
The screams were a sound Alice wouldn't be able to escape. She heard them before she even walked fully towards her house. She couldn't process what was happening but she knew Olivia was in trouble.

She couldn't move, her body felt frozen as she looked at the girls front door. It was wide open and she let out a heavy breath when the air grew silent, everything around her was fuzzy as she heard muffled shouting.

Her father ran past her in a blur and she watched him disappear into the house. She blinked and inhaled sharply as she felt herself coming back to reality. She ran into the house not caring about the consequences.

She watched as Sidney stumbled down the steps, ghostface landed beside the woman the knife in their grasp lifted upwards. Alice gasped as she ran toward the figure and kicked them in the face.

The knife didn't move much but it missed Sidney, Alice screamed when the figure grabbed a hold of her ankle. She stumbled and landed onto the ground with a soft thud, she felt the sting of the knife slicing the back of her leg as she kicked her foot.

The hold loosened around her ankle and she took the opportunity to push herself away from ghostface. She gasped when the figure stood up and ran straight for the back door, the sirens were so loud.

She winced as she leaned into the wall, her hand grasping her leg as blood coated the ground. Sidney inhaled sharply "Jill..." the woman looked at the stairs as Jill trailed down them slowly.

She looked upset as she held onto her arm "don't..." Sidney smiled sadly as Jill walked past her. Alice felt exhausted as she looked at the blood that stained Jill's arm "looks like that hurts".

Jill smiled weakly "could say the same about you, are you okay?" Alice nodded as she pushed herself off the ground "just stings, but it'll be fine".

The sound of creaking up the stairs made everyone tense up and turn. Corey looked distressed, his body was stained with blood "tried saving her, she lost too much blood... I stayed with her, made sure she wasn't scared". He wiped his hands on his jeans as he sighed deeply "she was just a kid, and now she's dead".

Alice looked at her father sadly "dad it wasn't your fault, we didn't know she was going to be attacked, I mean we all thought we'd be safe". Corey laughed slightly "safe, kid I taught you the importance of these situations, you're never safe until the fuckers in the ground. You need to take my lessons seriously".

Alice scoffed "that's all you care about right now? Our lessons from when I was like eight, mom told you to stop doing them but you did it anyways".

Corey groaned in annoyance "I did it so if this ever happened you'd be prepared. I taught you everything that will help you make it to the end".

Alice was furious, she had spent so much of her childhood locked behind doors watching the world fade away. "I was eight, dad, you should've just made me have a normal childhood. Instead I was taught how to shoot a gun and to survive on my own".

"I'd rather you be prepared than die, at least if anything happens to me you'll be okay on your own. It worked, you handled yourself with ghostface and I can trust you'll do it again. Follow the rules and if things turn to shit, we go with the last resort".

Alice grew tense "we promised we wouldn't do that" Corey walked towards the door "it's the last resort for a reason kid, your mother added that rule for us, she did it to keep us safe and it'll work".

Alice sighed "mom died because of that stupid rule, why can't we just leave town? I don't care if Dewey gets mad about it, the police officers outside clearly can't do their jobs right. I mean ghostface slipped right past them and killed Olivia!".

Corey walked outside slowly "well kid another rule in my life guidebook of survival tips, don't trust the cops especially ones who are supposed to watch over you, been there and definitely not doing it again".

Alice smiled "I'm sorry dad, just for all of this stuff, I know it's probably not the best for you because of your past experiences with it". He shrugged his shoulders as he helped her walk towards an ambulance "you get used to it, gives me an excuse to use my guns and help people".

Alice looked at the blood that stained her fathers clothes and smiled sadly "I can't believe Olivia's dead, I should've stayed with her or invited her over, she was all alone and I didn't even know".

Corey gripped Alice's hand lightly "hey don't blame yourself, I was with her and she wasn't alone. She's not in pain anymore, she won't die for nothing. We're going to find the asshole who killed her and stop them, no one else has to die".

Alice sighed "I just want this to end, I'm supposed to be worrying about high school and what type of ice cream I want next. Not some psycho running around in a mask trying to kill my friends and me".

Corey looked lost in thought as he grabbed a cigarette out of his back pocket "you're not a suspect of interest, I can send you away until this all dies down. I'm sure your mothers sister won't mind watching you until all of this is over. You'd be safe and I doubt ghostface will follow you halfway across the world. I can get you on a plane tonight, get you away from this life. Because you were right, you deserved a normal childhood but I'm sorry I couldn't give you that".

Alice looked at her father as she watched crowds surround the sidewalks. They were all looking at the events of what happened. Alice would've left the second her father suggested it, but as she looked at Jill and saw the pain in her eyes. She knew deep down inside she wouldn't be able to leave town.

"No dad, I'm staying and we're going to stop ghostface together, because you taught me how to fight and I'm not gonna run away while you stay here and fight alone. You could die and I can't live with myself if I come back and you're dead. So I'm staying and you can't stop me".

Corey smirked "I figured as much, so I think it's time we bring out rule number forty in the survival guide. I just hope you have what it takes to win".

Alice inhaled sharply as she nodded "I can do it, and I promise I won't let you down this time".

not edited!

authors notes:
imagine forgetting to update.... all because you literally played cod for hours and then got distracted by twitch and Tik Tok. I swear Tik Tok is dangerous, anyways enjoy this basic ass update for now!

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