โยท ออออโณโฅ๐ : ๐๐จ๐จ๐ฅ ๐ฆ๐ ๐จ๐ง๐๐ ? ๐ฌ๐ก๐๐ฆ๐ ๐จ๐ง ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ
It was now the night of the Halloween party. You, Mango, and Tay decided to enjoy it with Armin and his friends since Zeke and his friends were going to be with the football team for the majority of that night. ย
"I can't believe you're falling for this," Eren sighed, frustrated with his friend.ย
"What do you mean ? We shook hands and everything. And even sat with em' at lunch !" Connie rebutted.ย
"So they've got your gullible ass too."
"Oh c'mon Eren. That doesn't make them gullible," Sasha said, siding with Armin and Connie.ย
"You're right. It makes them stupid- no. Actually, it makes them borderline idiotic," he said, grabbing his skateboard from Armin's floor since he was already planning on going home. This argument was kind of like his goodbye for the night.ย
"It wouldn't kill you to have a little faith in other people. Like (y/n)," Armin said. This was the first thing he said throughout Eren's rant and the fact that it was you that he was mentioning only made him more angry.ย
"Oh and (y/n). Y'know she has a boyfriend, right ? It's not happening !"
"I know that," Armin responded, a little defeated.ย
"No I don't think you do so allow me to explain. She is so wrapped around Zeke's finger and it's ridiculous. Did you know she only met our father and that was on accident ?! She doesn't even know I exist in Zeke's life and it wouldn't even matter. So if you think for a second that you have a chance, you should just give it up," Eren said, heading out the door.ย
Armin's room was filled with a silence before there was a knock on the door downstairs. "Look her and her friends are here and we're spending the whole party with them. Whatever problem you have Eren, keep it to your fuckin' self," Sasha said before springing out of her spot on Armin's bed.ย
Eren wished he could apologize and take back him snapping on his friend the way that he did. He so desperately wanted to assure his friend that his words weren't from a place of malicious intent. Eren just wanted to look after his friend like he always does.ย
Needless to say, the majority of that night was extremely awkward. Well, not really. Through Sasha's compliments on the cowgirl costume you were wearing, you noticed that something was off between the group of friends but figuring it wasn't really your place, you didn't say anything about it. Instead, you tried your best to enjoy the party but it was hard. You stayed on the dance floor with your friends for majority of the party, silently glancing down at your phone in hopes that your boyfriend texted you back.ย
You see, before you met up with any of your friends, you and Zeke had a pretty nasty argument, Jean being the only one there to witness it. As usual, it was over something stupid. Apparently, you "ignored" him throughout all of lunch, which you knew for a fact wasn't true because you barely said a word to anyone else. In fact, you were telling him about something that happened in your math class, to which he met with half-assed responses that told you he really didn't give a fuck about what you had to say . What it really was (and what Zeke was too prideful to admit) was that you laughed pretty hard at a joke Armin said. To be fair, the whole table laughed but because you were one of those people, Zeke was willing to make all hell break loose. He fussed and screamed, banging on the steering wheel and dashboard like an angry toddler mixed with Nate Jacobs from Euphoria. You couldn't lie, each time an abrupt hit happened, you flinched a little. Jean noticed and would occasionally sneak a hand on your shoulder from the backseat to assure you that he wouldn't let things get to a point where you were in danger.ย
When you finally got out of the car, Jean tried to talk Zeke down. And his efforts seemingly worked. However, it wasn't by Jean's hands Zeke calmed down. Why he finally decided to settle down ? You'd find that out in due time. ย
You decided to take a break from "dancing" which was really you just meaninglessly swaying side to side to sit down at a small table where Eren happened to be. He claimed he was watching everyone's stuff but he really just wasn't in the mood to be around everybody. As you sat down, Eren tried his hardest to avoid eye contact with you and it worked, only because you were doing the same to him. However, your reasoning was different because the guy hated your guts. And you knew that, but you couldn't place a finger on why. Before Armin, you never interacted with him and it wouldn't make sense for him to still not trust you, though you couldn't blame him if that was the case. I mean, your boyfriend makes it a point to pick on people like him and his friends. Hell, if you were in their position, you'd probably be mistrusting of you too.ย
You scrolled on your phone in hopes to distract you from the silent yet thick tension that could be cut with a knife. That's when you heard Eren sigh to himself. I don't wanna sit here either bitch, you thought to yourself, thinking that your presence was something that must've been enough to get him upset.ย
But that's when, he spoke.ย
"Sup ?" he asked nonchalantly. You looked up from your device to look at him. You began to gaze around to see if there was anyone else in your vicinity that he could've been talking to. Noticing your confusion, he spoke again. "I was talking to you."
"Oh. Nothin'..just taking a break from the party," you answered separately. "What's up with you ?"ย
Eren shrugged and dug his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Waiting for some actual music to play."
"Actual music ?" you question.ย
"Don't get me wrong I like rap but I rather listen to something different. Not this mainstream bullshit." His tone was one where you would think he was mad at you despite him actually trying to have a friendly conversation with you. Eren seemed like a classic outcast. His mentions of "mainstream bullshit", his nonchalant attitude he appears to have towards things. It was actually kind of funny, especially because there was part of you that knew that he had to be something deeper than that. He couldn't actually have a "fuck it all" attitude towards everything ย and that you could tell by his efforts to spark a conversation, with you of all people, alone.ย
"Yeah ? What kind of rap do you prefer, Eren ?"ย
Your playfulness caught him off-guard a tad bit. He wanted to be annoyed at how comfortable you seemed to get so fast but he couldn't help but smirk at your snarky tone. "You probably haven't heard of him but MF DOOM ? He's like my favorite rapper of all time."
Your jaw dropped. Did you really come off as a mainstream, follow the wave type of music listener ? "You mean the one who said 'I sell rhymes like dimes. The one who mostly keep cash but brag about the broker times'. That MF DOOM ?"
Eren poked out his bottom lip as his mouth curved into a smile. "I'm impressed. I didn't think-"
"Just because I look like I look like a stereotypical teenage girl, doesn't mean I'm into all that shit."
"You proved me wrong." He took a quick break from speaking to really gather his thoughts before he said what he was about to say next. "(y/n). Can I be honest with you ?"
"I don't trust you and I'm sure you know that."
You nodded. "You haven't exactly did a good job hiding it," you laughed.ย
"Because I wasn't trying to."
"Still, you don't seem as bad as I thought you were."
You weren't sure if that was his way of extending an olive branch or if he was trying to tell you that he's going to continue acting how he usually does towards you. "Can I ask why don't you trust me ?" you asked, already knowing the answer but just wanting the verification.ย
"You're dating Zeke and surely, if you're that close with him, you have to be like him in some way. I just don't know how yet and Armin definitely doesn't neither."
"What makes you say that ?"
"Be real, (y/n). Armin can't see wrong in someone even if he tried his hardest. He's too.. nice."
"Well if it's any consolation, Zeke and I are nothing alike. We're actually polar opposites."
Eren sucked his teeth, his body language drastically changing showing that he was displeased by your answer. "Right. Like he can even comprehend someone not agreeing to everything he says."
"And how would you know ?" you ask.ย
"Trust me (y/n). I know."
You didn't really understand what he meant by that but you didn't question it, either. Something about his tone's shift made you actually believe him, though you still didn't know how he of all people would know. Who knows ? Maybe him and Zeke used to be friends when they were younger.ย
Suddenly, your friends emerged from the group of people dancing to come up to the table. You saw the worried expressions on their faces, Armin's facing containing the most distress. "What happened to you guys ?" Eren asked, he was really addressing his friends but Tay answered by prefacing what it is they really wanted to say.ย
"(y/n) before I say this, you can't get crazy," Tay said, taking your hand into hers before crouching down in front of you.ย
"What happened ?" You looked at Armin and for a second he almost spoke, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. Armin could tell you wanted to hear some type of reassurance from him, ย he was always good at reassuring you that situations weren't as dire as they might seem. But right now he was at loss of words. If it wasn't your usually loud friends' silence that scared you, it was Armin's.ย
"That blonde chick. Annie. She uh-" Tay began to speak before trying to put the words in the best way for you to receive them but Mango couldn't stand holding on to this information for any longer than she had to.ย
Mango pulled out her phone, "protected" with a chunky, pink, and bedazzled phone case. Her black stiletto acrylics tapped against her screen until she held the phone in front of your face to show you what caused everyone's demeanor to change.ย
On the small screen, you saw your boyfriend. But not only was it your boyfriend, it was a girl.She was a blonde, just like him. The girl was sitting on his lap, arm draped around his shoulder. And he wasn't innocent either. Zeke's hands snaked around her waist, one hand settled on her ass. The more you analyzed the frozen frame of someone's Instagram story, the more you realized exactly who the girl was. It was Annie from your environmental studies class. Zeke's project partner. You silently turned off the phone and handed it back to Mango.
Over the course of you and Zeke's relationship, you learned to not pay attention to the rumors, because they were exactly that. Rumors. You didn't like to feed into things that didn't have valid evidence. Now, you curse yourself for that mindset. You've probably been looking like an idiot for so long, and instead of actually confronting it, you let it be. Look where that got you. You couldn't help but to laugh at yourself aloud, concerning your friends even more than they already were. Thinking back on it, you don't think they've ever seen you in a pure stage of rage. Sure, you've been mad before but what you felt bubbling up inside of you was enough to cause a nation-wide state of panic.ย
You got your things, not saying anything to anyone. Since you all carpooled together in the back of Connie's mom's mini-van, everyone trailed behind you scared. Everyone piled into the car, you sitting in the very back and looking out the window.ย
You couldn't let this slide. In fact, you refused to let this slide. All of this time ? All of those arguments you went through ? The sleepless nights. The long days of feeling constantly sick because of the shitty things that Zeke would say ?ย
Everyone was talking about where to go next since the night was still young. It was without a question that nobody wanted you to be alone right now, even Eren. "We could always got get something to eat and skate around," Sasha said.
"We don't skate," Tay said, speaking for Mango and her.ย
"But do ya'll smoke ?" Connie said, peering into the backseat.ย
"Now that, we can do," Tay answered.ย
"Alright, it's settled. We'll eat something and skate and smoke," Armin said. His tone hinted at how he was trying to brighten a clearly fucked up moment. He hasn't said anything to you since you guys left the party but rest assured he wanted to talk to you. To reassure you in some type of way.ย
"Wait." Your faint voice called from the backseat but somehow everyone was able to hear you. This is mostly because everyone was waiting for you to say something, anything to show them that you weren't slowly going off the deep end.
It was far too late for that.ย
"Turn into this neighborhood right here."
Hesitantly, Connie listened to you as everyone in the car grew more confused. Everyone except for Eren and Armin. In fact, what you were trying to do clicked for the both of them when they realized this is the neighborhood Eren lived in. Because Eren's at home life wasn't the best, he never allowed anyone over his house, but somehow Armin was able to see where he lived. Eren trusted Armin deeply.ย
"Stop at this house," you commanded, this time your voice sounding a lot less sweet, and more monotone.ย
The house you were stopping at was a comfortable two-story home with a classic white picket fence. You heard laughing and music, as well as saw people coming in and out of what seemed to be a party. You climbed from the backseat to the front to get out of the car. Armin and Eren immediately got out behind you, leaving everyone else in the car dazed and confused. You sped walked to the front door, hearing your friends' pacing closer behind you.ย
Barging through the front door the first people you saw was Bertholdt and Reiner. Great. The biggest dickriders of the century, you thought to yourself.ย
"(y/n) ? We didn't know you were coming," Reiner said with a snarky remark. "And you bought Tay, Mango, and.. the losers."
"Shut the fuck up, Reiner," Tay cursed at him from behind you.
"Woah ! Keep it PG-13," he snickered.ย
"Where's Zeke ?" you asked. By the way Reiner went from snarky and confident to timid and nervous, you already knew your answer.ย
"He- He didn't feel well. He's upstairs laying down."
"Bullshit," you say, voice cracking.ย
"Tay. You have this sweetheart cursing now ?" he said, before laughing with the other football players in the room.ย
Of course nobody took you seriously. Why would they ? This whole time, they probably knew what Zeke was doing and this whole time, you've looked like an idiot. Sighing, frustrated that this is what it all was about to come down to, you walked over to the house's coat closet and swiftly pulled out an old metal bat. It was Zeke's when he played baseball more heavily.
That's when you took the bat and used it to smash the radio into pieces, your face not breaking its neutral state. Sparks flew and the room was filled with gasps and whispers, until you were done.ย
Then, it was silent.ย
"Now like I was saying," you started off speaking calmly but quickly switched. And that's what scared everyone. "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE AT ?"
Suddenly, a figure emerged from one of the downstairs hallways that led into the living room. "(y/n) ? The hell's going on ?"ย
"Oh, hey Jean. Where's Zeke ?"
You see, you were under the impression that Jean knew what was going on but that was far from the truth. Jean had dipped off for a while to get some air. Since the party started, he regretted coming. Hell, he might've regretted the friends he had made.ย
Jean took a moment to evaluate the situation. There you were with calm eyes and a metal bat in your hand. Right next to you is a radio that was smashed to smithereens. "Maybe he's in his room. What's uh.. what's going on ?"
You didn't answer his question. Instead you went upstairs. Nobody dared to follow behind you either. You trailed through the hallways and listened carefully to what was happening through each door.ย
Once you got to Zeke's door, you stopped and knocked casually. "Babe ? It's me !" You called from the other side of the door, just as cheerful as you could be. For a moment, there was a frantic shuffling before Zeke came to get the door, out of breathe. His shirt was on backwards and he was praying that you didn't notice. Yet of course, it was the first thing that you were able to recognize.ย
"Hey baby.. When did you get here ?" He draped his body over the door frame but you pushed your way inside anyway. Somehow, he didn't even notice the bat.
"You sure are out of breath. Whatcha up to ?"ย
"N-nothing. Just needed a break from the party."
"Hm," you answered. You looked around the room and plopped yourself onto the bed. The bat was positioned in between your legs but you never loosened your grip on it.ย
Zeke gulped. He was almost positive you didn't know anything but something about your demeanor was throwing him off. "What's with the bat ?"
"Oh ! This old thing ? I just happened to pick it up," you answered.ย
"I didn't know you'd be coming."
"Open your closet," you said. You'd basically ignored what he just said. Zeke's face turned pale as if he just seen a ghost.ย
Zeke nervously laughed. "For what baby ?"
"Open it."
Zele gulped and walked over to the closet to do what you said to do. Without a doubt, guess who was standing stiff as a board.
The same blonde from the Instagram story.ย
"Hey sweetheart. What's your name ?" You got up and slowly walked over to her, stopping inches away from her face.ย
"Well Annie. Imma need some alone time with my boyfriend. Sound good ?"
"Anything you say to him, you can say in front of me."
You sighed dramatically as you grabbed a chunk of her hair and dragged her to the door. She screamed different curses at you but they all went ignored until you threw her out the room and locked the door behind you.ย
"Now you."
"(y/n) baby, I can explain," Zeke's arms shot up in defense.ย
"Let's play a game. Go ahead, sit down." Zeke didn't know what was scarier. The fact that your mouth was curved into a small smile or the fact that the bat was idly sitting in your hands. Even though he dreaded what you could have been planning to do with it, the suspense and guessing was killing him even more. "First round. When's our anniversary ?"
"Easy. July 22nd." You went silent as you looked around the room. Your eyes landed on a football trophy. So, without a second wasted, you swung the bat against the prized possession, breaking it into four pieces. "WHAT THE HELL (Y/N) ?"
"Wrong. May 14th. Now that you've got the gist, here's round two. What was our first date ?"
Zeke's heavy breathing grew more rapid as he searched his memory bank. The more time went by the more you realized just how much of a piece of shit he was. "Skating rink."
Needless to say, you smashed his tv until it fell over.ย
"And finally, how many years have we been together ?"
That, he was correct about. Yet he still wasn't off the hook.ย
"Three years putting up with your shit and this is the thanks I get ?"
"It was an accident."
"Accident my ass Zeke." You held the end of the bat against his head. "Give me one reason I shouldn't swing like I'm in the big leagues." His silences and fear irritated you. You sucked your teeth,"Actually, you're not even worth that." You dropped the bat at his feet and got ready to leave the room. However, before you did, you decided to get one good punch in. Straight in the jaw. The way he grabbed in and fell back onto his bed in pain, wasn't enough satisfaction but it was enough for the time being.ย
You calmly walked back down the stairs to the now silent, party. Annie sat in the kitchen with a bag of ice on her scalp. "(y/n) ? Is everything okay ?" Armin asked.ย
"Never been better," you said with a small smile as you casually walked out of the door.ย
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