05. you're my dream come true
TITLE: you're my dream come true
GENRE: fluff
SUMMARY: five times renjun tries to call donghyuck 'haechan' but he rejects everytime. and one time the latter finally accepts it. (plus bonus)
note: lowkey sequel to 'always by your side'. 5+1 trope. tw // suicide thought
They are sitting on a bench at the park nearby their school, eating popsicles that Donghyuck bought for the both of them.
"Haechan!" Renjun calls, consuming the last bite of his popsicle.
The said boy frowns and glares at Renjun, "I told you, don't call me that."
"Why?" Renjun asks innocently, putting back the popsicle stick in its plastic wrapper. "It's suits you, though."
Donghyuck sighs before rolling his eyes purposely. "I hate it."
"Why?" the older asks again, grinning at him.
The younger doesn't reply immediately. He consumes the last bite of his popsicle before throwing the stick on the ground, not caring if he's littering. Renjun notices it and grabs the stick with a disgusted face and puts it in the plastic wrapper where he put his own popsicle stick.
"Hey, I'm asking you. Why do you hate that name?" Renjun holds his hand and Donghyuck lets him.
"I told you it sounds bright and cheerful, and I'm not." He sighs again.
Renjun pouts and puts his head on Donghyuck's shoulder, "but I like it."
"Well, I used to like it. But now, I don't."
"You'll like it again, I swear." Renjun giggles and Donghyuck just shakes his head.
"Renjun, why do I even exist? Why did you even save me from that vehicle?" Donghyuck suddenly said while they're studying, for their exams, at Renjun's bedroom.
"What the heck!" Renjun looks at him frowning, "Stop it! What are you talking about?"
"I mean, I wasn't really planned so why bother to exist?" Donghyuck closes his book and throws it onto the wall.
Renjun holds his hands and looks at him in the eyes, "Haechan, stop thinking about it! You were born because you have a purpose here."
"Bold of you to assume I have purpose." Donghyuck raises an eyebrow, "And stop calling me Haechan, I told you I hate it, Huang Renjun!"
"Okay, Lee Donghyuck, calm down! I'm sorry." Renjun kisses the back of the younger's palm. "You know I've been trying to make you happy, but I guess you don't appreciate it."
Donghyuck sighs and pulls away his hands from Renjun's. "No one told you to make me happy. I've been sad my whole life."
"That's why I wanna make you happy. And you're right, no one told me to. But I still want to." Renjun softly said, lowering his head.
"Seriously, why are you doing this?" Donghyuck calmly asks.
"You've always made me happy when I was a kid, so now, I promised myself to pay and make you happy." Because of that, Donghyuck furrows his eyebrows.
"I... I made you happy when we were kids? How did we even know each other before? Hey, Renjun, I don't remember you when I was a kid."
Renjun bites his lip, quite embarrassed of himself. "I... uhm," He sighs, "When I was a kid, I have an imaginary friend named Haechan. I don't know why I made him in my head. I was really shocked when I saw you again after he disappeared."
Shocked by this, Donghyuck's mouth ajar and stares at Renjun. "How... how did you even imagine me in your head? So, that's why you knew my name."
Renjun nods shyly, "Yes."
"That doesn't give you the reason to make me happy or call me Haechan." He rolls his eyes.
"Haechan." Renjun calls while they're eating at the cafeteria of their school. Donghyuck ignores him, continuing to eat. He frowns and tries again, "Haechan!" The younger still doesn't respond. "Haechannie!"
"Fuck it, Huang Renjun! Stop calling me that." Donghyuck grunts. "What the heck do you want?" he raises his voice.
Renjun startles and smiles apologetically. "I just remembered. You told me you finally have a reason to not kill yourself. Is it me?" He grins widely.
Donghyuck rolls his eyes, "So what if it's you?"
The older blushes, "Then why are you still having suicidal thoughts?"
"I can't help it whenever I'm stressed." the younger replies. "Stop asking such things, just fucking eat your food, Injun."
Renjun smiles at the nickname. "Donghyuck." The said boy raises an eyebrow at him. "I love you."
"I know."
They are in Renjun's bedroom, laying on the bed, the older's head on top of the younger's chest.
"You smells so nice, Hyuck." Renjun smiles.
Donghyuck sighs, "You too." he said in a low voice.
"I have a question." the taller boy only hums. "What are we?"
The latter creases his forehead and looks down at the older confusedly, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, this. What really are we? Are we in a relationship or what? I'm confused. You often come here in our house, would accept my affections. We've been like this for a year and yet, we're still not together." Renjun bites his bottom lip, staring at him.
Donghyuck smirks, "Do you want us to be in a relationship?" Renjun blushes and looks away before nodding. "Will you be my boyfriend, then?"
"W-what?" the latter widen his eyes, "Are you serious, Haechan?"
"I take it back, you called me Haechan again." Donghyuck rolls his eyes and pushes the older's head off his chest.
Renjun pouts, "I'm sorry."
Donghyuck and Renjun are in the park nearby their school again, sitting on the bench, their fingers intertwined.
"Hey, love birds!" Someone suddenly speaks. It was Jaemin. "Wanna come with us? We're going to Black Beans Café." he informs.
Renjun shakes his head, "No, thank you. Enjoy your date, you two." he chuckles.
Jaemin laughs and nods, "Okay! See you tomorrow."
"Hey wait, I've been wanting to ask you this." Jeno suddenly said, "Are you two in a relationship or something?"
It's Donghyuck's time to shake his head, "No. Not yet."
"Not yet." Jaemin smirks and Renjun blushes.
The latter slaps Donghyuck's arm slighly, "Haechan!"
The younger pokes his tongue on the inside of his cheek and looks at Renjun unconsciously seducingly, "What did I say about calling me that?"
"Uhm, we're going now." Jeno awkwardly smiles, "Bye!" He and Jaemin hold hands before leaving the two.
Renjun bites his lip nervously, "Not to. I'm sorry, Hyuck-ah." He looks the younger in the eyes.
Donghyuck closes his eyes quickly and sighs. "Come here!" He gustures the older to come closer and the latter follows immediately. He hugs him and smiles a bit. "I'm sorry, Injun."
"Donghyuck-ah, who are these sunflowers for?" Jeno asks, pointing at the bouquet of sunflower Donghyuck's holding.
The latter puts a finger in front of his lips, "For Renjun." he whispers.
"Oh!" Jeno grins, "Goodluck! Jaemin and I are going home now."
He nods, "Thank you. See you tomorrow."
"See you!"
Later on, Renjun finally arrives at the school gate where Donghyuck is waiting. He frowns while looking at the bouquet of sunflowers the younger's holding. "What are these for?"
"For you." Donghyuck gives the bouquet to him and smiles.
He blushes and takes the bouquet, "Th-thank you, Haechan—I mean, Donghyuck. Sorry." He chews his bottom lip.
The younger remained smiling as he stares at the older, "No, it's okay. I realized how nice that name sounds when it comes from your mouth."
Renjun smiles, "Oh, Haechan! I'm so glad."
"Renjun, remember when I said I finally have the reason to not die yet?" the said boy only nods. "Yes, it's you. Because at that moment when the first time I saw you, my heart felt something. It felt happiness for the first time. Yes, Renjun, you make me happy. You make me happy before you even planned to make me happy."
"Shh! Will you finally be mine?"
Renjun doesn't waste any time and nods immediately, "Yes, Haechan! I'm yours ever since."
Donghyuck smiles widely and hugs his now boyfriend, "Fuck, you make me the happiest! I love you so much."
"I love you more."
They are in Donghyuck's bedroom, Renjun's head resting on top of Donghyuck's arm while the latter is brushing his fingers through his hair.
"Haechan," The said boy only hums in respond. "maybe the reason I imagined you when I was a kid is that, we're really meant for each other. You know, I didn't know you when I was a kid and yet, I had an imaginary friend that looks like you and had the same name as you."
Donghyuck chuckles, "God said we're always meant for each other."
Renjun blushes and slaps his boyfriend's chest gently, "It sounds cheesy when it comes from you."
The younger only smiles and stares at him fondly. "You know what, when I was a kid, I've had a dream about a boy who nags me to marry him. And he looks like you."
"See? We're meant to be!" The older laughs but stops when he felt something soft pressed upon his lips.
Donghyuck is kissing him and it feels nice. He responds by kissing back, moving his lips.
They pull away from the kiss after a few minutes then sigh and smile at each other.
"You're my dream come true, Injun-ah."
"You too, Haechannie."
© snowysung
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