Chapter 18: Trouble

A/n: Hi.

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Corridor 4B, the Nemesis.

(Cecilia's POV)

"Cecilia? Oh my gosh! You can talk?! I mean, not that I assumed that you were might when we first met or anything. Why are you here?! Did the 'Cons catch you and made you their prisoner? Are you working with them as a spy? Is this why you disappeared from school? Why didn't you tell me sooner, this is so cool! I gotta tell the boys about this! Oh my gosh!" Miko rambled on.

For one minute I think she forgot that she is on the Decepticon warship.

"What are you doing here?" I narrowed my eyes on her. She is not supposed to be here. How could she get past all of the security systems? My necklace gave a low hum.

Her eyes widened and a proud grin formed on her face. "I should be asking you that but if you really wanna know..."

She came closer and whispered.

"I snuck through a portal."

I blinked slowly. Then looked at her with a confused look. A portal? Where did she find a portal? Why did the portal lead her here? Unless she's talking about a spacebridge. I mean, the Nemesis is a flying warship after all.

I shook my head. I can think about this later. Right now, she needs to leave.

As I opened my mouth to tell her just that, the alarms went off. The high pitched sound hurts my ears a bit. But if the alarms are on then that means the Decepticons are still on the warship.

"Whoa!" Miko yelled, her hands covering her ears as she winced but managed to have a smile plastered on her face at the same time.

"So this is what happens when the Autobots succeed in taking down the Nemesis!" Her eyes sparkled once more.

Wait. What.

I gave a small gasp and started running to Soundwave's quarters. I heard Miko yelling at me from behind but I didn't stop.

'Laserbeak! Ratbat! Where are you guys?'

Don't worry femme. We're fine. Ratbat's in our quarters. The Boss is trying to get the systems back on in the command center. The others are scattered either here or on earth. Femme, you better be- SLAG! -L


Bwother? Big sis, where are you? I... I scared. -RB

'Hang on little buddy. I'm coming, just stay calm okay?'

Okay... -RB

Hoo boy... Right, I need to think of a plan. Miko is on the Autobot side. The Decepticon's enemy. I have to get her off the ship without harming her. Even though she's an enemy, she is still my friend.


Step 1 of my plan: Get Ratbat and find out where Knockout is. I was with him a few hours ago after all.

Step 2: Locate the other Decepticons.

Step 3: Sneak into the Command Center and turn on the space bridge controls.

Step 4: Find a way to get rid of Miko without harming her.

Step 5: Rethink this plan and question my existence in this world and how my mom is coping with me suddenly disappearing from her life.

"Ugh, why is this happening?" I mumbled into my palm.

This ship is going to friggin crash and the Autobots are invading the ship. This hallway is way too long for me to walk all the way back to the Officer's floor. Then I saw a small, human-sized vent a few feet away from where I stood with Miko.

This is one of the times I'm grateful that I'm a human.

I grabbed Miko's arm and dragged her with me towards the vent. I did this a few times before when the mechs were too busy and you had to move around the ship by yourself without getting trampled and stepped on. It was a bit dusty sure, but the worst thing that could possibly happen if I do this is irritated skin and sneezing.

A lot of sneezing.

I opened the vent with ease and swung the piece of metal open. Then I gently pushed Miko inside first.

"Woah." She gasped. "Where are we going?"

"Gonna find Ratbat," I muttered, walking ahead of her.

She jogged a bit and set her pace the same as mine so we were walking together side by side. I was taller than her by a few centimeters so she had to look up at me.

"Who's Ratbat? Are they your friend?" She asked.

I kept my gaze forwards, letting my feet take me to the other end of this vent and near the elevator.

Oh right... Soundwave didn't allow Ratbat to go on missions because he's too young. Not even spy missions. No wonder she didn't know who he is. As I heard the alarms rang louder and the ship began to shake, I turned my walk into a run.

Sis!!! -RB

'Ratbat! Don't worry. I'm coming. Just stay where you are!'

Slag it. Femme! You better get out of there. Fast! The ship's about to crash in a few minutes! -L

'Fuuuu- nny joke my bro. I'm trying to reach Ratbat right now. Are the others okay? Where are you guys?'

I didn't get a response from Laserbeak after that. I tried not to panic. But it's not really working. My main focus now has changed. I need to get Ratbat and get the hell out of the Nemesis. I hear Miko trying to catch up from behind me. So I answered her question.

"He's family."

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