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"๐—ข๐—ต ๐˜€๐—ต๐—ถ๐˜ ! And then five seconds left on the clock, we thought we were gonna lose but (y/n) comes in with a fuckin' game winning three !" Your best friend beside your cousin, Rose, loudly told her account of watching you win the championship game earlier that day.

You laughed, taking the last sip from your red solo cup that contained a little bit of the liquor Rose had poured for you, since you were about to leave. That's when suddenly, Gold slung her arm around your shoulder, causing for some of your drink to slosh around in the cup, a drop or two falling out. "That's my cousin. But unfortunately ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna call it a night. A celebrity needs her rest," she shouted.

Life had been going pretty great during your senior year. You won homecoming queen earlier that year, won student elections to be the student body vice president, and now you just led the team you were captain of to victory in the championships. You were living a completely average teen life and you were content with that.

I mean you wouldn't necessarily call it normal. Your best friend, Rose was a street racer with strict, traditional parents and your cousin, Gold wanted to try every rebellious thing in the book.

Okay. So maybe pretty normal. Normal enough anyways.

Right now you were at a house party, thrown by Ray to celebrate both yours and the boys' basketball teams recent victories. But since your game was more recent, it's all anyone could talk about, especially since it had everyone the edge of their seats. "I gotta take a leak before we go," you say, placing your cup into a trashcan. The music was loud and there were tons of bodies in the space. You snaked your way through the crowd in hopes of finding the bathroom. Five minutes into your journey, it felt like you were going to have to hold your pee until you got home. Every door you managed to open was either filled with potheads or someone hooking up. That is until you got to the last door. It had to be the bathroom. You went to turn the knob and.....


"Inna minute !" a familiar male voice called. The door swung open soon after and surprise ! Staring back at you was Miles Morales. Your ex-boyfriend, who you always dreaded seeing even though you guys shared a friend group, and saw each other quite frequently. "Oh ! (y/n)."


"I didn't see you the whole party !" he remarked, raising his arm to scratch the back of his neck, nervously.

"Yeah. I was in the kitchen with Ray and Jamie. Would've thought you would be there."

"Well yeah. Ya'know. I've been just.. around."

"As always,"you grumble under your breath.

"Congrats on your game-"

"Congrats on yours too."

The silence that fell between the both of you was louder than the music playing throughout Ray's house. "Miles I have to piss," you said bluntly.

"Oh- I'm sorry ?" He might not have understood exactly what you meant but he was standing in the bathroom's doorway, blocking your entrance. You pointed behind him and his mouth formed an 'o' shape. "Right. My bad." Miles stepped out of your way and allowed you to walk in. But as you turned to close the door, he was staring back at you.

"Can I help you ?"

"I just wanted to.. I don't know. Talk ? About.. you know-"

"Your chance to talk about it was months ago..instead of blowing me off."


"But nothing. If you'd excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom." You quickly shut the door in his face and continued to do your intended business. Great. Now you were frustrated. You sighed heavily as you finished up and headed out the bathroom. Squeezing your way back to the kitchen, you found Gold and Rose. Gold was holding up Rose, trying to get her to at least put on a hat before stepping out into the harsh New York cold. "You guys ready ?" you say walking up to them.

"Yeah. We'll meet you by the door , kay ? Rose might throw up," Gold sighed, walking your drunk friend outside.

You laugh and head to the kitchen to say bye to your friends, Jamie and Ray. "Thanks for the party," you say walking up to the two of them, who were sharing a joint. Ray took a puff and french exhaled it before blowing it out fully.

Ray and Jamie were leaning against the counter. You gave them both hugs, taking in smells of the weed they were smoking. "No problem. Thank you for winning," Ray responded.

"We still hanging out tomorrow ?" Jamie asked.

"If you leave your friend at home," you joked.

"C'mon (y/n). Ya'know we can't do that. Miles is our boy !" Ray answered, laughing at how you still managed to keep a grudge.

You shrugged, grabbing your jacket from the neighboring coat closet. "Worth a shot, right ?"

You went to go meet Gold and Rose at the door and walked out with them. "Gold I wanna go home," Rose whined, nearly reading her weight.

"We're going to my house, Rosie," you answer, grabbing the other side of her so that Gold didn't have to carry her by herself.

The walk was a surprisingly efficient one compared to the other drunk walks you've taken with the two. That is until Rosie stopped. "I have to pee" Rosie whined, suddenly twisting her legs and stopping on the middle of the sidewalk.

You groaned," Why didn't you go when we were at Ray's ?"

"Because I didn't have to then."

"Don't matter. We're a minute or two away from the house. She's gonna have to hold it," Gold grumbled, attempting to pull Rose along but she wasn't budging at all.

"Look she can just pee in that alley," you reasoned.

"Oh no. No. No. No. We promised last time would be the last time," Gold protested.

"Gold she's gonna piss herself. Let the girl pee."

"Fine. But I'm not holding the flashlight."

The three of you walked into the alley, being careful to not go too far into it and to make sure it wasn't inhabited by a homeless person. "Okay Rosie go ahead."

You held up your phone's flashlight and looked away while she peed. Gold decided to stand in front of you guys to make sure Rose wasn't flashing strangers that happened to be walking by.

You looked up, seeing if there were any constellations you could make out. That used to be one of you and Miles' favorite thing to do but it always stuck with you. In the midst of your stargazing, you completely were tuned out to the fact that the sensation of a small creature crawling up your bare leg and up your clothes went unnoticed by you. It wasn't until you felt a sharp pinch in the nape of your neck that you noticed there was something on you. You quickly swatted where the pain was coming from and pointed your flashlight from Rose and her pee puddle to the spider on the floor.

You shrieked. "I fuckin' hate spiders !" You followed it up by stomping on it, twisting your foot a little to ensure it was fully dead.

"Bitch what happened ?" Rose slurred, pulling her pants back up.

"Think that fuckin' spider just bit me on the neck."

Gold sighs as the two of you walked out the alley. "Lemme see," she said pointing your phone's flashlight onto your neck. "Damn (y/n). The fuck did you do ?"

"Nothing ! The little bitch must've got on me when I wasn't paying attention."

"C'mon. Let's hurry up and get this shit disinfected or whatever."



๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐˜…๐˜ ๐—ฑ๐—ฎ๐˜†, you were surprisingly the last to wake up and unbeknownst to you, the male division of your friend group was already there. As a matter of fact, that's how you woke up. There was a sudden loud thump near where your desk was, causing you to flutter your eyes open, slowly raising up out of your bed. At first, before you fully got your eyes open, you thought it might have been Rose bumping her head into a wall. (It happened a lot. She was pretty clumsy.)

But to your surprise it wasn't. Your eyes fully allowed you to see your intruder. Miles. You wasted no time in throwing some of your throw pillows and stuffed animals at the boy. "The fuck are you doing in my room.." you shouted before catching a look at the book he was holding in my hand. "Is that my diary ? Miles, what the fuck ?!"

"Shit ! I'm- I'm sorry. It was on the floor and I was picking it up and a page just so happened to be open so I read it-" You shot up out of the bed and attempted to snatch it from his hand but he moved it up away from your reach. It was rare that you couldn't jump up to certain heights but Miles definitely used his height to his advantage. "But as sorry as I am....you liked what I was wearing the other day ? I can wear it again for you."

Your cheeks heated up as you kept trying to jump up and down. However, the one time you felt like you jumped the highest, you didn't seem to come down. Now you were no scientist but what goes up must come down. Right ? Right. So why is it that this time when you jumped up, you didn't feel the ground meet your feet ? Or any of you for that matter. Actually, your feet was dangling. Your eyes trailed up to look at your hand that was up in the air. It was now stuck to the ceiling, with a white substance that resembled a mix of tape and spiderwebs holding it there.

You looked down at Miles and his jaw was damn near on the floor. "(y/n).."

"What the fuck ?" You started to hyperventilate a little. "Miles what the fuck ?! Get me down !"

"I can't."

Your face contorted in frustration. "Fuck do you mean 'I can't'. You didn't even try-"

"What the actual fuck is going on here," Gold barged in, followed by Jamie, Rosie, and Ray.

"Gold. I'm stuck," you whined.

"Bitch how ?" she asked, tilting her head with her hands on her hips. Usually Gold had the answer to anything and everything but she was completely dumbfounded with this.

"Try to like kick yourself off our some shit," Rosie suggested, her body mannerisms resembling Gold's.

The three boys exchanged looks with each other but it went unnoticed by the rest of you given the current situation. You took a deep breath and tried kicking yourself off the ceiling. The hand that was stuck then came off but then the foot that you used, was now stuck to the ceiling. "Should we call the police ?" you ask, starting to panic again.

"NO !" screamed the three boys, who've up to this point been pretty much silent.

Miles stepped forward. "You can't call anyone."

"And why the hell not ?! My cousin is stuck on the fuckin' ceiling," Gold snapped.

"Because it's not really a situation for them," Jamie explained quietly.

"Look (y/n). Just do something that'll relax you. How about you sing that song we used to sing ?"

"I don't see how reminiscing about ya'll relationship is gonna help-"

Jamie put his hand over Gold's mouth. "Hush."

You sighed, closing your eyes and trying to feel yourself loosen up. "Needless to say I.. mm mm check.. ou~ some things mmm can't hmm hmm- Woah !" Your body then dropped, and if it wasn't for Miles's supernatural ability to catch you that fast, you would've busted your ass.

He quickly put you down. And though the situation was now pretty much over, it didn't warrant away how weird the three boys acted when you guys mentioned the police. But for them to explain that, Miles would finally need to tell you what he'd never wanted to. Miles had to tell you the truth.

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