two. ❛ our final journey ❜

002 | all new territory

SOON EVERYONE RUNS DOWN the door and on the ground. Unlike them, I take my time. Slowly taking ever step down the door before stepping on the ground. The second my feet meet the ground I let out a sigh of relief and contentment.

After that I just laugh. Closing my eye I twirling around in my own happiness. Not caring if anyone thought I was crazy. When I hear someone next me I peel my eyes open to be met with the freckled man.

He smiles, "Are you enjoying earth, Sunshine?" he asks, but not in a cocky or annoyed way, but with an amused smile.

Nodding I sighed in contentment, "My nona would have loved this." I tell him.

He looks me over making me think if he remembers me, "Vera Kane?" he asks me making me nod.

Taking my necklace in my fingers I fiddel with it while smiling slightly, "She use to tell these stories about earth. They were amazing, she had a way with words that maked you feel like you were there. How she discrimed it with such detail. It's extraordinary." I tell him while relishing in the memories of my grandmother.

He nods, "She use to tell them on unity day." he says. Making me smile once again, "Yeah. That's my favorite story."

"Which part?" he askes.

Looking at the sky I sighed, "The part of the angel fallen from sky with black blood. The nightblood." I tell him.

Causing him to smile brighter, "That's O's favorite story too. Sadly it's just a folkstale." he says.

Making me shrugg, "Ever folktale is based on truth." I tell him.

"Yeah," he laughs. Furrowing my eyebrow I ask him to elebrate, "like someone with black blood excised. If they did why did they never speak up?" he says.

Choosing my words very wisely I look back in his eyes, "They would have been an medical experiment." I tell him before turning around.

Looking around I spot Clarke. While making my way over I see him. One of my best friend for years, Finn. Happy to see him I run to him, "Finn!" I exclaim while jumping on him enveloping him in a tight hug, the moment I do he starts spinning me around.

When ge finally sets me on the ground I look him over for injuries, "How is Raven is she okay? I saw her before we left. Are you okay? Did you get in a cell because of it?" I ramble on making him laugh.

He cups my cheeks making me look at him, "Luna, calm down. I'm fine, Raven is okay. I think? And yes, your dad could get you out of it, but not me." he says with a breathy laugh.

It still doesn't sees my concurn, "Your sure your okay?" I ask him again concurned.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me, "I am now." he says.

Causing me to smile and hug him again, "I missed you so much." I tell him. He puts his head on top of mine and squeezes me for reassurance, "Me too, Luna. Me too." he wispers.

Somone clears their trought making us pull away, "Don't want to break this reunion, but we need to go." Clarke says with a smile.

Making me nod, "So, where are we?" I ask while looking over the map. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow before pointing at the place we are, "We're here," she trails off and points somewhere else, "but we need to be here." she continues.

Making me sigh, "They dropped us on the wrong mountain." I say a little sad but mostly annoyed.

Wells is also standing over the map with a sad expression, "And the communications are down." he adds on.

A kid with goggles comes walking to us with a big smile, "Oh cool, a map. If ther is a bar in town, I'll buy you a beer." he says while pointing at me giving me a sly wink.

Making me laugh in response at his bluntness, it was clear he meant no harm just happy feels.

Wells didn't share that opion, "Do you mind?" he asks while pushing him back.

Making me jump in between them, "Wells, calm-" but before I could continue a angry looking guy walks up to us. John Murphy I think his name is.

He looks annoyed at Wells and pushes Goggle guy back to stand next to him, "Hands of him, he's with us." he says while Goggle guy looks a little scared.

Making Wells put his hands up in defense, "We're just trying to figure out where we are." he explains to John.

"We're on the ground. Is that not good enough for you?" Bellamy chimes in. Rolling my eyes at his antics I sigh looking back at the scene.

Wells glares at him before looking at the rest of the hundred, "We need to find Mouth Weater. You heard my fathers message. That's out first priority." he says.

"Screw your father." Octavia spats. Amen to that, but I can't say that. We do have to have food. We won't survive with out, I remind myself.

"What you think your in charge here? You and your little princess?" Bellamy asks while motioning at Wells and Clarke. Looking at me briefly, but not saying anything about me.

"Stop trying to be chancellor of earth." Bellamy says. Looking at me while he says it, but not mentioning me or indictating he's talking about me, again.

"Do you think we care who's in charge?" I ask him. Making him actually look at me alongs with he rest, "We need to fo to Mouth Weather. Not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait the hungerier we will get and the harder it will be." I say looking at him.

Before looking at everyone, "How long do you think we'll last without those supplies?" I question making people look at echother.

"We're looking at a twenty mile trek. If we want to be there by dsrk we need to leave now." Clarke adds making me smile thankfully because I was stuck in my speech.

"I got a better idea. Why don't you two get it for us." Bellamy says motiong to Clarke and Wells before pointing at me, "Take Sunshine with you. If she thinks it's such a great idea." he says while glaring at me.

Before alvering his eyes to the group, "Let the privilege do the hard work for once." he exclaims getting lots of cheers in agreement.

Octavia looks at me giving me a small shake of a head signaling that she knows how I felt.

"Look we all need to go." Wells chims in making everyone look at him. John pushes Wells, "Look at this everyone, Chancellor of earth." he exclaims.

"Do you think that's funny?" Wells asks annoyed. Making John push him again, but this time hard enough so he falls over. Making me hear something snap, "No, but that was." he says with a laugh.

Wells was standing up about to go fight Murphy, but Finn jump from the dropship. Murmures of annoyance sound around the group, "The kid got one leg. Why don't you wait untill it's a fair fight?" he asks, but it sounds more as a demand.

"Hey Spacewalker! Rescue me next." O' says making me laugh while Bellamy gives her a really look.

Looking over Wells his ankel I can see it's not broken just buised. Tapping him on the shoulder I look at him sadly, "Yeah, your staying here. Rest your ankle, it's nothing serious, but it can't be messed up." I say to him making him nod.

Finn walks up to me and trows an arm arond me looking over at Clarke, "When are we leaving?" he asks. Making me smile that he's joining too. Not that I expected different from him, but still.

His question makes Clarke look up from her map, "Right now." she says making me nod. Looking over at Wells, "We'll be back tomorrow with food." I tell him he just nods with a sad smile and a sigh of defeat.

"How are you three going to carry food for a hunderd?" he asks. What's actually a good question. Finn takes his arm of my shoulder and holds on to two new onces being the shoulders of Goggle guy and his friend, "Five of us. Can we go now?" Finn offers with a smile.

"Sounds like a party. Make it six." O' says making me smile and walk to her. Before I reach her Bellamy takes her arm and looks at her with a raised eyebrow, "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" he asks with his brotherly instincts.

She just shrugs his arm off and walks to me, "Going for a walk." she says trowing her arm over my shoulder and pulling us to the rest of the group who are standing by the exit.

Clarke was holding Finn his wrist, "Hey, we're you trying to take this off?" Clarke asks him looking a little mad but mostly annoyed.

Looking at his bracelet I see all the scretches where he bashed it with something, "Yeah, so?"

"So, the wristbands transmits your vitals to the Ark. Take it off and they will think you're death." she informs him.

He looks confused like that should mean anything to him, "And I should care?" he says. Confirming my first thought that he didn't know what she was saying.

She rolls her eyes and let's go of his arm, "Do you want everyone who loves you to think your death." she tells him with a raised eyebrow.

That statement makes me look at mine, "My dad and Nona are still there. I would do anything for another conversation with them." I chim in making them both look at him. Looking at Finn I scream Raven in my eyes making him sigh and nod.

Before walking of I wave at Wells who was watching the whole scene unfold, "Stay save." he exclaims at me. Making me laugh, "Always am." I say with a serious face and a salute.

Walking in I walk with Goggle guy who I now know is Jasper and his friend, Monty. They are actually really funny and nice. Jasper makes lots of fliry comments in between the conversations what keeps it light and fun.

We stop to see Finn put a flower behind Octavia's ear. Making me smile at there cuteness. Jasper points at them, "Now that my friend, is game." he says with a smile.

Monty chuckle while he look at the flowers before picking up an identical one, "That my friend is poison sumac." he points out. Making me laugh at O's scared reaction.

She's slapping her flower of her ear and looking scared at us, "What it is?" she asks anxiously.

He waves her off, "Don't wory it's not posions. It's medicinal." Monty informs her, "Calming, actually." I add. Making both Jasper snd Monty look at me impressed.

Soon Clarke realized that we weren't following and she looks back at us, "Hey guys! Could you keep up?" she asks a little annoyed. Sighing I step up to keep up with her. Even if I don't like it, she's still right.

While Finn has an other opion, "C'mon Clarke. How can you block all this all out?" he questioned while motioning around him.

She sighs looking away from the map in her hands, "Well, simple. I wonder, why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe it's because they aren't any. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty though." she says before walking off again.

Making my shoulders slum. Even if I don't want to admit it. Clarke is a smart girl. She knows her priorities, the priority now being Mouth Weather.

"Someone should slip her some poison sumac." O' says to me when she stands next to me giving me a small wink causing me to chuckle.

"I got to know where you three got in for." Finn asks Jasper, Monty and me. Making a smug look creep on to Montys face, "Sumac is not the only herb in the garden." he says, "If you know what I mean." he says nudging on to moonshine.

"But someone forgot to replace what we took." Jasper says glaring at Monty. Making him put his hand up in surrender, "That someone has apologized a thousand times." Monty says.

Finn look at me with a raised eyebrow, "And you?" he ask.

Shrugging I sigh, "I know things that I shouldn't have known." I tell him and walk away.

"Mysterious, I like it." Jasper says after me. While O' walks with me, "What did you get in for?" Jasper asks O'.

Making her face crunch up in anger, "Being born." she spits at no-one in particular before walking away. Making me follow her.

"Octavia Blake." I say catching uo with her.

She looks back with a small smile, "Novah Kane." she says back making me look at her wide eyed, "You knew?" I ask her where she just nods.

Making me confused, "And you don't mind?" I ask her anxiously. She shakes her head, "Of course not. That's what friends are for." she says making me smile. Trowing an arm around her shoulder we keep walking together, "You know that he didn't mean any harm, right?"

Making her nod, "Yeah, it's just really hard, you know. I was basically in prison for my whole life, for what? Being born. It's bullshit." she says. Making me put my head on her shoulder calming her down.

"I don't completely get it, but I can imagine. But we are no longer the girls who were in the skybox or criminals. We are Octavia and Novah. Two people who have returned to earth after ninety-seven year. No adults to tell us what to do, and no chancellor." I tell her making her smile.

She squeezes my shoulder and looks at me, "Your not so bad, Luna. I think I'm going to keep you." she says making me chuckle.

"I like that. Friends?" I ask her. She nods with a grin on her face, "Friends." she confirms.

After our new confirmed friendship is set in stone we see Clarke scrunch down and we walk to her. Saying nothing, "No animals huh?" Finn says while crunching down snapping a branch and making the deer look at us.

Revealing it's deformed head. My first admirered and awestruck expression is soon changed in one of horror. Falling down with it, Octand helps me up and we start our trek again.

"You know what I would like to know?" Finn breaks the silence asking a question to no-one in particular, "Why send us down today? After ninety-seven years. What changed?"

Making me sigh. The real reason is one of the reasons I got solidarity. O' doesn't seem to think that way, "Who cares. I woke up rotting in a cell and now I'm spinning in a forest." she says while spinning around.

Shaking my head I think about the situation at hand, while Monty thinks for reasons he can't begin to understand, "Maybe they found something on a satellite?" Monty tries but Clarke cuts him off.

"It wasn't a satellite." she says stopping for a moment where I take my cue to continue, "The ark is dying." I confess.

She looks at me with wide eyes, "You knew." she asks. Making me nod and then shake my head, "Yeah and I'm sorry about uncle Jake. Nona told me." I tell her she smiles sadly.

Turning around on her heel she starts walking again, "At the current population level there's roughly three months left of life support. Maybe four now were gone." she says while keeping a good pace.

"So that was the secret they locked you up for. Why they kept you in solidarity, floaded your old man?" Finn asks Clarke while we continue walking.

"My dad was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had the right to know. The council disagreed, my mom disagreed." she trails off and looks at me to continue.

"They were afraid it would cause panic. They were going to go public intill someone sold them out." I say. Clarke looks at me, "Wells." she says.

Furrowing my eyebrow I look at her, "Wells?" I ask.

She looks confused that I hadn't caught uo yet and sighs, "When Wells sold us out." she says making my eyes go wide.

Clarke looks back at the rest before looking before ber again, "Anyway, the guards showed up before he could." she continues,

"That's why today was worth the risk. Even if we all die they would have bought them self a couple of months." I finish.

"They are going to kill more aren't they?" Monty asks. Before anyone can answer O' has an opinion, "Good after what they did to me and Luna. I say float them all." she spoke.

Think about my dad, nona and Raven. I don't want them to die. Looking at her I shrugg, "All, but a few." I say as she gives me a small smile.

Jasper and Monty looks between the two of us, "You guys don't mean that." Jasper says jogging to catch up with us. While O' bolts for the rocks.

"Luna check it out." she says taking my hand and helping me up the rocks. Looking over I see a beautiful river. Maybe it wasn't as beautiful if you had been on earth your whole life, but being in space and seeing this for the first time made if absolutely spectacular.

"The ground keeps getting better." I breath out. She nods and starts taking of her shirt. I soon join in and start pulling of my shoes and pants first.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Clarke asks, but it's soon forgotten by the big gasp Jasper makes after I take of my jacket and shirt.

Revealing the tattoo on my arm, "You have a tattoo?" Jasper asks making Finn look over at me.

He smiles, "I remember you wanting it, because it was in your notebook." he says making me smile that he remembered.

Tracing over my tattoo Octavia looks between the tattoo on my arm and my face, "When did you get it?" she asks. Looking at it I smile at the memory, "Last year." I tell her.

"She also has one on her back. It's massive." Finn informs the rest of the group. Making Jaspers head snap to my face again, "Can I see it?" he asks hopeful.

Looking over at him I smile, "Maybe an other time." I say with a sly wink causing him to blush.

Looking at Octavia I take her hand and start walking to the edge of the rock. Looking back at her I smile, "One." I start.

She nods, "Two." she continues.
Jumping up we let go of eachothers hands, "Three." we scream in unison.

Standing on the edge of the rock he looks back at us in the water, "Luna I can't swim." Jasper says.

Making me laugh, "I know. Me neither." I tell him while still sitting in the water.

"But we can stand." O' says standing up as I soon follow suit. Jasper smiles and wants to get in, but O' splashes me with water what I obviously do back. Making a water war come to life.

Clarke looks back and forth between the map and the landscape, "Wait, there isn't supposed to be a river here." she says making me roll my eyes.

Who cares there is now, I thought to myself. My sky bestie thought the same, "Well there is now. So, take of your damn clothes." Finn says. Well, more demands.

We keep staying playing in the water untill Jasper starts getting anxious, "Guys get out of the water." he says frantically.

Making me look up and walk to the shore. As I reach it Jasper helps me up, but Octavia get's pulled back down. I hear he call my name and without thinking I jump back in.

"No, Luna. We need to distract it." I hear Clarkes voice scream. I just ignore it and walk-swim to Octavia. Pulling her with me to the shore without getting eaten.

When I was about to go up I looked underwater to see how much time we had left. Locking eyes with the monster I quickly turn to see Jasper holding his arms out for me.

Grabbing them he pulls me up as at the same moment Finn and Clarke push a lodge in for distraction, what works.

Sitting next to Octavia I look at her injured leg, "Why did you do that?" she asks me looking at me with big eyes.

Smiling I look away from her injuried leg, "That's what friends do. Right?" I ask her. Making her smile as well as she nods, "I guess they do." she says.

Making me remember of Jasper. How he helped me. Crawling to Jasper I hug him tightly, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I wisper as he hugs me back.

"No problem, Luna." he says with a smile making me smile as well.

Pull away from the hug I hold on to his hand. While Clarke is wripping a piece of his shirt.

Monty looks impressed, "Note to self; next time save the girl." he says lighting up the whole mood.

Putting back my clothes on we all find a place to sleep. Mine being cuddled up with Finn.

As he is my best friend and the person I know best in this entire world. Octavia lays next to me. As the darkness concusmes us and the sleep takes over.

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