23. chocolates and kisses
TITLE: chocolates and kisses
GENRE: fluff, crack
SUMMARY: while hanging out with jaemin and jeno, renjun suddenly shifts to his little space ; ❝of teddy bear and baby bottle❞ pt. 4
some details about this series 'cause I forgot everything hahaha ;
• little injunnie is 4 years old, sometimes 5 or 6 (he's a big boy now!)
• renjun as an adult is a traditional and digital artist
• donghyuck works as a math professor
• little injunnie's memories are separated from adult renjun's
• side!nomin, side!marksung
additional details ;
• jeno works as a dentist
• jaemin is a freelance photographer
• chenle is renjun's cousin
• donghyuck and mark are cousins
Renjun licks his lips and hums, happily looking at his chocolate flavored magnum ice cream. "Oh my God, Jaemin-ah! It's so delicious!"
Jaemin nods, finishing his ice cream. "I know, right? It's a bit expensive so let's try not to buy this often. But it's like, an honor to have magnum ice cream. I feel like a rich kid now." he laughs.
"Nah, Chenle can just buy them all." Renjun jokes, "That guy's so rich, he probably can buy the entire factory."
"I'll tell Chenle!" Jaemin joking threatens, grabbing his phone out of his pockets. Renjun only laughs.
Watching Jaemin types out something on his phone, Renjun finishes his ice cream. Afterwards, he picks up the bottle of water in front of him and chugs the entirety of it.
"Hey, Jaemin." Jaemin only hums as a response. "Thanks for the ice cream, and don't tell Donghyuck, please. He always scolds me whenever I eat sweets." Renjun playfully rolls his eyes, his mind already imagining his boyfriend scolding him.
Jaemin glances at him and laughs. "That's because when you start eating just a small candy, you're unstoppable."
"You have a point. I know it's not healthy, but I can't resist. Sweets are so delicious!" Renjun sighs. His gaze pans towards Jaemin's phone. "Who are you texting?"
Jaemin finishes typing first before looking at Renjun, locking his screen. "Jeno. He's coming with us, so let's wait for him here."
Renjun nods and sits properly, leaning his back on the chair. He pouts and plays with his fingers. "Uhm, Jaemin,"
"I'm buying another ice cream. Do you want something?" He then giggles.
Jaemin joking moving his finger at Renjun, threatening him, then laughs. "I'm fine, Junnie. Go eat anything you like, your boyfriend's not here, he won't know." he smiles.
Renjun grins widely before standing up from his seat. He walks to Jaemin to hug him as a thanks to him before walking towards where the ice cream section is located.
As soon as he picks out a chocolate popsicle, he immediately goes straight to the counter. While paying for his ice cream, Jeno finally arrives and quickly sees Jaemin, to which he walks towards the table while smiling.
Jeno sits next to Jaemin, greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, baby. I thought Renjun's here?"
"He's buying ice cream. He's probably on the counter by now." Jaemin replies, kissing his boyfriend back.
"I brought us some chocolate bars." Jeno puts a small paper bag on the table, in front of Jaemin. "Ironically, the oldest dentist amongst us gave us these as a treat because today's her birthday."
Jaemin nods, peaking inside the bag, seeing lots of chocolate bars of different sizes and shapes. "These are a lot, babe. Wow!" he laughs. "Don't let Renjun see these—"
"Huh? What shouldn't I see?" Renjun suddenly arrives back at the table, already eating the ice cream he bought. "What's that?" he points at the paper bag.
Jeno laughs, "It's a bag full of chocolates, Renjun."
By that, Renjun's face lights up and his eyes widen so big. "Chocolate? Wow! Can I have some?"
"Of course." Jeno smiles.
Jaemin clicks his tongue, smiling teasingly at Renjun. "I'll tell Donghyuck."
"No!" Renjun and Jeno say at the same time.
"Hyuck will scold me, I don't want that." Renjun pouts.
"Yeah, and he'll propably scold me too for letting him eat chocolate. I mean, who doesn't like chocolate?" Jeno adds.
"Well, Donghyuck, probably." Jaemin laughs. "Hey! Let's go now! I want to buy some new clothes and accessories."
"Alright, let's go!"
The three of them exit the convenience store with Renjun carrying the bag of chocolate while still consuming his popsicle.
While Jaemin and Jeno are at a silver jewelry shop, Renjun is waiting outside while eating his third bar of chocolate that Jeno brought, because food are not allowed inside.
Good thing, a short bench is displayed outside the shop so, he takes a seat, putting the bag beside him. He swings his feet back and forth while enjoying his chocolate.
"Mhm, it's so yummy!" he says in a high-pitched tone.
When he finishes, he licks his lips and wipes his mouth using the back of his hand. He's about to get another one when he hears Jaemin's voice calling him.
"Hey, Renjun-ah, look! I bought us friendship bracelets!" He happily announces while Jeno's smiling fondly behind him, following him.
Renjun pans his head towards the two and grins. "Nana hyung! Jeno hyung!"
The couple widen their eyes, and Jeno's mouth opens slightly. Jaemin puts down his hand which holds the paper bag then gives it to Jeno.
He walks towards Renjun and sits next to him. Jeno follows but remains standing beside his boyfriend. "Injunnie, tell Nana how many bars of chocolate have you consumed already?"
"Uhm," Injunnie chews his lips then pouts, "are you going to scold me?"
"No, no, Injunnie. Nana just wants to know. Not gonna scold you."
"I think two bars already, but it could be three. I don't really remember." Injun pouts again.
"I'm going to take the bag, okay, Injunnie?"
"W-why?" Injun grabs the bag and hugs it on his chest. "It's mine!"
"Yes, it's yours. But Injunnie, we need to take care of your teeth and your stomach. You haven't eaten anything yet except for the chocolates. Do you want an upset tummy?"
Injun, once again, pouts, and slowly lets go of the paper bag. Jaemin gently takes it from him. He then pats Injun's head.
"You're a good boy, Injunnie." Jaemin smiles. "What do you want to eat?"
Injun shrugs his shoulder. "I want chocolate."
"No, later." Jaemin sighs. "Let's go now, we're going to eat."
"Where's Daddy?"
"Haechan's not home, that's why you're with us, Injunnie." Jeno suddenly speaks. "Come on now, we're going to eat delicious food for your tummy."
Injun cutely nods and gets up from the bench. Jaemin follows and looks at Jeno, whispering, "Put the bracelets away first." With that, Jeno puts the box of bracelets inside the bag he's carrying. "Help me here, okay?" Jaemin whispers again.
Jeno laughs and nods, "Okay, okay."
They went to a McDonald's because, as Injun said, "Injunnie wants fries," so the couple just had to agree.
"Three tonkatsu, please. Coke for the drinks." Jeno immediately says to the cashier after she greeted them.
"I want fries!" Injun whines, pulling the hem of Jeno's shirt.
"And fries, thank you." Jeno adds.
The cashier glances at Injun and the little just smiles slightly. "Is there anything else?"
"Nana hyung, I want Happy Meal!"
Jaemin and Jeno look at each other and the older of two just sighs. "Do you have a happy meal available?"
"Yes... but," the cashier hesitates as he glances at Injun again, "it's for kids... I suppose."
"Well, it's a happy meal, I suppose," Jeno emphasizes, "it's not only for kids... right?" he raises an eyebrow.
"I'm five!" Injun suddenly interrupts and Jaemin giggles behind him.
"We'll find a table now, honey, you take care of that." Jaemin says, still laughing, as he holds Injun by his wrist gently.
They go at the back, assuming that there are a lot of tables still available, and they were right. They sit at the one at the very back, just because Injun wants the one with a couch. They are sitting next to each other, Injun now holding onto Jaemin's index finger like how a tiny baby would hold their mom's finger.
Jaemin smiles and gently takes his finger back then ruffles the little's hair. "We'll wait for Jeno here, okay, Injunnie?" Injun nods at that, eyes so big and innocently looking at Jaemin. The latter almost cooed at the cute sight.
"Can I eat chocolate after?" Injun asks.
"Uhm... Injunnie," Jaemin sighs, "we'll all get in trouble if Haechan finds out that we let you eat chocolate."
Injun pouts, "So, I can't?" Jaemin's heart almost broke when he heard the sad tone in the little's voice.
"I'm sorry."
Understanding what Jaemin said, Injun nods, smiling widely. "It's fine. Don't be sorry about it, Nana hyung." Jaemin smiles.
"Hey!" Jeno finally arrives. "They said they'll just going to deliver our orders here." He sits across Jaemin and smiles. "What did I miss?"
Jaemin shakes his head. "I think, after we eat, we should get Renjun home already."
"How about your shopping at the department store? I thought you two are going to—"
"Well, since Renjun's a little now, it's like I'm shopping with a kid. I mean, we still can but like, it's much better if I shop with the adult Renjun. What's Injunnie going to do there, huh?"
"Buy him clothes." Jeno jokingly says, and Jaemin glares at him.
"I don't need any new clothes. Daddy just bought me some pairs of pajamas and some new shirts last week. I really like them!" Injun innocently says, eavesdropping what the couple is talking about.
"Oh my God, Renjun is so much cuter when he's in his little space." Jeno comments, holding his chest.
"Shut up!" Jaemin slaps his boyfriend's arm. "You have a point. But still, shut up." Jeno only laughs.
Injun tilts his head, his gaze going back and forth from Jeno to Jaemin and then Jeno again.
"Hello, Haechan-ah?" Jaemin says on the phone while they are in Jeno's car. Jaemin on the passenger seat and Injun on the back seat.
"Daddy!" Injun's eyes widen upon the mention of his caregiver's name.
Jaemin puts the phone on speaker so Injun can also his daddy's voice.
[Oh, hello, Jaemin-ah! How's your shopping?]
"Uhm... well, we had to postponed it because, y'know, instead of Renjun, we're with Injunnie right now. And I'm just going to ask if your classes end already? We're getting him home."
[Ah, I see. I still have two more classes to attend to. However, I will be late to go home because I still need to do some errands here at school. If you and Jeno have something else to do, you can just drop off Renjun at Mark's house.]
Jaemin nods even though Haechan couldn't be able to see it. "Oh, alright. We'll take Injunnie there."
"Daddy!" Injun calls happily.
[Hi, baby! I'll see you at uncle Mark's house later, okay? Behave there, hm?]
"Okay, Daddy. I miss you. I love you."
[I love you, too. I need to go, hm? Take care, you guys. Bye!]
"Bye!" Jaemin and Jeno say at the same time before the former ends the call.
"You'll see Sungie, too, Injunnie. Are you excited?"
"Not really." Injun pouts, "I want to see Daddy."
"You'll see him later. For now, we'll take you to your uncle Mark's, alright?" Injun just nods and Jaemin sighs.
It was in Jeno's third knock on Mark's apartment door when it finally swings open, revealing a topless Jisung who's touching his lips, and his hair is messy.
"Hey, hyungs! What are you doing here?" he asks.
"Oh my God, Jisungie, what happened to you?" Jaemin fixes the youngest's hair and pokes his chest. "Why aren't you wearing any shirt?"
"Uhm," Jisung chews the inside of his cheek, and a figure of a guy suddenly appears next to him.
Mark, the owner of the apartment, greets them and smiles. His hair is messy, too and his lips look swollen. Jeno smirks slightly at the sight and raises an eyebrow at the couple in front of them.
"You definitely made out." Jeno teases and Jisung's ears suddenly flushes red. He slowly backs away until he's no longer in front of them and he's inside the apartment.
"That's not important right now. The question is, why are you three here?"
"You haven't read my message, have you?" Jaemin says, quirking up an eyebrow.
"I haven't, sorry." Mark laughs. "So, what are you doing here?"
"We're here to drop off Renj—Injunnie. Haechan's not home yet so he'll fetch the little one here." Jeno answers.
"Ah." Mark says while slowly nodding his head. He turns to Injun and smiles, "Alright, come in, Injunnie."
A bit shy, Injun slowly walks towards Mark then waves at Jaemin and Jeno.
"Bye-bye, Nana hyung and Jeno hyung!"
"Bye, Injunnie. Behave, alright? Wait for your Daddy here." Jaemin pats little Injun's head gently. "See you soon, Lee Injun!"
"See you!"
Mark waves at them and the couple wave back at him. He gently pulls Injun inside the apartment then closes the door.
Injun immediately sits on the couch, playing with his fingers. Mark sits next to him and waves a little. "Hi, Injunnie."
"Hello, uncle Mark." Injun waves back at him, smiling slightly. Mark chuckles at what the little called him. "Where's Sungie hyung?"
"He's at our room, maybe." Mark replies. "Do you want something?"
"I don't know." Injun shyly replies.
"Do you want some ice cream?"
Injun's face brightens up but he couldn't say 'yes' because he's too shy. As a little, it's his only second time being here at Mark's.
Suddenly, a deep voice can be heard, interrupting them. "Mark hyung, he can't."
Mark turns to his boyfriend and tilts his head, "Huh? What do you mean?"
"Haechan hyung doesn't allow Renjun hyung to eat any sweets." Jisung whispers.
"Ah." Mark nods and turns to Injun again. "Uhm, well, do you want strawberry juice instead, Injunnie?" Injun just nods, looking down at his closed thighs. "Hey, it's okay, don't be shy. How about you play with Jisung hyung while I make your strawberry juice, agree?"
Injun slowly looks up at Mark and slowly nods. "Okay."
"Alright. Sungie-ah, please take care of him while I make his juice, okay?"
"Alright, Hyung!" Jisung then sits next to little Injun. "Hi, Injunnie!"
"Hi, Sungie hyung!"
"What kind of games do Injunnie like?"
"Mhm," Injunnie pouts, "I don't know. I just want to see Daddy. I miss him already."
"Yes, yes, he'll be here soon." Jisung says while nodding. "Perhaps, do you want to draw something? I have a sketchpad here that you can use."
Jisung grabs the sketchpad from under the center table and places it on top. He also grabs his colored pencils and places it on top of the sketchpad.
Injun tilts his head before grabbing the sketchpad and the color yellow-colored pencil.
"Do you like yellow?" Jisung asks and Injun just nods as he starts to draw something. The youngest tries to peek at the sketchpad but Injun angles it a bit for him to not see it. Jisung just chuckles.
Later on, Mark arrives back at the dining room holding a tray in both of his hands. There's Injun's strawberry juice and sandwich filled with strawberry jam. He places the tray on the center table and looks at what Injun is doing.
"Can we take a look?" Mark asks gently.
As Injun finishes, he nods and slowly puts down the sketchpad, exposing the piece he just drawn. Jisung giggles and Mark smiles.
It's a drawing of seven people, all with yellow colored pencil only. The names of those seven are indicated below each person. From left to right; "Daddy", "Injuni", "cozn Lele ge", "Nana hyung", "Jeno hyung", "Sung hyung", and "ANCLE Mark"
"A.N.C.L.E Mark." Jisung says and laughs. "So cute!"
"That's a cute way to spell cousin." Mark comments. "Amazing drawing, Injunnie. Good job!" he raises a thumb.
"If you're Injunnie's uncle, that means I'm his uncle, too, because we're boyfriends, right?" Jisung suddenly asks.
"Shut up! Donghyuck only taught him to call me uncle because Donghyuck and I are cousins. You don't have to be his uncle as well."
"If that being said, then what's Injunnie to Haechan hyung, his son?"
"No!" Mark laughs at his boyfriend's curiosity. "Haechan is Injunnie's caregiver. When Renjun's not in his little space, they're boyfriends."
"Ah!" Jisung nods like he fully understands what's his boyfriend saying. "I get it but at the same time, I don't."
"Stop asking, then."
While the two were having their little funny conversation, Injunnie is already consuming the sandwich and the juice.
"Uncle Mark, thank you for the meal." he suddenly says.
Mark turns to him and smiles, "You're welcome, Injunnie. You eat well."
"Yo! It's almost 9:00 in the evening and Haechan hyung's not arriving yet." Jisung suddenly says after he finished washing the dishes.
Injunnie is currently sleeping while his head is laying on top of Mark's thighs. Mark gestures to his boyfriend to keep quiet.
"He just texted me. He said he's on his way, a bit stuck in traffic." Mark answers. "Are you sleepy?"
"No. I'll wait here. And because Renjun hyung's cute whenever he's a little." Jisung laughs.
Few minutes later, a knock can be heard on the door, that wakes Injun up. Jisung walks to the door and opens it, greeted by Donghyuck.
"Is Injunnie—"
"Daddy!" Injun runs towards his daddy and immediately gives him a hug. "I miss you so much!"
"I miss you, too, baby. How's your day?"
"I was with Nana hyung and Jeno hyung earlier. I ate chocolate bars, but then they had to get the bag of chocolates back. And then we ate at McDo. And then they brought me here to wait for you."
"You ate chocolates?" Donghyuck asks, and Injunnie innocently nods. The former sighs, "I might have to talk to Jaemin and Jeno tomorrow." He then looks at the couple. "Thanks for taking care of Injunnie. I'll see you soon."
"Anytime. Take care!" Mark nods, smiling fondly.
Donghyuck and Injun already gets out of the apartment and exits the building.
When they arrive at the car, Donghyuck sighs once again. He looks at Injun who's already staring at him.
"I can't be mad at you just because you ate sweets. But it's probably the reason why you shifted to little space." Donghyuck says and Injun doesn't reply. "I'm happy you are able to do what makes you happy even when I'm not with you. I will let you eat all the chocolates in the world if that's what makes you happy. You deserve happiness, I don't think you need me anymore to achieve that." The moment Donghyuck's tears flow down his cheek, a pair of hands wipe them off.
"You're my happiness, Donghyuck. I love you more than all the chocolates in the world." Renjun smiles, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the forehead. "I waited for you before I shift back to my real self. I felt so happy having that chocolates, I couldn't help shifting to little space. But then, I realized you were not there to take care of me but I stayed in that headspace and waited for you. I miss you so much."
"You don't know how much I was thinking of you while I was at work. Seeing you and being with you makes me feel like I can solve all of my problems."
"Let's go home, Daddy. I want cuddles!"
Donghyuck giggles and nods, "Okay, Injunnie."
"Daddy, give me a kiss."
"I just kissed you."
"Yeah, on the cheek."
"Where do you want me to kiss you, on the lips?"
And suddenly, two pairs of lips landed on each other. Renjun giggles when Donghyuck holds his tiny waist.
"I love you." Donghyuck says when they break apart.
"I love you, too, so much, love."
wrote this instead of studying for my exams HAHAHA,, plus i miss little!renjun
© leehaebaragi
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