahlia quickly took them down in her book, Hermione noticed and was tempted to join her but she noticed that their Professor was angry enough. "Well...why aren't you all copying this down?" Snape asked the students noticing that Dahlia had taken the hint earlier than most he gave her a nod of approval before marching towards the front of the class.
"And Gryffindor, note that 5 points will be taken. For your classmates' cheek." Snape informed the class as he glared at the boy for the hundredth time, Draco and his two minions turned and snickered at them while Harry just glared at the teacher.
The 5 friends were currently in the Great Hall doing some homework. Demetria hadn't really made any friends in her house yet so she asked if she could join Dahlia, Hermione Harry and Ron. They all agreed happily seeing that Demetria seemed nice.
Dahlia was busy doing her homework for Elemental Studies, which to list the poisons deadly to their kind and to name the cures. Demetria sat to her left doing the same while Hermione watched Seamus try turn the water to rum.
All it resulted in the water inside the gauntlet, to well explode in his face.
She then looked up at the sounds of owl squeaks which made Tewksbury hiss at the bird's but Dahlia rubbed her belly to calm her.
An owl dropped a small parcel for Demetria and a letter for Dahlia.
This caught the attention of the other Falcone siblings as it was strange for only Dahlia to get a letter. So her three older siblings turned to watch her as she opened it up.
Hey kiddo
I got word from your mother that you aren't being our usual chirpy and bubbly daughter ever since the Sorting Hat placed you into Gryffindor. You may think that you being in Gryffindor is a mistake but that Hat never makes a single mistake meaning that you were put in there for a reason I promise you.
Dahlia my sweet child, you're special, extremely special I know that. Bellamy, Celeste and Nicholas are still your brothers and sister and your mother and I are still your parents that love and adore you more than you'll ever know.
Don't worry you'll make some of your closest and friends I assure you.
I wish I could tell all the stories about my friends during my 7 years in that ancient castle but I'm afraid that I'm running out of parchment.
However if you ever need to write to me my quil is always ready to write back.
I love you my dear don't you ever forget that
P.S I know you're also upset about Draco but he'll come around, eventually.
Dahlia folded up the letter and put it in the pockets of her robes stifling a smile.
"Who's it from?" Ron asked curiously.
"My father." She responded before picking up her quil to get back to her work.
She then noticed a rolled up Newspaper, probably this weeks publication of the Daily Prophet that had come with a letter given to Ron.
"Can I borrow this?" Harry asked the ginger who nodded in response.
Harry unrolled it while Neville opened up with parcel and pulled pulled out this ball shaped thing.
"Hey look, Neville's got a Remembrall." Dean Thomas pointed out.
"I've read about those. When the smokes turns red, it means you've forgotten about something." Hermionie informed the group.
"The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten." Neville sighed as he stared at the magical object, Dahlia then noticed that he wasn't wearing his robes and made a mental note to tell him later.
"Hey Ron, Dahlia. Someone broke into Gringotts. Listen." Harry said before he began reading the article. "Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts goblins were acknowledging the breach insists nothing was taken. The vault in question number 713 had in fact been emptied earlier that very same day." Harry read with a confused expression. "That's odd, that's the vault Hagrid and I went to." Harry told the group who sent puzzled faces to eachother.
Later that day the 1st years were outside for their first flying lesson. They all stood in 2 rows with the brooms infront of them.
"Good afternoon class." The Professor greeted as she walked through the centre of the row.
"Good Afternoon Madam Hooch."
"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their boom stick. Come on now, hurry up? Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up." The Professor instructed to which the students followed.
The chatter started as they all tried to follow out the last part of the instructions. Harry seemed to get it on the first try which suprised Hermione. Demetria got it on her second and Dahlia on her 4th. Evanora watched and grunted in irritation. Ron struggled too as the broom only came up and hit him on his nose.
"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tight. I don't want you to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off the ground hard. Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle; three; two." The short haired woman instructed before blowing her whistle.
It had only been a second but Neville was already in the air, it would've been impressive if he had control over it. Madam Hooch and the rest of the Gryffindors called repeatedly for the boy to come down. It was no use. He bumped into the outer walls of one of the class rooms multiple times before soaring right towards the rest of the class making them dive to either side. He flew under and archway before flying up again and landing him hooked by the robe on the spear of one of the old statues. The group of kids ran and looked up watching him hang there. They heard his robe rip then he started falling and getting caught in the spear of another statue just below, it ripped again making the boy fall again. This time landing on his wrist, Dahlia and Demetria winced as they heard the sound of his wrist crack.
Madam Hooch told the class to move out the way as she came through. She looked at the boys wrist, confirming that it was broken and took him to the hospital wing. Not before warning the kids to not go onto their brooms or face being expelled.
"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze. He'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse." Draco snarled as students circled him making Dahlia cross her arms.
"Give it here Malfoy!" Harry demanded, suprising the three girls.
Dahlia tolerates alot of the things her friend did but she couldn't stand watching him do this especially on their first week.
"No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." Draco said before climbing onto his broom and hovering above the ground and flying around her, Demetria, Hermione and a few other students.
"How about on the roof?" Draco said as he flew up into the air. "What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond your reach?"
Harry glared at him before mounting his broom.
"Harry, no way! You heard what madam Hooch said. Besides, you don't even know how to fly!" Hermione stated to the boy.
"She's right. I could fly up there and get it. I'm faster." Dahlia suggested as she reached for the back of her necklace but before she could even unhook it he flew into the air.
"What an idiot." Hermione huffed making Dahlia nod her head in agreement.
Dahlia then looked around not seeing her best friend and not seeing her.
"Dahlia." Ron called and pointed to her friend talking to another girl.
"Who's she talking to?" Hermione asked the curly haird girl.
"That's her twin sister, Evanora." Dahlia informed the two.
"She has a twin?!" They both said simultaneously in suprise as Dahlia marched towards the two sisters.
"You could've helped him!" Demetria exclaimed.
"Yeah so?"
"So?! Neville got hurt and all it took to help was a simple focused thought."
"Sister dear. Why should I car about Longbottom?" Evanora barked emphasizing on the last bit. "Besides he's getting patched up as we speak."
"He wouldn't need 'patching up' if you got off your arse for once!" Demetria snarled.
"Maybe he'd be okay if you got that stick out of yours." Evanora replied making Demetria flash her eyes in a frosty blue for a moment, Dahlia noticed that her necklace with her Minuere jewel wasn't on, they didn't need to wear them now that they were out of the Muggle world some felt more comfortable if they wore then during school hours.
"Woah! Feisty are we?" Evanora laughed at her angry sister.
Dahlia had come and stepped in between the two as Hermione pulled Demetria away, Eva was still laughing.
"Its the first week of school. You keep your distance and we'll keep ours." Dahlua suggested to the girl with shorter hair.
"Fine then. No promises." Eva said with a smirk before dragging the girl that stood beside her to follow the crowd of their peers.
Dahlia was so busy worrying about the Blanche sisters that she didn't watch her other best friend get the Remembrll back from Draco. She ran with the crowd as they all cheered and gave Harry pats on the back.
The excitement died down when the older witch from the Sorting Hat ceremony who Dahlia had recently learned was Professor Mcgonagall had called Harry away.
Dahlia only hoped that he wasn't in too much trouble.
As everyone watched Harry get taken away with Mcgonagall, Draco approached his new friend.
"Who's that you were talking to?" Draco asked Evanora who turned her glaring gaze towards Draco and smiled slightly when she realized it was him.
"When I was in the air i noticed you were talking to someone."
"Oh. Her." Evanora said with disgust as she looked back at her sister who was laughing with her new ginger friend. "That's my git of a twin sister Demetria and to her right is her is her obnoxious best friend Dahlia."
"You have a twin?!" Crabbe and Goyle exclaimed.
"Dahlia isn't obnoxious." Draco defended.
"Crabbe,Goyle keep up and Draco. You know her or something?"
"Our mothers were friends back in their day."
"Emphasize on the 'were.' Obviously they aren't any more so I suggest you keep your distance from her." Evanora warned the platinum blonde haired boy.
Though he knew that he had to talk to her eventually.
so yeah...yall have officially met Evanora...she's well...delightful
Hope you guys are enjoying this so far
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